Defeated By Love

Chapter 29


Hearing this, Shu Nian looked down at the script again. I don't know if it's because she knew the location in advance, but she always felt that as long as she looked over, the first thing she saw was this line.

It is an extremely eye-catching position.

Shu Nian felt a little strange.

But it doesn't seem to feel strange.

She and Xie Ruhe have always gotten along like this.

It was like this in the past, but now maybe because they haven't seen each other for too long, or because they have grown up, the two have a little bit of a relationship, but in fact, there is not much change.

But compared to before, Shu Nian felt that Xie Ruhe seemed a little different.

She couldn't tell exactly.

I even felt that something was wrong with me.

Shu Nian wanted to ask him, but he didn't know what to ask him, so he gave up. Thinking of what he said just now, her fingertips slid down and moved to the line: "The line you just said?"

Xie Ruhe's gaze was still outside the window. Hearing what Shunian said, he stretched out his hand to touch the base of his ear, and without moving closer, he glanced at it from a distance, and hummed inaudibly.

"This is not my line." Shu Nian lowered his eyes, thought for a while, and felt an occupational disease, "But this sentence should not be said like this. This scene is about a man chasing a woman, and this boy has been chasing this girl for a long time. His character is It's very clear, this sentence has been said many times, you should use a lighter tone. But what you just said was too blunt. "


Shu Nian analyzed seriously: "Your tone is more like the tone of your first confession."

Xie Ruhe's face froze, as if someone had noticed his thoughts, he turned his face away unnaturally.

Shu Nian thought about her past dubbing experience and what her teachers and directors taught her, and said to herself, "The voice of a big boy is bright and lively. You need to open your mouth and lift your soft palate. Probably like this-"

Xie Ruhe said: "What."

After finishing the adjustment, Shunian suddenly said, "I like you!"

Xie Ruhe was stunned for a moment, his eyelashes moved, and his peach eyes were slightly bent down, the arc was very shallow, and his emotions were not exposed, so it was difficult to be noticed: "Yes."

"This way the voice will sound brighter." After finishing speaking, Shunian looked at him, "Try it."


Shu Nian said again: "You try."

"..." Xie Ruhe paused, unable to react for a moment, "Try what."

"It's just to brighten the voice. Lift the soft palate, it's the position behind the upper chamber." Shu Nian suddenly remembered, "You should know this, right? You taught me how to sing high notes before."

Xie Ruhe nodded dully: "Yes."

Shu Nian became interested, and handed him the script: "Then try it, dubbing is very fun."

Noticing her expectant eyes, Xie Ruhe took the script, cleared his throat, and jerky read the next line of the line she just said: "Do you want to eat?"

The sound was brighter and clearer than before.

Shu Nian was stunned for a moment, before he could react for a while, he leaned over and said, "It's not this sentence."

Xie Ruhe lowered his eyes, and defended in a low voice: "I raised my voice, so I can say another sentence."

"No!" Shu Nian refuted his words, and said seriously, "These two are not the same character, this one is a high-cold one, the voice should be deep and magnetic, you have to say this line. "

Her fingertips are on the four words "I like you".

Xie Ruhe glanced at the lines, his lips moved, but he didn't speak. Then he looked in her direction and happened to meet her gaze.

Her eyes are round and big, with drooping eye ends, and the color of the eyeballs is brown, which is lightened by the light and glows with a clear light. The expression is serious, and the eyes are clean and free of impurities.

Still the same as many years ago, there seems to be no slight change.

Perhaps because she is well protected by her family, she has always lived like a child, and her heart is clean without any stains.

Xie Ruhe still remembers that at that time, after learning about the puppy love of his classmate, Shu Nian had told him very seriously that they are still so young, falling in love is a wrong thing and should not be done.

Even if others think she is stupid and speaks like a heartless person, she is still stubborn. What kind of truth is recognized, it will not be changed by other people's words.

It was the same look as at that time.

Xie Ruhe lost the sudden courage just now, reached out and closed the script, and returned it to her. Looking at Shu Nian's puzzled eyes, he abruptly changed the topic: "Are you free tonight?"

"Tonight?" Shu Nian was taken away by his topic in an instant, "Probably not, I have to record today, and I won't leave the studio until twelve o'clock in the evening."

"Okay." Xie Ruhe didn't ask any more questions, and handed her a box that had been placed by the side, "Here you are."

Shu Nian blinked and reached out to take it: "What is this?"

Xie Ruhe said honestly, "Birthday gift."

Shu Nian's movements paused, as if he never thought that he could remember his birthday, and he even prepared a gift. She was a little moved, and said sincerely, "Thank you."

The box is not big, only slightly bigger than Shunem's hand. She couldn't guess what it was, but because she was curious, she had to ask hesitantly, "Can I see it now?"

Xie Ruhe said: "Yes."

She opened it with anticipation.

Inside is a white MP3 with a small display. It looks small and cute. There are data cables and earphones next to it.

Shu Nian picked it up and looked at it, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he thanked again: "Thank you."

Xie Ruhe hummed, thought for a while, and reminded: "Remember to use it."

Apart from Deng Qingyu, this was probably the only gift she received for her birthday this year. Shu Nian carefully put the MP3 back and said yes, "Of course I will use it."

At this time, Xie Ruhe was also putting away the earphones she gave her.

Noticing his movements from the corner of the eye, Shu Nian was in a good mood, and subconsciously mentioned what Fang Wencheng told her before: "I've bought this earphone for a long time, but I didn't dare to give it away because I was afraid you wouldn't like it."

Xie Ruhe was stunned for a moment, then raised his head: "Why?"

"Assistant Fang said that you don't like others giving you gifts." Shu Nian scratched his head, "I was a little worried that it would make you unhappy, but I also felt that it would be bad not to give you gifts, so I kept struggling."


"I asked Assistant Fang for his opinion, and he advised me not to send it."

Xie Ruhe said lightly: "Did Fang Wencheng say such things again?"

Fang Wencheng was driving the car, and when he heard this, he smiled, completely unaware of the low air pressure coming from behind, like a silly big brother: "Yes, young master, you really don't like others giving you things. But Between friends, it must be different."

Shu Nian nodded, and said to Xie Ruhe, "It's just as long as you like it."

Xie Ruhe turned to read the book: "Did Fang Wencheng tell you, don't give me gifts, or it will make me unhappy?"

Shu Nian thought about it, but couldn't remember the general words. But looking at Xie Ruhe's expression, something seemed wrong, so she hesitated and changed the phrase: "I just think you're not very interested in gifts."

"Yeah." Xie Ruhe pursed his lips lazily, "No, don't listen to him."

Fang Wencheng drove the car to the recording studio where Shunian was going.

Before getting out of the car, Xie Ruhe suddenly called her: "Shu Nian."

Shu Nian just half-opened the car door and turned his head: "What's wrong?"

"I'll come find you after you get off work." Xie Ruhe looked at her fixedly, "I'll take you somewhere."

Thinking of his usual time to leave the studio, Shunian didn't immediately agree: "But I might be late after get off work..."

"It's too late." Xie Ruhe said, "Then I'll send you back directly."

I don't know what he's going to do, but this time Shu Nian didn't hesitate any longer, and responded directly: "Okay, I'll see if I can go as early as possible."

She said good-bye to both of them and got out of the car.

Fang Wencheng started the car and asked, "Master, where are you going now?"

Xie Ruhe looked out the window, tapped on the window sill with his slender fingertips, and called him abruptly: "Fang Wencheng."


Xie Ruhe's expression was idle: "The weather is fine today."

Fang Wencheng gave an "ah" in doubt, and quickly followed his words, saying doglegly: "It's pretty good."

He stared at the light falling on the back of his hand: "The sun is also out."

Because of Xie Ruhe's inexplicable words, Fang Wencheng finally noticed something was wrong, swallowed his saliva, and asked cautiously: "What's wrong?"

Xie Ruhe suddenly smiled: "Don't you understand?"

"Understood, I understand..." Fang Wencheng looked at him in the rearview mirror from time to time, sweating in his heart, and said with emotion, "When the young master and Shu Nian met, it was simply the most beautiful day in the world! Everything cleared up! God couldn't help showing a smile!"


"Also..." Fang Wencheng didn't know where he had offended him, and he was so desperate that he wanted to cry, "God also said that the young master and Miss Shu Nian are really a match made in heaven..."

Hearing this, Xie Ruhe seemed to feel better.

His brows and eyes were raised, the crow-feather eyelashes set off those dark and bright eyes, the eye sockets were deep-set, and his voice was cool: "Did he still remind me?"

Fang Wencheng was not very clear, and asked nervously: "Remind me?"

"It's time for another assistant."