Defeated By Love

Chapter 27


Hearing this, Shu Nian looked at the rehabilitation doctor and asked hesitantly, "Do you usually encourage him like this?"

The rehabilitation doctor raised his eyebrows, and smiled ambiguously at Xie Ruhe: "Yes."

"..." Xie Ruhe moved his eyelids slightly, pursed his lips, and said nothing.

Shu Nian thought for a while, then suddenly pointed to the place between the parallel bars: "Can I stand here?"

The rehabilitation doctor said, "Of course."

Afterwards, Shu Nian walked up and stopped about three steps away from Xie Ruhe. Her expression was very serious, as if she took this matter as a job.

"Exactly three steps, one, two, three..." Shu Nian lowered his head and pointed his fingers three times, then looked at Xie Ruhe, "You came here, I will encourage you."

The tone of the latter sentence is exactly the same as when Xie Ruhe tried to lure him with sugar in order to let Xie Ruhe take her home every day after meeting the pervert.

Xie Ruhe was slightly taken aback, then subconsciously nodded.

Although after repeated training, he can already stand for about a minute without holding anything. But without relying on things and taking three steps, Xie Ruhe still can't do it at this stage.

He supported the parallel bars next to him with both hands, and when he was ready, he exerted strength with his upper and lower limbs at the same time.

There is a tingling pain in the thigh.

Xie Ruhe's sweat dripped down, his masseter muscles tightened, and his upper body was tense, as if he had exerted all his strength.

He exhaled slowly, letting go of his thoughts.

Because of his state, Shu Nian became tense and watched his movements with bated breath.

Xie Ruhe's movements were slow, and there was even a feeling that the picture had stopped. After a while, he lifted his left foot slightly and took a step forward with difficulty.

An action that is extremely simple for ordinary people is extremely difficult for him.

Shu Nian's nose was inexplicably sore.

Xie Ruhe breathed calmly, and after adjusting, he began to lift his right foot.

second step.

The steps moved very little.

Shu Nian just calculated the three-step distance, which is about 1.5 meters. But now Xie Ruhe took two steps, but it was less than half a meter. The distance between the two seems to have not shortened at all.

After taking the second step, Xie Ruhe's face turned pale, as if he was enduring some great pain.

He closed his eyes and said hoarsely, "Sorry, it hurts too much..."

He can't make it to the third step.

Obviously, he was only one step away from the goal, but it was a distance that he could not walk even if he tried his best.

At the same time, the rehabilitation doctor moved the chair over and said, "Take a break and stop practicing."

The next moment, Shu Nian suddenly took a big step forward, as if completing the unfinished step for him. She leaned over, stood on tiptoe, hugged him gently, and patted his back with her palms, with a sense of comfort.

The soft and small body surrounded him in an instant, and he could still feel her breath on his chest. Xie Ruhe's whole body was wet, and sweat dripped down his chin.

But Shu Nian didn't seem to care.

Unexpectedly, she would have such a movement, Xie Ruhe's body froze instantly, not knowing how to react.

Soon, Shu Nian withdrew his hand, looked up at him, and said, "You did a good job."


"You are doing very well." Shu Nian repeated, as if saying something extremely important, "Xie Ruhe, I think you will definitely recover."

Xie Ruhe's voice was low: "Really."

"Yeah." Shu Nian patted him on the shoulder again, his small face straightened up, like a little old man, "Everything will be fine."

Xie Ruhe looked at her fixedly, then hummed.

"it is good."

There will be times like this.

No matter how embarrassing, how powerless, how desperate and tired, the overwhelming negative emotions eroded in a moment, can't be worth a single word from someone.

For a moment, the sky brightened.

He just needs to believe it.

She said he would be fine, then he will be fine.

Shunian's birthday is a coincidence, it happens to be the day before Valentine's Day.

February thirteenth.

After entering high school, Chen Hanzheng gave her the nickname "Bookworm" because of her character. But Shu Nian is not a student who can only study hard, so the nickname is based on the word "nerd".

Later, after learning about Shu Nian's birthday, she changed her name to "Second Girl".

Some people thought it was fun and started shouting too.

Shu Nian has a good temper, although he doesn't like them shouting like that, but he doesn't care too much. She has her own way of doing it, she just pretends she didn't hear it when someone calls her that way.

Once, during recess, Shu Nian sat in Xie Ruhe's seat and explained to him a question on the test paper.

It happened that a boy came back from the office and looked at Shunian, but he didn't call her name properly: "Er, the teacher told you to go to the office."

Hearing this, Shu Nian's pen paused, without raising his eyes, he continued to give Xie Ruhe a lecture.

The boy's patience is not good, he yelled: "Did you hear that? Erba, just say yes when you hear it?"

But Shu Nian didn't respond, but Xie Ruhe raised his head: "Who are you calling?"

The boy raised his eyebrows and pointed at Shunian with his chin: "Her."

Xie Ruhe looked gloomy: "Can't call names?"

"What's your name?" The boy said with a playful smile, "Isn't this a good classmate? It's only by a nickname that you can see that you're on good terms."

Shu Nian raised his head and said to Xie Ruhe: "Don't bother with him."

Xie Ruhe didn't seem to hear, he looked at the boy fixedly, then suddenly smiled and leaned back in his chair.

"I think you look like a scum." Xie Ruhe narrowed his peach eyes, as if he was angry, and said sharply and mercilessly, "Shall I call you a scum?"

Later, Shu Nian secretly asked Xie Ruhe about it.

Do you think she looks like a "two bitch", that's why she said that to that boy. After all they only gave her that nickname because of her birthday number.

At that time Xie Ruhe was silent for a while and ignored her.

Ever since she became an adult, Shu Nian didn't have much expectation for birthdays. The coming of this day will only tell her that she is one year older and her short life is one year less.

The days that I didn't feel lonely at first seemed to have become deserted.

Shu Nian originally forgot about her birthday.

But when I was sleeping, I heard the movement of the door. When I came out to take a look, I found that Deng Qingyu had come and was busy with something in the kitchen. There was a cake box on the dining table before she remembered it.

This annual day.

Shunian went over to open the cake box, and secretly ate a piece of strawberry on top.

Deng Qingyu happened to take out a bowl of hot noodles, put it in front of her, and then patted her head: "Let's eat the bowl of noodles first, I'm one year older."

"Yeah." Shu Nian smiled at her.

Deng Qingyu sat across from her.

Shu Nian lowered his head and took a sip of the soup, and suddenly remembered something: "Mom, I checked the ICBC card yesterday and found that you are still transferring money to me."

"..." Deng Qingyu's expression paused, "Yes, you need to see a psychiatrist, and there are monthly expenses, besides, isn't your job saying that you don't make much money?"

"I have money to spend." Shu Nian lowered his eyes, "Don't give me any more money, I will transfer the money back to you later."

Deng Qingyu shook his head: "Let's wait until your situation stabilizes, okay?"

Shu Nian insisted: "I'm fine now, isn't Wang Linxi going to high school soon, and you all have to spend money."

Wang Linxi is Wang Hao's son, Deng Qingyu's stepson, and Shunian's stepbrother.

Deng Qingyu's expression didn't change: "It's okay, you don't have to worry about it."

"You don't want to give me any money." Shu Nian bit his face and said vaguely, "I have money myself."

Deng Qingyu wanted to say something else, but Shu Nian spoke again, as if he didn't know what to say, speaking a little slowly: "I... went to see you once before, and I heard you and Uncle Wang were arguing."


"He is a good man." Shu Nian said with a serious expression, "I hope you are all well."

"..." Deng Qingyu was stunned, "What did you hear?"

— "I haven't recovered from any illness for a year! Last time I saw your girl, she was quite normal! What is the difference between this money and burning it! How many times have I reminded you, did you mention it to Shunian?" No?!"

— "I really don't want to quarrel with you. You just want to tell you that you can't just focus on your daughter. If I have money, do I have to bother to care about it with you?"

Shu Nian didn't speak any more, just ate the noodles in silence.

Deng Qingyu looked at her, her eyes gradually turned red.

Before moving to Ruchuan City, Deng Qingyu sold the house in Shiyan Town. She used this money plus most of the savings that Shu Gaolin had left for Shu Nian to buy a house for Shu Nian in Ruchuan City.

At that time, she and Wang Hao had been married for less than a year.

Shu Nian was completely unfamiliar with the father and son, so he became extremely wary and did not want to live with them.

The house itself is not big, only one bedroom and one living room.

Deng Qingyu moved here to live with Shu Nian and took care of her every day. Wang Hao downplayed Shunian's illness, but she got along with Shunian at that time, and knew how serious Shunian was when it was serious.

She didn't dare to go out, couldn't eat or sleep every day, and would cry whenever she moved, and could only repeat three words over and over in her mouth - "help me". In a short time, she lost weight, like skin and bones.

He would tremble all over his body when he heard a little movement, and his spirit was extremely sensitive. He always said that he could hear the sound of water droplets and his head hurt. When it got serious, she would have difficulty breathing, sweating all over, paralyzed on the bed and unable to move.

Like dying.

Shu Nian would only stay in his small room, living his life like a drunken dream. He was always coaxed out of that room by Deng Qingyu, to eat and go to the toilet to take a shower.

She had a serious mental problem, as if she had no hope of surviving at all.

Deng Qingyu checked it online.

Knowing that Shu Nian suffered from PTSD, that is, post-traumatic stress disorder, it also caused mental disorders such as depression and anxiety. During that time, Deng Qingyu was exhausted physically and mentally, and was in a state of mental tension every day, as if she would break in the next second.

Deng Qingyu knew that there was something wrong with her thinking. Even if she knew that Shu Nian's current situation was serious, she didn't want to take her to see a psychiatrist at all. She felt that if someone she knew knew about it, it would definitely not sound good to say it.

She is waiting for her studies to finish.

This idea finally collapsed one day.

Deng Qingyu will always remember the scene she saw when she came back from shopping that day when she walked into the room - Shu Nian was holding a knife and wanted to cut her wrist.

Deng Qingyu immediately slapped the knife in her hand, collapsed instantly, hugged her and cried loudly.

Shu Nian looked at her blankly, looking at her tears, for some reason, his eyes slowly turned red.

the next day.

It was the first time that Shunian took the initiative to leave the small room. She stood there barefoot, watching Deng Qingyu's dumbfounded expression, and wept silently. He seemed to have woken up, but his expression was still extremely cowardly.

She wants to save herself.

She didn't want to live that kind of life again, every day she felt that she didn't want to live, but she really wanted to live.

God gave her a chance to survive, not to let her live like this.

For a long time, Shu Nian whimpered, crying like a child, begging for what he wanted.

"Mom... I want to see a psychiatrist."