Defeated By Love

Chapter 30


In early February, Ruchuan entered deep winter.

Shunian's physique is not good, and his hands and feet feel cold in winter. She was afraid that she would get sick and her voice would be affected, so she would deliberately wear more clothes when dressing.

For the sake of recording quality, there is no air conditioner in the recording studio, and there is no money to install that kind of ultra-quiet air conditioner.

After staying there for a long time, Shu Nian was so cold that he lost consciousness. Taking advantage of the rest time, she went to the lounge to drink a cup of hot water, and took a piece of warm baby from her bag to stick to her body.

Seeing the box Xie Ruhe gave her from the corner of the eye, Shu Nian paused and took it out.

Shu Nian wanted to see if there was anything inside, turned on the phone, and plugged in the earphones for the MP3 player. She looked through it with lowered eyes, and there were no other files except for hundreds of songs.

Shunian had a little impression of those songs.

It seems that they are all Xie Ruhe's songs.

She clicked on one of the songs at random.

Listening to it, Shu Nian felt that the song was a bit familiar, but also felt that something was not quite right. She suddenly remembered something, looked at the title of the song again, then took out her mobile phone, and checked the song online.

It was indeed written by Xie Ruhe, but he wrote it for someone else.

But at this time, the voice singing this song in the earphones was Xie Ruhe's.

Shu Nian thought he just put his own version in it, but she searched the Internet for a long time, but couldn't find his version. She picked up the MP3 again, licked her lips and clicked into another song written by Xie Ruhe for others.

— It was still Xie Ruhe's voice.

Shu Nian's heartbeat quickened inexplicably, and he took off the earphones. She suddenly understood that the gift Xie Ruhe gave her seemed not to be the MP3 in her hand, but something in the MP3.

With his own voice, he sang all his songs and sent them to her.

is something more precious.

Shu Nian put the MP3 back into the box, feeling a little absent-minded, and suddenly remembered the first birthday he spent with Xie Ruhe after getting along with him.

It was the winter vacation of the first year of high school.

That year, her birthday happened to be on New Year's Eve, the day before the Spring Festival.

Shu Gaolin came back from the city and brought her a birthday present, which was the ukulele. Afterwards, Shu Nian and his parents went to his grandparents' house for New Year's Eve dinner, and it was past ten o'clock when they got home.

Shunian always goes to bed on time at 9:30, but now she is so sleepy that her eyelids are drooping. Her family never had the custom of keeping the year old, Shunian said "Happy New Year" to Deng Qingyu after taking a bath, and then got ready to go to bed.

She went back to her room and yawned as she dried her hair with a hairdryer.

There was a whirring sound in my ears, deafening, covering up other sounds around me.

Shunian is gentle and serious in his work, and he dries his hair slowly, as if he is counting his hair one by one. After a long time, she put down the hair dryer in her hand, turned off the light, and quickly got into the bed next to her.

At the same time, she heard a light knock on the window.

At first, Shu Nian thought he heard it wrong, but then there was a second sound. She sat up puzzled, rubbed her eyes, jumped out of bed and opened the curtains.

Walking along the glass, one could see Xie Ruhe's face that was pale from the cold.

Shu Nian was stunned, and suddenly lost all sleepiness: "Why are you here?"

Xie Ruhe slowly put the small cake in his hand on the window sill, and said in a hoarse voice, "Happy birthday."

Shu Nian stared at his face, feeling as if she had fallen asleep and was in a dream right now. She licked her lips and asked in a low voice, "How long have you been here."

Xie Ruhe seemed to be extremely cold, his lips turned purple, and he didn't answer.

Shu Nian grabbed his wrist and said, "Come in."

Deng Qingyu's voice sounded outside the room door: "Nian Nian, are you asleep?"

Shu Nian didn't respond, but Xie Ruhe immediately broke free from her hand and hid behind the wall sideways. After a while, Shu Nian called softly, "My mother is gone, come in quickly."

Xie Ruhe shook his head: "I'll just stand outside."

"It's too cold outside." Shunian disagreed, "You'll catch a cold like this."

But Shunian talked for a long time, but Xie Ruhe didn't listen, he just said: "If your mother finds out, you will be scolded."

Shu Nian was still persuasively persuading: "My mother won't come in, she thought I was asleep, if you're still worried, otherwise I'll lock the door."

Xie Ruhe still didn't listen.

Shu Nian was not angry either, she thought about it, walked to the closet, put on two sweaters for herself, wrapped herself in a big coat, and then took out the biggest coat.

She walked back to the window and handed the coat to Xie Ruhe.

Xie Ruhe took it and asked doubtfully, "What are you going to do?"

Afterwards, Shu Nian climbed up the window on his own. It was the first time she did this kind of thing, she was overdressed and made clumsy and jerky, like a ball rolled up the window sill, and then rolled to the ground.

Xie Ruhe was afraid that she would fall, so he stood aside and let her support him.

"If you don't come in, then I'll come out." After landing, Shu Nian said quite naturally, "I can't let you hang out alone, we are friends."


"Why do we become friends?" Shu Nian sighed, and instantly turned into a little old man, "It's obviously a very legitimate behavior, but it's like—"

Shu Nian paused, a bit unable to remember: "I forgot how to say that word."

Xie Ruhe didn't understand, he said in a daze, "What word."

"Oh, yes." Shu Nian remembered, "It's like that, cheating."

"..." Xie Ruhe was almost choked by her, his expression was indescribable, "What did you say?"

"I have to be sneaky." Shunian was very depressed, not very happy, "My mother won't let me play with you, I'm so old, it's like taking care of children, even making friends."

Xie Ruhe didn't know what to say, so he handed her the coat in his hand.

Shu Nian blinked and said, "This is for you."

"..." Xie Ruhe directly put the coat on her body, "I can't put it on."

Shu Nian stuffed the coat into his hand again: "If you can't wear it, you can cover yourself like a quilt."

Xie Ruhe frowned, and put his coat on her again.

Shu Nian also put on a straight face, unable to stand with him.

In the end, Xie Ruhe was defeated and put his coat on his back, looking a little funny.

Shu Nian squatted down, put the cake box on the ground, took out the small cake inside, and put the cake on top of the cake box. Her whole body was curled up into a ball, and her coat was fluffy, like a little fur ball.

Xie Ruhe also squatted down beside her.

Shu Nian sniffed, carefully inserted a candle in it, and asked casually, "Do you have a lighter?"

"Yes." Xie Ruhe subconsciously touched his pocket and took out the lighter, "Let me order some."

Hearing this, Shu Nian stopped moving his hands and looked up at him: "How do you have a lighter?"


Shu Nian asked suspiciously, "Do you smoke?"

Xie Ruhe was about to deny it, but Shunian seriously began to educate him: "Don't smoke, it's wrong to smoke at such a young age. Don't listen to what other people say, thinking that smoking is cool, but it's actually not cool at all."

"No." Xie Ruhe's voice was very calm, and he lowered his head to light the candle, "I brought the candle for you."

Shu Nian paused, sighed guiltyly, and said vaguely: "I'm too sleepy."


Shu Nian added in a low voice: "I can't turn my head, and my mind is not clear."

Xie Ruhe lowered his eyes, his tone seemed to be smiling: "Understood."

It was windy outside, Xie Ruhe lit a candle, which was immediately extinguished by the cold wind. After lighting a dozen times like this, Shu Nian simply pulled out the other fifteen candles, leaving only one.

She protected it with both hands, and Xie Ruhe lit the candle.

Shu Nian was afraid that the candle would go out again, and he didn't even have time to sing the birthday song, so he quickly said "I want to be a very good voice actor", and immediately blew out the candle.

A very simple wish.

Xie Ruhe was not very satisfied, and was thinking about whether to make up the birthday song for her.

The next moment, Shu Nian suddenly remembered something and felt a little guilty: "I didn't even buy you a cake for your birthday... Did you eat cake that day?"

Xie Ruhe didn't know how to answer, and didn't want to lie to her.

Shunian immediately understood what he meant, and said in a low voice, "I will definitely buy it for you this year."

Afterwards, Shu Nian changed the topic and said to him, "By the way, my father is back today. But he doesn't live here, he's at my grandparents' place."

Seeing her so happy, Xie Ruhe's brows and eyes also relaxed, and he hummed.

"He gave me a musical instrument." Shu Nian poked the dimple on his face, "But I don't know how to use it."

"What musical instrument?"

"It seems to be a guitar..." Shu Nian couldn't remember, "I'll show it to you."

Shu Nian squatted until his legs were numb, he stood up and stomped his feet, looked at the window, and there was no movement in an instant. After a while, she looked at Xie Ruhe hesitantly: "You should go in, I'm too short, it's very difficult to climb."

Xie Ruhe responded, and stretched out his hand to take off his shoes.

"You don't need to take off your shoes." Shu Nian said, "It's on the cabinet next to the bed."

But Xie Ruhe still took off his shoes, and walked into the room easily along the window. He put the coat on his back on the chair beside him, took the ukulele on the bedside table, and jumped out of the window again.

Shu Nian was cutting the cake and looked up at him: "This is it."

Xie Ruhe fiddled with it a few times casually, but he stopped quickly for fear of disturbing others.

Shu Nian asked curiously, "Can you do it?"

Xie Ruhe nodded: "A little bit."

Shu Nian's eyes widened a bit: "Do you know how to play an instrument?"


"Then can you play the piano?"

"know a little."

"Where's the violin?"


"..." Because of surprise, Shu Nian's mouth was half-opened, and he said, "You can do anything."

Xie Ruhe said casually: "My mother taught me."

Shu Nian asked: "Then do you want to learn music in the future?"

"I don't know either." Xie Ruhe's voice was very soft, "If you can, learn it."

Shunian didn't ask him much about the situation at home, so she licked her lips and changed the subject: "What do you want to do in the future?"

Xie Ruhe said without hesitation: "The composer."

"Is it just writing songs?"


"Why don't you sing by yourself?" Shunian handed him a piece of cake, "You sing really well."

Xie Ruhe took the cake: "I'm interested in this."

"Then if you become a songwriter in the future." Shu Nian said happily, "You can sing all your songs to me, and I can also match all the clips I dubbed for you."

"Songs I write for others may not necessarily be sung by me."

"But we are best friends." Shu Nian felt that his words were not right, "After you wrote it, shouldn't you sing it for me first?"


Seeing him like this, Shu Nian thought he had made a mistake: "Isn't it right?"

Xie Ruhe was silent for a while: "... yes."

I don’t know where there was the sound of setting off fireworks, crackling, celebrating the arrival of the new year.

Shu Nian bit the cake, and said in a soft voice, "It seems like it's 12 o'clock, aren't we watching the new year?"


"For your birthday this year, I will definitely buy you a cake." Shunian said, "And next year, on my birthday, let's go to set off fireworks. I'm at grandpa's house today, and my mother won't let me go if I want to play."

"it is good."

"By the way, Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year."

It was just after eleven o'clock in the evening when Shunian left the shed. It was dark outside, and few pedestrians could be seen on the road. She sent Xie Ruhe a WeChat message and stood there waiting for his reply.

I soon received his reply: [Look at the front right.]

Shu Nian looked up, only to find that Xie Ruhe's car was parked nearby. She got into the car and greeted them both habitually.

Half a day later, Fang Wencheng's spirit became inexplicably negative, as if he had been tortured.

Xie Ruhe looked pretty good.

Shu Nian asked, "Where are we going?"

Xie Ruhe thought for a while: "Go downstairs to your house."

Shu Nian was confused: "Didn't you say you want to take me somewhere?"

"Yeah." Xie Ruhe didn't hide anything, and said honestly, "I'll take you to set off the fireworks."

Shu Nian reminded him: "Fireworks are not allowed in urban areas."

"The small one." Xie Ruhe didn't know what to call that one, and suddenly fell silent, as if thinking.

Shu Nian understood: "Are fairies awesome?"

Xie Ruhe nodded: "En."

"Okay." Shunian curled his lips, looking very happy, "I haven't played for a long time."

Fang Wencheng drove into the community where Shunian lived, and took out Xie Ruhe's wheelchair and a box of fireworks from the rear compartment. He quickly installed the wheelchair and placed it near Xie Ruhe's position.

Xie Ruhe got out of the car, stood up, and sat on the wheelchair.

It is no longer like before, you can only rely on the strength of your hands to move the position.

Seeing this picture, Shu Nian was in a strange mood.

She went to push him away and asked, "How is your recovery recently?"

"It's pretty good." Xie Ruhe said, "According to this progress, there should be two more months."

Shu Nian didn't understand: "What two months?"

Xie Ruhe himself was not too sure, he heard what the rehabilitation doctor said, and his tone was a bit hesitant: "Keep practicing, and after two months, you may be able to walk like a normal person."

"..." Shu Nian stopped, "Really?"


Shu Nian's eyes were bent, obviously very happy for him: "Then can you walk now?"

Xie Ruhe said: "You can walk for a while with a cane."

Shu Nian was very surprised, counting with his fingers: "It seems that I haven't looked for you for... five or six days, how come you improve so fast."

The corners of Xie Ruhe's lips curled up.

The two walked in front, and Fang Wencheng quietly followed them.

Shu Nian took them to an open space in the community, just behind the building where she lived. This open space is at the very edge of the community, next to a large lawn. Because of the location, few people come here, most of them are children come here to play.

There are only two street lamps, which are hung on two community chairs.

Fang Wencheng put the box of fireworks on the chair, and then Xie Ruhe suddenly remembered something and called him: "Fang Wencheng, go buy some water nearby."

Shu Nian asked, "What do you buy water for?"

Xie Ruhe said: "Set off the fireworks and prepare some water just in case."

"My house is upstairs." Shu Nian suggested, "Why don't I just go up and pick up a bucket, the convenience store nearby is a bit far away, so there's no need to go that far."

Fang Wencheng was very conscious: "Then I will go up with you."

Shu Nian looked at Xie Ruhe hesitantly: "Then are you here alone?"


It's almost twelve o'clock now, and the surroundings are eerily quiet.

Another street light seemed to be out of order, flickering every few seconds.

For some unknown reason, Shu Nian was not quite at ease, feeling that there was nothing shady about his house, he hesitated to hand the key to Fang Wencheng: "Why don't you go, I live on the second floor, only one After you go in, go straight to the first room, which is the toilet, and there is a bucket in it."

Fang Wen promised with a good voice: "Then you play first."

The two were waiting for Fang Wencheng to bring water, and they were not in a hurry to light the fireworks.

Shu Nian rummaged through the box, and there were many kinds of fireworks, some of which she had never seen before. She became interested all of a sudden, and was about to say something to Xie Ruhe.

Suddenly I heard some movement in the grass not far away.

Shu Nian thought it was a wild cat running past and bumped into the sound made by the nearby bushes. But then, the woman's extremely thin sobbing could be heard again, as if she was begging for mercy.

Her breathing stagnated and she looked towards the source of the sound.

It was so dark that nothing could be seen clearly.

Xie Ruhe obviously heard it too: "Over there..."

Before he could finish speaking, Shu Nian interrupted him, his voice was very soft: "Is there someone over there?"

"..." Xie Ruhe was not sure, "I don't know."

"I have to go and have a look." Shunian's breathing became a little short, as if he was overly nervous, and he whispered to himself, "I'll go and have a look."

Hearing the tone of that voice just now, Xie Ruhe actually felt that nothing major happened there. But Shunian's reaction was obviously overdone, he grabbed her wrist worriedly, and looked at her steadily: "I'll go there with you."

There was only one sound, and there was no more sound from there. The sound just heard seemed to be just an illusion of the two of them. Shu Nian lowered his eyes and said softly: "It seems that I heard wrong..."

Xie Ruhe felt that something was wrong with her: "What's wrong with you?"

Shu Nian's face turned pale, it wasn't just the wrist he was holding, it seemed that his whole body was shaking. Her eyes were blank, and she smiled unnaturally: "It's nothing."

At the same time, a woman came out from the darkness, holding a mobile phone in her hand and sticking it to her ear, she seemed to be answering the phone, with tears in her eyes: "Please, I don't want to break up... "

Seeing someone here, the woman quickly wiped away her tears and walked in another direction.

Shu Nian looked at the woman's back, and suddenly asked, "Did I just say—"

Her reaction made Xie Ruhe at a loss: "What?"

"Did I say that I heard it wrong?" Shu Nian licked his lips, his eyes began to turn red, "But I clearly heard the voice, I was too scared, I dare not go over..."

She was talking over and over, more like talking to herself than to him.

"Shu Nian." Xie Ruhe frowned, "What's wrong with you?"

"..." Shunian came back to his senses, his voice was slightly hoarse, "I want to go home."

Xie Ruhe didn't know why she reacted so violently, so he grabbed her wrist again, and moved cautiously, as if to comfort him: "I told you before, the prerequisite for you to help others is that you must first ensure your own safety. .”


"It's normal for you to be afraid."

But Shu Nian didn't listen, and reluctantly said: "Today is too late, I will set off fireworks with you another day."

Fang Wencheng just came back at this time, Shu Nian walked over to get the key from him.

Fang Wencheng still had a bucket of water in his hand, and walked towards Xie Ruhe in a daze: "Master, you don't want to set off fireworks?"

Xie Ruhe stared at Shunian's direction, and said softly: "You send her back, and come back when you see her enter the house."

Shu Nian's mood was not right, Fang Wencheng didn't want to disturb her, so he could only put the bucket at her door, and then drove to pick up Xie Ruhe.

Fang Wencheng didn't know what happened, so he didn't ask much.

The atmosphere suddenly became bleak and low.

Xie Ruhe sat quietly in the back seat, staring out of the window, his whole body sunk in the darkness, interlaced with light and shadow. He also seemed to be in a bad mood, and his bright appearance just now disappeared in an instant.

After a long time, Xie Ruhe suddenly said: "I don't think it's right."

"… what?"

"Not quite right."


Xie Ruhe didn't make another sound, he lowered his eyes and turned on his phone.

Fang Wencheng looked at him in the rearview mirror, wondering if he should say something, after hesitating for a few seconds, he finally broke his mouth: "Master, I just went to Shunian's house and saw something."


"You mustn't be angry. It's the bookcase. It's placed next to the corridor. I saw it at a glance. I didn't do it on purpose." Fang Wencheng said anxiously, "I don't know if I was thinking too much. I originally thought that Shunian was Voice actors, the bookcase should be full of books about dubbing... "

Xie Ruhe raised his eyes: "Otherwise what is it?"

Fang Wencheng felt puzzled: "In terms of psychology, most of the bookcases are full of books about psychology."