Delicate Best Friend of the Female Lead

Chapter 38


"Xiaxia, even if you divorced Mo Yusen. But you are always Jiashu's mother. You should come and see him often..."

Hearing this accusation, before An Xia had any reaction, he saw that Qian Xuemin was already speaking.

It also let An Xia instantly know who the familiar female voice is.

"Heh~ Tao Zixin, do you have the face to accuse Xia Xia like that? Even if everyone can say that Xia Xia, but you and Mo Yusen are not qualified."

Qian Xuemin sneered, looking sharply at the woman who had just walked in from the outside of the ward.

Xu was because he knew that An Xia was coming over today, and Tao Zixin today is no longer the same as yesterday.

Today, although she still looks a little tired.

But on the face, it's "straight guys" who absolutely can't see that it's unparalleled nude makeup with makeup.

So even if Tao Zixin looks tired today, it still feels like a pitiful beauty.

The extremely light nude makeup, coupled with her gentle and watery temperament, looks really like a hibiscus in water, clean and pure and beautiful.

Of course, this did not encounter An Xia's true undressed'Fu Shui Lotus'.

If there is no comparison between An Xia's real and un-faced makeup, Tao Zixin's un-faced nude makeup is really invincible.

But what's more, with the contrast of An Xia's real plain face, Tao Zixin's makeup suddenly appeared.

No matter how good the cosmetics are, it can still be seen that the makeup is the makeup.

Just An Xia's creamy skin, white glowing milky muscles, completely exploded Tao Zixin's carefully applied base makeup.

Qian Xuemin glanced at Tao Zixin, and then at An Xia, only to think that Mo Yusen was really blind to see Tao Zixin.

Tao Zixin could also see the obvious mockery in Qian Xuemin's eyes.

It can be said that since the moment she saw An Xia turning around, she was stunned.

Because she never thought that An Xia would have changed so much after her divorce.

Obviously, the An Xia she saw after returning to China, although the facial features were still exquisite, but the excessive diet and the gloomy and paranoid aura revealed by the whole person reduced her appearance by more than one point or two.

At that time, she was shocked, for sure.

Because of An Xia's changes, she was sure that An Xia and Mo Yusen must have been unhappy.

But now, seeing An Xia who had changed so much after divorce and became so beautiful, she was even more convinced that there was nothing wrong with her returning home.

She wanted to continue with Mo Yusen and it was not wrong.

If she doesn't return home, she won't intervene between the two of them.

Both of these people will always be unhappy.

There is no longer the radiant An Xia after the divorce now.

"Also, Tao Zixin, who do you think An Xia divorced because of? Who do you think Mo Jiashu separated from his mother at a young age? Do you really have no points in your heart."

Originally, Qian Xuemin hated Tao Zixin because of what happened to An Xia, but this Tao Zixin did not work well! As soon as he entered the ward, he directly accused An Xia.

There are other people in this ward. If she was charged with this crime, they might still say what An Xia would be behind the scenes.

"Minmin, what are you talking about, why are you always so hostile to me? Why do you always think of me so badly. Aren't we friends?"

Tao Zixin looked at Qian Xuemin with an uncomfortable expression, with some vibrato in her voice, as if she had been greatly wronged.

"Friends? Xia Xia and I treat you as friends. Do you treat us as friends?"

Qian Xuemin sneered, not to mention that she, the barrister, had already practiced a heart of stone in lawsuits.

Just saying that Tao Zixin was able to treat An Xia that way, she decided it was impossible to show any mercy to her.

"Tao Zixin, you remember, from the time you got involved in the marriage between Xia Xia and Mo Yusen, you were no longer our friend."

"No, I didn’t get involved in the marriage between Xia Xia and Mo Yusen. I just joined Mo Yusen’s company by accident after returning to China. I really don’t know, that company was opened by Mo Yusen, and I don’t even know that I was. Will become Mo Yusen's assistant..."

Tao Zixin shook her head vigorously, her face full of sincerity. Seeing Qian Xuemin unmoved, she could only look at An Xia with an expression of expectation in her eyes.

"Xia Xia, you know. I didn't know what Mo Yusen was when I went abroad. And after I went abroad, I broke contact with you, let alone know Mo Yusen's situation. All this is true. It’s a coincidence. I really didn’t want to get involved between you and Mo Yusen..."

I was staring at Qian Xuemin scolding the heroine Tao Zixin for a while, I only felt that my friends were too amazing!

The body of the heroine was torn apart, and all the excuses of the heroine were exposed.

However, she did not expect that after the heroine classmate could not understand Qian Xuemin, she would turn to talk about herself instead

However, at this time, An Xia really realized that after the characters and plot became reality, she would find that it turned out that the male and female protagonists were still beautified too much.

In, due to the author's subjective consciousness, he will find excuses for various bad behaviors of the hero and heroine.

When readers are there, they will subconsciously feel that the heroes and heroines are actually not that bad. All this is just done by the vicious female partner.

The heroine didn’t get involved in the actor’s marriage. She didn’t do anything. She just stayed quietly in the actor’s company, working diligently to take care of her children, and did not make any seduce to the actor. What a move.

This is kind enough, after all, the male protagonist doesn't like the female partner.

And the female partner doesn't take care of her son, and the heroine is so kind to the female partner's son who feels maternal love.

Even if some readers are sensitively aware, no matter how beautiful the author hides it, isn't this still an indirect intervention in someone else's marriage

It's just a pity that even the sensitive ones feel that something is wrong, but the various vicious behaviors and all kinds of death behaviors of the female protagonist rationalize everything about the heroine.

Once, An Xia was also a member of this group of readers.

Even if she feels that the heroine’s approach is questionable, but because of the beautiful words and virtues that the author has added to the heroine, she feels that the heroine is actually a kind person, even if she is because of the heroine, it is true. It hurts the female partner.

But now, after she watched the heroine's various excuses for herself, she couldn't help discovering that the heroine was not as'beautiful' as she had imagined.

On the contrary, she still feels that such a'kind' heroine is a bit scary.

If she is not familiar with the plot, I am afraid that she will be moved by the heroine's sincere and aggrieved explanation.

Yes, she doesn't know anything, so everything is a coincidence, she is innocent.

Unfortunately, An Xia is not the original owner, but a reader who has read the plot of this book.

Therefore, she clearly knew that the heroine Tao Zixin's defense was a lie.

She knows Mo Yusen's true identity, and she also knows Mo Yusen's company. When she returned to China, she clearly came to Mo Yusen to continue her career!

Facing such an innocent heroine who doesn't know anything, An Xia only felt terrible.

I also don't want to be involved in the story of the hero and heroine that is destined to be happy.

Therefore, she took a deep breath and glanced at Qian Xuemin, who can give her infinite confidence and courage just by standing next to her. She calmly expressed what she wanted to express.

This is also what the female partner wanted to say when she died, but she couldn't say it.

"Tao Zixin, you said you were not wrong, but is it my fault? Well, I just pretend that you didn't know Mo Yusen's identity and got involved in my marriage with him accidentally. Then, I would like to ask. Now, since you know that he likes you and he hasn't changed until now, why don't you avoid suspicion and break into the life of our family of three?"

"Xia Xia... I didn't expect it. I thought Mo Yusen would marry you because of loving you. I... I really didn't know that Mo Yusen would still like me now..."

When Tao Zixin returned to China, Mo Yusen still likes her even now. Her heart is ecstatic and more determined. She must take the children to marry Mo Yusen.

"You didn't expect... You didn't expect..."

An Xia shook her head gently, with a touch of indifference in her eyes.

"No, Tao Zixin, you thought about it. You have always known it."

In Tao Zixin's puzzled gaze, An Xia slowly told the story of those heroines who'matched' Mo Yusen and the original owner.

"I liked Mo Yusen at the time, but it was not to the point where he was indispensable. It was you, you said you helped me chase him, and you said you helped me write love letters to Mo Yusen, who could not write love letters. It was also you, Tell me, Mo Yusen has feelings for me and likes me."

Seeing An Xia mentioned the love letter, Tao Zixin couldn't help feeling an ominous premonition in her heart.


"When I couldn't wait for Mo Yusen's love letter, it was you. In the name of Mo Yusen, I returned the love letter to me. Let me believe in what you said, thinking that Mo Yusen likes me too. It is also because of you. I love him even more."

Looking at An Xia's ruddy lips, she was shocked after spitting out a secret that she thought no one would know.

She thought that as long as she didn’t say it, no one would know...

"I think Tao Zixin is really ridiculous, you said, did I have a three-year relationship with you, or did I have a three-year relationship with Mo Yusen?"

In the middle, the author briefly stated that the female lead did deliver the letter to the female lead, but the male lead threw it in front of the female lead without seeing it.

And because the heroine is too kind and can't bear to see the female partner being hit, she secretly replied to the female partner in the name of the male lead...

"Xia Xia, no, I know how much you like Mo Yusen, I'm just afraid of you being hurt, I just can't bear it..."

Sure enough, the heroine's answer was exactly what the author expressed.

However, does the original owner of the female match really need this kind of charity

"Tao Zixin, do you think I need your charity?"

No, the original owner would rather not give such alms.

"I would rather refuse frankly than you, like you, secretly reply to me under the pretence of Mo Yusen, and mislead me deeper and deeper..."

"I'm sorry, Xia Xia, I'm sorry. I thought, I thought you would be very happy..."

"I am happy? Tao Zixin, do you think I am happy now? Because of your "kindness", my first half of my life was ruined by you. I thought my husband still has feelings for me. I thought he loved me. Marry me. But what's the result? Because of your "kindness" made him think that I am a deep-hearted woman. Because of your "kindness", my husband does not love me and my children do not get close to me..."

"If it hadn’t been for your so-called “kindly matching” back then, I might not have been entangled with Mo Yusen for that long. I might... have a different life. Maybe, although ordinary, but I would meet a true love My people, what it's like to taste the happiness of family... ”

An Xia told the original owner's final thoughts on knowing all the truth. This is the original owner's thoughts.

The same is the idea of An Xia.

How innocent the original owner, because of the so-called kindness of the hostess, she was planted on a man's body and suffered all the time.

Everyone thought that she was married to a powerful figure like Mo Yusen, which was really a blessing in her previous life.

However, who knows that the original owner would rather not have material life, as long as she has a happy family

"Xia Xia..."

After Qian Xuemin heard all this, even though she found a large box of letters when she helped An Xia move last time, she knew that it was not Mo Yusen's handwriting, and she suspected that it was Tao Zixin's ghost. Then, when I listened to An Xia again, she felt even more shocked, and even more distressed for her friends.

"Xia Xia... I..."

After opening her mouth, Tao Zixin didn't know what else she could say.

Facing An Xia’s words, she found that all the excuses she said were already in vain...

But when the atmosphere in the ward was freezing, the people in the room did not notice that the boy on the ward opened his eyes.

And those eyes are so dark that people feel terrible...