
Chapter 54: Handsome puppet thief


The Book of the World found that everyone saw the true face of the master, and couldn't help but feel anxious: "Master, they have seen you."

Shen Huiyue smiled lightly, it was better to see it, isn't the thief handsome just a little kid who likes to be famous? He is naive and bold, not afraid of anything.

Thinking in a mess, Shen Huiyue turned into a cute young man who was not slow. After waving and saying hello to the onlookers, he floated down from the roof like a soft fallen leaf.

The police jumped out of their cover, pointed their guns at him, and shouted, "Surrender, you can't run."

The cute boy naively tilted his head and said with a smile, "Really? I can't run?"

With that said, the young man moved his feet, and the whole person floated into the living room like a gust of wind.

The people in the living room immediately surrounded the jade stones, but the young man did not do anything, but stopped to let them see his appearance clearly, and said with a smile, "Oh, hello everyone, the security is tight."

Zhao Mohan frowned and said in his heart: This little guy is really a daring artist.

There are so many people in ambush here, they dare to come like this. After all, the people in the special team are not ordinary people.

The young man smiled and looked at the people in the special team. He was not familiar with them, but he felt that they had real skills, probably from a certain sect.

"This gentleman, you are suspected of theft, please come with us." The leader of the special team, a middle-aged man, stepped forward and said to the boy very seriously.

The boy opened his eyes wide and said in surprise, "I sent a notice, so it's not considered theft."

The middle-aged man's mouth twitched: "Sir, taking things from other people's homes without the owner's consent is stealing and breaking the law."

The teenager pouted: "But our Zixiemen has always aimed to become a thief. Don't think I have no culture. I know that many people like Kidd the phantom thief, and no one calls him a thief."

The middle-aged man was helpless, but he understood, this little guy is really a newcomer, he doesn't understand anything: "The times have changed, little sir, in modern society, stealing is illegal. The thief Kidd is also a thief, really , Everyone likes him, but because he is an illusory character, a story character, he provides everyone with joy. Little Sir, you say, are you an illusory character?"

I am—the boy tilted his head, his eyes narrowed.

"I don't care, I have to achieve the long-standing goal of the sect and become a rogue and handsome!" The young man said with high fighting spirit and raised his head very cutely. It made people feel that this was just a cute joke. You know, he's not joking.

The middle-aged man smiled wryly, this little guy, I can't tell, I really don't know whose child, it's terrible, there's no other way, I can only do it.

The special team surrounded the teenager without knowing it. Everyone looked serious, their bodies were tense, and they could start fighting at any time. Everyone had only one thought in their hearts, and he must be prevented from escaping.

However, in view of the respect for the masters, it may also be that the special team knows that using dangerous weapons against such people is completely offended. In short, they did not use guns, but bare-handedly, fighting against teenagers.

Uh, although there is a suspicion of bullying more and less.

But juveniles are thieves, so there's nothing psychological about bullying more and less, and they can only complete the task if they are caught.

Zhao Mohan was a little worried, but he didn't say anything, because he saw the boy's bright eyes, full of confidence, and eager to try.

The young man smiled and said, "Master told me that there are many masters in this world, but I haven't seen them, so I don't know how you guys are doing."

After he finished speaking, the young man suddenly acted, as elegant as floating clouds, as unrestrained as the spring breeze, his figure shuttled among the crowd, his hands were as light as flowers, and his legs were like long whips sweeping everything.

The special team is not a small role, they are all fairly good masters in the sect. After all, not everyone is obsessed with martial arts. Some people like to enjoy and like the red dust. Joining the national special team can meet all their needs.

The people in the special team come from different sects. They only fight with teenagers, such as Tai Chi, Bagua, Wing Chun, Jeet Kune Do, Karate, etc. Their attacks are sharp and fast, but the teenagers are completely true, with a smile on their faces I mean, it's like playing with people in high spirits.

"You guys are not bad. Master also said that there are very few people in this world who can practice martial arts." The boy's fingers were nimble and he danced a lotus flower, and the people from the special team were acupointed - really acupuncture.

The special team smiled bitterly. Just now, did the teenagers play with them? During this period of time, their actions have all suffered setbacks. Everyone is better than them, even a young boy... What does the country want them for? What face is there to continue to enjoy the benefits of the country? !

The middle-aged man's face was flushed, and his eyes were bloodshot.

The teenager tilted his head and blinked: "Actually, your moves are alright, but you don't have any mental skills. Does your sect have no mental skills?"

The special team is even more difficult. The mentality and so on are still scarce now. The big door's mentality does not say that the collection is strict. Even if the country needs it, they will not hand in, and the country cannot rob it. After all, it is a shame. of.

The boy snorted and seemed to think of something. He scratched his head embarrassedly, and said, "I'm sorry, but you can catch me in the future." The boy seemed to regard dealing with the police as a great achievement for stealing the handsome.

The middle-aged man is helpless, arrest, arrest what arrest? Their special team does not enhance their strength, it is just a decoration. I miss the past so much... At that time, every one of them was full of arrogance...

The young man walked slowly, Shi Shiran took the jade and played with it.

The jade is transparent, like clear water, the natural green water and green lotus, tsk tsk, really reluctant to smash it, but the puppets created by such works of art must be very beautiful.

Zhao Mohan looked at the boy and said slowly, "Little brother, do you like jade?"

The teenager tilted his head: "Yes."

Zhao Mohan smiled and said, "I have a lot of jade in my house. Would you like to be a guest, little brother?"

The teenager smiled: "I only like what I get."

Zhao Mohan said: "Could it be that the little brother disliked the lack of strict security in my home last time?" He admitted that it was more strict than here, right

The boy said: "That's not true, it's just not challenging, I decided to go to a very strict place next time." The boy raised his eyebrows, his eyes were smug, as if he had thought of something, he laughed, and everyone present thought: Ouch This little guy looks so proud, presumably, next time, his actions will be earth-shattering.

The middle-aged man couldn't help but said: "Sir, you can join our special department, the country has a lot of jade." If this person is willing to join the special team, presumably the country will not be stingy with jade.

The young man smiled and said, "No, no, no, Zizaimen has never cooperated with the imperial court."

The middle-aged man said: "Society has changed." The world has been so quiet for so many years, and suddenly a bunch of habitual masters appeared... It's really troublesome, and the country was caught off guard.

The teenager waved his hand: "But we haven't changed."

The middle-aged man couldn't help but ask: "But, in those years, where were you people in the rivers and lakes?"

This is a big question. Many people have this kind of doubt. Where are the hidden world sect and the cultivator sect, and why can there be no news? ?

This question... Shen Huiyue has been thinking about it for a long time, um, I didn't think of a particularly good excuse, so... let's keep it a little mysterious. When her story becomes real, everyone will automatically rationalize strange things.

"Well, I'm an orphan. I have lived with my master in the deep forest since I was a child, and practiced martial arts hard. I don't think we lived in seclusion, and occasionally we would run around." However, the boy never appeared in this world. The ability of the country, if you investigate it carefully, you can find loopholes, so the young man smiled and nodded his tender cheek, "As a robber, you can't show your true face, so you can guess, this face of mine, Is it true?"

Everyone in the hall was stunned, this face... is it real? This face... Could it still be fake

The teenager fiddled with the jade for a while with a smile, and said, "I'm leaving, goodbye."

The middle-aged man watched him leave and cried.

Zhao Mohan got up and followed the boy out. The boy turned back: "Why are you following me?"

Zhao Mohan said, "Make a friend."

The young man ignored him and jumped onto the roof lightly. The police in ambush outside raised their guns again. Although they knew that they would definitely not be able to catch him, but if they didn't move, it was their dereliction of duty.

Zhao Mohan shouted: "little brother, come to my house to play when you have time, you know where it is, I can teach you to play the game."

The boy turned his head, blinked, and asked curiously, "Is the game fun?"

Zhao Mohan said: "Of course it's fun. There are countless worlds in the game, you will like it."

The young man looked thoughtful, Zhao Mohan just looked at him quietly, waiting for his decision, but before the young man could answer, a dark shadow appeared in front of the young man, attracting all his attention.

Everyone saw that it was an extremely handsome man. They didn't know each other at all, but they seemed to know the young man. They were probably "people in the martial arts".

The boy blinked and said, "Administrator?"

The man in black hooked his lips: "You know me."

The teenager nodded: "That is, when I went out, the master told me that there are some people in the rivers and lakes that I can't mess with, including the administrator. I heard that although they are ordinary people, they have very powerful collections."

The black-clothed man's expression condensed and looked disappointed: "Really? That's all in the past."

The boy blinked: "Why?"

The man in black didn't answer, just said: "Little guy from Zizaimen, you like to be a thief, why don't you join our museum? You know, the collections that the museum likes, no matter where they are, we will get them, no matter what means. ."

The young man blinked: "But the master said that the administrator is easy to die early... Let me stay away."

The man in black smiled bitterly: "Really? He said that? It seems that he has no regrets about leaving the museum. I still want to... The museum needs him to find the senior. But maybe the senior is right, the museum is really cruel. Dangerous, I am too much, well, I will not force you, but please bring a message to your master - the museum, there is only one person left, rebuilding requires more strength. I, and the museum, need seniors."

The boy blinked, looking very surprised: "What do you mean, the master used to be the administrator of the museum?"

The man in black nodded: "Senior, he is the legend of the museum."

The boy opened his mouth wide and said, "It turns out that the master's adventure stories are all true."

The man in black's eyes lit up: "Senior told you an adventure story? Little brother, why don't we find a quiet place to chat?"

The young man nodded.

The man in black smiled and threw out a cell phone, "Little guy, come to this world, it's inconvenient to not have a cell phone."

The teenager picked up the phone and looked at it curiously: "Oh, this is the one on the street, that one, that's very useful? Oh, I've always wanted to buy it, but I don't have enough money." Actually, I didn't think about illusion The character also needs a mobile phone, is it OK for Shen Huiyue to have it alone? But after the puppets appear, there should be some.

The man in black nodded, then flew behind the tree and disappeared. The young man smiled and ran away with the jade in his arms.

Zhao Mohan looked at the young man's disappearing back lightly, his eyes were heavy.

The onlookers were satisfied. They not only saw the cute and handsome thief, but also saw a new handsome guy. He looked very cool. It seems that they are too busy running for their lives to update Weibo. Without gossip guys, everyone has no place to learn about the world of aliens. It's really... so boring!

Shen Huiyue took the jade back to the rental house, rubbing her chin and thinking about which puppet to make.

Long Yutang, or handsome thief

I just made up the fake face of the thief... Then when making a real person, which face should I use? Mengmeng's young face has been said to be fake, and it's not good to become a real face again.

Then I was dealing with a few people in the special team just now and suddenly I remembered a problem: as the story she made up comes into reality, the number of people with powerful power will increase, and there will be more crises. If the country has no ability to control it, it may fall into chaos, she I don't want to see this situation happen. After all, Shen Huiyue is not cold-hearted enough to regard all things as playthings and dead things... It's good to say that he wants to abandon everything to become a god, but it's really to the point that some things can't be done if they can't be done.

Shen Huiyue needs Faith, and confusion may be good for her, but it's more bad. When the country is stable, people will look at the Internet to follow her traces everywhere. How fast the Internet spreads, and the belief value rises quickly.

… Well, forget it, the little thief is handsome first, and when he steals more jade, let’s make Long Yutang.

Shen Huiyue's brows and eyes are smiling, and he is carefully crafted to steal handsome. His appearance has not changed, he is still cute, but it is necessary to give him the ability to change his face.

Shen Huiyue has a feeling of love for the little thief handsome. This role is very refined later, and there are not many appearances, but in the feeling, he is the kind of cute, sweet and innocent little brother... Shen Huiyue thinks that she may miss some Brother, although my dear brother is no longer innocent, cute and sweet, he is called sister, hehe. Shen Chongming is exactly the same as her younger brother, but unfortunately, she clearly knows that it is not her younger brother.

Even if it is a person, no, no. When will it be time to actually go home? Shen Huiyue simply didn't dare to think how much ability it would take to break the wall of the world.

She needs Faith, more Faith...

The robber took shape under the eyes of Shen Huiyue. The cute boy has no spiritual energy, like a realistic wax figure, but when Shen Huiyue snapped his fingers and gave him the responsibility of being born, he became smart and cute.

"Master." The robber got down on one knee.

Shen Huiyue snorted and touched the book of the world: "Baby, you are responsible for the actions of the thief." The thief has come out, he can't be idle like Liu Gongzi, he has to be active among the rich and corrupt officials, a lot, Take jade.

The Book of the World said: "No problem master, I have learned a lot of useful things."

Shen Huiyue said: "Come on, let's discuss my settings. Basically, Thief Shuai is an innocent little guy who has lived in the mountains since he was a child, and has devoted himself to learning Qinggong and acupoint kung fu. He doesn't understand many things in the world and is very interested ."

The Book of the World nodded: "I know, I can refer to... um, Zhao Ling'er?"

Shen Huiyue's mouth twitched: "Come on, male or female, just be naive as you remember."

The Book of the World smiled and said, "Has the master been deceived? Of course I know that Thief Shuai is a boy. What's his name?"

Shen Huiyue thought about it for a while, and said, "Just call it, Feng—let's do it."

"It's as cool as the wind, it's such a good name." The Book of the World was very supportive.

Shen Huiyue smiled: "Yinlong, the elder sister of Yunyun, the Shenlong of unknown age, is only interested in Teacher Shen at present, and has been busy tracking down the whereabouts of the dragon and the princess. I will release the dragon, you control her to Zhenlong Village." At present, Zhenlong Village is very lively, special teams, archaeologists, and tourists are very suitable for singing.

The Book of the World said: "This play must be sung well, the master can rest assured."

Shen Huiyue laughed: "Be good, don't move around, just follow Teacher Shen carefully. I will personally lead the key drama."

The Book of the World is extremely lost, does the owner not believe that he can do it well

"Liu Gongzi... Forget it, anyway, he doesn't appear very often, I'll do it myself." Some characters are reluctant to let others operate, so it's more interesting to do it by yourself. The role of the book of the world is always a little off. Probably, he can't understand human feelings after all, even if he can vividly imitate the plot of the TV series.

"Okay, let's do it, see you baby." Shen Huiyue rubbed her eyes, the Book of the World doesn't need to rest, but she can't. After all, she hasn't become a god yet, and sleep is still the top priority.

When Shen Huiyue fell into a deep sleep, Young Master Liu sat beside the bed, looking at her deeply, tenderly and dotingly.

It's illusory, but it feels good.

As if, she was accompanied, not alone, in a strange world.

This kind of loneliness sometimes strikes when she is resting, but since she has Liu Gongzi, she is no longer lonely.

The body of the book of the world is by the master's side, and the wisps of data control the characters that the master needs to control. The dragon girl flew to Zhenlong Village at a high altitude, treating the satellite as nothing. The robbers were active among wealthy businessmen and corrupt officials, collecting jade, but these actions did not issue a notice, which was regarded as a denial. The robber's next action will be in an unexpected and dangerous place, which will be breathtaking.

So what about Wang Xingxing who got the secret

What is he doing

Of course, together with his father, we asked experts to translate Zhang Sanmad's cursive script separately.

Yes, the cheat book seems to be written casually, and the wild grass is chic and elegant, but the father and son of the Wang family can't understand it - this is the suffering of lack of culture.

So the father and son had to spend a lot of money to find seven or eight experts who have researched on cursive script, and divided the cheats into dozens of copies intermittently, and handed them over to different experts for translation.

As soon as the experts saw this wild grass with claws and claws, they were addicted, and said: This is everyone, the collection of wild grasses, has the style of Huai Su, but it is more free and easy and awe-inspiring than Huai Su.

The father and son agreed. They didn't know who Zhang Sanmad was, but Kuangcao felt free and easy when he saw it.

Although many "brick houses" are fake names, but if you are willing to spend money, you can still find real materials. The father and son of the Wang family were looking for someone who admired and praised the madness of this unknown person for more than an hour, which made the father and son of the Wang family almost impatient, and finally submitted the translation.

Naturally, it is impossible for experts to obtain the entire contents of the book. The passages they translate are segmented, and it is impossible for any expert to know the entire contents. Rao is like this, the father and son are not interested, so every expert is in a closed room, with the monitor turned on, each other does not know the existence of other experts, and they do not know that they are only translating a paragraph...

In fact, the father and son of the Wang family are still worried, they are afraid of meeting with experts, and they are afraid that the news of the secret book will be leaked, but what can they do? Kill everyone? Hehe, are you stupid? Do you really think that the real world can be broken by Tianliang Wang? Do you really think that netizens can make fun of the richest man in China and you can act recklessly? That is a well-known expert, and if a country dies, it will be vigilant!

Therefore, the father and son of the Wang family had no choice but to leave these hidden dangers behind. Fortunately, they tactfully translated them separately. Forgive this group of experts who can't figure out such a thing as a secret book. If, to be honest, if the experts really leaked it, it may have been a while, and they can keep the secrets in their minds and burn them without proof.

Ha ha.

Wang Xingxing got the full version in vernacular, hehe smiled, put in 12 points of effort, and began to recite it. At this moment, he found that his memory was surprisingly good!

Wang's father is the same. After watching it a few times, I actually remember it... Sure enough, people remember things that they are interested in quickly and firmly.

"Dad, hehe, we can start to try, this is actually Tai Chi." Tai Chi, that is true, Wang Xingxing will never doubt the authenticity of Tai Chi. You know, tai chi is almost full of movements, who doesn't know tai chi? Just go to a park and see a bunch of people practicing. Moreover, Zhang Sanmad also wrote the competition between himself and Jianxian. Although it is a spring and autumn brushwork, you can also see the splendor and shock of the competition.

Dad Wang nodded: "According to the preface, the author may be Zhang Sanfeng, the founder of Tai Chi. I didn't expect that he went to Tianshan and competed with Sword Immortals, and died in Tianshan." Zhang Sanfeng's authenticity is debatable, but there are many legends, Wudang And his tombstone. But speaking of Zhang Sanfeng's tomb more than one, who can deny that he did not die in Tianshan

Wang Xingxing blinked: "Dad, do you think that what Zhang Sanmad said at the end is that Tai Chi is really practiced to the extreme and can compete with Sword Immortal, is that true?" Isn't it bragging? Sword Immortal, you can see how amazing it is at a glance with Liu Gongzi. No one has found the entrance to the Tianshan School. It seems that he has lived from ancient times to modern times. How many hundreds of years old? Thousands of years old? The old monster, can you fight against him? dreaming

But Dad Wang believed: "Son, there are so many legends about Zhang San, it's impossible not to have any real skills. The fight he said was about fighting against the Sword Immortal at that time. Unfortunately, hundreds of years have passed, and the Sword Immortal is even more powerful. But even if you can't compete, you can still do it... The basics are overwhelming. The true understanding of Tai Chi is very profound, let's practice first and see the situation."

Wang Xingxing nodded and smiled proudly: "Dad, do you think I am the protagonist of the new world? I will find these secrets, haha."

Dad Wang hehe, the protagonist of the new world? It's better not to be cannon fodder, so he urged thousands of times: "Boy, before you succeed in martial arts, don't talk nonsense everywhere, don't cause trouble everywhere! The changes in this world are becoming more and more incomprehensible to people, so it's good to be conservative. "

Wang Xingxing pouted and said nothing.