Defeated By Love

Chapter 52


Shu Nian lowered his head, stopped talking, and shrunk into a small ball, looking extremely insecure. She didn't continue to cry, but there was still unstoppable hiccups in her throat, and her body was trembling unconsciously.

Xie Ruhe fell silent, his brows and eyes were sullen, red as if he was about to bleed. Resisting the urge to kill, he took off his coat and wrapped it gently around her body.

She flinched subconsciously, instead of resisting like before, she sniffled, and suddenly grabbed the coat he put on, and wrapped it tighter on her own.

Xie Ruhe patted her head and said hoarsely, "Don't be afraid, I'll open the door."

Realizing that he was going to leave, Shunian immediately grabbed the hem of his clothes and stood up nervously. But she seemed to have exhausted all her strength, and she couldn't even stand still.

Seeing this, Xie Ruhe lowered his eyes and hugged her without hesitation. Like holding a baby.

Because of this sudden action, Shu Nian's body was a little stiff, but he soon relaxed, hesitantly wrapped his arms around his neck, and buried his face in the socket of his neck.

Xie Ruhe walked to the entrance and opened the door with one hand free.

There were two policemen standing outside. Seeing this posture, their faces were taken aback for a moment, and then they asked, "Sir, did you report the case? You said there was a thief in the house?"

Xie Ruhe nodded and turned sideways: "It's inside."

Another policeman asked kindly: "What happened? Is this lady all right?"

Shu Nian's condition was very bad, and he couldn't take notes, so Xie Ruhe could only give a rough account of what happened just now.

Because of the presence of outsiders, Shu Nian became tense again, and his breathing seemed a little short.

One of the policemen escorted the criminals out, while the other policeman stayed behind to ask about the situation. Xie Ruhe didn't have much patience, but he was afraid that he would scare Shunian, so he could only try his best not to lose his temper.

Xie Ruhe put on the shoes for Shunian.

Fang Wencheng arrived just at this time and was stunned: "Master, what's going on?"

Xie Ruhe picked up Shunian and said, "Go to the hospital."

The four got into the car together.

The policeman sat in the passenger seat, and Xie Ruhe and Shunian sat in the back seat together. Probably knowing that Shu Nian's current condition is not good, the police basically asked about the situation and did not continue to ask.

Fang Wencheng first sent Xie Ruhe and Shu Nian to the gate of the city hospital. Afterwards, he restarted the car and followed the police to the police station for procedures.

At this time, you can only go to the emergency room.

Xie Ruhe took Shu Nian to get a tetanus shot, re-treated the wound, and was soon out of the hospital. Her state gradually calmed down, lying on his back, as if falling asleep.

The path next to the hospital is not very bright.

There are very few people coming and going, and most of them are alone.

Xie Ruhe carried the book on his back, walked forward in silence, and gradually lost his mind. Thinking of that gloomy day eight years ago, he saw extraordinarily bright colors.

That day, he saw Ji Xiangning who was covered in scars all over his body. She fell in a pool of blood and was stabbed through the heart by a sharp knife, taking her life.

It was the only scene in his life that he didn't dare to recall again.

Because of this incident, Xie Ruhe left Shiyan Town with his grandfather.

That place has also become the only nightmare in his life. He didn't want to go back, fearing that he would think of the scene of his mother being tortured to death by a demon in a certain corner of this place.

Xie Ruhe stopped suddenly, and called softly, "Nian Nian."

Shu Nian didn't respond, and breathed very shallowly.

He looked sideways in a daze, and could only see her tightly closed eyes and small nose, with tears hanging from her eyelashes.

The corners of Xie Ruhe's eyes were red, and his heart ached so much that he couldn't even breathe. His eyes were fixed, tears suddenly fell, and his voice was hoarse and low: "I regret it."

I regret leaving Shiyan Town that year and leaving you there alone.

Regret to the point of dying.

For post-traumatic stress disorder, when Shunian's condition improved slightly, her psychologist Wang Yue proposed a treatment method called "exposure therapy" for her. It has a good effect on improving the symptoms of the disease.

The treatment method is that in a safe and non-threatening environment, the doctor will ask her to repeat the traumatic experience, scene and process again and again until the fear completely subsides.

Without even thinking about it, Shu Nian directly refused. At the beginning, she didn't fully trust Wang Yue, so she lied bluntly with a thorn-like defense: "I don't do this, I don't remember."

Later, when Wang Yue patiently mentioned this treatment method to her.

She just shook her head and said earnestly, "I don't want to recall any more."

But actually, that memory.

For Shu Nian, it is probably the most firmly remembered thing in this life.

What time did she leave the house that day, when did she get in the car, who did she meet when she arrived in Shiyan Town, every detail, every development, she remembered clearly.

It's the first day of the National Day holiday.

Because he only went home for a week, Shu Nian didn't bring any luggage. It was ten o'clock in the morning, and her three roommates were all night owls, and they were all lying in bed. Only one woke up and was lying down playing with her mobile phone.

Shu Nian said goodbye to her with a voice, and then went out with a schoolbag on his back.

Xu Zeyuan was already waiting for her downstairs in the dormitory. He didn't intend to go home. After falling in love, he became extremely clingy. Because he didn't want to be separated from Shunian for such a long time, he kept coaxing her not to go home.

Shu Nian didn't listen to him.

The bus ticket she booked is for two o'clock in the afternoon.

Xu Zeyuan dragged her to watch a movie, and it was already twelve o'clock when she came out. It takes an hour from the school to the bus station, Shu Nian was afraid of being late, so he kept saying that it was time to go to the bus station, but Xu Zeyuan didn't care too much.

Take her to eat something.

Because of Xu Zeyuan's dilly-dallying attitude, Shu Nian was extremely depressed and almost lost his temper.

Only then did Xu Zeyuan reluctantly send her to the station.

Sure enough, it was late at the passenger terminal, so Shu Nian had no choice but to refund the ticket and buy a new one. Most of the tickets for the National Day holiday were sold out, and it was already 5 pm when Shu Nian bought the tickets.

Although it didn't affect her, she was really unhappy.

Until I got in the car, I didn't talk to Xu Zeyuan again.

It takes about four hours to take a bus from Ruchuan City to Shiyan Town if there is no traffic jam. Every time Shu Nian goes back, she always takes this car. After arriving in Shiyan Town, because the distance is not too far, she can walk all the way home.

It has been like this for three years.

She thought it was the same this time.

Shu read out of the passenger station.

It was completely dark, and there were almost no people in the town at night, and there were few stalls. Occasionally, I could see a few familiar uncles and aunts, and Shu Nian greeted them with a smile.

At that time, Deng Qingyu had just married Wang Hao.

Shu Nian didn't mind her remarriage, but she didn't move to live with them, she still lived in the original home. And because she was going home for the National Day, Deng Qingyu also went home that day.

After walking for about ten minutes, Shu Nian came to the open space near the water bridge.

I saw a man squatting on the side of the road, next to a bicycle lying on the ground, and oranges scattered on the ground. She blinked, walked over, and asked, "Are you all right?"

The man looked up and smiled at her gently: "It's okay. I fell and couldn't stand up."

It just so happened that Deng Qingyu called her, Shunian nodded to him, and went to the side to answer the phone: "Mom... um... You don't need to come out, I'll be home soon.... Okay, okay, I see."

After hanging up the phone, Shunian went over to help him pick up the things together, and said, "Be careful when you ride your bike in the future. There are many small stones on this road, and it's easy to bump into it when you ride. An uncle I know is often here too. wrestling."

The man is still smiling: "Okay, thank you."

Shu Nian stood up and showed a friendly smile: "Then I'm going home, watch the road carefully."

She lifted her foot and walked in the direction of the water bridge.

Before she could take a few steps, the man suddenly called her, "Little girl."

Shu Nian turned around: "Huh? Are you calling me?"

"Yeah." The man handed her the bag of oranges he just picked up, "Thank you for helping me, this bag of oranges is a thank you gift for you, I just picked them, they are very sweet."

Shu Nian waved his hand: "No, thank you."

The man didn't let go of his hand and insisted, "Take it."

Shu Nian also insisted: "It's really not necessary."

The man explained: "My ankle is a little injured. It's hard to walk, and it's hard to hold it. It's better to let you take it back."

Hearing this, Shu Nian's expression loosened, and he walked over hesitantly.

Almost at the same time she took the bag, the man took out a hard object out of nowhere and hit her hard on the head, with a friendly smile still on his face, like a mask.

For a moment, Shu Nian lost consciousness.

Even at the moment of fainting, she didn't react.

The one who is hurting her at this moment is the person who smiled and said thank you to her last moment.

Xie Ruhe asked the housekeeping aunt to change Shunian's clothes. There was no other clothes in the house, so she could only change into his long sleeves, which were loose like skirts.

He looked at Shu Nian's sleeping face, the side face was still swollen, it looked pitiful and distressing.

Xie Ruhe stretched out his hand to turn on the small light next to him, turned off the light in the room, and left the room.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room.

Xie Ruhe lit up his phone and called Ji Xinghuai. Hearing his grandfather's old and gentle voice, he looked calm and straight-forward: "Do you know about Shunian being arrested by Zeng Yuanxue?"

There was an instant silence.

Xie Ruhe lowered his eyes, pressed his lips tightly, and waited for his answer.

After about tens of seconds, Ji Xinghuai sighed and admitted: "I know. You just woke up from a car accident at that time, and you still had problems with your legs, and your condition was very poor."


"I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it if you find out, so I'll keep it a secret."

Xie Ruhe closed his eyes, did not lose his temper with him, and hung up the phone with his hand.

After a few minutes, the phone rang again.

It's Fang Wencheng's call.

Xie Ruhe answered the phone.

Fang Wencheng talked about his situation: "This thief seems to be a habitual offender. Before he was confessed, he stole several houses, but he was never caught. He even hurt someone once..."

After talking about this matter, Fang Wencheng said again: "That's right, young master. You asked me to investigate the matter of Li Sheng before. I found out that he is still taking drugs. I have already contacted Yuji to break the news. Tonight he posted on Weibo Said to quit the circle... "

Xie Ruhe didn't finish listening: "Understood."

Then hung up the phone.

He didn't stay in the living room anymore, and returned to the room.

Shu Nian seems to have just woken up, and is looking at the ceiling with his eyes open. Hearing the movement, she immediately got up and shrank in the corner, not even daring to lift her head, panting badly.

Xie Ruhe called her softly: "Shu Nian."

Her reaction was very slow, and it took several seconds before she raised her head and looked at him blankly.

Seeing him, Shu Nian's fear dissipated instantly. She breathed a sigh of relief, she looked more sober than before, and said to him nervously: "Xie Ruhe, we can't stay in a dark house."

"En." Xie Ruhe didn't ask why, but turned on the light, "Okay."

"A dark house." Shu Nian murmured, "There will be bad people coming."

Xie Ruhe used to sit next to her, and he didn't dare to get too close to her, for fear that she would be frightened. He coaxed in a low voice: "Now that it's on, no bad guys will come."

As soon as the room was lit up, her condition obviously improved a lot, but she stopped talking.

After a while, Xie Ruhe touched her face with his hand and asked, "Do you want to sleep?"

Shu Nian didn't dodge, shook his head: "I can dream."

Xie Ruhe said obediently, "If you don't want to sleep, then don't sleep."

Shu Nian got under the quilt and asked extremely insecure: "Can you lock the door..."

He nodded: "Yes."

Xie Ruhe went to lock the door and walked back. He looked at Shu Nian whose whole body was hidden under the quilt, and suddenly said, "Nian Nian, can you move here and live with me?"

Hearing this, Shu Nian poked his head out from under the quilt and looked at him cautiously.

"Instead of living in the same room with you, I will live in another room. If you don't like it, I can also live on the seventeenth floor." Xie Ruhe's voice was very gentle, and he asked for her opinion, "Do you think it's okay?"

Shu Nian sniffed and said, "You saw it."

Xie Ruhe paused: "What."

"The way I was just now..." Shu Nian buried his head in the quilt again, choked up and said, "I'm mentally ill, I know my state. I shouldn't have a relationship with you."


"Your conditions are so good." Her negative energy reached the extreme, and she said self-destructively, "You shouldn't be looking for someone like me. There are many people who like you, so you shouldn't be looking for me. You have to find someone who has no defects."

She was still talking to herself.

Soon, there was a feeling of sinking on the side of the soft bed. Like he leaned in.

The quilt on Shu Nian's head was torn off by him.

Meet his gaze.

Xie Ruhe looked at her intently: "What's your flaw?"

Shu Nian's eyes were red, when he was about to speak, he suddenly moved his face closer and kissed the dimple on her face.

It was a move that made Shunian defenseless.

She stared at him with wide eyes as if she had been slighted.

calm down.

Looking at her expression, the corners of Xie Ruhe's mouth curled up, and he rubbed her dimples with his fingertips, and asked seriously, "Is this it?"