Defeated By Love

Chapter 1


At the end of October, Ruchuan City has entered late autumn.

It rained for several days in succession in the whole city. The tide in the air is like ice, wet and cold alternately. The heavy rain seems to have no tendency to stop, and occasionally hits the window, making a rattling sound.

In the airtight interior, the blackout curtains tightly cover the scenery outside. There are three silver locks embedded in the white wooden door, which look oppressive and gloomy in a row.

The ceiling lamp on the ceiling is on, the light is warm yellow and the color is soft. The room is bright and bright, not like the light when falling asleep.

But under this light.

On the bed by the window, the powder blue quilt is raised.

The girl curled up in a ball inside, her eyes closed. Showing half a fair face and soft hair.

It seemed that he didn't sleep well. Although Shu Nian hadn't moved, his face was pale, his eyes were blue-gray, and his eyelashes trembled from time to time. Haggard and restless.


There was a loud click from a distance.

It was the sound of the entrance door being opened.

Shu Nian's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately opened his eyes. She looked dull and woke up for a while, with cold sweat on her forehead.

Thinking of the voice he heard just now, Shu Nian slowly got out of bed, with a weak panting sound in his throat. She stepped on the soft carpet and stopped in front of the door.

Standing here, one could faintly hear the voice of mother Deng Qingyu talking to herself.

But she still looked very vigilant, and opened the two lower locks, leaving only the top chain lock. Shu Nian opened the door carefully, only opening a small gap.

After confirming that the person outside was Deng Qingyu, Shu Nian completely relaxed. She pursed her lips, scratched her head, and rummaged through the slippers that she had kicked somewhere.

After putting it on, he walked out of the room.

The house is not too big, about fifty square meters. One bedroom, one living room, one bathroom, plus a small balcony. At this moment, the curtains have been pulled open, and outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, apart from the luxuriant camphor trees, only raindrops can be seen falling continuously.

The sky is gloomy, and night has not yet fallen.

A slight wind came in through the crack of the window, as if mixed with ice.

Shu Nian couldn't help shivering.

There was no carpet in the living room, and the sound of slippers slapping the floor was not small, which quickly caught Deng Qingyu's attention.

"Why is your face so bad? Didn't you sleep well?"

Shu Nian shook his head and asked softly, "Why are you here?"

"I called you yesterday and heard that you had a cough. It happened that your aunt brought a box of pears, so I brought some for you." Deng Qingyu pointed to the kitchen, "Put a bag in the refrigerator. Now I'm going to cook a pear for you." Rock candy pear."

Shu Nian picked up the hot water bottle on the coffee table, went to the water dispenser to fill the water, and replied softly.

"thanks Mom."

Deng Qingyu nodded, and simply tidied up the living room, saying: "The seasons are changing recently, you should pay attention to yourself. Don't always close the windows, pay attention to ventilation, and don't get sick from stuffiness."

Shu Nian nodded: "Okay."

Filling the water halfway, Shu Nian returned to the tea table with the kettle in his arms and started to boil the water.

The power of the hot water kettle is high, and it didn't take long for the sound of boiling to appear, and the smoke was lingering. Shu Nian opened the plastic bag on the coffee table, took out several boxes of medicine inside, and carefully read the instructions.

Deng Qingyu couldn't rest, straightened the pillow on the sofa, and asked casually, "You don't have a fever, do you?"

Shu Nian looked up, and answered obediently: "No, just a little cough."

Deng Qingyu didn't say anything, just glanced at Shunian.

Her lips were pursed, and she lowered her eyes again, staring at the small words on the paper, looking very serious.

Afterwards, Deng Qingyu entered the kitchen.

When Deng Qingyu returned to the living room, she found that Shu Nian was still in the same posture as before, motionless. The spine is straight and straight, and the soft hair hangs down, slightly fluffy.

The facial features are small and soft, and it looks like a child who hasn't grown up yet.

The slippers underneath were kicked away by her, and they were in a mess.

"What is this?" Deng Qingyu walked to her side and suddenly remembered, "Is it Thursday today? Are you going to see a psychiatrist later?"

"Yeah." Shunian put away the medicine and put it away again, "I have to go every week."

The atmosphere returned to silence.

Deng Qingyu squatted down to arrange her slippers, her voice was small but cautious: "Nian Nian, you said you have been seeing this psychiatrist for almost a year, do you think it has worked..."

After reading the book for a while, thinking about it for a moment, he hesitated and replied: "There should be."

Deng Qingyu's expression hesitated to speak, but in the end he said nothing, reached out and rubbed her head: "That's good."

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Deng Qingyu smiled, "Mom will ask about your condition."

Shu Nian recalled what the doctor said to her last week: "The last time I went, the doctor told me that if I continue the treatment, I will be able to go once every two weeks in a while. This cycle will gradually lengthen."

"Then it will be completely healed slowly, right?" Deng Qingyu's mood suddenly improved, and she was in the mood to joke, "Mom is still waiting for you to bring a boyfriend back."

Suddenly a topic came up, Shu Nian paused and looked at her in astonishment.

Deng Qingyu couldn't help laughing: "Why such an expression?"

"That's right." Shu Nian didn't know what to say, and after holding back for a long time, he only said, "Mom, are you in a hurry?"

Deng Qingyu said, "There's no rush."

Hearing this, Shu Nian heaved a sigh of relief: "Then I'll wait until the illness is completely cured before looking for it? Then I'll find a good-looking one, so that you, Mom, will find it pleasing to the eye."

Deng Qingyu shook his head, disapproving: "Good-looking men are unreliable."

Shu Nian was choked by her words, coughed twice, and muttered in a low voice: "It's not good-looking, even if it's reliable, I don't feel happy..."


After a long time, Deng Qingyu looked at the clock on the wall and packed up his things: "It's almost four o'clock. Mom is going to pick up your brother from school. Remember to drink rock sugar pears. I have a lot of stew. Remember to bring some to Officer He."

Shu Nian stood up to see her off, and said vaguely: "I can finish this drink."

Deng Qingyu couldn't see her stingy look, frowned and said, "You still want to find a good-looking boyfriend?"


After saying goodbye to Deng Qingyu, Shu Nian closed the door.

The room fell silent instantly.

Such an atmosphere made Shu Nian feel at a loss as to what to do, she lowered her eyes, twisted her hand, and locked the door. Going back to the balcony, he re-locked the floor-to-ceiling windows opened by Deng Qingyu.

The movements are neat and crisp, as if they have been done thousands of times.

She remembered what Deng Qingyu had just told her to pay attention to ventilation.

Shu Nian hesitated for a while, then opened a small gap for the floor-to-ceiling windows, and then closed the curtains.

Little rustling noises.

After eating the rock candy Sydney, Shu Nian washed the dishes. When passing by the floor-to-ceiling window, she closed it again, and then returned to the room with peace of mind, changed clothes and went out.

It took about ten minutes for Shu Nian to walk to the entrance of the hospital in the city center. Go up to the fifth floor and go to the psychiatric department for an hour of psychotherapy.

After it was over, Shunian went downstairs to the internal medicine department to ask the doctor to prescribe some cold medicine.

I don't know why at this time, there are too many people, and it delays a little time. By the time the book was out of the hospital, the sky was already half dark.

The street lights outside the hospital were brightly lit, casting long shadows on the concrete floor one after another. The rain gradually weakened, pattering down, stained by white light, rushing down.

There are still people coming and going. But not much, very quiet.

Shu Nian wanted to get home before it was completely dark, so his pace was much faster than before. Before opening the umbrella, she subconsciously looked around.

Suddenly, she noticed that there was a lonely person just like her.

The man was sitting in a wheelchair, with thin, slightly long hair on his forehead, slightly covering his eyebrows and eyes. Half of his face was backlit, immersed in the darkness, vague and unclear, with a gloomy hostility.


Soon, Shu Nian looked away. Suddenly remembered something, stopped his movements, and looked over again.

His lips parted, and he froze.

… She seemed to know him.

Shu Nian tightened his grip on the umbrella, his eyes were dazed, and he froze in place. His eyes stopped on the wheelchair under him, and he wanted to say something, but he was dumbfounded by this scene.

I don't know how many minutes passed.

The man suddenly raised his eyes, and his gaze swept across her body. But it was unfamiliar, and he didn't even stay for a second. Her breathing was stagnant, and her throat was strangled by the ice-like eyes.

It's still raining.

There is the sound of hula-la-la-la wind around, accompanied by a biting chill.

Shu Nian took a deep breath, pinched his palms hard to cheer himself up, and walked over. The voice was small and gentle, with some uncertainty: "Xie Ruhe?"

Hearing the voice, the man looked over and fixed his eyes on her, revealing his whole face. A very handsome man. Peach blossom eyes, deeply folded double eyelids, pale face. She had an obviously affectionate face, but her expression was as cold as ice.

The temperature around him seemed to have dropped a bit.

Shu Nian pursed his lips, a little at a loss, and subconsciously handed him the umbrella.

"Didn't you bring an umbrella? How about I—"

The man didn't finish listening, so he didn't stop.

His expression remained unchanged from the beginning to the end. He moved the wheelchair and walked directly into the rain.

Shu Nian stood there for a while, but did not catch up. She looked away and didn't look at him again. He reached out and opened the umbrella, walked around the puddle in front of him, and walked towards home.

When Fang Wencheng drove the car to the entrance of the hospital, he happened to see a scene of a woman talking to Xie Ruhe.

The next moment, Xie Ruhe suddenly made a movement, and came out to soak in the rain without making a sound. Fang Wencheng was taken aback by this unexpected movement, and immediately opened the car door, holding an umbrella and running towards him.

"Master." Fang Wencheng covered most of the umbrella on him, and said anxiously, "Why did you come out and get caught in the rain..."

Xie Ruhe didn't speak, his body was half wet, and the water droplets stained his dark eyes. The skin is pale, and the purple bloodshot under the eyes can be clearly seen, and the curvature of the jaw is sharp and cold.

Fang Wencheng got used to it, and continued: "Mr. Ji just called me and asked you to go back to Ji's house."

got in the car.

Looking in the rearview mirror, Fang Wencheng realized that Xie Ruhe's complexion was not very good-looking.

At this moment, he was looking out the window. Water droplets also slid down the side of the face and dripped from the chin. The eyes are like thick ink, stained with depression, touching the person in the distance.

Fang Wencheng followed his gaze.

—it was the woman who had just spoken to him.

Fang Wencheng started the car: "Master, do you know that lady? Do you want to take her with you?"

Xie Ruhe retracted his gaze and slowly closed his eyes.

His reaction was within Fang Wencheng's expectation, so he didn't continue to mention: "The parking space was robbed just now, I went to help, so I wasted a little time."


Xie Ruhe's eyelids moved slightly.

"I don't know how many days it will rain." Fang Wencheng said helplessly, "The drainage system in the southern district is not done properly, the roads are flooded, and there are always traffic jams. Mr. Ji is still waiting for you, I don't know if it's eight o'clock Could it be before—"

The man in the back seat suddenly interrupted him: "Follow me."

Fang Wencheng was stunned for a moment, but did not react: "Huh?"

Probably because Xie Ruhe hadn't spoken for a long time, Xie Ruhe's voice was slightly hoarse, deep and heavy, like red wine in the dark night. He turned his head, unconsciously opened his eyes again, and looked out the window.

a long time.

Three more words came from behind. The low and moist voice is tinged with coolness. Nothing.

"Follow her."

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