
Chapter 83: Vampires do things


British nights are just as boring and not so romantic.

Anyway, Shen Huiyue didn't feel it.

What the hell is romance, and there are no handsome vampires.

But... Shen Huiyue touched her chin, anyway, if she has enough power, why not get a vampire out? A powerful vampire, as the leader of Hundred Ghosts Night Walk

Do what she wants, Shen Huiyue robbed a bank, got a handful of jade, and made a beautiful vampire, by the way, a girl. She originally wanted to be a handsome guy, but thinking about it, her puppets seem to be a lot of handsome guys, and she needs a few beauties.

The face of the vampire with exquisite facial features is snow-white, and he is dressed in a long black trench coat, which makes his skin more seductive, so beautiful that it does not look like a real person.

Shen Huiyue only left a little mental power for the final runaway control, but did not control her behavior. She only left a pile of specious memories in her head, as well as her natural obsession - the order to suck the blood of pure and kind people, let her go leave.

This order is actually very inhumane and will hurt many kind people. Shen Huiyue originally wanted vampires to suck the blood of bad people, but in most literary works, the blood of pure and good people is the most wonderful.

The question of conscience... Shen Huiyue covered her face and decided to throw it in the trash.

The vampire girl walked out of Shen Huiyue's room and became wise. She stared at the neon-lit modern society and covered her eyes - it's so dazzling, it's so dazzling, what is this place

The breath of mortals... A lot of humans... A lot of blood... For a long time, the vampire girl wrinkled her nose, covered it with her hand, and muttered, "Why is this blood so stinky? What's wrong with humans?"

Well, the most important thing right now is to understand this society, and to find ethnic groups.

The vampire girl raised her face, jumped lightly, and stepped on the wall to leave - I don't know, surveillance cameras are everywhere in modern society, and the street shots have deeply left the heroic appearance of the vampire girl.

After the vampire left, Shen Huiyue went shopping, shopping, buying, eating, eating, eating and seeing... Just waiting for the vampire girl to find the "seal" she left.

She is also very busy, and finally she can rest and watch the play when she is done.

The city of London at night is also very lively and can be called the city that never sleeps.

With a lollipop in her mouth, Shen Huiyue walked casually, listening to passers-by occasionally talking about the angel incident. Lucifer and Raphael both gained a lot of faith, which made her feel good.

The British population is ok, as long as they all believe everything she has made up, they can start other plans.

Huaguo's martial arts have already begun to spread, and in the future, the cultivation of immortals will be made public, and the strength will inevitably become stronger, but Shen Huiyue never intends to only have Huaguo's cultivation series, Britain, America, Greece and Rome... Every country will always have some legends and stories. , every country, don't let it go.

... However, this is a matter of many years later, so let's brush Faith individually first.

Squinting, as if admiring the moonlight, she was actually paying attention to the vampire. The girl had already turned around the city of London and couldn't find any of her kind. The girl felt that it was probably because the original human beings really paid up all their kind... I'm really upset.

Vampires don't have such a deep friendship, but thinking that she is the only one left in the same class, the girl is not happy, and she must show humans a little color to let them know the power of vampires. Of course, all of this was after realizing that today's human beings seem to have no holy power. Humans without holy power can kill vampires with what? silverware? cross? brine? garlic? Are you kidding me

Wait... Looks like an angel appeared

The vampire girl sat on the Tower of London with a bright moon behind her, one hand on her knee, her chin resting on her chin, with a standard pensive face.

Kill people or not? What if an angel appears? Although Lucifer and Raphael look like enemies, but they are older, who doesn't know that they are brothers? She can't handle two angels with one vampire.

But don't move, don't suck blood, how to take revenge and how to increase strength


The vampire girl pouted, very frustrated.

The moonlight slowly dimmed and fell towards the sky. When it was about midnight, the girl finally thought of an important point - the countless demons who were once sealed by the angels, hehe, if they were released, the angels would be very busy, right? She can take advantage of the chaos, suck a lot of blood, and can also store a little more blood and eat slowly.

The scarlet tongue licked her lips, and the vampire girl jumped off the Tower of London and left quickly. The night traveler under the Tower of London felt a dark shadow flash by and disappeared into the distance, with a confused look on his face.

Angel? seems not. What is it that exists? I didn't see it clearly. Could it be that the Kingdom of Great Britain is also going to undergo dramatic changes

The British people who saw this scene were looking forward to it very much. They have been envious of the magical existence in China for a long time. If only the UK had it too!

After the angel appeared, the British raised expectations.

The vampire girl rushed to the sealed land she knew at the fastest speed... Oh, why is it so lively? This used to be a barren beach... The ships that came and went, the busy workers, this place has become a wharf.

The British named Canary, a wharf with a beautiful name and a very busy cargo distribution center.

The vampire girl pursed her lips and stared at the dock for a while, but she didn't think how to unseal the seal silently. Under the seal, on the side of the pier, the huge pentagram pattern radiates light, and of course only non-human beings and people with holy power can see it. This group of workers and bosses who come and go has no idea what seal the canary has.

The vampire girl sighs, this world is a turbulent world. The existences that I used to feel terrible, and the existences that I felt irresistible, have now disappeared in the long river of time.

Only the holy power of the seal is still shining.

In other words, vampires are not allowed to approach.

The girl touched her chin, thinking about how she could fool humans to unlock the seal... She is very beautiful, and the beauty of a vampire is an irresistible existence for ordinary people. No, she has been standing here for less than a minute, already Surrounded by four or five men, relatively young men, including workers and small bosses, although they don't think they can get such a beautiful woman, but talking to her and getting a smile on her face is also a blessing.

The vampire returned to his senses, raised his eyebrows, his eyes rolled, and he understood what the men around her were thinking... Human men, their lustful nature has never changed.

"Brothers, can you do me a favor?" The vampire smiled.

The five men nodded again and again: "Okay, what does the beauty want me to do?"

The vampire smiled, pointed at the dock and said, "Did you guys see it? This, this, this... In these five directions, please stand in your own position, bite your fingers, and drop a drop of blood on the ground. This is a game Oh, the game of summoning demons, I want to try it, can you help me, little brothers?"

The game is very strange, you still have to bleed when you stand as a pentagram... But the big beauty said that she wants to play the game... Can you help

Five men who have been running around the pier all the year round and rarely see beautiful women are laughed at by the beautiful women. When they ask for it, they feel hot and bloody, and vowed: "Help, absolutely help, I will go immediately." The first man ran away to a position, and the others were worried He ran for the first name to get the beautiful woman's blue eyes, and immediately followed, each standing in the position he liked, biting his fingers very boldly and dripping blood.

Incredibly smooth... If it was the Middle Ages, if someone made such a request, the first thing humans would do would be to report to the Pope. Humans are getting more and more stupid.

The vampire narrowed his eyes and smiled evilly.

The blood fell, merged into the ground, and the five directions lit up at the same time, shrouding the five men in it, the pentagram flickered, and everyone around saw it, which was very scary.

How is this going

Everyone was talking.

The vampire smiled and watched the five-pointed star getting brighter and brighter, blinking non-stop, and then the light gradually dissipated. The five men were terrified, and they kept shouting and trying to run out of the place shrouded in light, but no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't escape, as if something was pulling their bodies and making them unable to move.

The vampire giggled and clapped his hands: "Aiya, the demons from the ten directions are about to come out, mine is running." In fact, there are quite a few demons in the sealed land who were more capable than her before, and she slept for a long time and only wakes up now, maybe The ability is not enough, so don't touch their edge. Let's go, wait for the angel to appear to suppress it, go and suck some blood first.

The vampire girl smiled, jumped up the tall building, and disappeared. Only then did the five stunned and frightened men discover that they seemed... tricked into doing something incredible

The light dissipated, and the power to stop them from leaving seemed to be gone. The five men ran away immediately, left the pentagram far away, and looked at each other... What the hell did they do? How does it feel like a pill

boom boom-

The black air was like a thunderbolt, rising rapidly from the ground, screaming and laughing came out from the black air, there seemed to be thousands of voices, expressing the same kind of joy - "I finally came out hahahahaha!!"

The people around were terrified and immediately called the police, saying incoherently: "Come on, come on, there seems to be a seal on Canary Wharf, there are so many terrible demons!"

"I'm not joking, something really happened, come quickly!"

"It's scary and scary! Where's the angel? Where's the angel?"

People hurried and began to flee from the canaries, but their pace was no match for the spread of black air. The five-pointed star kept emitting black gas, and there were countless demons in the black gas. They laughed and roared, separated from the black gas, and kept spreading in all directions, escaping into the human body. The human beings that passed through the black gas fell to the ground with a clatter, as if they were dead and would not move again.

Shen Huiyue finished eating a lollipop, threw the stick into the trash can, wiped her mouth, and muttered, "Raphael will come over, will Lucifer go and do something?"

Canary Wharf, there was a panic at this time, and people fled here.

Although the spread of the black gas was much faster than the speed at which they escaped, there were still some people who escaped from the black gas. Their faces were pale and panting. When they saw the whistling police uncle, it was like seeing their own mother, crying. horrific.

"Police, police! It's scary!" People threw themselves in front of police cars.

The police looked up at the black air that kept spreading. There seemed to be all kinds of monsters inside. The creepy voice shook their hearts. This kind of terrifying existence really shocked people. The police They pulled the person who ran out into the car and roared away.

This kind of thing, they can't deal with it, they still don't die!

Raphael came quickly.

As soon as Raphael appeared, everyone felt at ease, did not escape, and found a good place to watch the fun.

Raphael didn't spread his wings, but as long as the British people on the Internet know him, that perfect face, that shining sword in his hand, who is not the holy Raphael angel

Raphael stared at the black gas, frowned slightly, his expression was solemn, and the expression of the peeking human was solemn - what is the thing that makes Angel Raphael so worried? Is it scary for humans

Raphael stretched out his hand, and the transparent barrier blocked the spread of black qi, but humans could still escape. Unfortunately, the humans who were infected with black qi were no longer standard humans, and they were also blocked.

The black air gradually dissipated, revealing the existence inside, strange shapes, many of which are familiar... Werewolves, owls, mothmen, elves... It seems to be a bedside story from childhood. Are these things true? No way

The subversion of the three views... The presence of angels is actually not considered subversion of the three views. After all, the Pope has inherited it for thousands of years, but these? How can bedside stories be real

These monsters gathered in front of the knot interface, roaring, one sentence stood out, and all the voices could not hide: "You can't keep us, you can't keep us, the world has changed, the next is us It's time!"

Raphael did not refute, but asked quietly, "Who let you out?" Those who can unlock the seal must know about it, old monster? That is to say, Lucifer has appeared, how can things in hell not exist? The monster must be found as soon as possible, otherwise the human world will be troubled again. How can the human beings that his father asked him to protect disappear

The monsters looked at Raphael with hatred and roared: "You sealed us in the past, do you still want to seal us now? Dreaming! Our king has appeared! Our king has appeared!"

Raphael lowered his eyes and said casually, "Your king, is it Lucifer?"

The monsters hummed: "Yes, Satan my king, he will lead us back to glory."

Raphael shook his head and said slowly, "Lucifer, are you leading such a group of things?"

Gently laughter came, Lucifer appeared beside Raphael, and said disdainfully: "I'm not the kind of Satan, and my subordinates won't be such an ugly monster." Spicy eyes, he simply challenged him How could he want such a subordinate? Lucifer said that his subordinates are all fallen angels he dug from heaven, and their wings are still beautiful when they are dyed black.