Defeated By Love

Chapter 70


It's not that Shu Nian doesn't know that Xie Ruhe has Weibo, but she only read it once.

Xie Ruhe doesn't follow anyone on Weibo, and basically doesn't post Weibo. The number of Weibo can be counted on one finger. The last Weibo was still two years ago, living like a zombie account.

It wasn't long before she reunited with Xie Ruhe.

I just saw a Weibo about him in Hot Spot, and tweeted about him. Shu Nian subconsciously clicked in and took a look, but didn't pay attention, and quickly backed out.

Shunian's Weibo is not very useful, and the only people who follow him are some seniors he likes, and some bloggers he casually follows. Putting it in the phone is like a decoration, and only occasionally when the whim comes, I will go up and have a look.

She stared at that Weibo for a while, her heart beating faster.

After a while, Shunian gave Ke Yiqing a stunned expression. Then he secretly took a look at Xie Ruhe, and saw that he didn't look at him, so he lowered his head again.

He opened Weibo like a thief, and entered Xie Ruhe's Weibo name.

Xie Ruhe is not like a traffic star. There are not many fans on Weibo, and there are not many likes and comments on Weibo. Probably because I haven't posted on Weibo for a long time, it has been about a day since this new Weibo, and the comments have already exceeded 10,000.

Shu Nian clicked on the comments and took a look.

[Crying, I thought you forgot your Weibo password.]

[I know, I know! KNOW THIS SONG IS YOU WRITTEN! nice! ! ! Come on! ! ! ! ! ! ! !]

[Missing persons appear.]

[? ? ? ? Husband, who is this Shu Nian[/angry]]

[Hehe, when will you release an album again? I want to hear you sing QAQ]

[Ahe, is this really you? [/picture]]

The last picture posted was the one that was exposed before. The pixels are not clear, only the outline of Xie Ruhe's facial features can be vaguely seen, and it can be seen that his appearance is clear and elegant, and his temperament is outstanding.

Even sitting in a wheelchair, the light on his body is particularly bright.

There are many replies below.

Shu Nian subconsciously clicked in to read.

[I said this is a rumor, report it. (Although I also think this is Ahe]

[Sick, what kind of presence do you look for? (Actually, I think so too, so handsome woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo)]

[? Is it your horse? (It should be)


Seeing this series of formations, Shu Nian's eyes were blank, and he couldn't tell whether these were black fans or real fans. She backed out with a hesitant expression, and soon paid attention to Xie Ruhe.

Shu Nian returned to the homepage and suddenly noticed that she had thousands more fans.

The red number displayed in the column of the message is also several thousand.

Shu Nian was taken aback for a moment, not knowing what was going on, he became suspicious.

The number of likes is relatively large, and there are about a few hundred comments, all of which are talking about the song "The Stars Are Falling". Most of them were relatively harmonious, and there were a few who came to find a sense of presence, and they were all scolded back.

Before the release of this song, Shu Nian had less than a thousand fans, but now it is almost ten thousand. Looking at the word "voice actor" on her profile, she felt a little complicated.

Shu Nian picked out a few comments and replied seriously: [Thank you for liking.]

Then quit Weibo.

Shu Nian put the phone back into the bag, hesitating whether to ask Xie Ruhe about this matter, all his attention was on him. Not long after, she suddenly noticed that Fang Wencheng would take the initiative to talk to Xie Ruhe while waiting for the traffic light.

It's mostly to report to him what happened recently.

But Xie Ruhe didn't respond at all, and his expression was lazy and he didn't answer.

This state is similar to Shunian's attitude towards Fang Wencheng when he was recording songs at Xie Ruhe's house. But it's also possible that it has always been like this, but during this time, Shu Nian rarely saw Fang Wencheng.

I didn't pay much attention to how the two of them got along.

Coincidentally, the car has already driven downstairs to Huang Lizhi's company.

Shu Nian took the good things, said goodbye to Fang Wencheng, and then got out of the car with Xie Ruhe. She put her hat on and couldn't help but ask, "Why are you ignoring Assistant Fang?"

Xie Ruhe raised his eyes: "Huh?"

"I think he treats you very well." Shu Nian whispered, "Don't always treat him so badly. If he can't bear it and resigns, it will be difficult for you to find such a good assistant."

"..." Xie Ruhe rubbed the center of his eyebrows, "What did he tell you?"

"No." Shu Nian said honestly, "I just thought you ignored him just now."

Xie Ruhe explained: "He was talking to me about something."

Shu Nian thought for a while and said hesitantly, "But you were like this before."


"Let me remind you." Shu Nian murmured, "It doesn't feel good like this. That is, if someone comes to the digging assistant in the future, he thinks that you are not treating him well, so it will be over right away."

Xie Ruhe: "..."

Let's go then.

Shunian said solemnly: "Then tell the other party some of your secrets, what should we do then?"

Xie Ruhe looked at her sideways, a little bit wanting to refute her words, but felt that she might say more words to refute him. He pursed his lips and settled for a long while: "... I see."

Shu Nian went upstairs with Xie Ruhe.

After receiving Shunian's WeChat, Huang Lizhi walked out of the company. She glanced in the direction of the elevator, noticed Shu Nian, waved her hand, and quickly noticed Xie Ruhe.

"Who is this?"

Shu Nian rubbed his head, and said softly, "Teacher, this is my boyfriend, he came up with me. He's going down now, so he won't disturb you..."

Huang Lizhi instantly understood: "It's okay, come in and sit down."

Hearing this, Shu Nian glanced in Xie Ruhe's direction, as if asking him what he thought.

Xie Ruhe did not refuse, but nodded: "Okay."

Huang Lizhi has known Shunian for several years, and has not paid much attention to her emotional life, but she has not seen any friends of the opposite sex around her. It's rare to see someone beside her, Huang Lizhi was also happy for Shunian, and said with a smile, "It's good to be in love, and she's also pretty."

Huang Lizhi took the two of them in.

The space is not too big, only two separate offices. There were several people inside, all of whom were seniors Shu Nian knew, and there were also a few semi-new voice actors who were the same as Shu Nian.

Huang Lizhi called one of them to stop and asked him to pour water for Xie Ruhe.

Then he asked Shu Nian to follow her into the office.

After closing the door, Huang Lizhi was not in a hurry to discuss the contract with her, and first asked: "Why do I feel like I haven't seen you for a few days, and you fell in love. What is your boyfriend doing?"

Shu Nian said honestly, "Composer."

"Songwriter? How are you?"

Shu Nian nodded, and said seriously, "It's very good to me."

"That's good." Huang Lizhi felt relieved, "How is your health recently?"

"Much better."

Huang Lizhi took out the contract from the side and said, "Take good care of yourself."

Shu Nian obediently said: "I know."

"Look at the contract." Huang Lizhi put the contract in front of her, her expression became serious, "Look carefully, if you need to change it, you can tell me."

Shu Nian knew that Huang Lizhi took good care of her, and also knew that with his current fame and experience, he was not qualified to negotiate terms. She hummed and flipped through a few pages symbolically.

"In the future, the studio will basically assign you a job, or someone will take the initiative to find you..." Speaking of this, Huang Lizhi suddenly remembered something, "By the way, I recently accepted a movie, and I am the dubbing director. There is a character in it that I I want you to match."

Thinking of the mental state that Shunian said before, Huang Lizhi paused, and added: "Can you come to audition in two days?"

Shunian doesn't want to be outside and always let others take care of him: "It's fine."

"That works." Huang Lizhi said, "I'll send you the time and place later."

Shu Nian said hello, and continued to look at the contract.

"Why did you sing a song recently?" Huang Lizhi casually chatted with her, joking, "I remember that you were always out of tune when you sang, this time you sang quite well, I thought you were going to change careers gone."

Shu Nian was embarrassed: "The director asked for it during the sound audition."

The two chatted for a while.

After a long time, Shunian turned the contract to the signature page and said, "I've read it, and I think there is no problem."

Huang Lizhi said: "Okay, then you can sign it."

Shu Nian picked up the pen and quickly signed it.

"Niannian." Huang Lizhi glanced at her phone and asked her, "I suddenly remembered, did you have a relationship with Xu Zeyuan when you were in college?"

Shu Nian paused: "Yeah, what's wrong?"

"When you came to audition, Miao Man should be there. The second female character she plays in it, come over to dub." Huang Lizhi took care of her emotions and was always straightforward, "Will it affect you?"

Shu Nian blinked, but didn't pay much attention to it.

"Will not."

After that, Huang Lizhi had other things to do, Shu Nian didn't bother her anymore.

After leaving the office, most of the people outside had gone to the recording studio. Xie Ruhe was the only one sitting in the corner. Shu Nian walked over and reached out to him, "Let's go back."

Xie Ruhe held her hand: "Are you done?"

"Yes." Shu Nian said goodbye to the others, "It's signed."

"Anything else?"

"No, but I have to audition the day after tomorrow."

Shu Nian didn't look at the road, being led forward by Xie Ruhe, he wasn't worried about bumping into something. She chatted with him one after another, and looked down at her phone with some thought.

Inexplicably, when she saw the Weibo icon on the screen, she didn't know what kind of force was bewitching her.

Shu Nian clicked on Weibo again.

Once opened, the news seemed to explode.

Weibo fans are also constantly rising, as if they are about to collapse.

Puzzled, Shu Nian glanced at the comments, most of the comments were asking about her relationship with Ah He, and they were all well-intentioned, with a connotation of blessing.

Shu Nian scratched his head, opened Xie Ruhe's Weibo and took a look in bewilderment.

It was found that his constant 0 attention all year round suddenly changed to 1.

Shu Nian suddenly understood.

Reach out and click on his watch list.

Shu Nian stared at it for a while, then asked in a low voice, "Why do you pay attention to me?"

Xie Ruhe's tone was casual: "You have followed me too."

Not knowing how he found himself among so many fans, Shu Nian felt a bit miraculous and overwhelmed. She licked her lips and said oh.

Xie Ruhe whispered: "Can't you pay attention?"

"No." Shu Nian lowered his head, his mind was a little confused, "It's not that publicity will affect anything, you're not afraid that they will think you have a girlfriend..."

"Huh?" Xie Ruhe interrupted her, "I'm not afraid."


"I just want to be public."