Defeated By Love

Chapter 25


Soon, a woman came over, who seemed to be Ke Yiqing's assistant. She was originally sitting in the corner, with an ordinary appearance and a low sense of presence, Shu Nian didn't notice her.

The assistant glared at Ke Yiqing, as if signaling her to shut up quickly.

Afterwards, the assistant reached out and pulled Ke Yiqing up, and said with a smile to Shu Nian, "I'm sorry, don't mind too much. Yiqing likes to make jokes, and she can't handle it well."

Shu Nian said, "It's okay."

The assistant thought for a while, and then said tactfully: "I hope you don't take those small talk just now seriously."

Shunian could understand what she meant: "I know."

After finishing speaking, the assistant's expression was still not very good-looking, and he took Ke Yiqing outside the shed. Ke Yiqing struggled for a few seconds, and only added in a serious manner in front of her: "I have never chased anyone, absolutely not."

"..." the assistant held back his anger and dragged her away.

Shu Nian stared blankly at her being dragged away.

Thinking back to what Ke Yiqing said just now, Shu Nian can barely find out three loopholes.

The first is that Ah He called yesterday to ask her to accompany him to celebrate his birthday. This sounds fake, because Xie Ruhe's birthday has passed for more than half a month.

The second one is Xie Ruhechou. Even with the difference in aesthetics, she doesn't think he can be classified as ugly.

Also, a more difficult one.

Ke Yiqing said that Xu Zeyuan only had a good-looking face, but she couldn't sing well. But Shu Nian felt that the two should be reversed.

Shu Nian didn't think he was prejudiced, but in the entertainment circle, Xu Zeyuan's appearance was not good, he could only be described as handsome, but his singing was really good.

Shu Nian didn't know why Ke Yiqing said this in front of her for no reason.

What a strange man. she thinks.

Another day of tossing until late.

Shu Nian said goodbye to the others and left the recording studio. Tomorrow she will start recording, she plans to do more homework, go back and see the actress who plays the lead actress has filmed in the past, and listen to the actor's voice.

At this time, the subway has been suspended.

There is a bus station nearby, Shunian can take the bus, and the last bus is until one o'clock in the morning. She was not in a hurry, and walked over slowly.

Because of work, she often walks on the street so late.

At the beginning, Shunian was very scared. As long as anyone approached her, she would immediately take out the anti-wolf spray in her bag, thinking about calling the police all the time. Because of her sensitive mind, she always feels that someone is following her.

In this situation, Shu Nian met He You several times.

When he first heard her talk about this matter, He You still paid attention to this issue, but after a long time, he didn't take it to heart any more.

Shu Nian pondered whether to buy a car. She got her driver's license as a freshman, but hasn't driven much since. And she actually doesn't have any money on hand now.

This pondering only lasted for a few seconds before she dismissed it.

At this point in time, there was no one else at the station except her.

Shu Nian always felt uneasy and didn't dare to look at the phone all the time. He lowered his head for a second, then raised his head and looked around for five seconds, afraid that someone would suddenly jump out of nowhere.

Shu Nian looked down to check the real-time bus.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a black car parked in front of her, and she glanced subconsciously.

The window of the back seat was lowered, revealing a familiar face.

Due to many things during this time, Shu Nian has not visited Xie Ruhe since his birthday. She was used to living alone, and she couldn't think of going to chat with him.

After not seeing him for a while, Xie Ruhe cut his hair short, exposing his smooth forehead, looking brighter. He turned his head to look over, his eyebrows were slightly narrowed, and his eyelashes like crow feathers covered them, looking at her quietly.

Shu Nian was a little surprised: "Why are you here?"

Xie Ruhe glanced at the driver's seat, and said something in a low voice, Shu Nian didn't hear clearly. Later, Fang Wencheng got out of the car and opened the door on the other side for Shu Nian: "Shu Nian, get in the car first, it's getting late."

Shu Nian didn't hesitate, walked over and got into the car.

Fang Wencheng started the car.

Generally, in this position where Shu Nian sits, the wheelchair parts dismantled by Xie Ruhe will be placed in the gap between the back seat and the front seat. At this moment, she didn't see it, the place was empty.

Shu Nian looked at him again: "Why are you still outside so late?"

Xie Ruhe said indifferently: "I happened to be here on something."

Shu Nian didn't mention this matter again, and asked again: "How is your recovery?"

Xie Ruhe was silent for a few seconds, his lips moved, but he didn't say anything.

Seeing him looking sleepy, he looked a little sleepy. Shu Nian didn't bother him anymore, she looked down for the dramas that the second female lead had acted in the past, and ordered a movie at random.

Shu Nian directly skipped the title and clicked to the third position. Before watching it, she didn't pay attention to what kind of movie it was, and she was in a very relaxed state.

After loading, Shu Nian carefully looked at the clip he clicked on.

A woman was combing her hair in front of a mirror in a dark room. Soon, the background music stopped suddenly, and a weird music box sounded. It is often seen in ghost movies, reminding you that there will be scary scenes in the future.

In the next second, the camera zoomed in towards the mirror, and the screen was filled with the face of a female ghost, staring straight at her with empty and bloody eyes, accompanied by hysterical screams.

Shu Nian stopped breathing, and her heart seemed to be frightened to stop working. She let go, and the phone fell down, making a bang.

She froze in place, as if she was overly frightened, completely unable to recover.

Sensing her movements, Xie Ruhe's eyelids moved and he looked over.

"What's wrong?"

Shu Nian looked at him dully, then quickly lowered his eyes, clutching his heart and breathing calmly.

"It's okay, I watched the movie, but I didn't notice it was a ghost movie."

"..." Xie Ruhe leaned over, picked up the phone for her, and turned off the movie. He raised his head and looked at Shu Nian's pale face, his voice was a little more comforting: "Don't be afraid, it's all fake."

Shu Nian's mood hadn't recovered yet, so he hummed in a low voice and didn't speak again.

Xie Ruhe seemed at a loss and didn't know how to comfort her, so he simply chatted with her and brought up a topic: "Have you ever dubbed horror movies?"

Shu Nian nodded: "Yes."

"You are not afraid?"

"I usually play supporting roles, and I'm afraid in the play." When this topic was mentioned, Shu Nian obviously became more energetic, she recalled, and said, "I also played a ghost, probably speaking like this —”

Speaking of this, Shu Nian adjusted his voice, his soft voice suddenly became high-pitched, hoarse and hysterical, as if he was rubbing against iron products, it sounded particularly uncomfortable: "Give me back my life!"

"..." If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Xie Ruhe wouldn't have believed it was the voice coming from Shu Nian.

Fang Wencheng probably wasn't listening to what they were saying, and then he was startled by Shu Nian's sudden ghostly cry, and slammed on the brakes: "What the hell?!"

Knowing that she scared him, Shu Nian felt a little sorry: "I'm sorry, I..."

"It's okay." Fang Wencheng interrupted her, and comforted her with a smile, "It really looks alike."

Started the car again.

Xie Ruhe asked: "Are you still afraid of ghosts?"

"When dubbing, I will put myself into the state of mind of the character, and feel that I am a ghost, so I won't be afraid." Shu Nian's shoulders slumped, "But later, when I think about it, I will feel that the character I played Ghosts are really scary."


Shu Nian told him honestly: "And when I was alone during that time, I didn't dare to speak."

Xie Ruhe looked at her: "Why?"

Shu Nian looked timid, lowered his voice and said, "I'm afraid it will be the voice of that ghost."


Fang Wencheng drove the car into Shunian's community and took Shunian downstairs.

Because of his health, Xie Ruhe didn't get out of the car, but still sat in the car. Shu Nian said goodbye to the two of them, got out of the car, and walked towards the gate.

At the same time, Xie Ruhe rolled down the window: "Shu Nian."

The cold wind was blowing, and a few dead leaves fell from the nearby trees.

Shu Nian turned around: "Huh?"

"If you're still scared after you go home." Xie Ruhe paused, as if he didn't know how to speak, and continued after a few seconds, "You can be like before."

Shu Nian didn't understand what he meant: "Same as before?"

Xie Ruhe didn't explain anymore, his eyes were shone by the street lamp, and he pulled the corner of his mouth at her.

"Let's go back."

When staying with Xie Ruhe in the car, Shu Nian felt that he was not so scared anymore. As a result, this fear still has a buffering and continuous effect as before.

Shu Nian kept worrying, his mind was full of the scene he just saw, he didn't dare to look in the mirror when he was taking a shower, and when he closed his eyes, he felt that there was something strange beside him.

During the short period of time when I put the clothes on my head after taking a shower, thousands of terrible images floated in my mind.

Shu Nian has been emphasizing to himself not to scare himself, but it is of no use at all. She went back to the room with the script in her arms. This time, she didn't dare to look for the scenes that the second female lead had filmed in the past, but found her interview to listen to.

While listening to her voice, Shu Nian was seriously taking notes on the script. After some time, she felt sleepy and put the script on the bedside table.

Looking back, he saw the mirror on the desk, and leaned over to cover it.

Then buried in the quilt, and fell asleep in a daze.

When I was young, Shunian didn't understand anything, and I discovered many cognitions bit by bit. She first learned about ghosts as a creature from a Hong Kong movie "Happy Ghost".

Adults always like to use this to tease children, saying something like "If you don't sleep, the happy ghost will come to catch you at night".

The other children didn't take this to heart, but Shu Nian somehow became afraid of ghosts because of this.

Later, zombie movies began to be shown on TV, and because of this, Shu Nian was terrified every day, and he had to cover his neck with the quilt when he slept, lest he suddenly die in the middle of the night.

Everyone who knows her knows that Shu Nian is extremely afraid of ghosts.

Apart from ghosts, Shunian is not afraid of anything. Not afraid of the dark, not afraid of going home alone, not afraid of reasoning with vicious people, not afraid of mice, not afraid of insects, only afraid of this supernatural thing.

Because of meeting that pervert last time, Shu Nian was afraid for a few days, and soon put it behind her. She mentioned to Xie Ruhe that there is no need to send her home anymore, but he just pretended not to hear.

After graduating from the third year of junior high school, when Shu Gaolin came back from the city, he gave Shu Nian a mobile phone as a graduation gift.

Although Shu Nian was happy, it was not of much use to her.

Because Xie Ruhe didn't have a mobile phone.

She also has no one to contact.

Shiyan Township is small, the middle and primary schools are connected together, and there is only one high school. Although there is still a high school entrance examination, it is not very useful. No matter how well the examination is done, all the students in the town go straight to Shiyan High School.

Families with conditions will take their children to study in the city for the university they will attend in the future.

Both Shu Nian and Xie Ruhe went to Shiyan High School, they were divided into classes according to their scores in the senior high school entrance examination, and they were placed in the same class. Including many of her classmates in junior high school, they are all in the same class.

Chen Hanzheng was among them.

After entering high school, many students began to use mobile phones.

At that time, WeChat was not very popular, and most students used social software such as QQ. Although Shunian didn't have a mobile phone before, she had a computer at home, and most of her classmates had been added to her QQ account.

Once a weekend.

Deng Qingyu went to the city to find friends, and asked Shunian to have dinner at his aunt's house.

After Shunian finished eating and came home, he did his homework for a while, then lay down on the bed, took his mobile phone and looked for an anime to watch. Not long after, Chen Hanzheng suddenly found her on QQ and sent her a link.

Chen Hanzheng: [Hahahaha, look quickly, this makes me laugh so hard.]

Shu Nian didn't think too much about it, and went in unprepared.

Without warning, the cell phone rang with an extremely sharp ghostly cry, accompanied by a pale grimace.

Shu Nian was taken aback and threw the phone away with a big movement. The phone fell to the ground, and the screams accompanied by crying continued to echo in my ears.

After sitting there for a while, Shu Nian's palms were sweating, and he went to turn off the phone, his hands were still trembling because of fear. She stood up and turned on the light, feeling that the empty house was extremely scary, as if something covered in blood would come out in the next moment.

She was so frightened that she hid under the covers for a few minutes, and soon she couldn't stand it anymore.

At that time, the first thing that came to mind was Xie Ruhe, and he ran in the direction of his house.

It was less than nine o'clock in the evening, but there was no one on the street.

Xie Ruhe's family doesn't live in this residential area, it's at the end of another small road. It took about twenty minutes to walk there. Shu Nian grabbed the phone, feeling aggrieved and scared, crying while running.

Afraid of waking up his family, Shu Nian didn't knock on the door of Xie Ruhe's house, but went around to the back and knocked nervously on the window of his room.

Not long after, Xie Ruhe opened the curtains of the room, obviously unhappy and frowning. Seeing that it was her, his brows and eyes stretched, but he was taken aback when he noticed her appearance.

"What's wrong?" Xie Ruhe opened the window.

Shu Nian handed him the phone, choked up, and said nonsensically, "There are ghosts..."

"..." Xie Ruhe took it, not understanding what she meant, "What."

Shu Nian had lingering fears: "There are ghosts inside..."

Xie Ruhe looked at the phone and asked, "Is there a ghost here?"

Shu Nian was frightened half to death, but shed tears and didn't speak anymore.

Xie Ruhe turned on her mobile phone, lowered her voice, and asked her patiently, "Where is it?"

Shu Nian didn't dare to look at the screen, and told him while wiping away tears.

Xie Ruhe instantly understood what happened, his expression turned cold, and he didn't open the link Chen Hanzheng sent. He closed his eyes to hide the hostility in his eyes: "Don't be afraid, it's all fake."

"How could it be fake..." Shu Nian pointed to the phone, thinking that he didn't believe it, and cried and lost his temper, "Open it and see for yourself, there is really a ghost calling!"


Shu Nian didn't quite remember how he spent that night.

I only remember that Xie Ruhe sent her back, and he kept talking with her until she fell asleep.

Then, after going back to school on Monday.

Shu Nian noticed that Xie Ruhe's hand seemed to be injured.

Chen Hanzheng's face was even more obvious, most of it was blue. He said he fell, but everyone felt that it was more like being beaten up.

Shu Nian opened his eyes and came out of the bed. She picked up her phone and checked the time. It was only three o'clock in the morning before midnight. She didn't know why she woke up suddenly, she felt a little bored.

The room in front of him was still the same as it was before going to bed, without any other changes.

Night is the easiest time to ignore random thoughts.

Shu Nian inexplicably remembered the grimace in the movie again, and always felt that there was something looking at him in this small room, something invisible and intangible.

But it is extremely frightening.

Shu Nian looked at the phone, remembered something, his heart was pounding, and suddenly he felt a little impulsive.

She has no other friends.

And he just said that it can be the same as before...

Shu Nian forced himself to find a reason, and then dialed Xie Ruhe's number.

Once, twice.

Before the third ring rang, the phone on the other side answered.

Xie Ruhe's voice came along the current, as if he had just woken up, his voice was a little hoarse, a little more magnetic and sexy: "Shu Nian?"

Shu Nian swallowed, feeling that she had woken him up, regretted her impulsiveness, and didn't know what to say.

Did not hear her voice, Xie Ruhe said again: "What's wrong."

"That's, that's that, that's what." Shu Nian didn't keep silent anymore, and he wasn't good at lying, so he could only talk about the topic cautiously and stumbling, "Well, today...the stars are quite beautiful today."
