Delicate Best Friend of the Female Lead

Chapter 100


"Clap! Clap!"

In the darkness, the sound of footsteps from far to near was particularly clear, so clear that An Xia could already feel it, that person had already reached the door.


An Xia, who was a little scared, couldn't help swallowing her saliva. At this time, she was a little fortunate. Because she didn't know what the ropes tied to her wrists and ankles were made of, she hadn't used her abilities to give the ropes to her hands and feet. Break down into powder.

But thinking that the cloth on her mouth was gone, and worried that the kidnappers would see it, An Xia simply moved back to the place, lying on the ground and continued to pretend to be unconscious.


There was a sound of the door opening, and An Xia, who closed her eyes, could feel a dim light shining through the door.

Immediately afterwards, An Xia heard a hoarse and suspicious sound in An Xia's ears.

"Why haven't you woken up yet?"

Listen to the voice, it's a man.

The woman who kidnapped her at that time was very tall and powerful, so... Could it be this man who dressed as a man

Or, does he have accomplices

Just as An Xia was thinking with her eyes closed, she suddenly heard Tao Zixin's exclamation.

"Xia Xia! Why did you faint again?"

Anxia: ? ?

"Who are you! Why did you kidnap us! Also, what did you do to Xia Xia! She just woke up! Why did she faint again?!"

"..." An Xia: The heroine of this novel is poisonous! ! ! (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

Fortunately, the man this man mainly wanted to deal with was Mo Yusen, and he had no defenses, nor any other thoughts, for An Xia and Tao Zixin, two unarmed and weak women.

"Hehe, are you pretending to be unconscious? But it doesn't matter, anyway, you can't escape."

Therefore, the masked kidnapper left after saying this.

After listening to the door closing again and hearing the disappearing footsteps, An Xia became restless!

She opened her eyes, and in the darkness, An Xia looked in Tao Zixin's direction.

"Tao Zixin, what did you mean just now?"

"Xia Xia, what are you talking about?"

Listening to Tao Zixin's innocent and blank voice, An Xia sneered.

"You don't want to go out, please don't hinder me from going out!"

With that said, An Xia stopped paying attention to Tao Zixin, and started her Taobao plan seriously.

Because the kidnappers came to this room to see them just now, An Xia thought that the kidnappers shouldn't come back so soon.


An Xia began to use her powers to break free from the ropes tightly bound to her wrists and ankles.

However, because of the previous experience of decomposing the cloth, this time, An Xia only intercepted a part of the rope to decompose, so that the rope would not be completely decomposed and would be suspected after disappearing.

For fabric, An Xia can also name many kinds of materials, but for rope... An Xia really doesn't understand much!

After An Xia murmured how many kinds of materials in her heart, she finally had a flash of inspiration. She murmured a nylon fiber, and the body that was tightly bound to her wrist was broken and released!


An Xia shouted excitedly in her heart, but this time, she didn't speak like she did just now, so that Tao Zixin could discover her abnormality.

After all, with the kind of behavior that Tao Zixin held her back just now, she couldn't trust Tao Zixin anymore.

She felt that Tao Zixin was very strange now, and she seemed to have a slight malice towards her.

This made her very defensive.

So after she quietly untied the rope on her ankle, she silently groped for the door.

However, unfortunately, because the environment here is too dark, An Xia can't see what is in front of her.


Suddenly, An Xia didn't know what she bumped into and made a sound.

And this sound made Tao Zixin instantly nervous.

"Xia Xia, what are you doing? Something rang?"

But even after hearing Tao Zixin's voice, An Xia did not respond to her.

At this time, she had no energy to take care of Tao Zixin, a woman who didn't know whether she was good or bad.

Now she is worried about the sound she just made, what if the kidnapper hears it

So she ignored it and rushed to the door in one breath.

In a quick groping, Anxia found the door lock.

It turns out that this is a door lock that can be locked inside and outside the door.

So, she just needs to find the lock cylinder and break it down...

Thinking of this, An Xia thought about the material composition of this lock cylinder, and wanted to quickly decompose and destroy this lock cylinder.

While An Xia was thinking, Tao Zixin's voice kept coming from her ears.

"Xia Xia? You talk... I'm so scared, you answer me... "

"Xia Xia, have you untied the ropes on your body? Could you also help me untangle the ropes on your body..."

"Xia Xia, don't ignore me, I'm so scared, we won't die here..."

Listening to Tao Zixin's non-stop words, and the voice was getting louder and louder, An Xia, who has always been good-natured, was really made a little impatient by Tao Zixin this time.

"Shut up! You speak so loudly, aren't you afraid of attracting the kidnappers!"

An Xia lowered her voice and said angrily.

"Or say you are with the kidnappers, so you're not afraid of the kidnappers at all."

Originally, An Xia's words were just casual words, without any intention.

After all, as someone who has read this novel, she deeply knows that this kidnapper is the enemy of the male protagonist Mo Yusen.

And Tao Zixin is also a victim, she can't be an accomplice of the kidnapper at all.

Therefore, this also created a blind spot in An Xia's heart. Tao Zixin, like her, was also a victim.

However, what she didn't know was that Tao Zixin had turned black.

Even if she is also a victim, but... the blackened she may also become an accomplice, an accomplice of the kidnapper.

Although it seems to be a bit contradictory, it doesn't seem so incredible.

Therefore, when An Xia said that casually, Tao Zixin suddenly felt guilty.

With a guilty conscience, she has begun to wonder if An Xia knows something that she should not have known...

In the darkness, An Xia, who focused all her attention on the door lock, did not notice that Tao Zixin, who had been shouting loudly, was no longer speaking.

She didn't notice that someone walked behind her unknowingly...


With the sound of a heavy object hitting the head, An Xia fell to the ground.

In a coma, An Xia seemed to hear someone muttering in her ear—

"An Xia, I'm sorry... but... if you don't die... neither my children will be happy... so... please die... "

who? Tao Zixin

Why am I going to die? Just for your happiness? who do you think You Are!

No, I don't want to die!

Dad... Mom... Big Brother... Big Sister... Little Brother...



Huo Ci…

In a coma, An Xia only felt that the faces of the people she cared about, one after another, flashed across her mind.

In the end, that face was fixed on Huo Ci's perfect, flawless face.

'Xia Xia, I like you. do you like me? '

' Legend has it that lovers who kiss when the Ferris wheel reaches its highest point will walk forever. Xia Xia... We will be together forever... '

The bastard who ran away after confessing, I don't want to be with you forever!

no! I haven't rejected that bastard Huo Ci, I can't die...

"Cough! Cough!"

Suddenly, An Xia opened her eyes, only to find that there was fire all around her.

And looking at the fire, it has been burning for a while, and the fire is very raging.

So much so that An Xia's breathing became a little unsettled.

"Zixin! Zixin! Are you alright!"

At this moment, An Xia suddenly heard Mo Yusen's voice.

Lifting her painful head with difficulty, An Xia realized only at this time that Mo Yusen was actually in this room.

Seeing his nervous expression holding Tao Zixin, An Xia raised the corners of his lips mockingly.

It turns out that the plot has come here...

This is the place in the novel, where the male protagonist chooses one of the two, and finally the original protagonist is despairing and blackened...

It seems that she can watch the live version of the novel's climax once, but I don't know if she can escape from such a big fire...

"Yu, Yu Sen... Save, save Xia Xia..."

Tao Zixin's words made Mo Yusen stunned for a moment. He turned his head and looked at An Xia, who had blood on his head and fell to the ground with half-open eyes.

His son's words kept revolving in his mind.

'Dad... please, save mom... please. '

'Dad, if you don't save my mother, you will regret it...'

For some reason, Mo Yusen held Tao Zixin's palm and loosened it slightly, his eyes were full of entanglement and hesitation.

Just as he thought, otherwise he would try to rescue the two women together.

Anyway, the two of them are still conscious now, the three of them support each other, maybe they can go out together.

However, at this time, Tao Zixin, who was still sober, actually fainted after he finished saving An Xia!

"Save, save... Xia..."

Mo Yusen, who came back to his senses, saw that Tao Zixin had fainted in his arms!

This time, he has no hesitation at all!

Looking at Tao Zixin's pale face, he thought, if he didn't rescue Tao Zixin, maybe she would die here!

He took one last look at An Xia, gritted his teeth, and inexplicably brought some guilt in his voice.

"An Xia, I'll save Zixin first, and I'll save you later..."

After he finished speaking, he turned his head decisively, holding Tao Zixin and quickly walked towards the door.

And An Xia looked at Mo Yusen's back and felt extremely mocking.

Especially when I saw the distance between myself and the door, I felt even more mocked.

"Cough cough! Hey, Mo Yusen, are you sure you are saving people, not helping the murderer kill?"

The intense pain in her head was telling her what happened before she fell into a coma.

At this time, she no longer thought so simply that Tao Zixin, like her, was just a kidnapped victim.

Tao Zixin knocked her unconscious when she wanted to escape. And, she painstakingly moved her to the farthest place from the door.

This is this... clearly trying to kill her...

"Mo Yusen... ahem! You and Tao Zixin are really a good match. I hope you two get married quickly and don't harm others..."

While talking, An Xia laughed.

She thought that she was really miserable by this crazy couple!

She never wanted to get involved in their touching love, but she was still implicated by these two people.

Moreover, of the two male and female protagonists, one directly wanted to kill himself, and the other indirectly killed himself.

Hearing the weak voice behind him, Mo Yusen's heart was extremely dull.

In his mind, the voice of his son Mo Jiashu kept appearing.

'You will regret...''You will regret. ''You will regret this! '

But in the end, Mo Yusen still hugged Tao Zixin tightly.

"An Xia, I'm sorry."

After speaking, Mo Yusen kicked open the door, hugged Tao Zixin, and left.

"Hehe, I'm sorry for who cares about you two murderers."

An Xia sneered, she climbed up from the ground with difficulty, and walked staggeringly towards the door that Mo Yusen had kicked open.

Although her head still hurts, she can even feel that the wound on her head has been bleeding non-stop.

However, she still endured the pain and weakness, gritted her teeth, and walked towards the door step by step.

The fire became more and more intense, and the air in the room was much less.

An Xia only felt that her breathing was getting harder and harder.

She knew it was a symptom of hypoxia.

In a fire, what can cause death is often not because of being burned to death by the fire.

Rather, hypoxia and carbon monoxide poisoning.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

An Xia exerted all her perseverance and was about to leave this 'house of death'.

However, the fire at the door blocked her way.

The flames were just too huge and too hot.

She was sure that if she rushed out, she would be burned by the flames, and there was a high possibility of severe burns.

But at this time, An Xia couldn't take care of that much anymore!

She would rather be burned than go through what the original owner once experienced!

And just when she held her breath and wanted to rush outside with her eyes closed, suddenly, she seemed to see a slender figure in the firelight.


"Huo, Huo Ci?!"

An Xia stared blankly at Huo Ci who was wearing a fireproof suit, rushed in from the fire, and walked to her side.

"It's great, you're fine."

Looking at An Xia's head, although blood was flowing, but her spirit looked good, Huo Ci trembled and hugged An Xia into his arms.

He bowed his head, kissed An Xia's forehead cherishly, and then put the oxygen mask on An Xia's face.

"Come on, let's get out of here quickly."

Speaking, Huo Ci didn't give An Xia any time to react. He covered An Xia's body with another high-temperature fireproof suit he had brought beforehand, and hugged An Xia by the waist in his arms. The one who protected An Xia once again crossed the firelight.

And An Xia, who was covered by a fireproof suit, just felt like a dream, she was still at the point where she would be injured by the fire no matter what she did for a second.

As a result, in the next second, she just lay down in a pair of strong arms and escaped the fire? ?

And in these arms, she can't feel any danger, there is no terrible poisonous smoke and scorching flames, some, just a calm and comfortable sense of security.

"Puff, puff..."

An Xia's head was pressed against Huo Ci's strong chest, listening to Huo Ci's heavy heartbeat.

Unconsciously, she fell asleep in such a safe and comfortable sense of security.

It's so good... She is also the heroine who has the hero to save...

"Uncle Huo! Is my mother alright!"

After watching Huo Ci come out with An Xia in his arms, Mo Jiashu hurried over.

And there were also a group of bodyguards with different hair color and skin color but wearing the same uniform who ran over with Mo Jiashu.

"Go to the hospital."

Huo Ci removed the fireproof suit and saw An Xia's sleeping face with a smile.

However, because the blood on her head was so conspicuous, it made Huo Ci's heart hang again.

As soon as Huo Ci's voice fell, he saw someone drive the car over.

"How could Mom get hurt! Who did it? That kidnapper!"

Mo Jiashu saw the blood on An Xia's head, and there was a stern look in his eyes.

There is a big difference between this life and the previous life, and that is...

The kidnapper from the previous life committed suicide in the fire.

And in this lifetime, Huo Ci and Mo Jiashu didn't give him that chance, so they caught him.

"We'll talk about this later. Take your mother to the hospital first."

After finishing speaking, Huo Ci carried An Xia into the ambulance, and Mo Jiashu didn't even think about it, and followed Huo Ci into the car.

"Wilson, you stay and handle these cops."

"Yes, boss."

Compared with Huo Ci, who saved people quickly and unscathed like a gust of wind and left without leaving a trace, Mo Yusen would be much more embarrassed!

He is not as prepared as Huo Ci, it is a little difficult for him to rush out of the fire by himself, not to mention that he is still holding Tao Zixin

Therefore, even though he rescued Tao Zixin, he also had multiple burns on his body.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

After Mo Yusen arrived at a safe place, he saw that the police had already arrived at some point.

"There are still people up there! You go and save people!"

After speaking, Mo Yusen safely carried Tao Zixin, who had been unconscious, into the ambulance.

He didn't fulfill his promise and went back to save An Xia.

Because, he thought, there is a professional fire alarm, much better than him.

However, what he didn't expect was that when the ambulance left the abandoned factory, he didn't know what was burned, and the abandoned small factory even caused a small explosion.

Through the window, Mo Yusen could see that because of this small explosion, the fire was already soaring into the sky, and it was completely impossible to enter!

At this time, even if someone is still inside, I'm afraid it's already bad luck.

Vaguely, Mo Yusen watched that the fire alarms did not enter the factory, but after putting out the fire outside, he thought to himself, An Xia might be... dead.

In an instant, the blood on his face disappeared suddenly, and his eyes looked out the window with some numbness.

I don't know why, but his heart was a little sour, and he was stuffy, very uncomfortable...

Is he... who killed An Xia

Because... He didn't save her... So... An Xia died


"Cough, cough, cough!"

Suddenly, in the stunned stun of Mo Yusen, a strong cough sounded.

He lowered his head and saw Tao Zixin, who was lying on the stretcher, open his eyes weakly.

"Yusen... Did you rescue me and Xia Xia?"

"… Sorry."

After a long time, Mo Yusen said in a hoarse voice, and he looked at Tao Zixin with red eyes.

"I'm useless... I only rescued you... An Xia she... "

In the end, Mo Yusen still failed to say that sentence.

He thought, maybe, maybe he was wrong, Anxia was rescued by those fire alarms!

Mo Yusen, who was full of expectations, didn't realize it. At this moment, Tao Zixin's eyes flashed with joy.

Very good! An Xia, she... is finally dead!

In the future, no one will be able to prevent her from being happy again...