Delicate Best Friend of the Female Lead

Chapter 13


Today An Rong's left eyelid has been jumping, which makes her very concerned.

"Sister An Rong, what's wrong with you?"

"I don't know what's going on, my left eye keeps jumping."

"Left eye? Is the left eye jumping for wealth or disaster? An Rong sister, wait, I will give you Baidu..."

Not waiting for An Rong's colleague to give her Baidu whether to jump for wealth or disaster, I saw An Rong hurriedly left his post after receiving a text message.

"Huh? Sister An Rong, where are you going? It's not time to get off work yet!"

An Rong's colleague saw An Rong walking outside the company with her bag, and asked hurriedly.

"I have to get off work if there is an urgent matter in my family. You will ask for a leave of absence when the boss comes."

After speaking, An Rong hurriedly left the company, got on her battery car, and rushed towards her parents' community.

Before riding the electric bike, An Rong hurriedly called her second brother, An Jia's second child, and An Xia's eldest brother An Dong.

"Hey, Dongzi, no matter where you are, hurry home today! The little girl is back today! I heard Wang Xiaoqin say that the little girl was scolded by my mother as soon as she got home, we have to hurry up Go back and help the little girl."

As a result, the same scene happened to An Dong, the An's eldest brother.

"Manager, I have something urgent at home, can I ask for a leave now?"

It's just that An Dong's luck is not as good as that of his eldest sister An Rong.

Because of the work environment, and because of... He has a beautiful and gentle girlfriend, it has long been upsetting his boss, Mr. Xiong.

It's just that Anton has always been serious in doing things, and has never been able to catch any mistakes.

Therefore, this manager Xiong could not do anything to Anton.

And now Anton has asked him for a rare leave. How can he let go of this opportunity

"Ask for leave? Why do you want to ask for leave?"

If it's someone by your side, you might just pull a serious reason and get prevaricated.

However, although An Dong is smart, he has inherited the honesty and honesty of his father An Qiangsheng.

Therefore, he never lied.

"My little girl is back."

"Your little girl is back? Oh, what kind of urgent matter is this. It's not your parents who died."

Manager Xiong immediately became happy when he heard that it was the reason.

"Manager Xiong, how do you say this!"

Anton frowned tightly and his eyes were full of anger. If he hadn't wanted the job, he would have been angry.

"Ah, I'm sorry. But Xiaoan, I can't approve this fake for you. Not only can I not approve it for you today, but I won't be able to approve it for you tomorrow. After all, the company is very busy recently..."

Manager Xiong sat on the comfortable boss chair with a big belly, and looked at An Dong with a smile. His appearance was really awkward.

Anton is not stupid, knowing that Manager Xiong is deliberately looking for faults, just to force him to resign.

After taking a deep breath, Anton's eyes condensed, and he tried to calm himself down. After all, this job has a good salary and has been doing it for a long time. He has accumulated a lot of contacts and resources. If he leaves the company now.

Not to mention whether he can find a better job in his next job, but to talk to him about a girlfriend who is going to get married for two years, and he can't be out of work now.

"Mr. Xiong, I can finish the work ahead of schedule, or I can find other colleagues to help finish my work."

In fact, the company has not been as busy recently as Manager Xiong said. All of this is just making things difficult.

However, even if Anton understands that these are all difficulties, he can only bear it because he is the general manager.

"Xiao'an, don't think about asking for leave. But if you are really anxious, you can resign."


Seeing Mr. Xiong's arrogant appearance, Anton clenched his fist tightly and stared at the man angrily.


"Okay, I resign."

An Xia didn't know that just because she went home such a "trivial matter", it made her elder brother resign.

At this moment, she is happily accompanying Anjia's parents and sharing the gifts she brought them!

"Dad, I know that you love to drink. This is the wine I asked someone to buy for me. It's just that I don't know which kind of liquor you like, so I just bought several brands. Then which one do you like to drink? Brand, I'm buying it for you."

An Qiangsheng didn't pay attention to what brand of liquor his daughter brought him. He was just moved. His daughter was really too filial. Remember that he loved to drink and brought him gifts.

"Mom, I know you like gold jewelry, so I bought you a lot this time. Look, do you like it?"

Seeing how her own daughter was very pleased with her, and after looking at the gold jewelry that An Xia had picked for herself, a glimmer of surprise and joy flashed in her eyes, but she quickly changed the subject.

"Xiaxia, put the gift aside. You, honestly explain to your mom, how have you been all these years, and... why did you get divorced? What happened?"

An Xia's mother tightly held An Xia's palm, looking at An Xia with worry in her eyes.

"Mom... I..."

In fact, An Xia didn't plan to tell the original owner's sufferings over the years, but she didn't want to deceive the two elders who cared about her so much.

So after hesitating for a while, she typed a draft in her heart, ready to simplify the matter between the original owner and Mo Yusen.

And just when An Xia was about to tell An's father and An's mother, he saw that the security door of An's house was knocked on.

Along with the knock on the door, there was an anxious female voice.

"Parents, open the door, I'm back."

It turned out that An Rong, the eldest sister who rushed back to'rescue' An Xia, came back.

"Sister, you are so true, why don't you tell me in advance when you come back today, so I can let your brother-in-law drive to the station to pick you up..."

As soon as he entered the house, An Rong began to talk about An Xia before he saw An Xia.

When she raised her head, she was dumbfounded when she saw the little girl she hadn't seen in five years.

"Little girl! Why haven't you seen any old age in the past five years? You are even more beautiful than before..."

An Rong looked at the beautiful woman in front of her, who looked like a jade and was so beautiful, she didn't even dare to recognize that she was her little girl for a while.

I haven't seen each other for five years, and her younger sister has become more and more beautiful.

She is already the mother of a child, but she still looks like a girl.

Moreover, the little girl in front of her is a bit different from the little girl she imagined.

She had thought that her little sister was divorced, she must be a little haggard.

But now...

She really couldn't see any haggardness from her little girl's face, not even a bit of sadness or loss.


An Xia looked at An Rong and gave a little excitement.

Because after completely letting go of the knot and treating the original owner's family as his own, An Xia really looks forward to meeting the rest of the family.

The image of An Rong and the eldest sister in her mind is not too different, she still looks gentle and beautiful, but she is much older, and her temperament is somewhat different from before.

However, the person most familiar with An Xia is also the eldest sister An Rong.

After all, although the original owner has not contacted his parents over the years, he has contacted An Rong intermittently.

Of course, An Rong actively contacted the original owner.


Originally, because An Xia had not seen her for five years, and her appearance was somewhat different from the past, An Rong, who had developed a sense of distance with An Xia, was watching An Xia's eyes glowing brightly, sweet. Calling her eldest sister sweetly, she immediately reminded her of their childhood, and completely let An Rong's sense of distance with An Xia disappear.

Moreover, because the two sisters are both easy-going and soft-tempered, they soon got together affectionately.

"Sister, I don't know what you like, so I just bought you some clothes and bags..."

With that said, An Xia happily wanted to share the gifts she brought back to her family.

As a result, I heard An’s mother coughing heavily.

"Ah! Xia Xia, don't change the subject."

Facing the solemn face of An Xia's father and mother, An Xia had to pouting her mouth, and resumed the topic pitifully.

Because he didn't want the An family to worry, An Xia didn't elaborate on the suffering of the original owner over the years. He just said that although the man she married didn't love her, he never treated her financially or materially.

However, even though An Xia said it was easy, An Xia's family also understood that An Xia's past years was not as easy as she said.

"Because I didn't want to continue entangled with him like this, so I asked him for a divorce. He was actually pretty good. He gave me a lot of fortune when I got divorced. So, Mom and Dad, you don't have to worry about my divorce. Things. I’m actually not at all sad."

Seeing that his family was so worried about his appearance, An Xia smiled a little embarrassedly, and said sincerely.

"Really, I actually got divorced and returned home. After seeing you, I feel that I am really happy now."

Originally, she only regarded taking care of the parents of the original owner as a task of her own, but when she returned to Anjia and met the An family, she was really grateful to the original owner for giving her such a wonderful life.

Seeing his daughter/sister smile so happy, the anxiety in the hearts of An's family has faded a bit.

"If that man doesn't love you, it's okay to get divorced..."

"Yes, our little girl is so good. It is his loss for him to divorce you. Our little girl will definitely find a better man in the future..."

"Girl, there will be a dad in the future, dad will never let anyone bully you!"

Feeling the love of An's family for her, An Xia's heart is warm, and she only feels happier.

In my heart, I was thinking about the plan to use my supernatural powers to restore the An family's body and improve the An family's life.

However, she suddenly thought of a strange place.

"By the way, Mom and Dad, don't I remit money to you every month? Why do you look like..." It's a terrible way.

It stands to reason that the original owner will pay 100,000 yuan to Ann's bank card every month.

One hundred thousand yuan a month, not to mention supporting An's father and An's mother, even if you add the three children of An's family, it is more than enough.

However, the An family seemed to... seem to be living in an embarrassing situation.