Delicate Best Friend of the Female Lead

Chapter 116


Because he still cared about it, in the end, Mo Yusen decided to obey his son, Mo Jiashu, and drove for another half-day to visit Tao Zixin's prison.

When he woke up from the hospital, he thought that he would never meet the woman Tao Zixin again.

However, he did not expect that, in the end, they would meet again one day.

"Mr. Mo, since Tao Zixin entered our prison, his brain has become a little abnormal. It's good and bad, and it's been clamoring for suicide."

When visiting the prison, Mo Yusen learned from the prison guards what happened to Tao Zixin since she entered the prison.


"Well, isn't it, talking about the nonsense that you can be reborn again if you commit suicide, I don't know if your brain is really broken, or if you pretend to be a mental hospital and want to be released on parole..."

The prison guard sneered disdainfully. Obviously, she did not take Tao Zixin's words as a serious matter.

However, the prison guard's words made Mo Yusen fall silent all of a sudden, and the expression in his eyes became much more complicated.

Because... He understands that the 'nonsense' that Tao Zixin said is likely to be true.

If he hadn't experienced that near-real dream, he might have been like the prison guard, not taking what Tao Zixin said as the truth, but thinking that Tao Zixin might be crazy.

However, he happened to experience such a magical dream. And, it wasn't just him who had such an adventure.

Therefore, he felt that what Tao Zixin said about suicide and rebirth was true.

Otherwise, his son would not have said those words to him inexplicably.

Ridiculous surprise...

Hehe, he seemed to understand, what his son said, the ridiculous surprise, meant.

When he arrived at the meeting room, Mo Yusen saw Tao Zixin wearing a dark blue prison uniform through the transparent but incomparably strong glass.

At this time, Tao Zixin is no longer as delicate and beautiful as before.

At this time, she was only haggard, old, and gloomy.

It's just a short period of time, Tao Zixin's change is really too big.

It can be seen that her life in prison was not good at all.

After seeing that the person who came to visit the prison turned out to be Mo Yusen, Tao Zixin's originally despairing and haggard face suddenly showed a hint of hope. She frantically picked up the phone and looked at Mo Yusen excitedly.

But compared to Tao Zixin's excitement, Mo Yusen was slow and slow, sitting on the chair slowly and picking up the phone.

"Yusen, Yusen, are you here to save me? Get me out! I really didn't do those things to An Xia! These are all framing me! Yes! They are framing me. !"

Tao Zixin was explaining to Mo Yusen excitedly, but when Mo Yusen listened to what she said, he felt that it was a bunch of disgusting nonsense.

Therefore, Mo Yusen, who did not want to stay here any longer, looked at Tao Zixin lightly and said coldly.

"I heard that you are reborn."

As soon as these words came out, the expression on Tao Zixin's face suddenly froze.

And the second sentence Mo Yusen said next made Tao Zixin bloodless.

"Unfortunately, I was reborn too."

"What, what?! You are also reborn?!"

Originally, she didn't want Mo Yusen to know that she was a reborn Tao Zixin, but after hearing that man said that she was also reborn, she couldn't hold it any longer, and she blurted out that she was actually a reborn person. .

But listening to Tao Zixin's answer, Mo Yusen was not surprised at all, because he had already determined in his mind that Tao Zixin was born again.

Now, he also understands why the woman who refused to marry someone else back then suddenly came back, and why she approached him.

Even though he is her best friend's husband.

Even though he married An Xia back then, she was the one who arranged it.

Because she knew that her status was prominent, and she knew that she liked her.

Knowing that if she takes him down, she will have a good life.

So... how stupid is he...

It was a very ridiculous 'surprise', as his son said.

"You approached me just because you wanted to find the next long-term meal ticket for yourself. And you didn't accept me back then because I was a 'poor boy'."

Mo Yusen said sarcastically.

At this time, in his mind, what happened that year once again emerged.

The pure and beautiful girl he thought back then was nothing but his own imagination.

One, the funniest, fantasy.

"Compared with Xia Xia, you are the 'golden woman'."

Seeing Mo Yusen reveal these words with an indifferent expression on his face, Tao Zixin was stunned for a while, and then laughed out loud.

She laughed so crazy, so scary.

It seems, is true, like crazy.

"Hahaha, yes, I'm the gold-worshiping girl you hate. And that, An Xia, who has always been cold and violent by you, is the one who truly loves you."

"But, Mo Yusen, don't forget, An Xia doesn't love you anymore, she doesn't love you anymore!"

Hearing Tao Zixin's crazy words, Mo Yusen's face suddenly became ugly.

He looked at Tao Zixin angrily, and at this moment there was only a deep hatred in his heart for this woman he once loved deeply.

"shut up!"

"Haha, Mo Yusen, don't you think that without my intervention, you can live a happy life with An Xia?"

At this time, Tao Zixin had already learned from Mo Yusen's attitude that it was impossible for this man to save her, so she chose to take revenge and hurt this man with all her might.

"I tell you, stop dreaming! Whether or not I intervene between you and An Xia, your ending will always be a tragic ending! Hahaha, I'm not sure, An Xia should really thank me, if If it wasn't me who intervened in your marriage and caused the two of you to get divorced, she might die again! You killed her alive!"

After hearing Tao Zixin's words, Mo Yusen's mind went blank for a moment.


"Kill... ? What are you talking about! You are talking nonsense!"

The word "death" hurt Mo Yusen's heart and made him very excited.

In his heart, he had already 'killed' An Xia twice. He really didn't want to learn from Tao Zixin that he actually... not just killed An Xia twice, but... three times.

"I'm talking nonsense? Haha, you should be clear about whether I'm talking nonsense. Do you think that An Xia loves you so much, but you have been cold and violent to her, not treating her as your wife, will she be happy? She Of course it was unhappy, and in the end, it just died like that."

The reason why Tao Zixin said this was because she was thinking that she wanted to be angry with Mo Yusen and make him angry and sad.

However, what she didn't expect was that such a plot she casually made up was very likely to be true.

"So, An Xia should really thank me. Otherwise, she wouldn't have escaped from your 'murderer' and gained a new life."

Seeing Tao Zixin's arrogant laugh, Mo Yusen's palm tightly clenched into a fist.

He didn't want to believe Tao Zixin's words, but he also understood that the words Tao Zixin said were probably true.

After all, it's not like his wife, Xia Xia, hasn't been pissed off by 'him'...

"Tao Zixin, you should be glad that you are in jail now, otherwise, I will definitely let you know, what is it, life is better than death."

Mo Yusen looked at Tao Zixin grimly. At this time, he had already vented all his anger on Tao Zixin.

"Hahaha, Mo Yusen, shouldn't it be a bloody discovery now, An Xia is the one who loves you the most, so you like An Xia?"

After seeing the expression on Mo Yusen's face, Tao Zixin sneered again.

"It's ironic. It took you so many years to find out this fact? It's a pity, it's too late to say anything now. An Xia, she can't accept you anymore, because she's in love with another man."

"Hahaha, you said, isn't it stupid that you choose to divorce An Xia because of me, a woman who worships money for your money?"

"Mo Yusen, I really regret it now. After my rebirth, I came to look for a fool like you. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be in jail."

"Oh, I really can't think about it. Now I realize that you are not as real as a nouveau riche. You, not only did you kill An Xia, you also killed me... "

In the end, Mo Yusen didn't know how he got out of the prison. After he got out of the prison, he was completely confused.

He didn't expect that he was here with Tao Zixin, and he got it again, and he even 'killed' An Xia for the third time.

Moreover, from Tao Zixin, he clearly realized that all Tao Zixin's love for him came from his money.

He has always regarded fish eyes as pearls, and regarded an extremely precious pearl, which is the only one in the world, as fish eyes...

However, at this time, he was regretting it, and it was too late.

That Xia Xia, who loved him deeply, has completely disappeared from this world.

"Xia Xia... Can I still see you... I was wrong... I was really wrong... Please, come back to me again... "

Two entertainment news has been occupying everyone's attention recently. One is An Xia's ex-husband, the male god Mo Yusen, who is doing charity with great fanfare, and often goes to the temples to pray for blessings, making it seem like he is about to become a monk.

Another one is also related to An Xia.

【Shock! Do you still remember the No. 66 contestant Ann in "The Birth of a Little Flower"! She is An Xia! ! ! ! 】

That's right, one of Anxia's vests has fallen!

This news directly made Anxia on the hot search again!

And it also made the show "Birth of a Little Flower" ushered in the greatest popularity and traffic!

Let "The Birth of a Little Flower", an already finished show, be brought to the top of the hot search by the gossip of An Xia and Huo Ci!