Delicate Best Friend of the Female Lead

Chapter 32


None of the staff in "Our Leisure Life" expected that one day in the program, unexpectedly! You can still see a smile on Huo Ci's face.

Don't talk about all the staff of "Leisure Life".

Even the celebrity guests who participated in the show with Huo Ci didn't expect it!

Especially Jiang Mini!

Since she joined Huo Ci on the show, she hasn't seen the slightest smile on this man's face!

Whenever he faced her, he always had a cold face, as if she owed him a million.

But now! This man has no warning! Suddenly the corners of his lips were drawn!

This light smile from the heart should have moved Jiang Mini's heart.


The person who made Huo Ci smile is the new exclusive chef, An Xia!

This makes Jiang Mini feel very scared!

Following Huo Ci's shining gaze, Jiang Mini looked at An Xia.

This time, she looked at the woman very seriously.

Even if she didn't want to admit it, she still had to admit that this new guest was really beautiful.

It's still a natural one.

And her temperament is very special, it may be natural that people will have an inexplicable closeness to her...

The more I look at it, Jiang Mini, who was very confident in Huo Ci, feels that this woman is too dangerous for her!

Jiang Mini thought secretly in her heart, she must not let this woman be alone with Huo Ci in a group! Don't let the two have private contact!

"This young lady is so pretty! I think such a pretty young lady must cook deliciously too!"

In the dull gaze of the other three star guests, Jiang Mini said insincerely.

"Director, if this beautiful young lady turned out to be the exclusive chef you arranged for us, then we won't be polite to you~"

As soon as Jiang Mini’s voice fell, Han Fanwen’s three star guests looked at Jiang Mini like monsters. They were completely confused. They didn’t understand why they were so determined not to have any exclusive chefs just now, and they emphasized that they had learned something new by themselves. Why did Jiang Mini from the recipe suddenly change her face

Just when the three guests of Han Fanwen were worried about whether they were going to fall into the claws of the demon program group again, they saw that the director of the program group was a rare person.

"Sorry, this is your own choice and cannot be changed."

After getting the refusal of Director Jin, the three guests Han Fanwen breathed a sigh of relief, but Jiang Mini pouted angrily.

She looked at Huo Ci pitifully, but found that this straight steel man who never looked at girls a lot, stared straight at An Xia with bright eyes, like a cat that saw a fish.

She resisted the urge to curse in her heart, with a pitiful expression on her face, playing an emotional card.

"Brother Huo, are you really not with us? We are a team, you don't really want to abandon us..."

Jiang Mini didn't expect that she was so low-pitched, and she still talked to Huo Ci like this in front of the camera of the show.

result! Huo Ci that Y's! What's so, I even ignored her, didn't even look at her, completely ignored her, and walked towards the exclusive chef.

"Hello, my name is Huo Ci. I am very happy to meet you."

Huo Ci stepped on his extremely long and slender legs and walked in front of An Xia in threes or twos. He looked at An Xia with gleaming eyes, as if he had seen some treasure, and said sincerely.

"Huh? You, hello."

An Xia, who was 1.65 meters tall, raised his head and looked at Huo Ci, who was at least 1.85 meters tall, and replied blankly.

An Xia really never thought that after seeing Huo Ci, that big star who doesn't care about people would be so enthusiastic? Say hello to her.

Moreover, there seems to be a smile in his eyes? ?

An Xia only felt a little strange and swallowed her saliva because of such a contrasting Huo Ci.

What to do, it’s kind of scary...

At this time, not only An Xia felt a little scary, but everyone else at the scene also felt a little scary!

Just kidding!

When did Huo Ci be so behaved

And so friendly and warm to a stranger

It's weird!

Everyone, at this time, had forgotten that they were still filming the show, their eyes were focused on An Xia and Huo Ci.

It's as if these two people are the protagonists.

"So, what shall we eat today?"


The staff of "Leisure Life" opened their eyes wide when they heard Huo Ci's words.

etc! What does Huo Ci mean by this sentence? ?

Isn't Huo Ci a bit anorexic? In their program, eating is like eating poison, and eating is very painful.

In general, Huo Ci can skip meals without eating.

They all thought that Huo Ci didn't like to eat, he was a male god who didn't eat fireworks.

The result is now—

"What are we eating today?"

Seeing that An Xia ignored him in a daze, Huo Ci asked patiently again.

"Ah? Oh! Oh! You... what do you want to eat?"

After recovering, An Xia secretly looked at the impeccable star standing in front of her.

This is the first time she has been so close to a member of the opposite sex.

However, she took a step back carefully, and the man would take a step closer to her, which really made her uncomfortable.

Alas, I had known that she would not run out to watch the show.

Otherwise, there is no need to face so many eyes now, nor to face this inexplicable star.

Compared to An Xia's regret, Huo Ci is very fortunate that his agent rejected his'sick leave' and asked him to participate in the recording of the last issue of "Leisure Life"!

He really didn't expect that the food blogger Xia Chichi, who made his mind, would appear in the show "Leisure Life".

It was even more unexpected! Xia Chichi is now his exclusive chef!

This is simply... so happy!

Thinking of this, Huo Ci couldn't help showing a faint smile on his face.

In this close, beautiful smile, An Xia was slightly lost, and then she felt a little... Not quite right!

"I want to eat... Japanese tofu with pineapple and sour sauce, braised beef with eggplant, assorted cabbage rolls..."

After listening to Huo Ci's announcement of a large number of dish names, the other staff looked dumbfounded.

An Xia looked at Huo Ci suspiciously.

etc! These dishes... seem to be the dishes she cooked in the food videos she posted on Weibo, right

The more I thought about it, the more An Xia felt that Huo Ci's whole body revealed a strange feeling.

"Can you do all of these?"

Seeing Huo Ci's expectant eyes, An Xia nodded subconsciously.

However, An Xia, who quickly reacted, shook her head again.

"... There are too many of these dishes, you can't finish them all by yourself."

"Not much, I can eat very much."

Huo Ci looked at An Xia very positively, and said seriously.

While the other guests and staff members were listening to these words, they only twitched their mouths speechlessly.

I murmured silently in my heart: Are you sure you are good at eating? ? ? In the later period, please remember to edit the video of Huo Ci's refusal to eat! And the pictures of eating and taking poison are also edited! Thank you!

Seeing Huo Ci's persistence, An Xia blinked, and she was finally defeated by Huo Ci's shining gaze.

"Then... well, you can't waste it then."

But that was the case, but An Xia thought to her heart, anyway, there are so many people in this program group, if there are so many people left at that time, the staff will be assigned.

And what An Xia thought was that at this time, it was exactly what the staff of this program group had in their minds!

They would not ask Huo Ci to let An Xia cook more! Anyway, if Huo Ci can't finish eating, it will be cheaper and they will get it!

"Well, if you make it, I will eat it all."

After seeing An Xia agree, Huo Ci's mouth curled up slightly, and a faint smile appeared again.

That look, I don't know why, so that countless staff and guests present felt that the scene of An Xia and Huo Ci together was a perfect match!

Originally, the two people's looks are very good, and the looks are simply a damn match!

Especially Huo Ci, a man who never laughed on shows, now smiles so sweetly at this beautiful girl An Xia!

There must be a situation!

Could it be that Huo Ci, a straight man, fell in love with Anxia, right? ?

At this time, everyone had such a terrible idea in their hearts.

After all, Huo Ci's attitude towards Yao Weicheng and Jiang Mini in this show is clear to all the staff!

It's not like the audience has watched the edited version of the program. They watched the original video. The steel straight man angered Yao Weicheng and forced Jiang Mini to death!

So... a good word CP? Oh! nonexistent! What kind of dog food, it's all originally produced by the post editor!

Therefore, in such a comparison, it is no wonder that other people think that Huo Ci's attitude towards An Xia is really good and too special.

It really can’t be said that their brains have been supplemented too much...

In the suspicion of everyone's eyes, An Xia looked blank, she wanted to leave here a little uncomfortably.

Of course, she did the same.

However, when she turned around and wanted to leave, Huo Ci stopped her.

"Are you going to cook now?"


An Xia looked at Huo Ci with a bewildered expression. It's not ten o'clock yet, do you cook at this point? ?

"I haven't eaten breakfast yet."

Huo Ci lied very frankly, in fact, he had eaten it in the morning.

but! If the chef is'Xia Chichi', he doesn't mind eating it again! (﹃)

"Ah? We have some rose pie left in the morning, do you want to eat it?"

The kind-hearted An Xia really thought that Huo Ci hadn't eaten, so she was afraid that Huo Ci was hungry, so she wanted to give Huo Ci the pad first with the leftovers in the morning at home.

At noon, I was cooking Huo Ci a delicious meal.

But after speaking, she realized that it seemed a little bit to let such a glamorous star eat her leftovers...

Just about to change his words to help Huo Ci redo it, but when he saw Huo Ci nod his head brightly.

"Rose pie? Sweet? Good! I want to eat it!"

"..." Everyone: Wait! Have you forgotten the person who hates sweets? ?