Dedicated to dear Mr. Lu

Chapter 45: 045 Does it hurt?


Although Yu Huasang complained in her heart, she was comfortable living alone.

When she slept at night, she tossed and turned and always felt short of breath and dizzy.

I got up and searched the Internet for the reason.

Some people on the Internet said it was a cold, while others said it was a bunch of random diseases.

He was just a little scared at first, but after hearing what people on the Internet said, Yu Huasang felt that he might have a terminal illness.

She went to the hospital early the next morning.

She had originally planned to visit her father in the hospital, but she had to see the doctor first.

The doctor who treated her was a middle-aged bald doctor.

He glanced at Yu Huasang, asked her to open her mouth and checked it, and said, "Can you swallow your saliva?"

Yu Huasang tried it and found that what he could swallow last night, he couldn't swallow today no matter how hard he tried. His throat was sore.

The doctor sighed and wrote a few lines on the medical record that Yu Huasang couldn't understand at all.

She had complained to Lu Cong'an before that the doctor's handwriting was too hard to recognize, it was simply scribbles!

Later, Lu Cong'an teased her deliberately and said, "That's because some people are seriously ill and don't want him to know."

Now that I think about it, it makes sense.

Yu Huasang suddenly panicked, "Doctor, am I incurable?"

The doctor frowned and said, "Don't think too much. Just eat and drink as you should during this period."

"… "

If this sentence was said by an ordinary person, it would not mean anything. However, when it comes from a doctor, it always feels like something is wrong.

"Doctor, don't scare me. What's wrong with me?"

The doctor wrote down the prescription and said, "It's just a cold and tonsillitis. It's not a serious illness. Drink more hot water and eat more fruits!"

"… "

There was no word on what to say.

"Go outside and get an IV first, and then come get the medicine." The doctor gave the instructions, and the nurse came over to give her an IV.

It was all because of what he searched online last night. Yu Huasang really thought he was going to die.

She was taken by the nurse to get an IV drip. The ward she was in was for two people.

There weren't many people in the morning, and there was no one on the bed next to me, so it was very quiet.

Yu Huasang lay on the bed and took a nap for a while.

She didn't know how long she had slept, but suddenly she realized that the back of her cold hand was covered by something hot.

She woke up with a start, and when she looked down, she suddenly saw Lu Cong'an bending over to help her take the needle out of her hand.

It turned out that the drip was finished and the blood was returning.

"Does it hurt?" He looked up at her.

Perhaps he thought Yu Huasang was too stupid, so his brows were furrowed when he looked at her.

Yu Huasang shook his head and wanted to speak but his throat was so uncomfortable that he said nothing in the end.

Lu Cong'an put away the needle, looked at the nurse who had just rushed in with a serious face, and said, "Next time you come alone, be sure to be careful!"

The nurse was surprised that Lu Cong'an appeared here, and she didn't dare to raise her head because of her own negligence.

Yu Huasang sighed in his heart.

As expected, Lu Cong'an is very serious about his work and he gets so angry over such a small mistake.

After Lu Cong'an finished speaking, he left without even asking Yu Huasang what disease he had or whether he was feeling unwell or anything like that.

Forget it. Even if he asked and she told him she just had a cold, he would just think she was stupid.

Yu Huasang sat on the bed to relax for a while, and only went to the orthopedic ward after the wound on his hand no longer hurt.

At this time, Lu Cong'an just came out of the bald doctor's room.

The bald doctor smiled at Lu Cong'an and asked, "Doctor Lu is married?"

(End of this chapter)