
Chapter 80: Angels Battle London


The cold voice sounded, bringing a sense of peace of mind: "Lucifer, go back."

Everyone followed the voice, and above the sky, a holy angel with pure white wings looked at the crowd below with a pitying expression.

People stretched out their hands to the angel and shouted expectantly: "Angel, save us, save us!"

The angel didn't move, just looked at Lucifer.

Lucifer chuckled: "What's the matter? Want to fight? Raphael."

Raphael said lightly: "You know, we are brothers, and I don't want to confront you. Lucifer, why bother? Can killing these people satisfy your bad taste?"

Lucifer smiled: "Why, sympathize with those who turned into demons? You know, anyone who can be turned into a demon by the fire of my hell is a serious crime in the world. However, as a healing angel, you, It's easy to save them, why not save them?"

Raphael said slowly: "All crimes will be settled before fate ends. This is the will of my father." However, Raphael doesn't seem to want to save people who have turned into demons... But Raphael and Lucifer said this, People who haven't become demons don't have to worry, they don't have such sins, and angels should save them.

Lucifer sneered: "The liquidation? Is it? Has it been liquidated?"

With a wave of Raphael's hand, the people at the door fell down, and they could finally go out, but everyone didn't leave... It's hard to see the angel, so don't leave. As for Lucifer, there is an angel anyway.

Raphael's expression was light, and he looked down at the cross below. With a touch of his finger, it recovered, and Jesus was also there.

People wow, angels are so powerful, there are magic, angels exist... Is God also there? People who were not so devout in their usual beliefs suddenly strengthened their beliefs.

Lucifer felt the existence of faith and couldn't help but smile. It's really funny. Even if people hate demons, they still believe in Lucifer... Maybe it's the credit of the TV series? It seems that everyone has portrayed Lucifer as a handsome and elegant character that is both good and evil. This kind of character is particularly likable. So if Lucifer hadn't turned many people into demons with a single wave of his hand, everyone wouldn't be afraid of him at all.

Lucifer said that since human beings want to be like this, then they want it.

"Wow, Raphael, are you trying to do the right thing with me?" Lucifer raised his hand, and a long sword made of black flame appeared in his hand.

Raphael sighed: "Lucifer, look at what you have become. It is obviously a shining star, and now it has become so ugly."

"Ugly? I don't think so. Also, now this sword is not the Star of Chenyao, but the Doomsday Judgment." Lucifer looked at the sword in his hand happily. Flow, seems to be full of sin.

Raphael shook his head: "Why? You are willing to turn back, we are all waiting for you, after all, we are all brothers, and we are the closest." Jesus, that's just what father values, not what they value, since father Let them obey Jesus' command, then obey, but their hearts are not something that Jesus can conquer.

Lucifer laughed: "I knew that you would not surrender to Jesus, then brother, go to hell with me, we will occupy the world and counterattack heaven."

Raphael naturally refused, he would never leave heaven.

"Lucifer, I don't do anything, it's just for our brotherhood. If you're obsessed, don't blame me for being ruthless." Raphael's expression was light.

Lucifer hummed, opened his arms, and behind his back a pair of white wings stretched out, looking like a holy angel - who said that when Lucifer fell into the sky, his wings would turn black

Raphael frowned, and the slight movement of his calm face became popular.

"Lucifer, find your way back." Raphael held a lightsaber in his hand, exuding a holy light.

Lucifer laughed, the Doomsday Judgment ignited a black flame, and the demons behind him charged fiercely towards Raphael.

Raphael sighed and looked at the demon that human beings turned into with pity. Father said that human beings are his darlings, and the sins of human beings can only be judged at the moment of death, and it is judged by Pluto.

Raphael swept over with a sword, and all the demons seemed to be washed by water, the holy light swept away, faded the blackness, and turned into ordinary human beings... It was actually cured by Raphael!

After the demonized people woke up, they knelt on the ground with their knees limp, and confessed their sins to the angel with fear and remorse on their faces, asking the angel to forgive them for their past sins.

When they turned into demons, they were tortured by the pain from their souls, and they had long regretted it. Now they have the opportunity to be human again. They are willing to pay any price, just to atone for their sins while they are alive, not to go to hell after death, not to be reincarnated as bulls and horses... So The world has hell, how dare they commit evil

Those who didn't turn into demons didn't have any happy expressions when they saw their recovery. Lucifer has said that people who have turned into demons are all sinful. These people look good, but they are sinful? Communication with this kind of person is the most terrifying, and you must be on guard!

Kind people stay far away from them, their eyes full of alertness, the kind of eyes that stabbed people who have just recovered. But what can they say

Seeing that his demon had been dealt with all at once, Lucifer couldn't help laughing and said, "Raphael, your healing technique is still so powerful, then come on, let's fight as much as we like."

Lucifer rushed up, the Doomsday Judgment surrounded the black flame, and a little spark fell to the ground and disappeared.

Raphael raised his eyebrows, the hot lightsaber clashed with the black sword, Peng - the black and golden rays of light spread like water waves, circle after circle.

The sinner who was hit by the black light turned into a demon in agony, and then was healed by the golden light... This cycle was repeated, which really made the sinner feel haggard.

Lucifer and Raphael fought, and they were all right, but the guilty were in pain.

And those who have no sins look dazed, plus worship, watching the fighting demons and angels.

How amazing, why do such powerful demon angels rarely appear? If the angels were willing to accept the prayers of the people, Christianity would not be so weak.

The priest has already fallen to his knees, looking up at Raphael, his face full of excitement and obsession... His decision was indeed correct, who said the "Bible" is false? Who says God doesn't exist? No, that is the truth!


The huge St Paul's Cathedral was crumbling, and the frescoes on the head began to fall off, hitting people.

Then people woke up and ran outside. Compared to looking at the angels, their own lives were more important! Of course, there are also a few people who are extremely devout in their beliefs, just kneeling there and praying, trying to provide the angel with the power of faith... Although it does work.

They devoutly believed that the angel Raphael would save them.

Well indeed, Shen Huiyue gave Raphael the obsession to save the world, and he obeyed God's orders wholeheartedly - and God is her, Shen Huiyue.

Raphael grabbed with his empty hand, and the praying people went under the cross, and the overturned church would avoid them. Even if the church was broken into pieces, they were extremely safe.

The believers looked up at Raphael with little stars in their eyes.


The top of the church flew up, the blue sky came into view, and the faint sunlight fell on the two of them.

So holy.

Huge white wings fluttered, black swords and lightsabers criss-crossed, and the heat was in full swing.

One day, an angel and a demon hit higher and higher, and gradually flew out of the church and stopped in mid-air.


The people outside waiting to enter the viewing area were dumbfounded. Is this an angel? Angels fighting? Church collapsed

What the hell!

Are there really angels in England? Does the church really have angels? God is real

My mom, that's great.

Those with faith strengthened their faith and prayed devoutly, and those with insufficient faith also began to pray, but many Chinese who traveled took pictures and uploaded them to the circle of friends.

Yashou oh, the British travel encounters an angel, so handsome!

Crooked grass, two angels are fighting, tell me who these two angels are

Shocking battle! Angels fight each other!

When I came to the UK, I encountered this kind of thing...

The title party flew into thousands of households, and the Chinese people soon knew that there were angels in the UK, and they went to the Internet one by one.

When I saw this, I was shocked. Speaking of which, this is the closest thing to a god. Not even Huaxia has such a person.

British netizens were so embarrassed when they saw this, they retweeted it to show off.

However, only Chinese netizens can fight against it.

Haha, your angel is very dangling? Didn't you see that our family was innocent

Are your angels the servants of God? Don't you know that Liu Gongzi and Longnu in our family all cultivated themselves to become immortals? Your family is one god, and our family has many gods.

British netizens posted an unhappy video, two days of angels fighting in the sky, the white wings are so brilliant, black flames and rays of light criss-cross, setting off their prosperous beauty and beautifying the country.

Yan control netizens are licking the screen one after another, and British netizens are proud.

Huaguo netizens posted a video, Liu Gongzi of the princess tomb and the princess dragon girl, the innocent blood sea and bone mountain, the dragon girl crossed the robbery... This video was thrown out, and British netizens shut up.

Some of them have seen this video, but every time they watch it, they are shocked... Alas, people say that Chinese netizens have a lot of mouths, and they really shouldn't be swayed by Chinese people.

Forget it, ignore these guys, let's concentrate on believing in angels.

The British netizens in the distance could not do anything, so the people from London City tried their best to rush to the cathedral, in order to meet the angel! Countless people's lifelong wish is to know whether God and angels exist or not, and finally have a chance.

The two angels were still fighting, and they fought very terribly. The sky was filled with black flames, waves of holy light, and red and black smeared the sky. Almost half of the people in London could see the strangeness. beauty of. Many people who didn't read the Internet and didn't know about the appearance of angels happily took pictures of the sky, thinking that they had encountered a beautiful and peculiar sight that was rarely seen in thousands of years.

Black flames occasionally fell from the sky and dripped onto people, and the panic sounded one after another. Some people beat the black flames desperately, but in vain they turned into demons in the black flames. Some people were surprised to find that the black flames were like holographic projections, passing through their There is no abnormality in the body.

The holy light swept through wave after wave, and those who were being transformed and those who had been transformed recovered again. This way, back and forth, everyone was numb.

The people who came out of the church saw the transformed demon and sneered: "Those who have been transformed by the black fire are all sinners. You can escape the punishment of the law, but you can't escape the fire of hell."

The people who didn't change suddenly wanted to be three meters away from the transformed person. They silently remembered the transformed person's appearance, and they went to the police station... For such people, it is only fair that the angels kindly saved them and had to go to jail.

In particular, people who knew the transformed people covered their faces and felt that they didn't know who they were, and it was terrifying.

Naturally, the police also came, and the British government responded quite quickly. Not only did the police come, but also the senior officials and the heads of special agencies. However, at this moment, they could only look up. I just hope that the angels can talk to each other after the fight.

…will the angels be happy to chat with the government? It feels very hanging, sigh, fortunately, the angels also pay attention to protecting people when they fight, otherwise most of London will not be destroyed

When the British angel was flourishing, Feng and Zhao Mohan arrived at Laomei.

Feng gave an English notice in a large museum - Zhao Mohan's meaning, saying that using Chinese would cause international disputes.

Feng was ignorant, and felt that what Zhao Mohan said seemed to make sense. The owner only wanted him to get the Huaguo treasure back, not to cause disputes - in fact, Shen Huiyue didn't care about any disputes, but Feng obviously favored Zhao Mohan.

After sending the notice, Feng took Zhao Mohan to a barren temple.

The temple is already very broken, it is like ruins, it is not clear what is enshrined in it, because the sculptures and carvings are broken, and even the name is weathered.

But even in the ruins, there are people who worship. In the weeds, the two saw an iron bowl neatly packed with unknown food, which was still hot.

Zhao Mohan looked at the wind suspiciously: "Do you like this kind of scenery?"

Feng lowered his eyes and said lightly: "It's not about liking, it's just feeling. There used to be a great god here, but I didn't expect it to be like this now. The decline of faith is the biggest failure of a god."

Zhao Mohan thought in his heart: Isn't Feng just a thief? Will he be true

"Wind, it's really hard to say about belief. I think this temple seems to be in Indian style, and you may not be very clear about the history... The Indians were about to become extinct at one time, so maybe they didn't want to believe, but couldn't believe. "Zhao Mohan looked at the sky, he didn't feel anything about the killing, the old beauty was really inauthentic, but if it was him, he might have done the same thing. After becoming famous, who cares about murder and arson in the past

Feng smiled: "Oh, I always have a bad history."

Zhao Mohan simply threw a coin on the broken bluestone steps, which was considered a worship: "God, I also believed in it before." Later, when he was in pain, no one helped him, and of course there was no god, so he knew it. , the gods will not save anyone.

"Why don't you believe it now?" Feng tilted his head.

"Probably, I haven't seen it before." Zhao Mohan smiled, "but now I believe it a little bit, at least the dragon girl is a god."

Feng said slowly: "Well, she does." After a pause, Feng said unintentionally, "You can collect more ancient artifacts, especially weapons and symbolic cultural relics."

Zhao Mohan didn't know why, but silently remembered Feng's words, and planned to go back and collect it.

Feng turned around, clapped his hands and left, Zhao Mohan followed. Behind them, a strange little snake scurried into the temple.

After the two left, a sneaky young man with stripes on his face came over quietly, bowed down with all his body, and said some mysterious spell with an angry expression.

The little snake with small wings on its head tilted its head, seemed to understand, and straightened up.

The young man bowed down again, and did not get up for a long time, only his voice kept ringing, and his tone was full of resentment. Perhaps after a long time without a response, the young man was desperate, got up in despair, turned around and wanted to leave, and the strange little snake leaped and entered the young man's body. A strange little snake with a coiled body appeared on the young man's striped forehead. His pupils turned dark green, deep and dark, and it seemed that he could see the boundless abyss.

There are countless memories in the minds of young people...

As a rare pure-blooded standard Indian, his experience from childhood to adulthood was not pleasant. There were all kinds of discrimination, of course, it was not so serious that it was life-threatening. At least the young people finished college and found a job. It's a decent job... But the young man is not convinced, why should his achievements be taken away? Why is he stupid just because he is an Indian? Are white people all smart people? Why, the Feathered Serpent God who believed in them was ridiculed? Do you have to believe all in Christ? He will never forget how the missionaries and the country behind them treated his nation back then! Maybe someone has forgotten their history and numbly regards themselves as an old beauty, but he will not - he will always be an Indian! Always be proud of his nation! Even if... his nation has been lost to the humiliation of being reduced to a protective race!

There was a dim light in the eyes of the Feather Serpent God, and the corner of his mouth had an evil arc.

Has the nation he protects been bullied for this sake? No wonder, everyone lost their faith in him, it was his fault... Why did it disappear for so many years? Why didn't he protect everyone well, it seems that he has no memory... Feathered Serpent God frowned slightly, he had a headache, and he had no memory. For an existence like him, it was a terrible thing. But really, no impression at all, why did he disappear? Why is it appearing again now

... Forget it, first, take revenge on the believers he protects, Milikan

I, Feathered Serpent, are back.