
Chapter 63: The villain is innocent


No matter how the world changes, news is indispensable.

Now that it was bright, and after a while, Shen Huiyue naturally couldn't fall asleep. Then turn on the TV and watch the news.

News is a strange thing, Chinese people in the news always live happily... If you want to be full of hope in the world, watch the news.

Shen Huiyue was watching.

At the beginning of the news, it must be what good results Huaguo has achieved. It is in line with international standards and surpasses the world. We are the first... How happy the people of Huaguo are... Then it is the actions of national leaders.

Shen Huiyue squinted her eyes, this time the country's biggest parent didn't go abroad. He visited everywhere because of farmers' problems. He was really in a village not far from Zhenlong Village... Is it intentional or not? Really condolences to poor farmers or want to know the secrets of Zhenlong Village? Just look at his next itinerary.


Seeing the elders of Huaguo, a thought in Shen Huiyue's heart became clearer and clearer.

This patriarch is actually pretty good. Shen Huiyue knows the patriarchs in this world and knows that after he became the boss, he devoted himself to clean government and preferential policies. The society has changed a lot, and the book of the world has not found any dark things about him. .

It is a leader who is responsible and benevolent.

In the future, the world will be messed up by her. Under the chaos of the world, there is a need for someone who can control the scene, so let him be. Horizontally and vertically, Shen Huiyue couldn't think of anyone else who could quickly rise to control the regime. China, which has been stable for so many years, will not be able to produce heroes for a while.

Shen Huiyue lowered her eyes, this world is messed up by her, everyone will have a headache when they grow up, and then the world will be more chaotic... The country must be involved, and all parents must be convinced of the mysterious existence. Shen Huiyue knew that some people in the country believed in her, and some people didn't believe in her, and the parents decided the final trend of the country.

Ten minutes after the news, he started talking about what terrible things have happened abroad, such as terrorist attacks, political changes, and the president taking office... Shen Huiyue thought about it, it seems that there is chaos abroad, chaos is good, chaos is the only way she can arrange something different story.

Shen Huiyue turned off the TV and went abroad... Tsk, after finishing the last big thing, she might have to go abroad for a while.

Li Taibai called, Shen Huiyue looked up at the green outside the window, the familiar hometown looked so unfamiliar, in fact, she was not from this world at all.

So why have too much nostalgia

"Shen Huiyue", Shen Chongming, the Shen family... can all be put down, everything should be handled by themselves. Regardless of success or failure, the horizontal and vertical opportunities have been given.

Shen Huiyue smiled: "I'm here."

The Book of the World jumped onto Shen Huiyue, and one person and one book suddenly disappeared.

Li Taibai stood outside Zhenlong Village, because the entrance was blocked by the police, and ordinary people were making trouble. They wanted to go to Zhenlong Village to learn the real secret.

Li Taibai didn't make trouble. He was not very happy to have a conflict with the state organs, probably because he felt like a museum person and was a little afraid of the state organs.

The puppet Long Yutang suddenly appeared in front of Li Taibai. Li Taibai blinked and looked around. Seeing that no one was paying attention to them, he was relieved when he was curious. As for Mr. Long's elusive skills and his ability to be ignored if he wants to be ignored, he is both envious and curious. When can he really join

"Hello, Mr. Long." Li Taibai greeted.

Long Yutang's expression was indifferent, and he walked into the forest without saying a word, avoiding the crowd of onlookers. Li Taibai put away his phone and quickly followed.

"Mr. Long, did you find anything in Zhenlong Village?" Li Taibai asked in a low voice.

Long Yutang casually revealed: "I didn't find anything, it was all destroyed."


Li Taibai looked confused, then remembered Bai Xiaosheng's live broadcast room. It seemed that when the live broadcast room changed the camera, the tomb was collapsing, so it was all... destroyed

"Mr. Long, that..." Li Taibai hesitated, not knowing what to ask.

Long Yutang turned around, looked at him, and said, "Mr. Li, you are working very hard, I can feel it. However, people will not enter the museum casually, and what I know is not so much martial arts, but supernatural abilities. , The ability that the collection gave me, this only I have, the other... The warehouse has been destroyed, and I can no longer create capable people."

Li Taibai was taken aback, supernatural ability? Isn't it martial arts? Can collectibles actually give people power

Long Yutang's expression was indifferent, and there seemed to be some doubts in his eyes. Li Taibai was surprised by such an obvious thing? If the collectibles aren't capable, why would they contain them

"Oh..." Li Taibai replied hesitantly.

Long Yutang put her hands behind her back and said slowly, "I told you that the Li family is different. Have you ever gone back to your hometown to look for it? Maybe your family will leave something behind." A second-rate Qinggong cheat book was thrown under the foundation. Until now, Li Taibai has not found his feelings? This guy is really not sharp.

"Huh?" Li Taibai blinked and said in his heart, "What is there in my hometown, don't I know?" The Li family's old house has long been empty. All the furniture and basically useful things, even a notebook, were not wasted. They were all taken away by the nostalgic father. After decades, the thatched grass in the old house is three feet high. The house is full of insect paradise, huh, how could there be anything in that kind of place

Long Yutang is too lazy to talk nonsense, and loves to find it.

"Mr. Li, thank you for helping me manage the collection, but I may not be busy anymore."

Li Taibai was taken aback by Long Yutang's indifferent tone, what happened? Hasn't Long Yutang always been firm? Although he didn't regret it, why did he suddenly say such depressing words

"Mr. Long, what's the matter?" Li Taibai asked, "If you need my help, you can tell me, I'd be happy to."

Long Yutang raised her eyes and looked at the floating clouds in the distance. The sky was neatly arranged, wisps, wisps, and it looked like rows of cotton.

"Mr. Li, the world is about to change, and more and more collectibles will appear. It is impossible for me to solve it alone. Therefore, I will not stop the world from changing. I can only adapt to find the right owner for the collection. ."

Li Taibai was at a loss, not knowing what Long Yutang was going to do, so he had to keep quiet.

Long Yutang patted him on the shoulder: "I will send all the collections away, you can be free. As for the little brother, I also care about him, after all, he has helped me. At present, I can only tell you, little brother... Alive, but if you really see him, you may be disappointed."

Li Taibai exclaimed in surprise: "No, no, no, I will never be disappointed with my little brother. Please tell me where my little brother is."

Long Yutang said slowly: "You can't go to Tianshan, but if you definitely want to see my little brother, be prepared to take care of him for the rest of your life."

Li Taibai's surprise mood slowly fell, and he asked anxiously, "What's wrong with my brother?"

Long Yutang shook her head and sighed: "The body is not injured, but there is something wrong with the head."

Li Taibai pursed his lips and said after a while, "Amnesia?"

Long Yutang looked at him, and Li Taibai frowned: "Veterin?"

Long Yutang shook her head: "Probably... a piece of blank paper."

Li Taibai's eyes widened: "Little brother... a piece of blank paper?" Has such a powerful person turned into a blank piece of paper? Fortunately... Little brother doesn't know, that's fine. Li Taibai slowly showed a smile: "Can I take care of him for a lifetime? I can." As long as he is a little brother, he is willing to do anything.

Long Yutang looked at him fixedly, as if evaluating something, and nodded after a while: "Okay, go home and wait, someone will send my brother to you."

Li Taibai said, "Thank you."

Long Yutang hummed: "It's time for me to deliver something. Call me if you have anything, but I usually don't have time to reply."

Li Taibai nodded, indicating that he knew.

Long Yutang disappeared in peace, turned into a gust of wind, and disappeared without even seeing the afterimage.

Li Taibai's forehead was picked up by the wind, and he was shocked. This was the first time he saw Mr. Long disappear like this. The ability is quite powerful.

Long Yutang returned to Shen Huiyue.

Shen Huiyue sat in the cloud, and if the other puppets were not sent out, they were put away, and the Book of the World was flying overhead. Shen Huiyue squinted her eyes, she saw all of Long Yutang's performance just now, she didn't seem to reveal any flaws, she looked like a person, not bad. Very good, it seems like this, the puppets can move, at most, they are a little bit more advanced in the world, with a mysterious and unpredictable face.

The Book of the World stopped in Shen Huiyue's hand and said happily, "Master, I have found a lot of information you asked for. Do you want to start using it now?"

Shen Huiyue said: "Don't need it now, you can save it."

The Book of the World snorted, quite disappointed.

Shen Huiyue pointed a finger, Long Yutang put it away, she stood up, looked into the distance, turned her wrist, and an ordinary-looking sword appeared in her hand.

The collections in Li Taibai's warehouse, when he let Li Taibai collect everything, he left a mark on everything, and when he wanted it, he got it in an instant.

This is the first time he has taken away the real artifact, not his illusion. This is an ordinary sword without any special abilities, but Shen Huiyue, ahem, is Long Yutang, who gave it a special name - Xuanyuan Sword.

According to legend, Xuanyuan Sword is the sword of the Yellow Emperor. It is engraved with mountains, rivers and trees on one side, and sun, moon and stars on the other side. It has special power... This sword is completely different.

But it doesn't matter, she said yes, that is, if you have the ability to find the real Xuanyuanjian and slap him in the face.

She intends to give this sword to someone.

A man worthy of the sword's name.

But it takes an opportunity.

And this opportunity, she has already thought about it.

The wind is running around, sometimes taking the jade quietly, and sometimes sending a notice. Of course, few people will link the two jade thieves together. Even if there are smart people like Zhao Mohan, he noticed something, but for some reason didn't say anything.

The wind is very industrious to send the jade to the master.

Shen Huiyue waved her hand to let Feng go out, told him to rest for a while, and let the Dragon Girl out again, letting her go to the beach for a dive, and quietly wait for the right time to brush up her Faith.

Jade is basically enough. In the future, you can choose other precious items to start your work. Hurry up and make the thief handsome. Well, but before brushing the thief and handsome, let's get the villain out first.

The red gem used by the villain, the crystal clear ruby looks a bit evil, and the created puppet reveals this evil in the bones. The villain's appearance is naturally so handsome that it makes people suffocate, but the evil spirit is awe-inspiring, and the dull eyes can't stop that evil spirit. Presumably once it appears, there must be countless fans.

Shen Huiyue was very satisfied. In order to make the villain look special, he also made one of his eyes red, which was very strange. It looked like the eyes of hell, and the scene of hell seemed to appear in his eyes at any time.

Shen Huiyue gave out a trace of spiritual power to control the villain.

Seeing him raise his eyes and smile, charming and tempting.

The slender and fair fingers touched the lips, the extreme contrast between red and white, and the tone was magnetic and seductive: "Dear master, follow your call."

Shen Huiyue raised her eyebrows and smiled, "Your name is Shi Wu Xie."

Innocent forever.

The Book of the World was a little unhappy. I had this feeling when the master said that Liu Gongzi was not under control. Now this feeling is even stronger: "Master, why are you so solemn with a name?" Other puppets did not feel this way. There is no name at all, they are called by the code name, what is the name of the dragon girl, the princess, the thief of Bai Xiaosheng , he has to change his name!

Shen Huiyue smiled softly: "Because he is important." At present, the villain is the only one. He is her inner demon, and there are some things that she doesn't want to do herself, so he has to do it.

The Book of the World said he was angry: "Is it important to me then?"

Shen Huiyue said, "Important."

The Book of the World is satisfied, hum, he is the one who has been with the master for the longest time, and the most indispensable good helper for the master.

Shen Huiyue touched the book of the world: "Show the information on the sinful human traffickers and the family members of the children who were abducted and hurt by them."

The book of the world has listed a lot of them. The traffickers and the victim's family are divided into two rows. Shen Huiyue watched quietly, her expression did not change, and her eyes became more and more cold. Some people, he should have died long ago, but escaped the law Sanctions, maybe there will be no punishment in this life... Will your conscience hurt? Hehe, what is conscience to a maniac? nonexistent!

Shen Huiyue lowered her eyes, Shi Wuxie still smiled evilly, as if everything was indifferent.

When Shen Huiyue raised her eyes, Shi Wuxie showed a sneer with the same evil charm as Shen Huiyue.

Shen Huiyue waved her hand, the sky was condensed with black vortex visible to the naked eye, the vortex turned from thin and transparent at the beginning to deep darkness, the white clouds around the sky quickly dyed black, and then sucked into the vortex, and could never come out again, the sky around the vortex, unexpectedly Blue without a trace of impurities.

Is it beautiful? Yes, beautiful, but this beauty comes with fear!

This is the sky of Zhenlong Village.

And this spectacle was witnessed by countless people who came to watch the fun.

Wechat, QQ, Weibo, forums, there were originally pictures of Qiyun everywhere, everyone was still envious of their luck, and they could meet different wonders, but soon, with the update of the pictures, they felt a little weird.

The vortex is getting bigger and bigger, it seems to be falling from the sky, and it even feels like it is touching the ground. There seemed to be some black smoke rising from the ground, turning into a black wind that merged into the vortex.

what is this? Why is there black fog on the ground? Why are clouds drawn in

Slowly, people discovered that not only the ground and the sky, but even people had black energy appearing, and they also drifted into the vortex.

what is this? What exactly is this? ! !

People panicked and started screaming! Faced with such a situation, the police officers were extremely frightened, and they couldn't even hold their guns steadfastly. They looked at the people in the special team—the special team, the legendary organization, for ordinary police, they were reliable people.

Unexpectedly, the three deputy team members are also in fear, and they will not be so afraid of any aliens appearing, but today's situation... Anyway, it is a precursor to demons.

"This is a demon cloud, this is a demon cloud! It's exactly the same as the demon cloud in Journey to the West!!" Modern humans are all smart, and when they see something they don't know, they google it, and when he gets the answer, he shouts in fear, Running back.

Demon cloud

Shen Huiyue sneered, more than a demon cloud? Which movie's Yaoyun has her momentum

The speed of the whirlpool is getting faster and faster, and the process of black smoke blending in is almost impossible to see. The people who are running around watch the black gas flying away from everyone, and the fear is getting worse. This black gas is their soul or something. ? The black gas is out, will they die

Shen Huiyue raised her eyes and reached out as if she could touch the whirlpool. At this time, there was no cloud in the sky of Zhenlong Village and surrounding villages and towns. There was only the whirlpool above Zhenlong Village, which deterred people.

Shen Huiyue smiled slightly and murmured, "Go, Shi Wuxie, it's your turn to be born."

"As ordered, Master." Shi Wuxie smiled evilly, and the figure disappeared.

At this time, there are bold people who have the guts to watch the whirlpool and turn on the live broadcast. They see what is coming out of the whirlpool with sharp eyes, and shouted: "I am dazzled, am I dazzled? In the whirlpool is Isn't there something??"

The mobile phone is facing the whirlpool, and a group of people who eat melons stare in surprise. What will come out of it? They are also curious.

So, human beings are so curious about such a deadly species. When someone found out what was in the whirlpool, many people who had already escaped stopped running away and stared at the whirlpool...

The object in the vortex showed its outline from the black mist. A figure of a person, a slender figure with open hands, should be handsome... The onlookers couldn't help holding their breath, waiting for him to appear.

The man in the whirlpool did not disappoint everyone. When he completely appeared in front of everyone, there was a burst of inhalation from the ground, and some people murmured: "So handsome..."

The red clothes are like blood, the black hair is like ink, the face is handsome and evil, the blood in the open red eyes appears, and the hell seems to be looming, he raised his eyes lightly, opened his lips lightly, and the magnetic voice spread: "The human heart is degenerate, breeding Ghosts, evil thoughts are endless, I, immortal! Long Jun, you have worked so hard to suppress me for thousands of years, so what?”