Defeated By Love

Chapter 58


Shu Nian's head tilted backward according to his strength, and because of the pain, tears welled up in his eyes.

Seeing this, Zeng Yuanxue let go of his hand and stood up: "Sorry, I was too excited. You have been sleeping for almost a day, and you seem to be quite used to this place."


Zeng Yuanxue asked, "Are you hungry?"

Shu Nian's whole body was stiff, and she looked up at him without any response.

He didn't seem to mind, and continued, "What do you want to eat?"

Seeing the cloth ball in her mouth, Zeng Yuanxue suddenly realized, and then stretched out his hand to pull out the cloth ball: "I was not careful enough, I forgot to take it out."

There were laugh lines at the end of his eyes, and he asked again patiently: "What do you want to eat?"

Shu Nian was finally able to speak, but his throat felt dry, as if he still had the smell of blood. Suppressing her fear, she said hoarsely: "You are breaking the law."

Zeng Yuanxue seemed to have never heard of it: "Is fried rice okay?"

Her words seemed to melt into the air without making any movement. Shu Nian raised his voice a bit, and said word by word: "You are kidnapping."

"I don't know how to do anything else." Zeng Yuanxue still talked to himself and laughed, "Then let's fry rice."

"I don't want to eat!" Shu Nian finally couldn't take it anymore, tears fell down his face. She didn't dare to provoke the person in front of her, so she lowered her voice again, trembling, "Please let me go mother is still waiting for me to come home..."

Hearing this, Zeng Yuanxue nodded obediently, and stuffed the ball of paper back into her mouth. Like a robot, he only picks up what he wants to hear, and throws away everything else as garbage.

"Since you don't want to eat, then don't eat it. Have a good rest."

After speaking, he left the room and closed the door.

The field of vision returned to darkness.

Shu Nian could only see a faint light from outside the heavy curtains. She couldn't help whimpering and kept calming herself down, using the light to observe the surrounding environment.

Probably a utility room.

The space is not large, and there are a few discarded furniture next to it, which are stained with a lot of dust. There are all kinds of odds and ends, put in cardboard boxes, and scattered things on the ground, you can see them everywhere.

It smells bad, like the decaying smell of moldy wood.

The house was leaking, and there was a basin on the ground.

The water inside was half full, and the leaked water fell into it, and there was a very clear sound of water dripping, echoing in the small room.


Shu Nian's eyes moved, not knowing why this person brought him here. She could imagine that many terrible things that she could not resist would happen next.

After the fear, all that overwhelmed her was sadness and despair.

Shu Nian felt that he might not survive.

But she doesn't want to die.

This was Shu Nian's only thought at the time.

She felt that she had to at least try hard. Maybe the hope was slim, but she might also find a glimmer of hope in this slim.

Zeng Yuanxue didn't know what kind of work he was doing, and his daily working hours were not too long and fixed. Except for the friendliness that he deliberately faked on the first day, he completely showed his true colors after that.

After going out and coming back every day, he looked in a bad mood, with hostility all over his body.

He vented all his unhappiness on Shu Nian.

Swearing at her, punching and kicking her.

There is no rape as Shunaim imagined, only abuse.

He seems to be extremely misogynistic.

After torturing Shu Nian, Zeng Yuan learned to wash his hands repeatedly, and wiped them with a towel again and again, as if he had touched something disgusting.

But it also seems that he doesn't want Shunian to die too soon.

Zeng Yuanxue never hits where it would be fatal. Occasionally, when she was in a bad mood, she would cut her with a knife. I would talk to her often, tear off the scabbed wounds on her body, and listen to her painful and restrained cries.

He would laugh happily and ask her every day: "Little girl, do you want to die?"

You can read and think about it.

Why did she have to die.

There are bad people hiding in the corners of this world. These people will only breed in the dark and dare not expose them to the outside world. Sooner or later, one day in the future, he will bear the punishment he deserves for what he has done.

Good and evil will eventually be rewarded, and the way of heaven is reincarnation.

It is a sentence that Shu Nian has always believed in.

Shu Nian also believes that the vast majority of people in this world are kind. She cannot be blinded by the evil of the few to the good of the many.

Shunem loves this world.

She didn't want to give up her life and the person who was still waiting for her because of such a person or such an ugly thing.

Even though he was tortured like this, Shu Nian never let go.

But Zeng Yuanxue seemed to just want to hear her say "I want to die", as long as her answer was no, he would just shrug his shoulders, and he would never do anything that would endanger her life.

On the third day there.

Shu Nian heard Zeng Yuanxue talk about something.

He was in a better mood than usual that day, and he talked a lot more accordingly. He didn't seem to think that Shu Nian could get out alive at all, and he didn't hold anything back when talking to her.

That day, Zeng Yuanxue told her.

She was his third guest.

The first one is a little girl who is still in junior high school. She can play the violin very well and she is also pretty. He asked her if she wanted to die, but she would just cry and shake her head, shouting "I want to go home".

The moment Shu Nian heard this, the blood in Shu Nian's whole body seemed to be frozen.

A junior high school girl playing the violin.

Even after so many years, Shu Nian still left a deep impression on her.

The first name that popped up in my mind was still "Chen Xiang".

Zeng Yuanxue's expression was a little regretful: "She said she didn't want to die, but she just kept crying, but she was making a fuss. I thought, doesn't she like playing the violin? I took a knife and cut off one of her fingers."

Hearing this, Shu Nian's eyes immediately turned red, and his lips trembled.

"I haven't cut the second root yet." Zeng Yuanxue said amusedly, "I just cried and begged me to kill her."

In the past few days, when being tortured by him, Shu Nian has never been so angry like this moment. She gritted her teeth, her eyes were so red that they were about to bleed, she couldn't understand his behavior at all.

"Why would you do that, it's just a kid."

Children who cannot live independently without their parents.

You should also be protected by society, you should live along your own life trajectory, and you should become the person you want to be in the future.

"Did I do anything?" Zeng Yuanxue tilted his head, not knowing where her anger and hatred came from, "I didn't say I wanted to kill her, she asked me to kill her."

The man had nothing left for the world but a heart full of malice.

Very distorted worldview.

Shu Nian resisted the physiological reaction of nausea, turned his head away, and stopped talking to him.

"It's really boring." Zeng Yuanxue sighed and looked sad, "I actually don't want to kill her so quickly, it's because she doesn't want to live anymore, and I can't help it."

Shu Nian closed his eyes, pretending he didn't hear it.

Zeng Yuanxue said a few more words on his own, then grabbed her hair suddenly, and sneered, "I'm talking to you, can't you hear me?"

Shu Nian still kept his eyes closed and didn't say a word.

Zeng Yuanxue suddenly became interested: "You should have heard the news."


The second, he said, was a woman who eloped here with her husband, who was prone to domestic violence and was in the process of divorcing her husband. I have a son who is in high school.

Zeng Yuanxue was tired from squatting, so he stood up and turned his neck: "That woman looks weak and she cries softly. I thought she wouldn't last for a long time, but I don't want to die no matter how hard I beat her."

Shu Nian's hands and feet were cold, and finally he couldn't help but open his eyes to look at him, Ji Xiangning's smiling face and Xie Ruhe's despairing appearance appeared in his mind. She lost her temper and said loudly, "Don't talk anymore."

"She said she had a son, and she was still waiting for her to come home." Zeng Yuanxue clicked his tongue, "She said that without her, no one else would take care of her son."

Shu Nian's tears fell, and she repeated sharply: "Don't say any more."

Zeng Yuanxue raised his eyebrows: "Why are you crying? Ah... I remember, her son is your friend, right?"


"Later I told her that her son was looking for her outside every day and night, and then died in a car accident." Speaking of this, Zeng Yuanxue laughed, "She believed it, and then cried and asked me to kill her gone."


"So you know, little girl." Zeng Yuanxue said, "They are the ones begging me, hoping that I can kill them. They are asking for my help. Most people in this world don't want to live Yeah, the world is so dirty. What did I do? I just helped them."

His nonsense words angered Shu Nian.

"Then why don't you die?" Shu Nian hated someone so much for the first time, she clenched her fists and cursed viciously, "Why don't you die."

Hearing this, Zeng Yuanxue stroked her head gently, as if treating a disobedient child.

"Because I still want to help you."

Later, no matter how much Zeng Yuanxue tortured her, Shu Nian never said a word.

Only when the pain was unbearable, she could not help crying. During this nearly a week, she lost weight at a speed visible to the naked eye, and her eyes lost their luster.

But no matter when Zeng Yuanxue asked her if she wanted to die.

Her answer is always no.

She still wants to live, and save this life to see the world, meet the people she wants to see, and save this life to wait for the devil in front of her to be punished by law.

Let Chen Xiang and Ji Xiangning's spirits in heaven also rest in peace.

Let their families be relieved.

She has to live.

Otherwise there will be another victim.

Shu Nian thought that she would think so until the moment she died.

But this idea changed on the day she was rescued.

On that day, Zeng Yuanxue came in to deliver food to Shunian, feeling extremely depressed. He took out the knife that he carried with him, with a sullen face, just when he was about to vent all his anger on her.

There was a knock on the door outside.

Zeng Yuanxue paused, got up and walked out, not forgetting to lock the door.

He put the knife directly on the chair next to him.

Shu Nian's eyes froze for a few seconds, as if seeing a glimmer of hope. Her hands and legs were bound, so she had to move over, otherwise there would be a lot of noise.

Then it attracted Zeng Yuanxue's attention.

Her whole body was weak and painful, and she gritted her teeth and moved her body over.

When he got to the chair, Shu Nian adjusted his posture, barely stood up, and held the knife with his hands behind his back. She has no experience and can't see behind.

Afraid that Zeng Yuanxue would come back at any time, he cut the rope with a knife indiscriminately.

Because of his anxiety and powerlessness, Shu Nian couldn't help crying, ignoring the pain of being cut by the knife, half of his attention was on his hand, and half on the outside of the door.

After a few minutes, she finally cut the rope with a knife.

Shu Nian didn't dare to dawdle, and cut the ropes of her feet, she could see that her hands were bloody and bloody, her breathing became short, and she tore the cloth ball out of her mouth.

It became very quiet outside the door.

Shu Nian held the knife and nervously listened to the movement outside, fearing that this time his hope would be shattered. She didn't know where Zeng Yuanxue had gone, and she couldn't hear any sound from outside. The door was locked from the outside, and she couldn't open it.

Shu Nian walked to the window and opened the curtain.

The windows were also locked.

She turned her head dully and saw the chair next to her.

Shu Nian exhausted all his strength to lift it up and slammed it against the window.

is the only chance.

If it fails, there will be no next time.

The window shattered and crackled for a split second, and the glass splattered, a few scraping across her cheek. Shu Nian heard movement outside, she ignored the remaining glass thorns on the window sill, and climbed out by stepping on the window sill.

At the same time, she heard the sound of the door being opened.

Zeng Yuanxue cursed.

Shu Nian didn't look back, but stumbled and jumped out of the window, and ran out.

Two men passed by in the distance.

Shu Nian ran towards them, crying for the rest of his life after the catastrophe.

She saw the sun and crawled out of the darkness.

She is yelling for help.

Behind him was the sound of Zeng Yuanxue's footsteps as if he was dying.

Shu Nian was in a mess, her clothes were covered in blood, there was not a single piece of skin on her body that was healthy, and she couldn't even recognize her original appearance. She didn't have the strength to run, nor could she run behind Zeng Yuanxue.

She could only try her best to ask for help.

The two men heard the movement here, and walked over hesitantly.

Shu Nian was captured by Zeng Yuanxue again.

She heard him in her ear, and said through gritted teeth: "Did I let you out?"

Shu Nian screamed and struggled, completely unable to listen to his words, and shouted to the two men in the distance like crazy, his words were choked with sobs: "Help me! Help me... Please...he is a murderer commit... ”

Zeng Yuanxue fixed her body and explained with a smile: "I'm sorry, this is my daughter. There was an accident before, and there was a mental problem... It scared you."

The expressions of the two men were hesitant. After thinking about it, they worried that it was indeed someone else's family business.

There was a stalemate for dozens of seconds.

The two men still didn't come forward.

Seeing their expressions of shrinking back, Shunian opened his mouth. Her eyes widened, and she said in disbelief: "He is not my father... he is a murderer, you can't believe it..."

Zeng Yuanxue sighed: "Go home with Dad."

He dragged Shunian and walked towards the house, towards that hell.

Shu Nian resisted vigorously, but the power gap between men and women was too great, she couldn't break free at all. She looked at the two men, as if the world had collapsed, and sobbed, "Why didn't you save me!"


"He's not my father. My father is dead." It was her desperate cry, high-pitched and hoarse. people die..."

One man took a step forward, but was held back by another.

At this moment, all her stance and firmness disappeared, and Shu Nian burst into tears: "My father is dead...he is not like this..."

Shu Nian looked at the two men standing there.

He seemed to be saying something, then turned his head and left. Regardless of all her cries for help, she pretended to be deaf and dumb and left. They acquiesced in all of Zeng Yuanxue's actions and chose to stand by and watch.

Perhaps because of their actions, a person's life will be lost.

But they think so.

It's none of their business.

Shunem was taken back to the house and taken to another room.

"I'll kill you, I shouldn't be able to run away this time." But Zeng Yuanxue didn't seem in a bad mood after seeing what happened to Shunian, "Little girl, you're really good, and you can run away."

Shu Nian didn't cry anymore, just sat there numbly.

Zeng Yuanxue was still talking, but Shu Nian was no longer in the mood to listen.

she was thinking.

Her father is dead, and her mother has remarried and has a new family.

No one seemed to need her anymore.

Shu Nian began to doubt, is Deng Qingyu really looking for her

Then why has it been so long, she is still here.

She is still being tortured, insisting on living all the time, just to fight for unnecessary anger.

No one needs her anymore.

Shu Nian even began to blame Shu Gao Lin for abandoning her in order to save others.

If Shu Gaolin was still alive, he would definitely come to save her.

Will definitely come.

But Shu Gaolin is dead.

Her father is dead.

Shu Nian raised his eyes, looked at Zeng Yuanxue blankly, and said softly, "Are you still going to kill me?"

Zeng Yuanxue said, "Do you want to die?"

Shu Nian paused for a moment, then nodded, "Yes."

She heard Zeng Yuanxue laughing.

At this moment, Shu Nian suddenly thought of Xie Ruhe.

Recalling the day he left Shiyan Town, he only came to talk to her.

His face was pale and morbid, and he grabbed her arm, feeling extremely agitated, and repeatedly emphasized: "You can't go home alone after school, and you can't walk alone at night. Before you do anything, you have to promise yourself safety."

Shu Nian was stunned and didn't speak.

"When you see strangers, don't approach them lightly." Xie Ruhe said hoarsely, "Don't worry about other people's affairs. You have to ensure your safety. The most important thing is your safety."

Xie Ruhe stared at her, with tears in his words, and raised his voice: "You have to promise me!"

At that time.

Shu Nian held his hand, and said cautiously and solemnly, "I promise you."

I promise you, nothing will happen to me.

But I'm sorry, I didn't listen to you.

Zeng Yuanxue's voice sounded in his ears.

He asked her, "Is there anything you want to say before you die?"

Shu Nian's eyelids moved, it seemed lifeless.

After a long time, she choked up and said, "I hope the world is safe."

Eyes closed is cheers, eyes open is a smile.