Deep Sea Embers

Chapter 57: The end of preaching


The newly awakened Warp believers fell into an inexplicable state of ecstasy after learning that they were on the Lost Homeland. They raised their hands high and shouted wildly incomprehensible words. This fanatical and out-of-control appearance even scared Alice so much that she took two steps back - fortunately, she held her head in time to prevent it from falling off.

"This local specialty is so scary!" Miss Doll stared and hid behind Duncan. "What's wrong with him?"

How would Duncan know? He hadn't even finished asking the question yet!

Then the other two End of Days preachers woke up, and after they understood the current situation, they fell into the same ecstasy as the first person, and began to shout crazily, shouting about the "promised ark" and the "gate of the warp". No matter what Duncan and Alice said, they seemed unable to communicate.

But by this time, Duncan had already vaguely guessed the reason why these End of the World preachers were in ecstasy—

They are maniacs chasing after the Warp, and the Homeland Lost is a ghost ship returning from the Warp. Could it be that in the eyes of these lunatics... the Homeland Lost is some kind of "miracle"

Are they considered fanatics who have witnessed miracles

But this enthusiasm seems to be a bit too much.

The three cultists hugged each other, crying, laughing, and yelling, praising the greatness of the warp while calling out to the Homeland Lost, and occasionally even making sounds from their throats that were difficult for humans to make. The layers of trembling calls seemed to be real roars coming from the warp. In the end, they even knelt down on the ground and began to kiss the deck of the Homeland Lost!

Their last action really annoyed Alice, who was watching the fun nearby. Miss Doll immediately glared, ran to the side, picked up a mop and smashed it on the head of one of the cultists: "I just washed the deck!"

Before Alice finished her words, two nearby buckets and several mops came running over, beating the fanatical believers on the heads - the fanatics' insane shouts, Alice's rebukes, and the sounds of the buckets and mops colliding all mixed together, and the Lost Homeland, which had been exceptionally quiet most of the time, suddenly became noisy and bustling.

Duncan was stunned watching from the side. The scene of "the cursed puppet and her lackeys beating up the invaders" gave him a huge shock. His first reaction was to wonder when this puppet had such a good relationship with the things on the deck. His second reaction was to rush forward to stop this farce: "Stop!"

The buckets and mops stopped immediately. Alice couldn't help but hit one of the End Preachers with the mop again, and finally kicked him. Then she walked away angrily, muttering, "I just washed the deck, and they licked it..."

"Although I also think their actions are a bit disgusting, it's not necessary to be like this..." Duncan looked at the puppet helplessly, then turned his head to look at the cultists who had just been beaten up, "Are you calm now?"

Several End of Days preachers fell to the ground, but despite having just been beaten, they did not show any signs of weakness or fear. Instead, they were still energetic, with creepy smiles on their faces. Their seemingly thin and bony bodies had such an amazing tolerance to pain, as if they had already abandoned the normal human sense of pain.

After hearing what Duncan said, one of the missionaries slowly turned his head and looked into Duncan's eyes. It took a long time for his chaotic eyes to focus, and then he let out a creepy laugh: "Ha, ha ha... The gatekeeper of the promised land, the ghost at the helm, the navigator of the ark! I can see... I can see your heart! How sad... You have received this blessing, but you rejected her gift... You are qualified to step into the promised land, but you rejected it! You... stupid!"

Duncan frowned slightly.

Alice immediately came over from behind: "Captain, how about I beat him up again?"

The bucket and mop next to her immediately jumped over and swayed behind Alice.

Just like a lackey and the lackey's lackey.

"Just stay quiet for a while," Duncan waved his hand, staring at the Preacher of the End who was still laughing strangely at him, his expression unchanged, "It sounds like you know me, the 'Ghost Captain', very well."

"The Warp whispers your name... whispers your foolish refusal..." The cultist grinned, blood from the beating dripping from the corners of his mouth, wriggling on his chin like a tentacle, "You are qualified for bliss, why do you still want to escape... Don't you know that the Warp is the eternal and final destination of all things? You have already reached the end... Why do you turn back from there?!"

Duncan just stared quietly at this believer who might be mentally ill or simply fanatical, with an expressionless face but turbulent heart.

There really is something about this group of Warp-following fanatics. Their crazy beliefs not only bring them strange powers, but also allow them to know some secrets related to the Warp. What this guy said... I'm afraid there is some truth in it.

Captain Duncan escaped from the Warp? Rejected the blessings of the Warp

Could it be that after the Lost Homeland fell into the Warp, the real "Captain Duncan" did not go completely crazy as the outside world rumored? The Lost Homeland's return from the Warp was actually a successful escape? "Captain Duncan" still had some rationality at that time

So when did he go completely crazy? And when did he die

Duncan suddenly remembered the attitude of the goat-headed man when facing the warp space - vigilance, resistance and even faint panic.

This also seems to indirectly confirm the words of the End Preacher and confirm the escape.

Afterwards, the Preacher of the End fell into a daze again, and began to mutter things that only he could understand, or suddenly laughed with joy or slapped his body, while his two accomplices never woke up from beginning to end, immersed in disturbing mental confusion.

These followers of the Warp are crazier than the Sun Cultists Duncan had ever seen, and further away from the normal sanity of the real world - they seem to be in a state of mental instability forever, with their minds floating between the real world and the Warp. As long as no one talks to them or they are not performing specific tasks, they cannot think and communicate normally.

Is it because they are affected by the Warp? Or are they actively destroying their own sanity and actively embracing the Warp in this way

What puzzled Duncan even more was how these crazy, weird cultists, whose appearance had even changed, usually moved around in the city-state

If these lunatics were to walk down the street, not to mention hiding themselves from the public, they would be surrounded and shot down by the Guardians' steam walkers within five steps!

After a while, seeing that these End Preachers still had no intention of waking up, Duncan had to take the initiative to speak again: "Why did you attack Shirley?"

The three cultists reacted. One of them raised his head in a daze, swaying his body from side to side. "Attack? Attack who?"

"What you just did," Duncan said in a cold and gloomy voice, "You attacked a girl with a Deep Hound - why did you attack her?"

"Attack... Oh, attack..." The confused believer suddenly grinned and shouted loudly, "We are just getting everything back on track so that the correct history can come smoothly! Loopholes, flaws, and a little hidden danger... Hidden dangers must be eliminated... She should die in the correct history, she should not survive! As long as she is alive... loopholes will always appear..."

"Correct history?" Duncan's eyes suddenly changed slightly when listening to the cultist's crazy nonsense. He caught the key information and reacted instantly, "There's something wrong with Pland's history line. Did you do it?!"

"Something went wrong? No problem, no problem... We are just getting everything back on track!" The fanatic raised his face, his eyes filled with the fanaticism of a martyr. "This world should get back on track! The fate of destruction has been postponed for so many years. Everyone has defied the gift of the warp and defied the fate that was supposed to befall them! We are correcting history back on the right track!"

"Correct history back to the right track!" The other two End of the World preachers nearby seemed to be infected and began to shout and praise enthusiastically. One of them even stood up after shouting, with his hands raised high, as if declaring some truth, "Only by getting back on track, after all annihilation, there will be all kinds of revival! The warp will devour everything, and the warp will also reshape everything! The fire has gone out, and the rest is hard to burn... Only by lighting a second bonfire can the world survive in that gift!"