
Chapter 69: No. 1 is in the territorial waters


The South China Sea has really attracted worldwide attention recently.

In order to let the people know the strength of the country, China's exercise in the South China Sea was broadcast live by several TV stations around the clock, and the news was very concerned.

In the past, there were people who complained that this was always on the news, and CCTV's old live broadcasts. It's annoying, but when the non-bin monkeys and the devils jumped up and down, people started to pay attention. From the 80-year-old to the three-year-old children, everyone Can you talk a few words about the exercise, give some pointers on strategy and national affairs, and by the way, ridicule the country that tries to interfere in China's internal affairs - do these idiots really think that China is still the country that was easy to bully

No. 1 and No. 4 are in the South China Sea, and they have set a four-day itinerary. They will board the warships, comfort the soldiers, boost morale, and of course make a statement. Oh, we are fighting a war, and now we are not wrong!

However, No. 1's trip was delayed because of Shen Huiyue.

"Number 1, look, this is Shen Huiyue from Jianmen, she is in the South China Sea." Shen Huiyue disappeared after Yujian flew to the South China Sea, and no one could find her. However, why did Shen Huiyue come to the South China Sea? What's going to happen here

No. 1 frowned: "Is Liu Gongzi here?" Liu Gongzi and Shen Huiyue seem to have a good relationship, and... Liu Gongzi is Liu Bowen... The country's top experts have been studying Liu Bowen's deeds, and there is no progress so far, only certain, maybe His "Shaobing Song" is real, this person really has the ability to predict the future.

"I didn't see it, but to tell the truth, even if they come and don't show up, we don't know." No. 4 shook his head, "Liu Bowen may really be able to predict the future. Someone once raised a question that is currently circulating There are still several sentences in the "Shaobing Song" that I can't understand, maybe it's because things haven't happened yet? Or, is our understanding really correct?"

No. 1 was disappointed: "That's right, the current explanations are based on far-fetched assumptions after the incident has happened. Only Liu Gongzi knows whether it's true or not."

No. 4 said: "Since Shen Huiyue is here, there must be something going on in the South China Sea, so let's monitor it."

No. 1 nodded: "Let's go, go to the warship as planned."

No. 4 frowned: "Will there be a problem? Why not postpone it?"

No. 1 shook his head: "No need, I believe that if I am really in danger, they may protect me, and we can't let the soldiers chill." No. 1 secretly touched the sword in his hand, something flickering in his eyes. It might be worth the risk. Since those high-level people don't come to contact him, he can only contact them... Will these high-level people care about him, the leader of the country

No. 4 couldn't dissuade him, so he had to say, "Let's go together."

No. 1 smiled. Under the leadership of the bodyguards, he boarded the most powerful warship. The navy inside is the most elite existence in the country. It's not bad, of course, it can't compare to the special team specially arranged by No. 4.

No. 1's actions have no intention of concealing it. He has appeared in many live broadcasts, and other countries also know that he has boarded a warship and sailed at sea. As a result, some countries are just around the corner. If you can't kill Kyoto, you can still kill at sea, right

No. 4 was on alert all the time, his eyes were wide open, for fear that some countries with poor eyes would be desperate to do anything.

No. 1 is still in a mood to laugh: "No. 4, don't worry, our navy is not vegetarian."

Of course, the Chinese Navy is not a vegetarian. There are various high-end weapons on the warships. Others' warships can be found more than a few hundred miles away. Cannonballs can be accurately attacked. Who can get close

No. 4 is still worried that the weapons of monkeys and devils may indeed be weak, but a certain country has been playing tricks behind their backs, and their weapons are so powerful... No. 4 does not believe that the country has not interfered at all.

However, this time, Lao Mei really didn't intervene, and they even withdrew the already... What, after all, I feel that the immortals of China can't afford to offend them. Let's encourage and encourage the two countries first, and let the two foolish countries explore the way. See if the immortals do or don't do it and the strongest abilities of the immortals, can they compete

The captain looked at the big screen solemnly, the radar swept the surrounding waters, there were warships approaching secretly, the signal and everything were from his side, but the captain sneered. Is there such an arrangement that he will have no points in his heart as a commander? Although in the Internet age, fighting still relies on the brain.

Are your opponents ready? Hehe, come on.

The blue side and the red side started the exercise under the orders of the commanders of both sides.

The exercise is naturally a real gun... The military's request, because there is no tension in fake things, as a soldier, you must maintain a high level of vigilance at all times, otherwise who will the country rely on to protect it

Of course, this time the real guy is not facing his own family.

The blue and red sides are opponents, but their eyes have been on the shameless person who has been shouting... If the exercise missed something, shouldn't it be considered provoking a world war

The warship was traveling at a very high speed, and the weapon was also fired during the driving process, and it hit with precision. The nearby fleet of monkeys watched the fun.

The cannonball fell, a loud noise, a small mushroom cloud, blew a big hole in the monkey warship, the sea water poured in, the monkey jumped, yelling and cursing the Chinese soldiers for being cunning and cunning... and extremely angry Tell your own government, let the leaders go to the Huaguo to protest and protest! They didn't want to sneak attack, they were just onlookers, watching the fun, isn't that okay? Tusky face, grievances, the baby has a little emotion.

This is fun.

After receiving the news, No. 1 said: He was busy inspecting the army and had no time to answer the phone to deal with international affairs. Everything was waiting for him to go back.

The old fritters from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs understood, and said helplessly to the outside world: Our chairman is so busy, so busy, or are you waiting? As for when to wait, there is no certainty.

What's the use of the monkey prime minister jumping his feet angrily? He didn't dare to fight.

When the devil saw this situation, he hesitated a bit. Huaguo looks very tough. Now, what if an old man from Huaguo comes over? If there is a war, Hua Guo will probably be very happy to trample them to death... The devils don't look arrogant, but they are actually shrewd in their hearts. They only dared to sing against Hua Guo because of the backing of Lao Mei, but this time they agreed to support them to find trouble. The old beauty was suddenly cowardly, and for some reason, the devil was a little frightened.

To make the godfather back down, does Hua Guo have any secret weapon

Fortunately, Hua Guo "wrongly typed" a shell. Other times it was a normal exercise, boom boom boom boom boom boom, the waves rolled, and the sky was covered. Fly, that momentum, that power, the Chinese people are excited when they see it, and the foreigners are dumbfounded when they see it. Isn't that saying that the Chinese state is super weak? Didn't it say that the poor country of China was going to die? … is this fucking weak? What is this called poverty? The property spent on this exercise is not a small amount. What happened to the media? Are you blind? Never trust them again!

Shen Huiyue hid her figure and sat in the cloud, watching this exercise, the foreigner's performance was naturally seen in her eyes. Tsk, I thought that the alliance of several small countries would have some impact on China, but I didn't expect it to be completely useless

Ouch, Hua Guo is not in a difficult stage, how can you highlight the awesomeness of the Dragon Girl? Hey, hey, he really took it for granted, but it's not bad, at least the country is really strong, it's true, thinking about it like this, I'm still a little excited, it's much better than her world. The most hated thing is to protest with the mouth, and the bad guys have to have a hair.

Shen Huiyue's eyes fell on the ocean, deep under the sea, the dragon girl who turned into a prototype was recuperating.

On the sea, the battles are one after another, the waves are monstrous, and the battles between the blue and the red are fiery. The two fleets of Monkey Kingdom and Guizi Kingdom joined together outside the territorial waters of China. After a period of intense discussion, they decided to split their troops into two groups and attack the fleet of China at the same time. Dead, hey hey, it is strange that China is not in chaos! At that time, they will not be afraid of what Huaguo says, and they will be protected by their godfather.

The warships of the two countries came secretly - they thought that China's radar would not be able to detect them

The captain of the warship where No. 1 was located found that a warship that did not belong to China entered the territorial waters of China, and immediately reported to No. 1: "Leader, there are foreign warships coming."

No. 1 raised his eyebrows: "The video is over."

Above the sky, the satellite was aimed at this sea area, and everything was clearly seen.

No. 1 laughed: "It's probably because China has not moved for a long time. Everyone thinks that we are still as weak as before." Some foreigners are still holding on to their previous ideas to provoke China, hehe.

No. 4 smiled and said, "Yes, let's not say that our technology is very developed now, let's just say that some characters appear in Huaguo. If there is something wrong with Huaguo, they will not move?"

No. 1 touched the sword hidden in his waist, and said in his heart, "I really don't have to move. You must know that these people didn't show up in the most difficult period for the country?" Just don't know why.

The general stood behind and said sharply: "If you want to fight, then fight, let them come and go!"

The captain said: "Leader, give the order."

No. 1 slowly said: "Isn't it live broadcast? Cut the screen and let the world see that our country is exercising, and some people want to attack." The moral commanding heights must be occupied by Huaguo, so as not to discredit Huaguo to foreigners opportunity. This is a fight, and the whole world has to know that Hua Guo has always valued peace and dislikes fighting, but if someone bullies him to his doorstep, he must do it. It's just not clear, what role does Laomei play in it, will he intervene? Old Mei's weapon... He has always liked it very much, but unfortunately, Hua Guo is still a little behind... But with this little gap, he believes that it will not take long for the geniuses of Hua Guo to catch up.

The captain nodded and ordered the first officer in a low voice. The first officer left for a while, and then came over with a live broadcast reporter, which must be a reporter from CCTV. The male reporter in his thirties was calm and calm, but when he saw No. 1 and No. 4, his hands and feet became weak, his cheeks were flushed, he spoke slowly, and stuttered a little: "Lord... Lord... Hello, leaders. "The reporter turned the tip of his tongue, and the blurted title became a good leader, which can be said to be very official, and he did his best to avoid taboos.

No. 1 smiled, glanced at the reporter's card, and said gently, "Reporter Xiao Yang? What are you afraid of? We don't eat people."

Reporter Xiao Yang blushed: "Leader, I'm sorry, I will be professional." CCTV reporter, of course, is professional, but he is not CCTV's most important reporter, there is almost no chance to meet the parents of such a country, this is not in person See you, are you excited

No. 1 said slowly: "Well, we all believe in you, cut the picture and let the whole world know."

Reporter Yang nodded: "Leader rest assured, there is absolutely no problem."

No. 4 whispered: "No. 1, should we go? Otherwise, we will have to enter the country."

No. 1 smiled lightly, stood in front of the operating desk with his hands behind his back, and said, "It's okay to enter the country, let's say hello to everyone, live broadcast is the most popular media nowadays."

Reporter Yang pulled his collar and started the live broadcast seriously: "... According to reports, the Monkey Kingdom and the Guizi Kingdom are sneaking around in the territorial waters of our country, the purpose is unknown, our station will continue to pay attention, let's take a look... "

The live broadcast cuts to the warships of the two countries, even if they surreptitiously hang the flag of China, it is useless. The commanders of the two armies know who they have under their command, and the people of these two countries, even if they look similar to the Chinese, have completely different temperaments. .

"...Although they hang up the flag of our country, the command shows that they do not belong to China... The invasion of our country's territorial waters has constituted a fact of aggression,... There are instructions for this: anyone who invades our country will be counterattacked by my country, our country Actions will be taken, don’t say it is unpredictable.” The reporter cut to the lower right corner of the live broadcast, there was only a small avatar, and the big picture of the live broadcast was all foreign warships, and their proud expressions were particularly interesting.

As soon as the live broadcast came out, the Chinese people all exploded, and they all mocked and despised on the Internet, and said with enthusiasm that they wanted to fight, and I joined the army! This means that the number of people who want to join the army is too large, and it will startle the foreigners who sneak over the wall to access the Internet in Huaguo. If an adult man is willing to join the army, the Chinese army will be invincible in the world!

When other countries see the fleets of the two countries, they can only hide their faces - they even attacked others, and they all broadcast live broadcasts for you, stupid or stupid...

So, before the two countries attacked, curses came from the country, calling them a bunch of idiots, and they didn't know what they were doing.

Shen Huiyue covered her face, the enemies were so stupid, she felt that it would be out of style to kill them... Is it going to be done about the dragon girl

The screen moved to No. 1, he was still looking at the situation, Xuanyuan Sword was on his waist. Shen Huiyue touched her chin, did the No. 1 boss activate Xuanyuanjian, or let the Dragon Girl come out to make trouble

After a while, Shen Huiyue decided to let the Dragon Girl come out. No. 1 is not in danger of life at the moment, why should she activate Xuanyuanjian

How should the dragon girl appear

Shen Huiyue looked at the sky.

The sky is blue, the clouds are like cotton threads, soft and elegant.

good weather.

The Huaguo Fleet and the Foreigner Fleet are at a standoff, and the exercise is suspended. We will only discuss the exercise after the international invasion is resolved.

Then the storm started.

I don't know where a dark cloud floated, getting bigger and bigger, gradually covering this sea area and shrouding it in shadow. The temperature in the South China Sea was originally very hot, and it was too hot to wear a single coat. Now the weather has suddenly cooled down, and people who are cold have goosebumps.

This is unusual!

No. 1 was keenly aware of what was wrong, and told the captain to check the dark cloud. The radar turned and swept towards the dark cloud, but nothing was swept out, but No. 1 had a strong sense of crisis in his heart, which came from nowhere. .

"No. 4, can the special team see the problem with that dark cloud?" No. 1 asked.

No. 4 just turned off his phone and turned around and said, "No. 1, I asked just now, someone said that he felt a huge amount of energy contained in the dark clouds."

No. 1 squinted his eyes: "Energy? Wind, rain, thunder and lightning do have huge energy." I just don't know if this energy is formed naturally or for some other reason. "Is the weather expert there?"

No. 4 said: "It's ready, it's being analyzed, and I'll tell you the results immediately."

Number one nodded.

No. 4: "Let's get out of here first."

No. 1 nodded: "Drive the warship out of the shadow range." The dark clouds came so fast, he wanted to see what it was!

The speed of the warship was out of the shadow range, the sun fell on the warship, and even the temperature rose.

The dark cloud is getting bigger and thicker, and it looks gloomy and it looks like it is going to rain.

Monkey Devil and several large warships were shrouded in shadows, a little surprised, this... Is this going to rain? But why is it raining only this one? It's sunny ahead.

The dark clouds rolled, and the pressure became lower and lower, and the speed became faster and faster, and there was a rumbling sound of thunder.

Shen Huiyue pursed her lips and smiled, standing invisibly on the top of the dark clouds, with her fingers pointing downward, a ray of light that ordinary people could not see merged into the seabed, and the huge Yinlong, who was resting on the seabed, opened his eyes, full of light and frightened him. Underwater creatures swimming around her.

The ocean is so beautiful.

Shen Huiyue looked at the ocean through Yinlong's eyes, the rippling water waves, all kinds of marine animals, beautiful corals, undulating underwater mountains... This is the beauty of nature that cannot be reflected in the photos, it is simply addictive.

Yinlong's eyes opened and closed, and the dragon's mouth grinned, as if with a smile. Unfortunately, it was a bit hideous. The marine creatures were frightened by this huge and strange creature, and they stayed away, leaving the silver dragon completely empty.

The silver dragon shook his body and threw up a piece of soil, making the bottom of the sea dirty, and the turbid water drifted along the ocean currents. Yinlong sighed very humanely, and said in his mouth: "It's really uncomfortable to be struck by lightning."

The sinuous body suddenly straightened, stretched into a straight line, and rushed out at once, rising from the sea, the silver body dipped in water light, flickering, blinding people's eyes, splashing a few meters of water into the foreigner's warship, pouring water on it. This group of idiots are full of faces.

The monkey and the devil saw the silver dragon, their eyes followed the rising silver dragon, their heads were getting higher and higher, their necks were sore, their eyes widened, and they were amazed - wow, Hua Guo's... dragon? Dragon? True Dragon?