Delicate Best Friend of the Female Lead

Chapter 43


At noon, when An Xia arrived in her private garden, she thought that everyone in the "Our Leisure Life" program group should have left after filming.

However, what she didn't expect was that as soon as she returned home, she saw that Huo Ci was still here.

"Why are you still here?!"

An Xia's eyes widened, looking at a certain big celebrity who was calmly staying in her garden, she felt incredible.

"Didn't the filming of the show end?"

To An Xia’s surprise, An’s father and An’s mother returned to their baby daughter’s problem.

"Xia Xia, Xiao Ci is now our first guest."

Seeing that her parents had already called Huo Ci Xiaoci affectionately, she was immediately stunned.

What happened at home in the past few days when she was no longer at home.

Obviously her parents don't like to deal with those stars.

And Huo Ci doesn't seem to be such a nice person, right.

Why now... How do they look so familiar and intimate.

What is the name of even a small remark, so down-to-earth...

Dragging the luggage into the room, before he had time to pack it up, he saw Father An and Mother walk in with a look of concern.

"Xiaxia, Jiashu is fine, right?"

An Xia knew that her parents were very concerned about Mo Jiashu's grandson, so she simply took out her mobile phone and dialed a video call.

"Here, you two will talk to your grandson in person."

When Mo Jiashu was not reborn before, she didn't dare to do it directly.

After all, the previous Mo Jiashu was a bear kid who was taught badly. That bear kid didn't even buy her account, so how could he care about the parents of the original owner.

An Xia's father and mother didn't expect that An Xia would directly let him video chat with their grandson who had never seen each other!

The old couple were very excited. They were happily surrounding the phone, looking forward to a video with their only grandson.

When the video was turned on, they heard the handsome and exquisite little boy appearing on the phone screen to call them grandpa and grandma, the old couple only felt that their hearts were about to melt.

"Jiashu, you must come to visit grandpa and grandma during the holidays. Our private garden is beautiful! There are peacocks, swans, and white horses!"

"Yes, and grandma's cooking is also delicious. When our little Jiashu arrives, grandma will make you delicious!"

An Xia, who was standing on the side, saw the happy appearance of An's father and An's mother, and she didn't think there was a slight smile on her face.

Sure enough, An's father and An's mother didn't say anything, but in his heart he still attached great importance to the grandson of Mo Jiashu.

Seeing An's father and An's mother chatting with Mo Jiashu for the first time, they had already taken out all their old friends, and the love of Mo Jiashu was already almost surpassed that of her relatives.

Seeing that the video call seemed to have to talk for a long time, An Xia simply left the phone to An An's father and an old couple.

Then she changed into comfortable home clothes and went to the kitchen to prepare lunch.

After all, it is already eleven o'clock, and lunch is about to be eaten.

Tied her hair, An Xia went to the vegetable garden to pick some fresh vegetables. As soon as she entered the kitchen, she saw Huo Ci not knowing when to follow him.

"Xiaxia, it's nice that you are back."

Seeing An Xia, Huo Ci said in a nice and friendly manner.

That look made An Xia really uncomfortable.

Although she is not his fan, she doesn't pay attention to Huo Ci.

But whether she knew Huo Ci from the TV screen or from the news reports, she had never been such a...good star.

Getting along is very difficult.

But this Huo Ci was very friendly and familiar with her since the first time he saw her.

Especially when she left, Huo Ci still asked her in a sad tone, are they not friends

Yeah! They now... seem, as if, are friends

Is this the first friend she made in her life

Because of the word friend, An Xia didn't have so many weird ideas about Huo Ci.

On the contrary, she really regarded Huo Ci as her friend, and she was very happy.

"You are a big star, aren't you busy? How can you be free to spend a holiday at my house?"

While washing the dishes, An Xia asked Huo Ci curiously.

"I'll help you too."

Huo Ci squeezed over and helped An Xia wash up the dishes. While washing the dishes, he also explained to An Xia.

"Busy because I want to be famous and want to make money."

Hearing Huo Ci's answer, An Xia became even more curious.

"Then you mean, you don't want to be famous or make money when you are a star?"


Huo Ci hummed lightly and replied lightly.

"Then you don't want to be famous or make money, so why do you want to be a star?"

Facing the one hundred thousand An Xia who seemed to have their own body, Huo Ci was silent for a while. It seemed that he was not very easy to answer this question.

"If you don't want to say it, just forget it, anyway, I don't really want to know other people's privacy issues."

An Xia was very understanding and cancelled the question, but Huo Ci still answered the question.

"It's okay, it's not actually privacy."

Huo Ci lowered his eyelids, and his long eyelashes covered his eyes.

"Actually, my family is not suitable for the entertainment industry. When I first entered the entertainment industry, I just wanted to piss someone off. But later, I found that being an actor is quite interesting. This profession allows me to experience all kinds of things. Such a life allows me to vent all kinds of emotions..."

In Huo Cina's slowly speaking voice, An Xia was a little fascinated.

Especially when she heard that Huo Ci was experiencing all kinds of life in the play, she even felt her heart pounding.

In the last life, she spent eighteen years on the bed in the ward in vain.

If possible, at that time, she always imagined that she could experience all kinds of life.

Because she doesn't have a healthy body, she has never been able to have all kinds of rich emotions like ordinary people.

But she has been fantasizing that she can cry and laugh, express her emotions wantonly...

"What kind of experience is it like to be an actor?"

After answering An Xia’s question, Huo Ci originally thought that An Xia’s focus would be on his family.

As a result, he did not expect that An Xia was only interested in the profession of actor.

However, this made Huo Ci a sigh of relief, and the affection for An Xia in his heart was even greater.

"I think it's very interesting. With makeup, I feel that I have completely become another person."

Huo Ci thought about it carefully, and then said seriously.

"For example, the last time I acted as a general, I didn't even recognize myself when I just finished putting on makeup and styling."

"Wow! So amazing!"

Listening to Huo Ci talking about his acting, An Xia turned into a little fan. She looked at Huo Ci with bright eyes, and even forgot to do it.

And Huo Ci was watched by An Xia's shining gaze, and he felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart. He also spoke in more detail and carefully.

Even the position of the camera, and some professional little things that the old play bones would grab the play, told An Xia.

Hearing An Xia, it was hard to stop.

"Xiaxia, are you interested in acting?"

It was the first time that Huo Ci saw An Xia's enthusiasm for him, so he couldn't help asking in doubt.

"It doesn't count, I just think that you can experience a different life, it's very interesting."

Facing Huo Ci's question, An Xia replied frankly.

"It's really interesting. If you are interested, I can teach you how to act."

Suddenly, Huo Ci thought of something, his eyes flashed suddenly, the corners of his mouth were raised, and he said to An Xia very friendly.

When An Xia heard that, Huo Ci, the big star, wanted to teach her acting, but she felt so honored!

A very popular star wants to teach her to act!

"Do you want tuition?"

"If it's you, it's free."

"Then I will make you delicious!"

Just when the two were chatting speculatively in the kitchen, suddenly, they saw Mother Ann walking down with her mobile phone.

"Xiaxia, there is a phone call saying to find you..."