Defeated By Love

Chapter 2


After leaving the hospital, the nearby light faded.

The raindrops hit the ground, sparking fleeting sprays one after another, which were reflected into ink by the dark sky.

There was something wrong with the street lamp at the end, flashing on and off, as if it was going to go out in the next moment. Shu Nian turned on the flashlight of the phone to illuminate the way ahead, and walked forward slowly.

The cold wind, mixed with fine rain, poured into the pit of the neck one after another. The chest felt like it was stabbed by something sharp, and it hurt inexplicably.

Shu Nian squeezed the handle of the umbrella tightly and exhaled sullenly.

Did she admit the wrong person

After all, it has been so many years. The Xie Ruhe in my memory is still just like when he was young.

Dark black hair, eyes of the same shade. Blue and white striped school uniform, washed white sneakers. Tall and straight. Don't like to talk, don't like to laugh.

So gloomy that people dare not approach.

Forever alone, always alone. It's like living in your own world.

And the man just now.

With a cool demeanor, he was dressed in a black windbreaker. He is obviously shorter than a person because of the wheelchair, but he is still supercilious. The facial features are a little longer than when he was a teenager, and they are tough and distinct.

A sense of familiarity came over me.

Shu Nian sniffed.

She didn't mean to be malicious, nor did she want to get close. It just looked like he had been waiting here alone for a long time, wondering if someone would come to pick him up. And for some unknown reason, he a wheelchair.

So just wanted to talk to him.

The weather is very cold, and the rain doesn't know when it will stop, so she can give him the umbrella. Her home is not far away, she can run back, or go to a nearby convenience store to buy an umbrella.

Just such a sentence.

But he still didn't listen, but she didn't have the same stubborn courage as before.

I don't know why Xie Ruhe suddenly had such an idea.

Fang Wencheng's expression was complicated, he stretched out his hand to shift to first gear, half-lifted the clutch, and drove forward leisurely. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a stray dog galloping by.

Exit the trail and onto the road.

The woman was walking on the sidewalk, and Fang Wencheng drove the car, keeping a distance of about five meters from her. From time to time, the whistle urging him sounded behind him, making him restless.

A few minutes passed.

"Master." Fang Wencheng had a bitter face, and his driving hands began to sweat, "Will the people behind just get out of the car and beat me?"

Xie Ruhe was still looking at the woman outside the window, didn't move, and didn't answer his words.

A car passed by the other lane at high speed.

Behind him was the continuous sound of the whistle, and occasionally a man could be heard cursing in displeasure.

Soon, Fang Wencheng couldn't take it anymore, and carefully glanced at the rearview mirror: "Master, do you want to know where that lady lives?"

Xie Ruhe didn't speak.

Fang Wencheng swallowed, feeling that his job was not done by a human: "I don't think it's appropriate for us to drive along like this, maybe it will scare that lady."


"I mean, if you like her, why don't you just ask her for a contact number..."


Fang Wencheng scratched his head, and made another suggestion: "Or I get out of the car and follow... What do you think?"

These words seemed to touch some nerve in Xie Ruhe. His brows and eyes moved, and he slowly retracted his gaze and smiled. But without any smile.

A few seconds later, Xie Ruhe's expression froze, and the arc of the corner of his mouth retracted.

The atmosphere in the car instantly dropped to freezing point.

Xie Ruhe's voice was light and light, mixed with a little irritability, and it was cloudy and uncertain. The tone is extremely hostile, and it gradually intensifies as each word is uttered—

"Then let me, a cripple, drive the car."

Because all his mind was on the matter of meeting Xie Ruhe just now.

Shu Nian's mood was a little depressed, her attention was distracted, and her guard was not as serious as usual, but she soon realized... There seemed to be a car following her.

Afraid that he was thinking too much again, Shu Nian secretly looked over there, pretending to be casual.

A black Bentley, a man can be seen in the driver's seat. There was no one in the passenger seat, and the rear seat couldn't see clearly.

Shu Nian lowered his eyes, took out the phone from his pocket, and cautiously entered 110 on the dial key. She lowered her head and covered herself with an umbrella, pretending to avoid a puddle. stop-and-go.

I kept watching the car from the corner of my eye.

The black Bentley, as she thought, drove and stopped. She goes and it drives, she stops and it stops.

A car was stuck on the side of the road, moving at a slow speed, ignoring the urging of the horn behind, and insisted on moving at this speed, only to hang a sign to announce to the world-"I am following people, don't disturb me".

Shu Nian's face instantly turned pale, as if all the blood had been drained, and he subconsciously walked to the innermost side of the sidewalk. Her steps quickened and her breathing became labored.

There was only one thought in my head.

Go to the nearest police station.

No matter who is following her, as long as you go to the police station, you will be safe.

Shu Nian's pace is getting faster and faster.

The white shoes stepped into the puddles, splashed water, and got stains. It was dimly lit and the wind was bitterly cold. Her head was drooping, and she was as cowardly as a homeless little animal shivering on the side of the street on a rainy night.

Before Shunian could turn around.

Because she kept her head down and didn't look at the road ahead, she bumped into someone's chest. Shu Nian's breathing stagnated, and he immediately took a few steps back like a snake. Look up.

"Isn't it..."

Her apology was not over yet. At the same time, there was a loud noise behind him.


It was the sound of cars colliding with each other.

Shu Nian turned around following the voice.

The black Bentley was still five meters away from her, and a man got off the driver's seat of the white car that followed him. His face was full of anger, and he went straight to the black Bentley and slammed on the window: "Are you sick?!"


The ensuing scolding made Shu Nian heave a sigh of relief.

The next moment, the man she bumped into made a sound.

The voice is rough, thick and deep, and the acquired smoky voice is somewhat sexy. Still a little familiar.

"Little girl."

Shu Nian looked up.

The man had no umbrella and was wearing a waterproof hooded jacket. The coat was loose, the hat was pulled down to the head, and there were a few stubbles growing on the chin. He has a handsome face and a tall and strong figure.

It was someone she knew.

He You, the police officer Deng Qingyu was talking about.

He You glanced and observed the situation over there, but didn't pay much attention. Subconsciously fumbled in his pocket, took out a pack of cigarettes, quickly put it back, and looked at Shu Nian: "Why this expression?"

Shu Nian didn't say a word.

Seeing this, He You lowered his head and noticed her face that was so pale that there was no blood in it. He raised his eyebrows slightly and smiled lightly: "Oh, are you being followed again?"


Shu Nian's lips were pursed into a line, she held the bag in one hand, and changed the topic in a low mood: "There seems to be a car accident over there, why don't you go and have a look?"

He You snorted softly: "When will I be the traffic policeman?"

Shu Nian snorted, "Then I'll go back first."

"You don't need me to see you off?" He You didn't notice her emotion, and laughed twice, "Don't scare yourself all day long, I'll think you want to pick me up if there are too many times."

Shu Nian's footsteps stopped, and he frowned, feeling that he thought of him as a fool. She squeezed the bag tightly in her hand, pulled out the folds, and turned to look at the black Bentley: "There is someone..."

Her voice was low and slow, and stopped at a certain moment.

At this moment, the window of the back seat of the black Bentley was mostly opened, and a man could be clearly seen sitting in the back seat. As if staying out of it, he put his elbows on the car window, his face was cold, half of his face was in the dark, and a deep profile was outlined.

He unabashedly set his sights on her.

Line of sight.

Shu Nian was suddenly speechless.

He You waited for a few seconds, but didn't hear her next words, so he lowered his head and glanced. Then he took the umbrella in her hand and covered most of her body: "Okay, let's go."

Shu Nian looked back and was stunned for a moment: "Where are you going?"

"Where else can I go?" He You raised his voice slightly and laughed, "I'll take you home, little girl."

Shu Nian said hello and followed him forward. She couldn't help but focus on the Bentley again, but when she looked over there again, she found that the windows of the back seat had been raised.

There is only a black mirror, reflecting the light of the street lamp.

He You seems to have other things.

On the way, Shu Nian heard him pick up a phone call, as if urging him to move faster. He You didn't have much patience, so he yelled and said, "Okay, hurry up. I'll change my clothes and go over there."

Shu Nian was so frightened that he stepped on a puddle.

Both were splashed all over.

He You looked at her blankly: "Did you fucking jump on it?"

Shu Nian was not in a good mood, looking at the dirty white shoes, he frowned.

"Eldest sister, why don't you say a word." He You hung up the phone and said helplessly, "Like a boring gourd."

Shu Nian thought for a while, and felt that this was not good for him, so he obediently brought up a topic: "Are you going home too?"

"Yeah, I forgot to bring my umbrella, my whole body was wet, I went back and changed clothes before I came out." He You stretched out his hand and wiped his face, "I'm so cold."

Shu Nian understood: "Then you just want to rub my umbrella instead of sending me home."


He You's expression was a bit indescribable, and he was instantly annoyed: "You're the only one who cares about every detail."

The house where Shunam lives does not have an elevator.

The corridors are not narrow, and the lights are voice-activated and very bright.

Shu Nian lived on the second floor, and it was only a flight of stairs. She hung the umbrella by the shoe rack, didn't rush to close the door, looked up and said, "Officer He, do you drink rock candy Sydney? My mother made it."

He You lives upstairs from Shunian. At this time, he just walked to the door of the house, took out the key, and waved his hand: "No, I have to go out later. Thank you aunt for me."

Shu Nian responded without forcing. After closing the door, don't forget to lock the door. She was exhausted and threw her bag on the sofa, but still walked around every corner of the house and checked the doors and windows before returning to the living room.

He picked up his dirty white shoes and went into the bathroom.

Shu Nian took a basin of hot water and squatted on the ground to brush his shoes. Absently, the image of the person in the back seat of the black Bentley kept appearing in his mind.

After a long time, she drooped her eyelids and carried the basin to the balcony to dry her shoes.

After washing up, Shu Nian, with her wet hair loose, practiced lip-synching in front of the TV in the living room. Noticing that it was almost twelve o'clock, she turned off the TV.

Shu Nian turned on the light in the room and opened the door wide. Then she went to the living room and turned off the light. In the darkness, she ran back to the room in one go and pulled the three locks on the side of the door.

Turning on the air conditioner, Shu Nian climbed into bed, not feeling sleepy.

She hid in the bed, staring at the ceiling in a daze. After a few seconds, Shu Nian suddenly picked up the phone on the bedside table, and flipped through the few lists in the address book.

Shu Nian's eyes stopped on the word "Xie Ruhe", and his fingertips rested on it, but there was no movement for a long time.

She wanted to know if that person today was Xie Ruhe.

If so, why did he ignore her; if not, why did he follow her.


This is the number Xie Ruhe used five years ago, and he went abroad after that. And she contacted him at that time, basically through the network tools such as qq.

So Shu Nian is not sure if this number is still used by him.

Shu Nian sighed, threw the phone aside, rolled into the quilt, closed his eyes, and forced himself to sleep quickly.

After a while, Shu Nian got up, the corners of his eyes drooped slightly, and he looked sleepy. She turned on the phone again, and this time dialed directly, as if on impulse.

It didn't even take into account that it was getting late.

Beep, beep, beep—

During this waiting time.

Shu Nian inexplicably recalled the scene of their first meeting, his expression was empty, and he lost his mind unconsciously. The mechanical sound was still ringing, and the phone hung up automatically after no one answered it for a long time.

Shu Nian heaved a sigh of relief. She withdrew her thoughts and put her phone on the bedside cabinet.

There was a light knocking sound.

At the same time, the phone's ringtone suddenly rang as if a switch had been turned on.

Shu Nian paused, looked down, and then froze.

Unexpectedly, I called back...

The author has something to say: The male protagonist can only sit in a wheelchair in the early stage and stand up in the later stage. The text should be able to see it! !

Reunion after a long absence, the next chapter recalls killing, interspersed with real memories.