
Chapter 90: Vampire first embrace


In the Internet age, the world is in my hands - so the Internet says.

Liu Gongzi of Huaguo accepted the apprentices. When the British side heard the news, Liu Gongzi had already left, not to mention, even if they went to Huaguo Yunshan now, it would be too late - the distance between countries is so big.

So disappointed... The eyes of the people who saw the apprentice videos on the Internet were almost bulging. When Xiandao appeared, they exploded!

What's so special, why are there gods in China who accept apprentices, but they don't? Why don't angels care for the devout believers

Look at it, how annoying the Chinese people are, even if they are teachers and gods, they are still showing off! What's there to show off? Their good people die and go straight to heaven! You don't have to work hard to be an angel! But... I really don't want to die before going to heaven.

Speechless, tearful, so annoying.

British netizens resentfully dropped the video, and turned to search for their angel rumors and demon rumors, hum, Britain has a long history and many legends, but it is no worse than China.

But... In the UK, there were also two coughs, two angels, and one demon king. There was a demon rampage in London. The official still didn't say what was going on, and they made them tremble with fear.

The world has really changed, let’s go to the church today, although religious people XXXX can’t speak now, but in general, maybe God will still see the church? Maybe God just saw him being pious

This is what the otaku who was sucked by the vampire girl and fainted thought. He used to be able to stay home all day, but now he plans to go to church every day, buy a cross to wear, wash some holy water, and make a blessing. Vampires can no longer approach... a ghost!

The otaku cried and squatted beside the sofa with his knees in his arms. The vampire girl occupied his computer and watched with great interest the transformation of angels, demons and Tolia. After watching the strange video, he went to China.

"Well, I don't even know how much the world has changed. The Hua Kingdom... I remember that their gods have slowly disappeared from hundreds of years ago, and now they're back." The vampire girl touched her chin and thought about it. , The person in the picture looks unfamiliar, but the name seems to have been heard, Liu Gongzi Bowen... seems to be very powerful, one of the characters written in the vampire chapter, not to be provoked? Wait, what the hell is the vampire chapter? Why did this pop up all of a sudden? Damn memory, why can't I always think of it? It is probably because he has been asleep for a long time and is stupid. In human terms, it is Alzheimer's.

"The immortals of Huaguo accept apprentices... It happens that the vampires can't be found, so I will try to get a few for the first time?" The sad vampire held his chin and put on a melancholy and beautiful shape.

The otaku trembled, the vampire wanted to create a vampire, wouldn't he be right? Terrible, he doesn't want to be a vampire!

The vampire girl turned her head and smiled: "Hey, be a vampire, we have a long life and a beautiful face. Think about why you are still single so far? Because you are not handsome." I have absorbed the language of the Internet and brought it out during the speech. I feel that this way of speaking is very interesting.

The otaku ran in tears, not handsome or something, do you need to say it? He doesn't want to become a vampire!

"Does it hurt to become a vampire? Does it really make him handsome? Is he as handsome as Tom? It's okay to be as handsome as Xiao Lizi." The otaku asked.

The vampire girl chuckled: "You think too much, you won't be so handsome if you are reincarnated again. I mean, your body will be at its peak, and your facial features and skin will tend to be perfect, but look, look. Your foundation." The vampire girl stared at the otaku, looked him up and down, as if picking out goods, and for a moment, pouted, "Although you look average, at least above the horizontal line, after perfection, you should be considered a handsome guy, anyway Human women have such a low vision, you must be full of peach blossoms."

The otaku's eyes lit up: "Come on, come on, embrace for the first time, I want to be a vampire!"

The vampire girl squinted and stared at the otaku's neck, her eyes slid thoughtfully, as if she was considering which place was more tender, the otaku felt a chill, and couldn't help covering his neck, shrinking a little... The girl chuckled: "What are you doing? It's not the first time you've been sucked blood."

The otaku thought about it for a while, and it seemed like that... Wait, he's already been sucked blood, why isn't he a vampire? With that in mind, the otaku asked.

The vampire girl got up and said leisurely: "First embrace, not only do I suck your blood, but you also have to suck my blood. When our blood fuses, the first embrace is complete."

The otaku blushed, blood fused or something... So shameful... But vampires are so beautiful... The otaku was dazzled by the big white legs of the vampire girl.

"Come? I never force others." The vampire girl put her arms around her chest.

The otaku hesitated and hesitated, but after thinking about becoming a handsome guy... he nodded ruthlessly: "Come on." How handsome would a perfected self be? Will those women with eyes high above their heads admire him

The vampire girl smiled around the house man's neck and opened her mouth to bite. The house man suddenly said, "Will you still embrace other people for the first time? Like me?"

The vampire girl is unhappy, hey, what does it have to do with him when she first embraces? So verbose.

"Do you want a first hug? Don't say it early, I'll leave." Vampire Heart said, so many things are not obliged to you.

The otaku said aggrieved, "Come on then."

The vampire girl took a bite, and the blood flowed into her mouth, sweet and lubricating, very delicious. If it wasn't for the first hug, the vampire girl would have had a full meal.

She licked the otaku's wound, and the otaku stopped the bleeding, and the bite was almost invisible. The otaku trembled, and he caught a glimpse of the blood on the corner of the vampire girl's mouth from the corner of his eyes. The extreme contrast between white and red was so amazing that his nose bleed suddenly... Good... So tempting... Oops, she licked the corner of her mouth... The tip of her tongue was red and cute, really ,That's so cute.

A vampire girl squinting, a person like a nerd... Really not afraid of death, how dare you have sex just after being sucked blood? Geez, it really shouldn't be too good for him. So, it was originally set to be the first embrace, and let the otaku be a partner. Now, let's become a blood slave.

The vampire girl smiled slightly, long fingernails emerged from her fingertips, scratched the snow-white wrist, and blood dripped. She raised her hand and handed it to the otaku's mouth: "Come on."

At the top of St. Paul's Cathedral, Raphael stood quietly.

In broad daylight, people on the three floors outside the cathedral tried to encounter angels, but the angels stood at the top of the church, but no one noticed.

Raphael felt very disappointed, but as long as those who were devout believed, how could they not find him

Forget it, no one is to blame for it. Angels haven’t appeared for a long time, God hasn’t been heard for a long time, and there is a mess of human religions. It’s not unimaginable that people lose their respect for God and angels.

But Raphael was still disappointed, disappointed with the world, so he was a little passive in implementing the order to protect human beings. Horizontally and vertically, it is impossible for him to kill Lucifer. Compared with protecting human beings, the life of his brother is naturally more important.

The demons have been eliminated, the weapons of human beings have made him powerful, and King Arthur has awakened to protect the country, so his existence is not so important... Are there gods in the east? Do they keep records of what happened in the past? I hope the mystery of the East can give him an answer. Yes, the angel Raphael decided to go to the East.

Spreading his wings, Raphael fluttered high and headed for the ocean, no one saw him.

Shen Huiyue in the game village raised her eyes, angel... from Ou

Young Master Liu was busy teaching his apprentices, which was a very important matter, and Shen Huiyue had no intention of handing over the matter of the angel to him. The angel Raphael decided to come to the East on his own. This is a good opportunity. The two sides have a chance to collide. The magic of the East and the West, who is stronger

Among the puppets currently under control, it seems that only Bai Xiaosheng is the most idle, and there has been no waves for a long time, so let him be. Otherwise, everyone is strong, and if he stays in place, it will be boring.

Shen Huiyue left the game and appeared in Yunshan. With the appearance of Jianmen Shen Huiyue, everyone knew that she had a good relationship with Liu Gongzi, and it seemed to be quite ambiguous.

When Shen Huiyue appeared slowly, the other Yunshan people who couldn't be a teacher wanted to worship her as a teacher, and they all knelt down... Shen Huiyue may not be as good as Liu Gongzi, who is also a super powerful character. Ask more, what if Miss Shen relents

However, Shen Huiyue was extremely indifferent, she ignored everyone's eager eyes, flew leisurely, and arrived at the immortal island.

There are only people who kneel down in the mountains.

Xiandao has changed. There are some modern sofas and the like outside. It is quite comfortable, not as empty and simple as before.

Shen Huiyue appeared, Liu Gongzi was very happy, came over and held her hand and said, "You are here, then teach them swordsmanship."

Shen Huiyue raised her eyebrows: "Your disciple, why should I teach?"

"We are friends, aren't we?" Liu Gongzi lowered his voice, leaned over and said with a smile, looking very ambiguous.

Shen Huiyue squinted her eyes, if she said that she was directing and acting alone in the past ambiguous, then now, it is really Liu Gongzi spontaneously... Really cooperated.

"Oh, okay, as long as you don't worry about me killing them." Shen Huiyue said lightly.

Liu Gongzi smiled: "Come on, meet my disciples."

Shen Huiyue's smile is not a smile, okay, Jianmen Shen Huiyue is indeed a very good force, not to mention that Jianmen has not left the earth, she came out to brush up her presence, and then the beauties of Jianmen can come out. Ice muscle jade bone, Jianmen beauty needs countless jade, she has to let the idle Tang Tang look for it. Now Tang Tang is quite powerful, the national martial arts consultant, Wang Jia Keqing, if the wind is blowing, the rain will be raining, and all her puppets are the most dashing.

Liu Gongzi's call resounded in the ears of every disciple, and the disciples hurried over to see Shen Huiyue. Jianmen Shen Huiyue, since defeating Liu Dong, Tianshan appeared for a while, and then disappeared. I didn't expect it to appear here. But thinking that Shen Huiyue and Liu Gongzi are somewhat ambiguous, it is natural to come and see Liu Gongzi's disciples.

"Miss Shen will teach you swordsmanship in the future." Liu Gongzi said with a smile.

The disciples' eyes lit up. They apprentice to Master Liu, but Master Liu doesn't seem to like teaching people. It may also be that he thinks that everyone is as smart as him. Understand? That's your business, he doesn't care. Therefore, many disciples were very distressed, and they simply couldn't keep up with Liu Gongzi's teaching speed. Of course, if you have the cleverness, you can pass it once, but why should people tell you

I hope that Miss Shen will not be like this, and the swordsmanship is chic. As long as they can reach the level of Miss Shen, they will have no regrets in this life.

Shen Huiyue glanced at everyone, analyzed their information in her heart, and then decided on her own protagonist script... Who would get her attention

Shen Huiyue's eyes fell on a thin young man - he did not have any unusual identity, but Shen Huiyue knew that this young man had deep hatred, but he restrained his hatred and tried to solve the problem by legal means. Of course, in Shen Huiyue's view, this young man just doesn't have the ability to take revenge. Once he has strong ability, will he still insist on legal means like this

A young man with talent, principles, and hatred gains great power, what will happen

Shen Huiyue prepared two scripts for him, the Messenger of Justice script and the Degenerate into a Demon script, to see which one he will become.

"My training is very strict. If you can't stand it, you can quit." Shen Huiyue was careless.

The disciples expressed that they must obey and obey Miss Shen's orders... Shen Huiyue smiled slightly: "Then let's swing the sword a thousand times." She wanted to do this when she was reading a novel a long time ago. With a snap of his fingers, everyone had a sword in their hands, a real sword. Shen Huiyue put her hands behind her back and sat leisurely on the sofa, watching them.

The disciples looked at each other and looked at Liu Gongzi again. He didn't say anything. Instead, he walked over to Shen Huiyue and sat down with her, so the disciples knew, let's swing his sword.

He heard the sound of the disciples swiping their swords vigorously, looking up at Yunyou Baiyun, Shen Huiyue squinting, the angel from the west was extremely fast and flew across the ocean... He stopped when he reached America.

America what? Why did the angel stop

Shen Huiyue leaned on the sofa to communicate with the book of the world, and after looking at the situation in the Americas, he realized that Raphael had seen churches all over the Americas. Then he sensed the Feathered Serpent God who was making trouble, so he thought, let's clean up and remove the demons for the believers, lest everyone think that angels don't exist... Oh, it's over, Shen Huiyue Xin said.

Compared with Raphael, Feathered Serpent is still very weak, who made her set like this in the first place... But Feathered Serpent is her puppet who wants to do things in Laomei, how can Raphael be offended? Son killed? It must not be possible, Feathered Serpent God must increase his strength!