Defeated By Love

Chapter 65


After sleeping, Shu Nian felt that the side effects of taking the medicine were much less severe, and the feeling of depression was not as serious as before. She didn't tell Deng Qingyu about the thieves in the house, and she didn't say it because she was afraid that she would be worried.

Shu Nian chatted with Deng Qingyu for a few more words, and hung up the phone not long after.

The room was as quiet as usual.

Xie Ruhe never made any big noises, and basically never disturbed her.

Shu Nian rubbed his eyes, moved to the window and pulled the curtains aside. The floor here is high, and you can see the night view of most of Ruchuan City, and the lights of thousands of houses are reflected in her eyes. She looked down at the time, then got up, went to the bathroom and washed her face.

He only drank a bowl of porridge at noon, now Shu Nian also feels hungry. She pushed open the door and was about to walk towards the living room when she suddenly noticed a post-it note on the door.

Shu Nian paused, reached out and pulled off the post-it note.

On it was Xie Ruhe's familiar handwriting.

— I went out to do some shopping and woke up and called me. Xie Ruhe.

Shu Nian went back to the room to take out the phone.

It's early seven o'clock. She thought about it, she seemed to have fallen asleep at three or four in the afternoon, she didn't hear anything at all, and she didn't know how long Xie Ruhe had been out.

Shu Nian walked towards the kitchen and called him. She opened the refrigerator and looked through it.

There was a beep in my ear.

Shu Nian took a cup of jelly from the refrigerator, tiptoed on top to get a spoon.

After she finished this series of actions, Xie Ruhe still hadn't answered the phone.

Shu Nian walked to the sofa and sat down, and waited for a while.

The phone hangs up automatically because no one answers for a long time.

Shu Nian stared at the screen hesitantly, always feeling that something was wrong. From the reunion until now, she has basically never encountered Xie Ruhe not answering the phone. No matter what time you call.

She licked her lips and struck again.

Still didn't answer.

Shu Nian thought for a while and sent him a text message.

[Where are you now?]

After the sending was successful, Shu Nian put the phone aside, and his mood suddenly turned bad again. She tore off the wrapping paper of the jelly, took a spoon, and absent-mindedly took a bite.

When Shu Nian was hesitating whether to call Fang Wencheng or not.

There happened to be movement at the entrance.

Shu Nian quickly moved to the edge of the sofa, stretched his head to look at the entrance.

Xie Ruhe came in with a bag and changed into a suit of clothes. He looked in a bad mood, with sharp eyebrows and angry eyes. He lowered his head and changed his shoes, raised his eyes, and noticed that Shu Nian's emotions had dissipated a little.

He came over: "Are you awake?"

Shu Nian nodded and asked, "Why didn't you answer the phone?"

"I accidentally dropped it when I was going out." Xie Ruhe casually took out the phone from his pocket, pressed the power button, and the screen was still black, "It's broken."

Shunian was silent for a few seconds, lowered his eyes, and noticed that there were scratches on his arms and elbows. She walked to the TV cabinet on her own and took out the medicine box.

Xie Ruhe was still standing there: "Are you hungry?"

"A little bit." Shu Nian said honestly, "But I ate a jelly just now, so it's okay."

Xie Ruhe hummed, took out one of the items in the bag and put it in the refrigerator.

When he walked back to the living room, he saw that Shu Nian was already sitting on the sofa, gently digging out medical cotton swabs and iodophor. She sniffed and asked, "What did you go out to buy?"

Xie Ruhe sat next to her: "Ice cream, but it may have melted."

"It'll be fine after a while." Shunian grabbed his wrist, leaned over, and carefully treated his wound, "Did you fall too? The skin is broken here."

Xie Ruhe didn't speak.

Shu Nian carefully applied the medicine to him, and secretly glanced at him: "Why are you unhappy?"

Xie Ruhe had no emotion on his face, and said lightly, "No."

Shu Nian didn't quite believe his words, so he slowly suggested: "Do you want to eat ice cream right now? Otherwise, let's go out to buy it now, and we also have dinner outside."

"Huh?" Xie Ruhe looked up, "I bought the ice cream for you."

"How to buy me ice cream..."

"You said you wanted to eat this afternoon."

"Did I say it?" Shu Nian's expression was a little dazed, he tilted his head and thought about it, and it took him a while to remember, "Oh, yes. I said it... I forgot it after I slept."

Xie Ruhe bent his lips, most of his bad mood dissipated. He took the cotton swab in her hand and said, "I'll do it myself. I've packed noodles for you, let's eat first."

Shu Nian shook his head: "I'll paint it for you first."

Xie Ruhe paused, didn't say anything, and obediently didn't move.

"My father was always injured before." Shunian moved lightly and spoke softly, "When he was at home, I was the one who took care of his wounds."

Xie Ruhe looked down at her.

Shu Nian smiled: "I think I did a good job."

After treating the wound, she threw the swab into the trash can, got up and went to the kitchen to wash her hands. Xie Ruhe followed and stood beside her silently.

Shu Nian shook off the water from his hands and said, "Wash your hands too."

Xie Ruhe nodded, stepped forward and washed his hands with water.

Shu Nian walked out of the kitchen: "Then we will have noodles tonight?"

Xie Ruhe said, "Yes."

Shu Nian picked up the bag and walked to the dining table.

Xie Ruhe came over to help, and asked in a low voice, "Do you still feel uncomfortable?"

Shu Nian is very honest: "Not anymore."

"Tell me if you're uncomfortable."

"it is good."

What Xie Ruhe packed was the signature beef noodles from a nearby noodle shop. Fearing that the noodles will be burnt, the noodles and soup are packed in different boxes, a total of four boxes.

The soup was still very hot, Xie Ruhe was worried that Shunian would be scalded, so he didn't let her touch it, got up and poured the soup into the noodle bowl.

Shu Nian rested her chin, looked at the wound on his arm, hesitated to speak.

Xie Ruhe poured the soup, stirred it with chopsticks, and then put it in front of Shu Nian. Just seeing her gaze, his gaze paused, his lips pursed, afraid that she might be thinking wildly, so he didn't hide it anymore.

"My grandparents, and my uncles have all come here."

Shu Nian suddenly remembered Deng Qingyu's words, ahh.

"I happened to meet him when I came back." Xie Ruhe said calmly, "I was pushed by my uncle, and I rubbed against the wall without paying attention. It's nothing wrong."

Shu Nian never thought it would be like this, and couldn't help but said, "Why are they doing this?"

"You should want me to go back and see my dad." Xie Ruhe didn't care too much, "Also, let me give them money. They said that my dad's burial will cost money, and they also need to help support my grandparents."

"..." Shu Nian guessed, "Did they scold you?"

Xie Ruhe hummed, didn't speak any more, and lowered his head to bite his face.

Shu Nian held the chopsticks and sat quietly watching him.

I remembered when I was in Shiyan Town, because Ji Xiangning was a foreigner, in this place, she had no one to rely on except Xie Ji. But her husband is unreliable, he drinks heavily every day, and when he gets angry, he beats and scolds.

This only reliance became the source of her painful life.

At that time, only Ji Xiangning would protect Xie Ruhe.

Other relatives will only watch the situation of their family with cold eyes. At that time, he didn't do anything, but at this moment, he pretended to be Xie Ruhe's elder again, came to preach to him, and asked him for money.

Shu Nian remembered Zeng Yuanxue's words again.

She exhaled, feeling suddenly sad. Those words, Shu Nian will probably never tell Xie Ruhe in this life, and won't let him know the reason why Ji Xiangning really gave up.

Shu Nian lowered his head and asked, "I forgot, why didn't we keep in touch?"

Xie Ruhe's movements stopped, and his Adam's apple slipped.

In fact, it is not a big reason.

It's because of distance, but also because of time. The two are separated by such a long distance, have their own lives, and are busy with their own affairs. Each other is still important, but also feel strange.

When something happens, it is no longer the first to tell the other party.

Gradually, it becomes a chat once in a long time, and what I talk about is only happy things, and I will not bring any negative energy of myself to the other party. Become a strange and familiar old friend.

Shu Nian suddenly remembered, and said hesitantly: "I remember, it seems that I have looked for you several times, but you ignored me, and you didn't answer the phone call. Then I lost contact."

Xie Ruhe licked his lips: "Yes."

"..." Shu Nian asked in disbelief, "You saw me and ignored me on purpose?"

"On your 20th birthday, I called you." Xie Ruhe stopped his chopsticks and said to himself, "At that time, I had been using the name Ahe for two years."

Shu Nian was stunned: "You called me? I don't know."

In Shu Nian's impression, since Xie Ruhe went to France, they usually only communicate on QQ, and they basically don't call. The relationship between time difference and because neither of them are talkative people.

"Xu Zeyuan answered the call." Xie Ruhe lowered his eyes again, "He said he was your boyfriend."

Originally, he wanted to tell her that he was going back to China and wanted to meet her. At that time, the pen name of the singer-songwriter Ah He gradually became famous, and he also had a source of income.

I feel like I'm getting closer to her.

Relying on his own ability, he gradually narrowed the distance between the two of them.

It will no longer be like in Shiyan Town, when everyone said such nasty things to her who stretched out her hand to him because he had a father who was violent at home.

Probably in that place, everyone felt that it was wrong for them to get together.

One is a troubled teenager who is gloomy and hostile all day long, never listens to lectures in class, and often skips classes; A spotless good girl.

It is obvious that they are not from the same world.

Even Shu Nian's mother thought so.

Probably possible, even Xie Ruhe himself thinks so.

So he wants to make himself better, so that others can forget that he has such a father, the existence that makes him feel embarrassed but can't get rid of.

Xie Ruhe really wanted to stay by Shunian's side, but it was never because of the word "friend".

He has a deeper longing.

But when Xie Ruhe felt that he had made the first step and wanted to get close to her and return to her side.

There are other people around her.

You will feel that there is no reason for you to continue to be with her.

Xie Ruhe said: "I never logged on to that QQ after that."

Shu Nian murmured: "I don't know..."

Xie Ruhe rubbed her head: "It's my problem."

He knew that it was very bad behavior for him to cut off contact with her without saying a word. It is conceivable that she might mention Xu Zeyuan to him, what happened when they fell in love, the first time they held hands, the first hug, and the first kiss.

Thinking of such a scene, he felt breathless.

Extremely unbearable.

Shu Nian was silent for a while, and then apologized to him: "I'm sorry."

Xie Ruhe raised his eyes: "Huh? What are you apologizing for?"

"I lied to you before. If you told me you liked me in high school, I would have scolded you." Shu Nian said sullenly, "That's what my dad taught me at that time. Don't be so young. Always think about something far-fetched, students should learn."

Xie Ruhe didn't know what she wanted to say, and his expression was blank.

"I apologize for my bigotry."


Probably because he felt that something was wrong, Shu Nian couldn't speak very well, and it took him a long time to hold back the words.

"I feel that puppy love should be pretty good..."