Defeated By Love

Chapter 71


Shu Nian stared at him blankly.

Holding the phone in his hand, it felt inexplicably hot. His palms were also gradually sweating.

In fact, this is not considered public. Xie Ruhe did not make any leading remarks, but only said that a song he wrote was very nice, which happened to be sung by Shu Nian.

Also, she's the only one on the watchlist.

Many people who have noticed these two things may speculate, and may also feel that this is an ironclad fact. While not confirmed yet, those speculations are just speculations.

But when Shunian is mentioned later, many people will probably think of Ahe.

The two seem to be bound together.

Before she asked if she wanted to see his grandfather, but he answered in the negative.

At that time, although he was not very angry, Shu Nian also had a worry that he didn't want his family to know. But now it seems that he doesn't mind letting others know at all.

Shu Nian licked the corner of his lips, looked away, his heart seemed to be filled with something, it swelled a little, almost overflowing. Her nose was sore, she rubbed her eyes, and gave a low hum.

Hearing her tone, Xie Ruhe tilted his head and said softly: "What's wrong?"

Shu Nian didn't hide anything, and said honestly, "I think you're so nice."

I don't think I'll ever meet someone as nice as him again.

So I will be anxious, worrying that there may be a day when we will be separated in the future. By that time, it should be difficult for her to adapt, accept, and live alone again.

Hearing this, Xie Ruhe's eyelashes moved and understood her thoughts. He thought about it for a while, and said seriously: "Shu Nian, I fell in love with you, and I didn't hide this relationship from the outside world. This is my respect for you. It doesn't mean that I am very good."

Shu Nian looked up: "Ah, ah?"

"That's what I should be doing."

Shu Nian was a little dazed by what he said, his emotions dissipated in an instant, and he nodded awkwardly: "Oh."

Xie Ruhe raised his hand and touched her head, his expression didn't change, as if he was trying to reason with her: "You just need to accept it as it should be."

The two walked out of the building and returned to the car.

Xie Ruhe opened the car door, let Shu Nian go up first, and then leaned over to fasten her seat belt. After the car started, he suddenly remembered what Shunem had said to him earlier.

The next second, Xie Ruhe raised his eyes meaningfully: "Assistant Fang."

Fang Wencheng seldom heard Xie Ruhe call him like this, usually he called him by his full name, and when he heard it, he thought he was hallucinating. He inexplicably sweated in his heart, thinking about what he did wrong again, and it took several seconds before he replied cautiously: "Master, what's the matter?"

Xie Ruhe twitched the corners of his mouth and said casually, "Good afternoon."


Fang Wencheng:? ?

Two days later, Shu Nian went to the recording studio to audition on time. Xie Ruhe was still waiting for her outside as usual. After passing the audition, she didn't plan to stay for a long time, and planned to go back and ponder the script first.

Just when she was about to say goodbye to Huang Lizhi and leave.

A woman entered the shed.

The woman was wearing a pure white long dress, with light and pleasant makeup on her face. When she smiled, she would reveal a small canine tooth. She greeted the staff friendly and seemed easy going.

Shu Nian has only seen her on screen or various online platforms.

It's seedlings.

Noticing Shu Nian, the smile on Miao Man's face remained unchanged: "Hi, I'm Miao Man."

Shu Nian nodded: "Hi, I'm Shu Nian."

"Shu Nian..." Miao Man groaned and realized, "Have you ever dubbed my voice?"

Shu Nian said: "Yes."

"While he's still here?" Miao Man said with a smile, "It's a good match."

Shu Nian pursed her lips, and said in a soft voice, "Miss Miao also performed very well."

Miao Man laughed and waved her hand: "I still know how much I weigh myself, but I will work hard, thank you for your encouragement."

At this moment, Miao Man's cell phone rang. She gestured to Shunian, and then went to the corner to answer the phone. It was probably a phone call from someone she liked. She had a shy smile on her face, and could faintly hear the word "Ze Yuan".

Shu Nian stopped paying attention to her and walked out of the recording studio.

Xie Ruhe sat on a chair not far away.

Shu Nian walked up to him, reached out and patted his bowed head.

The height of the two seemed to be reversed in an instant. Xie Ruhe raised his head, but didn't stand up immediately, let her touch his head, and took the things in her hand: "Can I go?"

"It's alright, I won't start recording until the day after tomorrow." Shu Nian said, "Go back and read the script first."

Xie Ruhe hummed.

Shu Nian waited for a while, then wondered, "Why don't you get up."

Xie Ruhe raised his eyelashes and pointed to his head, looking very obedient.

"Wait until you finish touching."

Shu Nian blinked, then withdrew his hand, "I'll just touch it for a while."

Xie Ruhe stood up.

The two walked in the direction of the elevator, Shu Nian hummed an out-of-key song softly, and didn't mind letting Xie Ruhe hear it. Soon, she was bored and told him what happened just now: "I just saw Miao Man."


"She said she thought I did a good job dubbing her."

"anything else?"

"Not anymore." Shu Nian said honestly, "I think he's pretty good."

Xie Ruhe inexplicably felt it was funny: "Is it because you praised you?"

Shu Nian was silent for a while, and nodded hesitantly: "But not all of them, I just feel that she is very easy to get along with, she doesn't put on airs, and she will greet the staff."

calm down.

Xie Ruhe stared at her for a few seconds: "I see."

Shu Nian was taken aback: "Know what?"

Xie Ruhe thought she was implying something to him, combined with what she had taught him before, he promised in a low voice: "I will also greet others in the future."


It is not common for Shunian to see Miao Man when he is recording.

Probably because of the many schedules, she does not come at a fixed time, and generally does not stay for too long. In order not to delay the progress, they are all radioed separately.

The roles played by Shu Nian are not rare, and it is a 40-episode TV series, so it will take a while to record. If it goes well, I can record about five episodes a day.

But she had to cooperate with other people's time, so she couldn't finish the recording at one time.

So it doesn't take long.

The evening of the Dragon Boat Festival.

Shunian made an agreement with Deng Qingyu to go home. She came out of the recording studio and went back by car with Xie Ruhe.

During this time, Xie Ruhe has been practicing driving. This time he drove over by himself. Although he regained the feeling of driving after a while, but because there was Shu Nian in the car, he didn't dare to drive fast, and the speed was slow.

Shu Nian was sitting in the passenger seat, and suddenly asked, "Shall we buy some fruit?"

Xie Ruhe said, "I bought it."

"Ah?" Shu Nian thought for a while, "Then do you want to buy some gifts?"

"I bought it."

Shu Nian turned his head and asked curiously, "When did you buy it?"

"It was prepared before." Xie Ruhe said, "The fruit was just bought nearby."

"Oh." Shu Nian reminded in a low voice, "Don't buy too much."

It was Shu Nian's parents who met here, Xie Ruhe should be the one who was nervous, but Shu Nian was even more nervous than him, and he didn't know why.

Maybe it was Deng Qingyu's attitude towards Xie Ruhe in the past, under this preconceived state, Shu Nian was always worried that Deng Qingyu would treat Xie Ruhe badly.

Xie Ruhe might be unhappy because of this.

Then he might quarrel with her, and the two broke up because of this.

It's a terrible ending.

Shu Nian was very sad.

On the way, Shu Nian talked to Xie Ruhe repeatedly and tactfully.

"I'll be at my mother's in a while, and I'll talk to you."

"That is, if you feel can tell me and I will help you."

"If my mother says something too much, you can tell her directly, she, she is quite reasonable and will listen to you..."

Xie Ruhe listened quietly, answering from time to time.

It just drove all the way to the downstairs of Deng Qingyu's house.

The night gradually fell, and the moon hung in mid-air, blocked by thick clouds. The heat in the air has also dissipated a bit, and a cool breeze can be blown faintly.

The two got out of the car.

Xie Ruhe walked to the rear compartment and took out the fruit basket and health care products he bought.

Shunian followed him like a little tail, looking at his expressionless face. Her psychology was a little unbalanced, and she couldn't help asking: "Are you nervous?"

Hearing this, Xie Ruhe looked at her, and the two stared at each other for a few seconds. Soon, he licked his lips and reached out to hold her wrist. Shu Nian could feel the hot and humid sweat on his palms.

Then, Xie Ruhe admitted in a low voice.


Take the elevator upstairs.

Before they could knock on the door, Deng Qingyu, who heard the movement inside, came directly to open the door.

Xie Ruhe shouted: "Hello, Auntie."

Deng Qingyu showed a smile, lowered his head and noticed Xie Ruhe's hands full, and couldn't help but said: "Why do you bring so many things when you come here?"

Xie Ruhe said: "Be careful."

Just at this time, Wang Hao came out of the kitchen and greeted: "Come in quickly." Then he turned around and shouted, "Xiaoxi! What are you doing! Your sister is back! Come out!"

Deng Qingyu looked at Shu Nian and stared at it for a while: "You seem to be getting fat?"

Shu Nian touched his face, and said in a low voice, "Well, I gained two catties."

"I couldn't get fat no matter how I raised it before..." Deng Qingyu babbled, looking at Xie Ruhe with a softer gaze, "I'm getting fat now."

Wang Hao smiled kindly: "Sit down for a while, dinner will be ready soon."

Hearing this, Xie Ruhe took the initiative and said, "Let me help you."

Before he had time to walk over, he was dragged by Deng Qingyu the next moment, and pressed onto the sofa: "It's okay, just sit down, there is only one dish left, no need to help."

Shu Nian seldom came over, and at this time he was a little cramped, hesitantly sat next to Xie Ruhe.

Deng Qingyu sat on the sofa next to the two of them, looked at Xie Ruhe calmly, and said with a smile: "Ruhe, do you still remember Auntie? I haven't seen you for many years."

Xie Ruhe nodded: "Remember, Auntie hasn't changed much."

Deng Qingyu sighed: "Why hasn't it changed? I'm much older."

As a result, the things that Shunian emphasized to Xie Ruhe along the way made him only a little nervous, but those words that made him very nervous were of no use at all.

Deng Qingyu treated Xie Ruhe very well.

It was like meeting the son of an old friend.

But Wang Linxi was not quite right.

No matter how much he yelled, he didn't come out of the room reluctantly until dinner was ready. He was very hostile towards Xie Ruhe, and he didn't respond to his overtures.

After being taught a lesson by Wang Hao, Wang Linxi just sat at the dining table with a straight face.

It's like the attitude of Shunian before.

Shu Nian didn't know where his hostility towards Xie Ruhe came from, and felt a little puzzled.

Deng Qingyu was still talking to Xie Ruhe: "Have you two been in touch?"

Xie Ruhe glanced at Shu Nian, and then said: "I haven't contacted you for a few years. I had a problem with my leg before, and I happened to meet Nian Nian when I was in the hospital."

"Legs?" Deng Qingyu asked with concern, "How are you doing now?"

"Much better."

"By the way, what are you doing now?"

"As a music maker, I'm a songwriter, and I just write songs for people. I still sang before." Xie Ruhe said without reservation, "I haven't sung much in the past two years, I just write songs for others."

Shu Nian silently munched on his rice, feeling that he was useless at all.

Hearing Xie Ruhe's words, she suddenly remembered that Wang Linxi seemed to like Ah He very much, and was thinking about whether to tell him this too, so as to give him some points.

Wang Linxi suddenly said loudly: "Sister! Your boyfriend farted!"


There was a long silence at the table.

After reacting, Wang Hao yelled furiously: "What nonsense! Shut up, little bastard!"

Deng Qingyu was also very embarrassed, looking at Xie Ruhe: "Ruhe, don't pay attention to this brat..."

Wang Linxi just wanted to make trouble for Xie Ruhe, and he was not afraid of being taught by the two elders at the same time, yelling: "I'm not talking nonsense! Sister! You must never be with such a—"

Wang Hao stood up and covered his mouth.

Xie Ruhe glanced at Wang Linxi, his expression didn't change much: "It's okay, keep eating."

Deng Qingyu reluctantly brought the topic back: "Is my job writing songs for people? What have you written? Auntie will listen to it another day and cheer you up."

Xie Ruhe thought for a while, and felt that Deng Qingyu probably hadn't heard his songs, but he would definitely read and sing them: "I wrote the song "The Stars Are Falling" that I read and sang recently."

"Ah?" Deng Qingyu was pleasantly surprised, "You wrote that? I just wanted to read this song about how to sing with tone deafness. It's very nice."

Wang Linxi stopped struggling at this moment, and Wang Hao let him go.

Soon, Wang Linxi stared at him with wide eyes, in disbelief: "How could it be you who wrote it? It was written by Ah He! Ah He even posted on Weibo."

Xie Ruhe nodded: "My pen name is Ahe."


Wang Linxi turned to look at Shu Nian, as if asking for proof.

Shu Nian nodded to him.

Wang Linxi stopped for a moment.

Deng Qingyu and Wang Hao are old and don't pay much attention to this aspect. But I also know that Wang Linxi likes the singer Ah He very much, and his house is full of his albums.

Deng Qingyu smoothed things over with a smile: "Xiaoxi quite likes listening to your songs."

"Huh?" Xie Ruhe turned to look at Wang Linxi, and said in a low voice, "Thank you."

The little episode just now is over.

Deng Qingyu was all smiles, and chatted with Xie Ruhe about other topics.

A few minutes passed.

Wang Linxi raised his head determinedly. He interrupted their chat, and shouted emphatically and solemnly: "Dad, mom, sister, brother-in-law."


"The fart just now was actually done by me."
