Defeated By Love

Chapter 40


After saying this, Ke Yiqing became more confident, as if she was saying the truth: "It must be because of his ugliness that he doesn't show his face. Who knew he looked like this..."

Shu Nian looked at her and didn't know what to say.

Ke Yiqing was used to having a thick skin, and she defended herself calmly: "Living in this world, one has to brag a few times, so that life will be more interesting."

"… Um."

"I'm just bragging because of my hobbies." Ke Yiqing put on her sunglasses again, emphatically emphasizing, "It's not to hide something."

The more Ke Yiqing talked, the more Shu Nian felt that her thoughts were strange, people couldn't figure out what she wanted to express. But it can be seen that she is a very cheerful and talkative person.

Shunian nodded, and said hesitantly, "Well, Ms. Ke. I just told you that that person is about Teacher Ahe. Can I ask you not to tell anyone else?"

"Ah, this." Ke Yiqing readily agreed, "I won't say anything, and you can keep a secret for me too. Then I'm leaving, I have something to do."

Shu Nian raised his hand and waved to her: "Okay, goodbye."

Shu Nian was about to go back to find Xie Ruhe. But Ke Yiqing turned back after walking a few steps, as if remembering something: "Do you know a policeman who lives here?"

Shu Nian said honestly, "I know."

Ke Yiqing paused, and her tone was a little positive: "He You?"

"Yes." Shu Nian blinked, "Do you know him?"

Ke Yiqing scratched her chin, her expression suddenly became awkward: "You and him are..."

Her words stopped here, Shu Nian waited for a long time but did not wait for her next words, so he took the initiative to say: "Officer He and I are neighbors, he lives upstairs from my house."

"Neighbor?" Ke Yiqing's expression instantly returned to normal, "Are you and He You neighbors?"

Shu Nian nodded again.

Before she could speak again, Ke Yiqing seemed to have seen a treasure, and suddenly handed over her mobile phone, and said softly, "We've been chatting for so long, why don't you add a WeChat account?"


This sudden move of hers made Shu Nian a little confused.

Seeing that Shunian didn't respond, Ke Yiqing shook the phone in front of her.

Shunian came back to his senses, and said oh, without refusing. She obediently took out her mobile phone from her pocket, opened WeChat and scanned Ke Yiqing's QR code.

Taking advantage of this time, Ke Yiqing asked, "By the way, I never asked your name."

Shu Nian said, "My name is Shu Nian."

"It's pretty nice." Ke Yiqing took back the phone and passed the verification, "My name is Ke Yiqing, contact me when I have time. I'm really leaving, I really have something to do."

Shu Nian said hello.

When he turned his head, he found that Xie Ruhe was still standing where he was.

No matter how long Shu Nian talked to Ke Yiqing, he just stood there for as long as he did, without any trace of impatience. She walked back to him and asked, "Why don't you go back to the car?"

Xie Ruhe glanced at the direction Ke Yiqing left, and asked, "Who is that person?"

Shu Nian said, "Don't you recognize it?"

Xie Ruhe shook his head.

"Ke Yiqing." Shunian mentioned the names of several TV series to him, but seeing that he was still unimpressed, he added: "Besides, she debuted as a child star. When we were in the third year of junior high school, that TV series was very popular. In a family drama, she is the protagonist's daughter."

Xie Ruhe still shook his head: "I don't know."

"I knew her when I was dubbing, I don't know why she is here." Speaking of this, Shu Nian remembered the thing that he called Xie Ruhe "Teacher Ahe" in front of Ke Yiqing just now.

She apologized cautiously: "I'm sorry."

Xie Ruhe was stunned for a moment: "I'm sorry for what."

"I just called you Teacher Ahe in front of her." Shu Nian knew that his behavior was wrong, and sincerely repented, "I'm sorry."

"..." Xie Ruhe had forgotten it at first, but when she heard her mention it, she remembered it again, "Huh? You haven't called me that for a long time."

Shu Nian didn't know how to explain it, and he didn't dare to tell the truth, so he said vaguely, "It's just that she said she knew you before, so I subconsciously called you that... It's not, it's just..."

Xie Ruhe frowned, and said bluntly, "I don't know her."

Shu Nian was interrupted by him, he immediately shut up, and then said "oh" in a low voice.

Because of Shu Nian's words, Xie Ruhe thought of the WeChat messages sent to Shu Nian by others in his recording studio a long time ago. The content roughly means that he has the kind of affection between men and women for that person

And it was someone he had no impression of at all.

This time, Xie Ruhe didn't know what this person said in front of Shu Nian.

But it occurred to him that there were some words that he hadn't done before and would make Shunian misunderstand. Even if she didn't care at all, Xie Ruhe still found it unbearable, and his mood became irritable and depressed.

Xie Ruhe lowered his eyes, his expression focused: "Shu Nian, about me—"

Shu Nian raised his head, and murmured: "What."

"If you want to know, you can come and ask me." He didn't hide his unhappiness at all, "I have nothing that I can't tell you. Compared with the things that I don't know from other people, it's better Why don't you let me tell you everything you want to know."

The scene was quiet for a moment.

Shu Nian immediately understood the reason for his displeasure, and parted his lips, wanting to explain: "I..."

Xie Ruhe added expressionlessly: "I'm not angry with you."

"..." Shu Nian tugged at his sleeve, whispered, "Isn't there?"

Shu Nian seemed to be frightened, his little face turned pale.

Seeing this, Xie Ruhe's expression loosened, and his cold eyes instantly warmed up. Seeing her look so afraid of his anger, his mood inexplicably changed, and his tone softened, as if teasing a cat.

"Well, no."

"I told her." Like a child doing something wrong, Shu Nian said dully, "I told her not to tell others, she should be fine..."

"It's okay." Xie Ruhe suddenly said, "Shu Nian."

"Ah, ah?"

"This person is telling you." Xie Ruhe guessed, "I like her?"

Shu Nian thought about it for a while, then shook his head: "You said you asked her to accompany you on your birthday, but just now..."

"It's all fake." Xie Ruhe's eyes are black and bright, like a black sea reflecting the stars, "If someone tells you that I like her and what I want to do with her, it must be fake."

There seemed to be more to say later, but Xie Ruhe didn't continue.

He talked a lot today, more than ever before. Maybe he just wanted to explain for himself, even if Shu Nian felt that he didn't seem like someone who cared about such things.

It seems abnormal, and it seems that it should be so.

"..." Shunian subconsciously avoided his gaze, and said nervously, "Um... I, I see."

Shunian went home and locked the door. After going abroad for a month, there is no dust accumulation in the house, the air is clean and there is no musty smell. Probably Deng Qingyu came to help her clean.

After calling Deng Qingyu and talking about the recent situation, Shunian returned to the room.

She didn't go to bed until almost four o'clock yesterday, and got up at seven o'clock this morning to catch the plane. Although she slept for a while on the plane one after another, but because it was a public place, she always slept restlessly.

Shu Nian hugged the phone, boredly looked at the chat content of the WeChat group she added, her eyelids drooped before she knew it, and fell into a deep sleep.

At this moment, she inexplicably dreamed of her freshman year in high school.

At that time, because Shu Nian and Xie Ruhe were always staying together, the classmates in the class always made jokes about the two of them. Although some people have said this since the third year of junior high school, they had no extra thoughts at that time.

Just thought booing was fun.

But in high school, many people feel that they have entered the first door of adulthood.

I feel that I am old enough to fall in love, and what parents and teachers say about puppy love is a pedantic mentality.

If you don't talk about a vigorous love at this age, when you think about it in the future, you will definitely regret it.

Those students who are still very young in Shunian's eyes, left single not long after the start of school.

At this age, they began to call each other husband and wife.

Those booing people in the past still booed, but they no longer said that the two of them were together. Instead, he coaxed them to get together quickly, saying that Xie Ruhe is a waste, and it takes hundreds of years to pick up a girl.

Shu Nian felt that they were baffled.

Because of this matter, Shu Nian and Xie Ruhe were called by the teacher to the office for a talk.

But Shunian didn't care, and even refuted what the teacher said. She felt that they didn't have this in mind, and they didn't need to reflect on what they hadn't done, so they deliberately distanced themselves.

This conversation had no effect on the two of them, nor did the teacher. I called the parents and said, and the respective parents have nothing to do with the children, so it doesn't matter.

The teachers and parents didn't care about it, but the students were still booing.

It was as if they had made up their minds, as if they were the parties involved, or they had changed jobs from students to matchmakers.

Shu Nian didn't want to talk to them at all, and told Xie Ruhe not to take their words to heart.

A certain class break later.

A few girls gather around and gossip, Shu Nian sits behind them and reads extra-curricular books. She has never been easily disturbed by the outside environment, and she has not listened to what they are saying.

Soon, one of the girls turned her head and asked her, "Nian Nian, are you with Xie Ruhe?"

Shu Nian looked up.

Hearing this again, she pursed her lips and said bluntly: "No, we are friends, so we wouldn't have such thoughts. Besides, I'm not yet an adult, nor is he. It's wrong to fall in love early."

"What are you thinking?" The girl couldn't help laughing, "Puppy love is wrong, this kind of thing is said by teachers and parents, obedient people are idiots."

"..." Shunian didn't want to talk to her anymore.

"And you don't have this kind of thinking." Another girl said, "How do you know if Xie Ruhe has it? Are you a roundworm in his heart? Hey, I said that you are also in school. Xie Ruhe is so good-looking, why do you just..."

Shu Nian interrupted her, feeling a little unhappy: "He won't either. I told him that a student's duty is to study, and they shouldn't always think about those irrelevant things."

The scene was silent for a moment, burst into laughter.

In their eyes, Shu Nian became a joke.

Shu Nian felt that there was nothing wrong with what he said, and he didn't know what they thought was funny. She stood up, her face tensed: "If you don't believe me, I can ask."

After speaking, she didn't listen to them again.

Go to the last row and wake Xie Ruhe who is sleeping.

Xie Ruhe opened his eyes, revealing his fair face from the crook of his arms, expressionless. Noticing that it was her, there was a trace of confusion in his eyes, as if he was extremely sleepy.

Shu Nian said with a straight face, "I'll ask you a question."

He didn't speak, just tilted his head to look at her.

Shu Nian looked at him, because of his frankness, his tone was straightforward and serious: "They all said you like me, do you like me?"

"..." Xie Ruhe originally half-closed his eyes, but immediately came to his senses after she said this, his expression became stiff and dazed, and soon returned to normal.

Shu Nian waited for a while, but did not hear his reply.

She frowned: "Why are you ignoring me?"

Xie Ruhe still didn't speak.

"Aren't you awake yet?"


Shu Nian asked again: "Do you like me?"

Xie Ruhe didn't say anything.

Shu Nian felt that he was just not clear-headed yet, so after thinking about it seriously, he changed his approach: "If you don't like me, then don't talk, just lie down and sleep now. Do you understand?"

The two looked at each other.

It was like this for a while.

Shu Nian was very patient, waiting for him to lie down and sleep quickly. Then she can go back and continue reading.

Just like that for a few more seconds.

Xie Ruhe didn't show any signs of continuing to sleep, so he hummed suddenly.

Shu Nian scratched his head, feeling that something was wrong, and reminded him: "I said, if you don't like me, you don't need to talk."

Hearing this, Xie Ruhe lowered his eyes and licked his lips: ""