Defeated By Love

Chapter 73


Shu Nian was silent, staring at Wang Linxi. Seeing that he looked serious and his eyes were shining, he didn't seem to be joking. She didn't know how to respond to his words for a moment.

Wang Linxi asked, "Is it successful?"

Shu Nian was too embarrassed to make this request to Xie Ruhe, and he didn't want to disappoint Wang Linxi, so he could only gently remind him: "It's useless to write it, you'll lose it after taking a shower."

"I have a marker pen." Wang Linxi got up and took a marker pen from the pen container, "And I just don't rub it when I take a shower, it won't fall off."


After finishing speaking, Wang Linxi sat back on the ground, counted the number of albums excitedly, and said shamelessly: "Sister, I have twelve albums here, can I ask my brother-in-law to sign each one for me?"

Shu Nian pursed her lips and said with difficulty: "I'll ask later."

"Sister." Wang Linxi thought for a while, and suddenly remembered something, "You brought your brother-in-law back, does that mean you are going to get married?"

Hearing this, Shu Nian's face became a little hot: "Not yet."

Wang Linxi tilted her head and asked, "Then will you get married?"

Shu Nian froze for a moment, opened his mouth, but couldn't come up with a clear answer. Before she could say anything, she suddenly noticed the album in Wang Linxi's arms. It is now in the highest position.

It is Xie Ruhe's first album "My Thoughts".

The style is probably depressing, and the overall color of the cover is dark. The girl stood in the middle, wearing a white skirt and white shoes, holding a bouquet of flowers in her hands, her appearance was blurred. Dozens of white and black cranes flew around her, wrapping around her like vines.

Like evil that breeds in the dark.

Shu Nian's gaze paused, and he subconsciously picked it up to look at it.

Wang Linxi followed her gaze and movements, and explained to her with a smile: "This is Ah He's first album, and it was given to me by a friend! A birthday present! It is no longer available for purchase."

Shu Nian stroked the cranes on the cover with his fingertips, and murmured: "I Nian..."

I read.

When she saw this name before, she thought it should mean "what I read". But when I saw it again now, my mood was different.

I think it is probably very literal, very straightforward.

Wang Linxi asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

Shu Nian returned the album in his hand to him, and said absentmindedly: "If there are no accidents, it should be."

"Huh? What."

Shu Nian came back to his senses, reached out and touched Wang Linxi's head, but didn't speak. Then, she lowered her eyes to look at her phone, feeling that she had stayed in the room for too long.

Also suddenly, I wanted to see Xie Ruhe a little bit.

Shu Nian stood up and was about to go out.

Just at this time, the door was knocked three times. The next moment, the door was pushed open, Wang Hao leaned in and asked kindly, "What are you two talking about?"

Wang Linxi looked at the reputation, wondering: "You have to know what children say."

Wang Hao walked in and instructed Wang Linxi: "Go and buy me a pack of cigarettes."

"Ah! Why are you smoking again!" Wang Linxi wailed, "I don't want to..."

Wang Hao added: "I'll give you fifty yuan."

Wang Linxi got up immediately: "Okay!"

"Sister." Wang Linxi turned around and said, "Do you have anything to eat? I'll buy it for you."

Shu Nian also got up: "I'll go with you."

Wang Hao touched his nose, he looked honest and easy to get along with, he looked a little ashamed and uneasy: "Nian Nian, just let him go, Uncle has something to say to you."

Shu Nian paused, sat back obediently, and said awkwardly, "Okay."

Wang Hao sat on Wang Linxi's bed, and then took out a red envelope from his pocket: "I heard your mother say that you heard your uncle quarreling with your mother."


"I'm just a person who speaks without thinking." Wang Hao said, "I didn't do it on purpose. At that time, the conditions at home were not good. I was a little stressed, and I always quarreled with your mother. Now I think, I can't remember what I said at that time, and I didn't mean to hurt you. This is uncle's fault. Uncle apologizes to you, I'm sorry. "

Shu Nian didn't know how to react, and said in a low voice, "It's okay..."

Wang Hao stuffed the red envelope into her hand: "You have been wronged."

Shunian didn't answer it, and it didn't matter if he didn't: "I understand, you don't need to give me this..."

"Just take it." Wang Hao had never done such a thing before, and stood up in embarrassment, "Take it as the pocket money uncle gave you, take it, it's not much."

There was a stalemate for several seconds.

Shu Nian still accepted it: "Thank you uncle."

Wang Hao breathed a sigh of relief: "Then let's go out, we stayed in the room for too long. Your mother just said that she hasn't seen you for a long time, and she also wants to talk to you for a while."

Shu Nian held the red envelope, lowered his head and put it in his pocket: "Okay."

Back in the living room, Shu Nian sat back beside Xie Ruhe. She raised her eyes and noticed that there was a layer of faint red around Deng Qingyu's eyes, but she seemed to be in a good mood, as if the stones that fell on her heart finally fell.

I don't know what they just talked about.

Shu Nian felt a little thirsty, picked up the cup in front of him and took a sip of water.

Deng Qingyu smiled and said, "What did Xiaoxi tell you? We talked for a long time."

Hearing this, Shu Nian suddenly remembered Wang Linxi's weird request, and then glanced in Xie Ruhe's direction with a hesitant expression.

Xie Ruhe touched her water glass and added some hot water into it: "What's wrong?"

Shu Nian swallowed the water in his mouth, and said softly, "Xiao Xi wants you to sign for him."

Xie Ruhe hummed: "I'll sign it later."

Shu Nian scratched his head: "He has twelve albums, all of which he wants you to sign."

Xie Ruhe said, "Okay."



Noticing from the corner of his eye that Deng Qingyu and Wang Hao were listening, Shu Nian felt that it was difficult to speak, and worried that they would scold Wang Linxi after hearing it, so he raised his head and leaned closer to Xie Ruhe's ear.

Xie Ruhe lowered his head slightly.

The two were very close.

Shu Nian lowered his voice, and when he spoke, he exhaled lightly, which stained the roots of Xie Ruhe's ears red: "He still wants you to sign it on his stomach..."

The next moment, Xie Ruhe raised his head, reached out and rubbed his ears: "Why?"

Shu Nian was a little embarrassed: "I want to show my classmates."

Xie Ruhe sat up straight and said calmly, "I see."

Shu Nian's expression was cautious: "You can refuse if you don't want to."

Wang Linxi just came back from buying cigarettes for Wang Hao at this time. He put the things in front of Wang Hao, and then said to Shunian like a sign: "Sister, abdominal muscles! Abdominal muscles!"

"..." Shu Nian's tone was soft, "Go and get the album out."

Wang Linxi cheered and skipped back to the room. Not long after, he came out with a stack of albums in his arms, put them in front of Xie Ruhe, and yelled, "Brother-in-law."

Xie Ruhe responded, and quickly signed all the dozen albums.

Wang Linxi was still talking aggressively at the side.

"Can you add a sentence here, TO dear Lin Xi."

"This, this! Just write to wish Wang Linxi a happy 13th birthday!"

Xie Ruhe didn't refuse either, and seemed extremely patient. Whatever Wang Linxi said, he would say yes gently, and then write up sentence by sentence, without a trace of impatience.

Shu Nian watched from the side.

After a long time, after Xie Ruhe signed, Wang Linxi gently lifted the hem of his clothes. Maybe it's because in front of the idol, he finally looked a little shy: "And this..."

Xie Ruhe pulled his clothes back: "Just sign it."

Wang Linxi thought for a while: "But it's easy to lose the handwriting."

Xie Ruhe said: "I'll write to you after I drop it."

The corners of Wang Linxi's mouth rose wildly, as if he had grabbed a VIP ticket for the concert.

"Come over to play when you have time." Xie Ruhe signed his name on the palm of his hand, covered the pen cap, and said with curled lips, "Come and accompany your sister."

Stayed for a while.

When it was approaching nine o'clock, Shu Nian felt that it was too late and offered to leave.

The two said goodbye to Wang Hao and Deng Qingyu, and then took the elevator downstairs. At the dinner table just now, both Shu Nian and Xie Ruhe drank a little wine. At this time, neither of them can drive, so they simply put the car here and go to take the subway.

The air at night is exceptionally fresh and slightly cool.

Shu Nian raised his hand to touch his hot cheek, and only at this moment did he feel that the little wine he just drank seemed to be on his head. She was in a good mood, and her whole body seemed to have inexhaustible energy.

after awhile.

Shu Nian took out the red envelope from his pocket: "Uncle Wang gave me this just now."

Xie Ruhe took a look: "A red envelope?"

"Yeah." Shunian sniffed, "He apologized to me. Because he said before that he felt that the money spent on my medical treatment was no different from burning it."


"I was very unhappy at the time, and felt like I was a burden." Shu Nian lowered his head, "I didn't tell my mother that I heard these words, so I cried secretly a few times by myself."

Xie Ruhe subconsciously pinched her chin and raised her head.

Her eyes were clean and clear, without any sign of moisture.

Shu Nian opened his round eyes, dazed by his actions. In the next second, her eyes bent into crescent moons, and said gently: "I think life seems to be getting better and better."

Xie Ruhe breathed a sigh of relief: "Yes."

Those who are difficult, do not want to go back to the past.

It was as if he had really bid farewell to her.

Shu Nian suddenly said: "Teacher Ah He, I kind of want to sing."

Hearing this, Xie Ruhe looked down at her: "What do you want to sing?"

Shu Nian thought for a while, then hummed a recent popular song with a smile, and then asked, "Am I out of tune?"

Xie Ruhe was silent for a few seconds, then nodded: "Run away."

Shu Nian quickly lowered his voice: "That can't be heard by others."

"It's okay, let's sing."

"People will laugh at me."

"No one else."

"Maybe someone else is here now, but we didn't notice."

Xie Ruhe rubbed her head, without changing his face, he said: "Then I will say that I sang."


After he said this, Shu Nian hesitated for a while, then continued to hum the song. Soon, she remembered the album she had just seen, stopped singing, and asked, "Is your first album called "I Nian"?"

Xie Ruhe paused: "The first one?"

"Yeah." Shu Nian hiccupped, "The first one."


Shu Nian frowned: "That's what it's called."

Xie Ruhe said: "It's not called this."

"I've checked before, and the first one is called "Wu Nian"."

"You checked wrongly."

The corners of Shu Nian's mouth drooped, and he said depressedly, "What's that called?"

"Call." Xie Ruhe chuckled, "My Niannian."