Deep Desire

Chapter 20: Bully


At eight o'clock in the morning, Feng Si went upstairs and knocked on Lu Jingshen's door, but there was no response.

He dialed the phone, and it rang several times before the other end picked up. Lu Jingshen's voice was hoarse and nasal, and he asked him what he was doing.

"You haven't woken up yet?" Feng Si glanced at his watch to make sure he hadn't got the time wrong. "Why are you so nasal? Are you sick? Come and open the door."

After waiting for five or six minutes, the door was finally opened a little from the inside, revealing Lu Jingshen's listless face behind him.

He frowned, still wearing pajamas, with an abnormal flush on his face: "Is there something wrong?"

Feng Si held the door open and reached out to touch his forehead, and found that he had a fever.

"You fell ill just as the holiday began. Why are you so pitiful?"

While saying sarcastic words, Feng Si did not give Lu Jingshen a chance to close the door. He forcefully pushed him into the bedroom.

"Go ahead," Lu Jingshen said impatiently, "I just need a nap, you go and have fun."

"No more playing," Feng Si pushed the man back to bed, "Go back to sleep, I'll watch you here."

"unnecessary… "

Lu Jingshen was about to refuse, but Feng Si sat down beside the bed and bent over, abruptly interrupting his words.

Feng Si's face moved closer, almost right in front of Lu Jingshen, and he stared into his eyes: "Your face is red but you're still trying to be brave. If I don't care about you, are you going to fend for yourself here?"

Lu Jingshen didn't want to pay attention to him and turned his head away.

Feng Si raised his hand and touched his hot face, then sighed.

His schedule was packed and he had been working late at night for so many days, so he suddenly relaxed. He probably caught a cold last night. Coupled with his mood swings, it's not surprising that he fell ill.

If you think about it carefully, he himself is also one of the culprits.

"It's still too cold here. It's normal that you can't adapt. If your fever goes away tomorrow, shall we go directly to France?"

Lu Jingshen didn't know whether he heard Feng Si's suggestion or not. He closed his eyes and soon fell asleep again.

Feng Si just looked at him, sat quietly beside the bed for a while, then got up and left.

It was almost noon when Lu Jingshen woke up again.

Feng Si was sitting on the carpet beside the bed, looking at his phone. He noticed something behind him and turned to look at him. Lu Jingshen was still a little dazed, with a confused look in his eyes. Feng Si was amused by his expression: "Awake? Don't you recognize me? Mr. Lu is more likable when he is half awake like this."

It makes people want to bully him, although bullying a patient seems immoral.

Lu Jingshen gradually regained consciousness. Feng Si reached out his hand and placed the electronic thermometer on his forehead. "37.5 degrees. It doesn't seem as hot as before."

Lu Jingshen propped up his limp body and asked him hesitantly, "Have you been here all this time?"

"I went to the supermarket and went back to my room to get a thermometer and some medicine." Feng Si poured out the antipyretic medicine and handed it to Lu Jingshen along with warm water. "I guess you didn't prepare these. Take them."

Lu Jingshen looked a little dazed and did not reach out to take it.

Feng Si: "Why are you in a daze? Do you want me to feed you?"

Being stared at with a teasing gaze, Lu Jingshen came back to his senses, took the medicine, tilted his head back and swallowed it quickly.

Feng Si smiled and asked him, "Do you want to eat? I cooked some porridge."

Seeing that Lu Jingshen didn't respond, Feng Si stood up, bent down and patted his face gently: "Why are you daydreaming again? Go wash up."