Dedicated to dear Mr. Lu

Chapter 134: 135 pregnancy test stick


Lu Cong'an has always put work first. Since he returned to China and met Yu Huasang, he has taken countless leave. He has also been absent from work without reason several times like today. The hospital will definitely not agree to it.

But there was no other way. It was impossible to fire such a capable doctor like Lu Cong'an.

So, at most, he would be asked to write something like a self-criticism.

And Lu Cong'an also decided to write a self-criticism.

Because he felt that there seemed to be more important things now.

Following behind, Lu Cong'an went downstairs but did not see Yu Huasang.

I looked around at the gate, but still didn't meet Yu Huasang.

In fact, he followed her downstairs a few minutes after she did. Who knew she walked so fast

There was no choice, Lu Cong'an had to drive back by himself.

When turning out of the gate, Yu Huasang suddenly came out of the pharmacy opposite the hospital with a small plastic bag in his hand.

She wrapped the bag and put it in her bag, then stood at the intersection and stopped a car.

He came out almost at the same time as Lu Cong'an, but he was just sitting in a different car.

Lu Cong'an arrived home first.

He went into the house and looked around, and found that Yu Huasang had not returned yet.

After walking out of the bedroom and into the main hall, Lu Cong'an heard the sound of a door opening.

I walked over anxiously, only to find that she was looking for something in her bag.

Then she pulled two long white strips out of the bag.

It's a pregnancy test stick.

Lu Cong'an was stunned for a moment and stood there, suddenly not knowing what expression to make.

Yu Huasang took the things in her hand and put them inside. She shook the two long strips, then raised her head and met Lu Cong'an's face with an unknown expression.

Seeing the complicated look, Yu Huasang's heart ached.

She suddenly hid the things in her hands behind her back and sneered, "Aren't you in the hospital?"

Lu Cong'an didn't seem to be in the mood to talk to her about this.

Nodding slightly, he looked at her with a scrutinizing gaze, "What are you holding?"

Yu Huasang took a step back and shook his head, "There's nothing. You saw it wrong."

"Hua Sang..." He pursed his lips, and his Adam's apple rolled twice with difficulty, a little dry, "Don't tell me, you are pregnant?"

His eyes suddenly dimmed, and Yu Huasang felt even more uncomfortable, because the tone of his words just now sounded not only surprised, but also fearful.

He must be afraid that he might get pregnant.

Yu Huasang's mouth twitched slightly, "No, I just had a delayed period this week."

Lu Cong'an frowned even deeper, "How many days has it been postponed?"

"Don't ask so many questions." Yu Huasang walked around and smiled at him, his expression looking a little unhappy.

When she passed by him, Lu Cong'an suddenly stopped her and snatched the pregnancy test stick from her hand.

As he stared at the cold instrument, Lu Cong'an had no idea what he was thinking.

He doesn't seem to have any idea of being a father yet...

Ripples quickly arose in his heart, then rolled into waves, beating heavily and hitting hard on his heart.

But there was no expression on his face. When he was silent, Yu Huasang always felt that he had no emotions.

After a long while, Lu Cong'an put the pregnancy test stick back into Yu Huasang's hand and said calmly, "Go try it first."

It's all just speculation now. Only after seeing the results can he decide what to do next.

(End of this chapter)