Dedicated to dear Mr. Lu

Chapter 170: Episode 171 Lu Cong'an vs Yu Huasang (finale)


Yu Huasang stayed in the hospital for a full half month because of a broken right leg. Lu Cong'an was too busy with work and there was no one to take care of her if she went home, so Yu Huasang stayed in the hospital with peace of mind.

After a long time, Yu Huasang found that living in the hospital felt really good.

Not only can he hear some inexplicable gossip from the people in other beds, but he can also see Lu Cong'an at a fixed time and place.

Although Lu Cong'an was not targeting her during his ward rounds, seeing Lu Cong'an wearing a white coat and talking to patients while working, Yu Huasang wished she could break her other leg so that she could stay in the hospital longer.

When Lu Cong'an learned that Yu Huasang had such an idea, he stared at her for a long time.

Finally, he shook his head and said, "Let's go get a brain CT scan tomorrow."

Lu Cong'an may have a sharp tongue, but after this fracture incident, Yu Huasang really enjoyed Lu Cong'an's thoughtful service.

Because he had been lying in bed for a long time, Yu Huasang often felt uncomfortable and uncomfortable no matter where he lay. Moreover, after sleeping too much during the day, he tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep at night.

It was unknown what time it was that day when Lu Cong'an quietly went to Yu Huasang's bed.

Startled, Yu Huasang instinctively tucked Lu Cong'an into the bed and whispered, "Cong'an, stop making trouble, this is a hospital!"

Lu Cong'an frowned, emerged from the quilt, and put his hand on Yu Huasang's shoulder. "Don't you always complain about back pain? How are you? Are you feeling better?"

"… "

Oh, massage...

You said you wanted a massage, so you did. It's not hard for you to sneak over here in the middle of the night.

"Who did you learn this technique from?"

Lu Cong'an blushed slightly, "The head nurse taught me."

Oh, head nurse~

Yu Huasang felt sweet in his heart. He thought that starting tomorrow, the whole building would know that Lu Cong'an loved his wife.


After being discharged from the hospital, Mother Lu took Yu Huasang back home.

During the conversation, Mother Lu pointed at Lu Cong'an who was playing with his phone and laughed, "Let me tell you, our Cong'an couldn't speak when he was three years old!"

"Ah?" Yu Huasang was quite surprised.

"My whole family was so worried that we took him to the hospital and asked the doctor. Guess what the doctor said?"

"What did you say?"

"The doctor said he might just be too lazy to talk."

"… "

Well, it turns out that Lu Congan has had a bad temper since he was a child.

When she first got together with Lu Congan, she couldn't say a word to him even if she said ten sentences.

For Lu Cong'an, it would be a waste if he didn't use his best youth to explore academic issues and enhance emotional exchanges.

Therefore, Lu Cong'an only focused on Yu Huasang's studies at the beginning.

Later, Yu Huasang asked him, "What do you think a boyfriend and girlfriend should do when they are together?"

Lu Cong'an thought about it and answered carefully, "I think spiritual communication is very good."

"..." Yu Huasang was speechless, "Then we are not boyfriend and girlfriend!"

"What does that mean?" he demanded.

"Of course I have to say I love you, and... and kiss!"

Lu Cong'an turned his face away and coughed lightly, "Boring."

It was very boring. Having academic exchanges and spiritual communication with this expressionless guy every day, Yu Huasang didn't feel like he was in love at all.

She walked back angrily, cursing in her heart.

As a result, Lu Cong'an caught up with her at some point and blocked her way, hanging his head, "I think kissing has touched my blind spot in knowledge."

So, teach me.

Yu Huasang couldn't help but giggle when he thought about what happened back then.

Lu Cong'an was speechless and swayed in front of her twice, "Mrs. Lu, who is still smiling foolishly, can I kiss you?"

Yu Huasang laughed foolishly twice again.

"Lu Congan, you've already graduated early from the kissing thing and are licensed to drive, so don't ask for my permission next time!"

Lu Cong'an raised his eyebrows and smiled.

Being with Yu Huasang, he never knew whether the next second would be an accident or a surprise.

Or maybe it was an unexpected surprise.

So, he enjoyed every second he spent with her.

He wanted to give all the beautiful aspects of the world to his dear Mrs. Lu.

And all, good morning and good night.

Shamelessly recommend a new article

(End of this chapter)

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