Defeated By Love

Chapter 28


Deng Qingyu knew that Shu Nian was always sensible.

When she decided to divorce Shu Gaolin, Shu Nian was not yet twelve years old, and she cried once because of this. It seemed that she was afraid that it would be difficult for both sides of her, but she didn't mention it anymore.

When the other children were in the rebellious stage, Shunian was always obedient, going to and from school alone, studying and playing alone, except for some small things, Deng Qingyu never needed to worry about it.

When she decided to remarry, Shunian didn't complain at all, and gave her support from the beginning to the end.

This daughter of hers is the best treasure God gave her.

In the past, during the difficult time for Shunian, Deng Qingyu clearly knew that her thoughts and actions were wrong, and she was always worried about letting others know that Shunian was insane.

I was afraid that others would point fingers at Shu Nian, saying that she was a lunatic, a psychopath.

Deng Qingyu felt that she would not be able to bear such words.

So if Shu Nian didn't take the initiative to bring it up, Deng Qingyu would never take the initiative to take her to see a doctor.

Because of this thought, she almost lost this daughter.

Deng Qingyu will not let herself do the wrong thing again.

"Niannian." Deng Qingyu said slowly, considering his words, "Your Uncle Wang thinks that you have graduated from college and are not too young, so you should not spend money from your family anymore. And he thinks that the money for seeing a psychiatrist too expensive."

"..." Shu Nian was silent for a while, "I know."

"But what's the point?" Because of her condition, Deng Qingyu never told him about these things, "His son has a cough and has to be sent to the hospital. If I give my daughter money to see a doctor, it will be a waste of money?"

Unexpectedly she would say this, Shu Nian raised his head in a daze.

"How did I treat Wang Linxi badly?" Deng Qingyu said angrily, "I will take him to school in the second year of junior high school this year, and buy what he likes for food, drink and clothes. I treat Wang Hao's son as his son, and he treats my daughter as my daughter." what?"


"Why..." Deng Qingyu seemed to be unable to continue, his anger gradually dissipated, and his voice became choked up, "Nian Nian, you should tell your mother that you shouldn't hold it in by yourself."

Seeing her tears, Shu Nian was a little overwhelmed: "I don't feel so unhappy..."

"Really? But mom doesn't want you to suffer any more grievances." Deng Qingyu wiped away tears with a tissue, "The reason for my remarriage is indeed that I feel tired and want to live a better life. But the premise is that you have a good life." .ā€

Shu Nian didn't know what to say.

"Wang Hao hasn't mentioned this matter to me anymore. I told him that if he doesn't want to get a divorce." Deng Qingyu is almost fifty years old, and several gray hairs are exposed from the long hair tied behind the ear. "It's not that difficult. resolved."

Shu Nian's eyes were sore: "Don't you think I'm always dragging you down?"

"What are you talking about?" Deng Qingyu was not very happy that she said such words, "If you feel burdened, I also feel that Wang Hao is burdening me to take care of my daughter."


Deng Qingyu was very serious: "You are the most important thing to mother."

In the past, Deng Qingyu always had a bad temper and would lose his temper at every turn. But after Shunian fell ill, she seemed to be a completely different person, her speech was no longer the same as before, it was always slightly sharp.

She has become gentle and good-tempered, and she is very patient in doing things.

Shunian hadn't seen her like this for a long time.

Because of Deng Qingyu's words, her mood became a little more stable.

Knowing that Shunian had to go to the recording studio later, Deng Qingyu didn't waste her time. After she finished eating the noodles, Deng Qingyu sang the birthday song to her, and then they ate the cake together.

Shunian went back to her room and changed her clothes. After thinking about it, she took the bag from the bedside table.

Deng Qingyu was putting the remaining half of the cake into the refrigerator.

When the book was read, the two went out together.

As soon as she went downstairs, Shu Nian noticed the car parked downstairs of her house.

It was Xie Ruhe's car.

Shu Nian hesitated, and said to Deng Qingyu: "Mom, it seems that my friend is here."


"That car." Shu Nian pointed in the direction of the car, "I'll go over and have a look? You wait here for me."

It was rare to hear the word "friend" mentioned by Shunian, Deng Qingyu was a little happy, and immediately waved his hand: "No, your friend probably has something to do with you. I'm going to buy some food nearby, and I don't go the same way as you, so I'll go first gone."

Shu Nian responded with a good voice: "Then be careful on the road."

Having said that, Deng Qingyu stood there for a while, and looked in the direction of Shunian for a while.

After Shunian walked over, the window of the back seat was lowered, and there was a man sitting inside. The distance is not too far, Deng Qingyu can clearly see the appearance of the man.

The eyebrows and eyes are extremely good-looking, the figure is thin, and the temperament is gloomy and cool. When looking at Shunian, although his expression didn't change, his eyes softened.

The two didn't know what to say.

Afterwards, Shu Nian turned his head to look at Deng Qingyu, and waved to her from a distance.

Deng Qingyu smiled and nodded to her.

Then Shu Nian got into the car.

Deng Qingyu didn't stay any longer, and turned to walk towards the small gate of this community. Recalling the appearance of that man again in my mind, I feel inexplicably familiar.

After walking a few steps, she suddenly remembered.

That is the son of Xie Ji and Ji Xiangning.

Xie Ruhe.

In the past, when Shu Nian always played with Xie Ruhe, Deng Qingyu strongly disapproved and beat her several times, telling her to stay away from him. Big but all useless, and in the end it just doesn't matter.

In fact, Deng Qingyu didn't know them. He just heard from the neighbors that Xie Ji was an alcoholic who only knew how to drink all day long.

Deng Qingyu was always worried that Xie Ruhe, like his father, would do bad things to Shunian if things went wrong.

Ji Xiangning is not from the town.

It is said that it is like a TV series, she is a rich daughter. The family disagreed with her following the poor boy Xie Ji, so she cut off contact with the family and eloped with him to this small place.

Deng Qingyu thought it was just chatting after dinner with other people, so it was not credible.

But later, Xie Ruhe's grandfather came to pick him up.

It can also be confirmed that Ji Xiangning's family conditions are indeed very good, and he has lived a smooth life all his life.

It's a pity that I entrusted the wrong lover.

Life is ruined.

Thinking of Xie Ruhe and Ji Xiangning, Deng Qingyu heaved a long sigh, and felt that it was too unhuman for him to let Shu Nian stay away from Xie Ruhe after hearing what other people said.

He grew up in such a family, but he was also a good boy.

a poor child.

As soon as he walked over, the rear window of the car was lowered.

Shu Nian blinked and asked, "Why are you here?"

Xie Ruhe said honestly, "I need you for something."


"Are you going to the recording studio?"


"Then get in the car first." Xie Ruhe said softly, "I'll take you there."

Shu Nian didn't refuse, turned around and waved to Deng Qingyu, then got into the car on the other side, put his head down and fastened his seat belt: "What do you want from me?"

As if noticing the person outside the window, Xie Ruhe didn't answer her question, but suddenly asked: "Is that auntie?"

Hearing this, Shu Nian looked along the window and noticed Deng Qingyu's back.


Xie Ruhe paused and asked, "Where is she going? I'll take her there."

"No need." Shu Nian said, "She will go shopping nearby."

"Then Iā€”" Xie Ruhe said cautiously, as if asking for her opinion, "Should I go and say hello to her?"

Shu Nian really didn't expect this, and was a little stunned: "No, we're all gone." She instantly remembered the bad things that Deng Qingyu always said to her about Xie Ruhe before, and added in a low voice: "Next time."

Xie Ruhe nodded.

Fang Wencheng in the driver's seat started the car.

I don't know why Xie Ruhe came to him, and he didn't answer after asking twice. Shu Nian didn't ask again, but remembered something: "By the way, this is for you."

Shu Nian gave him the bag in his hand.

Xie Ruhe took it subconsciously, as if he didn't realize it: "Give it to me?"

Fearing that he would be unhappy, Shunian was a little nervous: "Yes."

Xie Ruhe's Adam's apple rolled: "Why did you give me a present on your birthday?"

"Ah, you remember it's my birthday?" Shu Nian rolled his eyes and said happily, "Didn't you give me a present on your birthday? I thought the other way around, I also gave you a present on my birthday."

Xie Ruhe was at a loss, hesitantly asked: "Did I give you a gift?"

"That's right." He looked like he didn't remember, ShuNian reminded him, "It's the bag of medicine you gave me, it's quite useful. Thank you."

"..." Xie Ruhe didn't explain, and stared at the bag again, and said in a low voice, "Can I open it and have a look?"

Shu Nian nodded: "Yes."

Because of what Fang Wencheng said before, Shu Nian was extra cautious when choosing gifts. Thinking about his occupation, he usually listens to music a lot, and finally chose a pair of headphones in a satisfactory manner.

Xie Ruhe took it apart and looked at it. His movements were very light, and he didn't even tear the wrapping paper.

Seeing the things inside, Xie Ruhe seemed to be in a very good mood, the corners of his mouth curled up, then he took out his mobile phone and plugged in the earphones.

Noticing that he wasn't unhappy, Shu Nian heaved a sigh of relief: "I was worried that you wouldn't like it."

Xie Ruhe was silent for a while, and said, "No."

If the recipient likes it, the giver will be happy.

"Then try it out." Shu Nian leaned over, "I don't care much about buying headphones myself, this one is recommended by others. The sound quality and recording effect seem to be good."

Hearing this, Xie Ruhe's eyelids moved, as if thinking of something. Then he handed her one of the headphones with the microphone on it and said, "Try recording."

Shu Nian looked at him suspiciously: "What?"

Xie Ruhe lowered his eyes, avoiding her gaze: "I want to try the recording effect."

"Oh." Shunian took the earphone and asked him, "Shall I try it?"

Xie Ruhe responded inaudibly.

Shu Nian scratched his head, not knowing what to say for a moment: "Then what shall I say?"

"..." Xie Ruhe didn't speak.

Shu Nian thought for a while, and found out the script in the bag: "Let me say a line."

Xie Ruhe said, "Okay."

Xie Ruhe turned on the phone to record.

Shu Nian glanced casually, and read the first line of this page into the microphone: "It's been two hours, seven minutes and twenty-six seconds since we last met. I miss you a little, do you want to come?" meet me?"

After finishing speaking, Shunian handed him the earphone, signaling him to finish speaking.

Xie Ruhe took it without turning off the recording. Then, as if casually, he moved to her side and looked down at the script in her hand.

The overwhelming clear breath, mixed with a little taste of Chinese medicine, instantly lingered around Shu Nian.

Shu Nian was inexplicably a little nervous, and subconsciously asked, "What's wrong?"

Xie Ruhe said casually: "I'll try it too, what's the next sentence?"

Shu Nian was about to point it out to him.

The next moment, Xie Ruhe licked the corner of his lips, his gaze paused at a certain place, staring at the four words. He opened his mouth, his voice low and hoarse: "I like you."

The sudden words made Shunian's breath stop.

Shu Nian opened his mouth, with a dazed expression, and lowered his head to look at the script. Finding the location of the line he said, she pursed her lips and pointed him to one of the locations: "The line I just said is here."

Xie Ruhe withdrew his gaze, sat up calmly, and looked out the window.

I don't know if the sun outside is shining in.

His ears were a little red.

After a while, Xie Ruhe said softly, "I didn't find it."