Defeated By Love

Chapter 82


Xie Ruhe calmed down, looked at Shu Nian who was still in high spirits, and didn't remind her that she misunderstood the meaning. He pursed his lower lip, then looked away.

Seeing this, Shu Nian blinked and asked, "Why did you suddenly ask me to say this?"

Xie Ruhe paused, didn't know how to explain it, and couldn't say that again.

"... Whatever you say."

"Oh." Shu Nian didn't seem to care too much, and suddenly called his name, "Xie Ruhe."

"What's wrong."

"After the audition, I have nothing else to do."


"Let's go to the movies."

It was the first time that Xie Ruhe heard her make such a request, and Xie Ruhe still couldn't react. He froze for a while, then nodded quickly, and replied, "Okay."

Shu Nian lowered his head and took out his mobile phone from his pocket: "Then let's book tickets first."

Xie Ruhe asked: "What movie do you want to watch?"

"That's the one... I went to G City to transcribe the long-recorded animation film, which was released recently." Shu Nian looked at the phone and said softly, "What time should we book? I don't know how long the audition will take. "

"How many hours?"

"Three forty, six thirty, and eight twenty."

Xie Ruhe thought for a moment: "It's 8:20, I'll go and see it after dinner."

Shu Nian responded with a good voice: "Then I'll make an order."

"Yeah." Xie Ruhe asked again, "What's your name?"

Shunian was holding one hand by him, without looking at the road. Her gaze was still on the phone, she looked very focused, and she answered his words absent-mindedly: "I like you."

Xie Ruhe turned his head suddenly: "What."

Noticing his reaction, Shu Nian also raised his head.

After the two looked at each other for a few seconds, as if feeling embarrassed, Shu Nian looked away, and changed his words abruptly: "It's called "Cream Cat."

"..." Xie Ruhe said, "What did you say in the previous sentence?"

Shu Nian lowered his head, tightened his grip on the phone, and said vaguely: "I just said the wrong name."

"Ah." Seeing her like this, Xie Ruhe reacted instantly, his long eyelashes drooped, and the corners of his mouth curled up, "Is it called "Cream Cat"?"

He replied as if he didn't hear what he just said.

Shu Nian heaved a sigh of relief and nodded, "Yes."

"Okay, I got it." After saying this, Xie Ruhe's voice paused for a few seconds, then he suddenly bent down, put his lips close to her ear, and whispered, "Thank you, I like you too."

The studio founded by Huang Lizhi has just been established, so there are not many members in the work. She founded it with a senior dubbing senior, and most of the members who came in were their former students.

Or some newer voice actors I met at work before.

It probably needs some relatively new voices with some basic skills. This time, most of the voice actors who come to the audition are semi-new voice actors like Shu Nian, and all of them are people she knows.

Because he didn't know how long it would take, Shu Nian found Xie Ruhe a dessert shop nearby in advance.

Let him sit there and wait.

Because of her illness, Shu Nian's social skills have become very poor, and her timidity and reluctance to approach strangers has not eased much. In addition, her previous Weibo almost exposed her entire life thoroughly.

Therefore, in places with a lot of people, Shu Nian would just silently stand aside and look at his phone.

The group almost knew each other.

They also have a general understanding of each other's personality, and are used to how to get along with this person.

Except for Shu Nian, the other girls were basically quite rowdy and talked a lot. Before Huang Lizhi came, the group chatted in the lounge, which was very lively.

Shu Nian listened to them silently.

After an unknown amount of time, a girl suddenly noticed Shu Nian sitting in the corner. She waved her hand and shouted, "Shu Nian, come and chat!"

Hearing his own name suddenly, Shu Nian looked up blankly: "Huh?"

Another girl grabbed her and whispered, "Shu Nian prefers to be quiet, so don't disturb her."

"That can't be..." The girl scratched her head and said foolishly, "I always let her sit there alone. I just think this lounge is not big, and we are already quite noisy. Even if she sits far away I can hear you."

As soon as this was said, a short-haired girl asked directly: "Nian Nian, do you want to sit here?"

Shu Nian subconsciously clenched his fist, embarrassed to refuse, so he stood up hesitantly.

"… it is good."

Afterwards, Shu Nian walked over and sat on the farthest seat, feeling a little embarrassed. I was worried that they might bring up the previous things, or they might ask her some of them curiously.

Words that made her feel embarrassed and helpless.

But nothing happened.

They were still chatting about the TV series they talked about before, the gossip about the entertainment industry they saw recently, and occasionally asking Shu Nian if she had watched or heard of it, but they didn't mention anything about the things she had experienced.

As if he didn't care.

Shu Nian gradually relaxed, and quietly joined their conversation.

at this moment.

Shu Nian even has the feeling that he went back to the time before that accident happened.

On campus, I participate in clubs that I am interested in, go to the playground to play games with my friends at night, and listen to them talking about the anecdotes that I have encountered recently.

There was no strange look in their eyes, and they talked silently in private.

Only the pleasant wind, the fragrance that comes from nowhere, and a good night's sleep.

It turns out that not everyone in this world is like that.

He will not hide his emotions without any hesitation when he explores a person's scars.

In addition, there are most of the people.

Shu Nian no longer dared to get close to those people who wanted to get to know him.

They will understand your pain and be sad to hear about these things without making it a topic. They will accommodate you, maybe because of sympathy, but it is always because of the kindness in their nature.

They will take action and tell you silently.

Closing yourself is not the best way to save yourself.

Unlock the shackles, push open the heavy and solid door, leave the small room that is not transparent, go outside to see the world that you have resisted for a long time, and touch the sunshine that you have not seen for a long time.

you will find out.

The world you treat tenderly is not as miserable as imagined. Where you neglect or go unreached, it will treat you in the same way.

No matter morning or night.

But one day it will come.

After it was over, Shu Nian said goodbye to his colleagues, left the building of the recording studio, and walked towards the dessert shop. She looked down at her phone, and corrected the notes of the people she just added one by one.

Shu Nian didn't tell Xie Ruhe that he was out, and planned to go directly to the dessert shop to find him.

Just now, Shunian deliberately chose a place for Xie Ruhe by the floor-to-ceiling glass. Now after crossing the road, through the glass, she can directly see Xie Ruhe who is looking down at the computer.

There was also a person who came over and sat opposite him at this moment.

It's a woman.

Shu Nian paused, staring at the woman's face, feeling familiar, but couldn't remember who it was.

The woman seemed to come in to buy desserts, and she was still holding the store's bag in her hand. She wore sunglasses, revealing a small bridge of nose and full lips. At this time, her mouth opened and closed, not knowing what she was talking about.

Xie Ruhe only raised his eyes subconsciously when she came over, and then he didn't look at her again.

After about half a minute.

Xie Ruhe finally made a movement, but just shook his head silently, as if he still had no tendency to speak.

The woman's smile became awkward, she said a few more words, and got up and left after a while.

Seeing this, Shu Nian lowered his head, kicked the pebbles on the road, and continued walking lukewarmly. But he didn't walk towards the entrance of the dessert shop, but walked to the floor-to-ceiling glass next to Xie Ruhe.

She squatted down, and solemnly knocked on the glass three times like a small animal.

When Shunian came over, Xie Ruhe had already noticed it, and wanted to come out to find her, but her action made him stop and asked, "What's wrong?"

Through the glass, Shunian couldn't hear the sound, so he could only guess by looking at his mouth shape.

I immediately guessed what he said.

Fearing that Xie Ruhe wouldn't understand what he was talking about, Shu Nian thought for a while, deliberately slowed down his speech, and said word by word: "Just, just, that, who, who, is, who?"

Xie Ruhe recalled it, then suddenly picked up the notebook and pen that were put aside, and wrote three words.

— Lin Qiqi.

Seeing these three words, Shu Nian instantly superimposed that woman's face with a person in his memory.

Lin Qiqi.

Shu Nian asked again slowly: "She, with, you, said, what?"

Xie Ruhe wrote in the notebook.

- Introduce yourself, ask for WeChat.

"Did you give it?"

—No, didn't talk to her either.

Remembering what he said earlier, "I can't talk to Lin Qiqi", Shu Nian was taken aback for a moment, couldn't help but rolled his eyes, didn't ask any more questions, and looked at him with a smile.

Xie Ruhe turned the page of the notebook and wrote another sentence.

— Do you want to come in? or should I go out

Shu Nian kind of likes the current way of communication, saying: "Wait, a, a while."

Xie Ruhe raised his eyes towards her with a questioning expression.

Shunian met his eyes: "You, just, just, are, doing, what?"

Xie Ruhe patiently guessed what she said, and then wrote the answer on paper.

— Write lyrics.

"Oh, have you written, finished, done?"


"Then, now, are, can, go, can you?"


Shu Nian didn't stand up because of his words, but squatted on the ground and talked to him childishly through the glass: "It's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, you, write, finish."

Xie Ruhe thought for a while and nodded.

Thinking that Shunian would come in after playing enough, she didn't rush her.

That's it for two people.

One elongated the sound of each word when speaking, and the other responded to her words with a pen and paper.

Like two children who haven't grown up yet.

After a while.

Shu Nian suddenly closed his mouth, lowered his head, and didn't speak like before. Afterwards, she silently took out her mobile phone from her pocket, opened the sticky note and typed a line.

— Teacher Ahe, can you come out and pick me up

Xie Ruhe stared at that sentence, and asked silently: "What's wrong?"

Shu Nian squatted like a small mushroom, and pointed at his leg in embarrassment.

"Legs are numb."
