Delicate Best Friend of the Female Lead

Chapter 46


"No! How did the former school flower become... so ordinary?"

"The school flowers have been too miserable in the past few years, right?"

"Wait, did our school flowers look like this before? Why do I feel a little different from my impression..."

When everyone saw the woman who appeared at the door, everyone let out a burst of exclamation.

Because the woman who walked in is really too ordinary!

It's not at all like the youthful, beautiful and extraordinary school flower goddess they once remembered.

Sure enough, the female big eighteen has changed!

It seems that if a person does not live well, even his appearance will change...

Just as everyone was feeling that their school flowers had changed a lot, at this time, they heard their "school flowers" speak.

"Ah! Sorry, I went in the wrong place!"

Facing everyone's gaze, the woman blushed and walked out again.

Seeing the woman suddenly appear and disappear suddenly, everyone became a little disappointed.

It turns out that she is not the school girl they were waiting for. What about the school girl

In the loss and expectation of everyone, the door of the banquet hall was opened from the outside once again.

At this moment, there was a soft sound in their ears.


As soon as the sound fell, I heard the sound of high heels stepping on the ground.

I don't know why, when I didn't see him, just relying on the sweet voice and the sound of walking with high heels, it hooked everyone's hearts.

Everyone has a thought in their hearts, that is-the owner of that voice must be a big beauty!

really! When the owner of that voice appeared, everyone just felt that their eyes lit up.

A white shadow appeared before their eyes.

I saw that woman, wearing a white dress and a classic coat with a small fragrance, her long black hair softly draped behind her, with an elegant camellia hair accessory in her hair.

The shape of the body in itself is already amazing and tasteful.

However, this woman's facial features and body shape are still very perfect, which is even more confusing.

Lively and freely, people feel that the person who just came in from the door is not an ordinary person, but an elegant and noble lady.

Anyway, the aura is much more noble and elegant than the best girl among them, Qiao Yutong.

Compared with this elegant and beautiful woman, Qiao Yutong is simply a nouveau riche! And it's still a nouveau riche who looks a little rough.

"Wow, it's so beautiful..."

"It's so temperamental..."

"It looks familiar..."

Many women looked straight at An Xia's clothes.

An Xia finally reached the destination, but she didn't feel the eyes of everyone at the first time. She only felt—

It's so hot.

An Xia herself felt a little nervous, and she felt cold when she went out, so she chose a thicker coat.

It was fine when she was outside, but as soon as she entered the hotel, the heating was so full that she felt too hot.

So, at this time, she only felt her own heat, and she didn't have time to pay attention to the eyes of the old classmates.

"Hello, please help me hang up my coat."

An Xia smiled and said to the waiter beside her.

"Okay, ma'am."

After taking off the jacket naturally and putting it in the hands of the waiter, An Xia seemed to hear a gasp

It was indeed a gasp, An Xia didn't hear it wrong.

Because after An Xia took off her coat, her shiny white skin was exposed, it almost dazzled everyone's eyes.

Exquisite and slender swan neck, sexy and graceful collarbone, tightly-lined arms...

After taking off her coat, An Xia felt a lot more comfortable in an instant, and at this time, she also noticed that everyone was watching her.

She pursed her lips a little nervously, showed a slight smile, and greeted the group of people who were stunned by them in a friendly manner.

"Hi, classmates, how are you and you. I'm sorry, I'm a bit late, I'm really sorry."

Listening to An Xia's words, all the talents reacted at this time, and the beauty in front of him, who was so beautiful to the sky, turned out to be the school girl they had been waiting for!

All men, whether they are married or single, can't help but feel that their hearts have missed a few beats.

Seeing An Xia greet them with a light smile, it seemed as if she had returned to the youthful age of that year.

Their goddess... Hasn't changed.

No, that's not right, their goddess has changed and become more beautiful!

Compared with the simple thoughts of men, the thoughts in the minds of the girls at this time are really mixed!

On the one hand, they were also amazed by An Xia's beauty.

On the other hand, they all shouted in their hearts, why is God so unfair!

Why so many years have passed, An Xia hasn't grown old at all! Even more beautiful than before!

Didn't it mean that she was a yellow-faced woman who was abandoned by her husband? Just how she looks like a yellow-faced woman! (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

Is her husband blind? Don't want to leave such a beautiful wife, but chose to divorce

Didn't the forehead get caught!

There is nothing wrong with these gossips about Anxia, right

"Are you really An Xia?"

Some of the women who had been with An Xia had been pretty good, and they had already leaned in and asked carefully.

After all, I haven't seen each other for many years, and An Xia's appearance is really too'tender' for women of their age.

How does she look like she is twenty-six years old! If you change your outfit, I guess someone believes it when you are sixteen or seventeen!

"Yes, you are… "

Seeing the first woman to talk to herself, An Xia searched her memory fiercely, only then did she remember who she was.

"Lin Meijun!"

"An Xia, I really didn't expect to see you in so many years, you will be younger and younger."

Seeing An Xia call out her name, Lin Meijun let out a sigh of emotion.

With Lin Meijun's beginning, many other people surrounded An Xia.

"I said the colonel, you are late, and you will have to pay three glasses of fine wine later."

"An Xia, how do you take care of your skin? What skin care products do you use?"

"An Xia..."

In an instant, An Xia was overwhelmed by the crowd.

But Qiao Yutong, who was originally highly sought after, was no one around her and flattered her.

Because everyone ran to An Xia, that woman once again became a goddess like a star holding the moon.

Qiao Yutong clenched his fist tightly, and looked at her fiance subconsciously.

As a result, I saw her fiancé Huang Yiran, and looked at An Xia affectionately.

It seemed that in his eyes, there was only An Xia alone.


Qiao Yutong only felt that a string in his head suddenly broke.

"An Xia, what have you been doing all these years?"

Finally, the old classmates who were talking around her finally let her go and sat in their seats.

It's just that, it's still the same, and there are countless questions that haunt her.

It was as if she was the only protagonist today.

An Xia, whose head was a little dizzy when asked, only felt that it was a bit different from the class reunion she imagined.

And are these old classmates too enthusiastic? The enthusiasm makes her too uncomfortable.


"Didn't you go out to work?"


"Oh my God, it's a pity that you obviously did so well in the university exam..."

"But it's no wonder that you look so young now. People who haven't been in work after graduation do seem to be different from us psychologically..."

Although everyone is chasing Anxia to ask questions, they all know that some topics that are too private are not suitable for asking.

So everyone also subconsciously skipped, their most curious question.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that someone who was not at all'unacquainted' asked the question that everyone wanted to know.

"An Xia, I heard that you were married and divorced?"

As soon as this problem came up, everyone seemed to be dumb, and suddenly became quiet.

An Xia raised her eyes and looked at the female voice who asked her questions.

I saw a woman who was wearing big-name clothing all over her body and was still the kind of woman who could clearly show the big-name logo, staring straight at her.

Although the woman's appearance looks pretty good, when you look closely, you can see that the woman's facial features are not very natural, and they seem to be slightly trimmed.

"You are… ?"

Facing the girl who seemed to be a little hostile to her, An Xia moved her brows and carefully searched for her in her memories, but she did not recall who this person was.

"Haha, An Xia, she is Qiao Yutong, she has really become too big."

After listening to other people's tips, An Xia remembered who this Qiao Yutong was.

"Qiao Yutong? You have really changed a lot."

In the memory of the original owner, even in the high school graduation photos, Qiao Yutong's appearance is not as good as being beautiful anyway.

Not even clean.

When she comes to school every day, her hair is messy and her clothes are always dirty.

It is the girl who loves cleanliness the least in the class.

But this girl sat behind her again.

"An Xia, you haven't answered my question yet."

Originally, An Xia was still feeling that this girl had changed too much, it was an earth-shaking change.

Who knows, I heard the woman repeat her question again.

And her tone of voice made An Xia feel a little uncomfortable.

However, although it made her uncomfortable, An Xia still answered the woman's question.

"Well, it's closed, and left again, what's the matter? What does it have to do with you?"

At this time, An Xia was already a little unhappy.

She was looking forward to coming to meet her classmates, and also wanted to be able to feel the schoolmates on campus.

However, since she entered the banquet hall, she felt an uncomfortable atmosphere.

"I heard that your husband abandoned you?"

Qiao Yutong curled her lips mockingly and said maliciously.

"Yutong! Stop talking..."

Huang Yiran, who was sitting next to Qiao Yutong, frowned, looking at Qiao Yutong with anger in his eyes, and scolded.

However, his scolding was obviously useless, on the contrary, it made Qiao Yutong even more angry.

"I broke up with him peacefully."

An Xia looked at Qiao Yutong with a little puzzlement. She didn't quite understand. She didn't have any contact with this woman either.

In the memory of the original owner, she doesn't have much weight.

Why is this woman especially targeted at her appearance...

"Peaceful breakup..."

Qiao Yutong glanced at An Xia meaningfully, and murmured in a very yin and yang tone.

Seeing that there was something wrong with the atmosphere, Li Qiqiu, who was a complicated person at the party, quickly adjusted the atmosphere and suppressed Qiao Yutong's topic.

"Hahaha, classmates! Today, it is our classmate Huang Yiran's treat! So! Let's eat with our belly open today, and we must not be polite to our local tyrants and slaughter him harshly!"

The others were all very acquainted, and followed Li Qiqiu to make a fuss about Huang Yiran.

After such a disturbance, Qiao Yutong finally stopped temporarily.

It's just that it's really only temporary.

During the banquet, the boys drank alcohol, while the girls who could not drink drank the juice.

"An Xia, your clothes are pretty, where did you buy them?"

"I don't know, someone else gave it."

"It looks so good, and the texture is good. It must be expensive?"

"I'm not sure..."

"Hey, your accessories are also pretty, how much is it?"

"I buy more of these accessories, and I don't remember them too much."

"I just saw that the coat and bag you wore when you came in are all pretty good-looking. How much is it? I want to buy one too."

"Uh... too many... I don't remember anymore..."

All the girls are asking about An Xia's dress and the price of what she wears today, but unfortunately, let alone An Xia has no concept of money.

Just say that the accessories and coat she is wearing now belong to the original owner.

She was too lazy to repurchase clothes at the time, so she chose some of her favorite costume jewelry and kept it.

But, because there are so many things, even if she wants to remember one by one, she really doesn’t know how much those things cost...

"An Xia, why don't you know anything."

"Is it too cheap or too expensive? Why, do you look down on our old classmates?"

At this moment, An Xia, who was surrounded by a group of women, felt like crying without tears.

At this moment, a mocking voice came.

"Heh, it's probably too cheap."

The speaker was no one else, or Qiao Yutong, who had always been hostile to An Xia.

"The one you wear is a copy of Dior. I have seen the genuine one. The price is around 90,000 yuan. Moreover, the style is different from yours."

Qiao Yutong glanced at An Xia contemptuously, and happily broke through the fact that An Xia was wearing fakes.


An Xia really didn't expect that the cute little fan of her family actually gave her Dior's high-end dress.

Obviously this skirt is so low-key, it looks very approachable.

"Haha, don't deny it. If your dress is not a copycat, can you cut the label on the dress?"

Because he suspected that An Xia was wearing a cottage, Qiao Yutong deliberately approached An Xia and tried his best to read the label inside An Xia's clothes.

Although it is not very clear, Qiao Yutong confirmed that An Xia is absolutely unable to buy clothes with a price of tens of thousands!

But facing Qiao Yutong's contempt, An Xia didn't panic at all.

She did not doubt that her little fan gave her a copycat dress.

After all, she herself is more sensitive to this aspect, and the original owner also has a lot of big-name dresses, so she can feel that the dress she is wearing now is not a cheap copycat.

It’s just that she really didn’t expect that her little fan cut the label deliberately, so that she would accept such expensive clothes...

Seeing An Xia not speaking, Qiao Yutong thought that An Xia was guilty of conscience, and he immediately felt confident in his heart. He sneered again, and continued to debunk.

"And the camellia hairpin that you wear on your head. You also bought a copy of Chanel."

"And your coat, your bags, all of them are fake. Tsk, I really didn't expect that our high school flowers have become so vain."

After Qiao Yutong said all this, he felt a lot of comfort in his heart, and a strong sense of superiority also emerged spontaneously.

Cut, even if you look pretty, don't you still be a poor ghost who is worried about money.

"If you don't have money, don't learn from others to wear big brands."

Everyone was listening to Qiao Yutong's ridicule, and they all looked at An Xia in embarrassment.

In fact, they still couldn't believe that they used to be so vain and pitiful now that the high school girl who used to be so high and cold and arrogant, they would even wear a fake name tag to participate in their class reunion.

"An Xia, you are so beautiful, there is no need to buy those famous counterfeit brands..."

"Actually, it's okay to have a bad life without money. We are all classmates and won't laugh at you..."

Listening to the comforting voices around, An Xia really looked dazed.

What's this all about

Why is she wearing a copycat

The things that the original owner swiped the card to buy, it is estimated that these people will not be able to make a salary for a lifetime.

This is too insulting to the original owner!

"I never buy things by looking at whether they are big brands, just whether they like them. Moreover, even if I fancy those big-name designs, I would not buy counterfeit models. For that little money, I can still afford them."

An Xia said plainly, she really didn't like quarreling with people, and she didn't think she had to explain anything to these people.

That is, she is very angry now.

Because this is completely different from the class reunion she imagined!

The reunion of classmates in her mind collapsed!

However, her calm appearance made other people not believe it at all.

After all, Huang Yiran and Qiao Yutong are the richest, that is generally accepted.

"Xiaxia, do you have any difficulties? If you have any difficulties, you can tell me, I and we will help you."

Even after knowing that his former goddess may have become a woman who admires vanity, Huang Yiran's heart already likes the goddess that he remembers for a long time, and is even more beautiful than he remembers.

Therefore, for his goddess is now down and down, admiring vanity, he also likes it more.

Because, in this way, he might have a chance to chase the goddess that he once could not chase.

"An Xia, Huang Yiran is my fiance now, I think... You shouldn't be so cheeky to ask my fiance for money, right?"

"Qiao Yutong! Enough of you! The two of us are not married yet!"

"But already engaged."

Seeing two inexplicable men and women, after inexplicably arguing, An Xia realized that she was an inexplicable lying gun and was regarded as a love rival!

It's really crazy, not to mention that the original owner didn't like Huang, she didn't have any interest in falling in love now.

She is still young, and it is not good to fall in love. →_→

However, also because of this series of things, An Xia, who has always been soft and waxy, was rarely angry.

She glanced faintly at the classmates watching the show around her, and at the mocking Qiao Yutong, she calmly asked the waiter to take her bag.

In the eyes of everyone, An Xia opened her bag, took out her mobile phone, and dialed a call.

"Brother, I remember you said that the Millennium Hotel in our city is looking for investors? Well, you can help me contact the person in charge of this hotel. I am still very interested."

After speaking, An Xia calmly hung up the phone in the shocked and surprised eyes of everyone.

She wants to'show off her wealth', but she hates to let this group of angry people take advantage and pay for them.

And, in any case, even if she'shows off her wealth', she must be a little more flamboyant.

Of course, she didn't bother to argue with people that she didn't wear fakes.

So, just be simple and rude, and use a more intuitive way to invest a sum of money to make this group of people sober.

In this way, not only can make money, but also "show off wealth" to let people know that she is not wearing a copycat, but it is actually quite good.

However, this call from An Xia did not make people believe that what she said was true!

On the contrary, I feel even more that their goddess really admires vanity!

Does she think they are stupid? This is the best hotel in their city! Invest in investment? Don't draft any lies!

"Puff, An Xia is you crazy, or is it that we are all fools? You even tell this kind of lie in front of us, do you think we will believe it? I really want to bow down to you."

Qiao Yutong laughed out loud with a snort, looking at An Xia, she was going to die of joy.

The others wanted to laugh a little, but they kept holding back.

Watching Qiao Yutong laugh now, they all laughed haha.

"Our college flower is so cute."

"An Xia, the call you just made is the same as the real one, you are really good."

Seeing a group of people looking at her happily, An Xia felt very boring in her heart.

She moved the corners of her mouth, ignoring the group of people, tapped her finger gently on the phone, and sent a text message to her eldest brother.

[Big brother, the class reunion is too boring, I want to go home early. If you are busy over there, just arrange a driver to pick me up. 】

After sending the text message, An Xia quietly waited for the owner of this hotel to come over.

The reason why she is so confident that the owner of the hotel will come is quite simple. First, the momentum of Shengtian Real Estate is good now. Since her elder brother became the owner of Shengtian Real Estate, he got to know many new contacts.

And the owner of this hotel happened to know her eldest brother, and the relationship was pretty good.

Therefore, Anxia is certainly full of confidence.

"Come on, let us offer a cup of lovely school flowers. Today really brought us infinite joy~"

Qiao Yutong proposed a toast, and everyone else also raised their glasses one after another.

And just when they were about to clink and drink that glass of wine—


There was a knock on the door, and soon a well-dressed middle-aged man came in.

After that man's introduction, everyone knew that this man turned out to be the boss of the Millennium Hotel? !

And later, something more mysterious happened to them!

No one thought of it! The call An Xia called just now turned out to be true! She really wants to invest in this hotel! Become a partner of this hotel!

"Haha! I didn't expect that Mr. An's sister is not only beautiful, but also so happy to do things. I look forward to this cooperation."

"Then I will let my brother talk to you about the specific matters. I will trouble you to come here in person this time."

"It's okay, no trouble at all. These... are all your classmates?"

This boss Fan is a human being, so how can I not tell that the atmosphere here is weird.

He guessed a little bit, then guessed the whole story, so-

"Since it's a gathering of your classmates, then this meal..." It's waived.

As a result, Boss Fan was interrupted by An Xia before he finished speaking.

"Give us a 30-20% discount for this meal."

An Xia glanced at the completely dumbfounded old classmates, and at Qiao Yutong, whose smile was stiff, she curled her mouth and said seriously.

Since the person paying the bill wants to show off their wealth like old classmates, let them show off. Don't grab the bill and be a "bad guy".

"Haha~ no problem."

Boss Fan said without seeing his smiling eyes, but the boss seemed to be a little grateful to An Xia's old classmates for indirectly helping him find a wealthy collaborator.

As a result, he also generously gave Anxia a 20% discount membership card to all the classmates.

When these old classmates held the silver membership card in their hands, everyone realized that An Xia was not lying!

They really invested in the best hotel in their city!

And still in front of them!

OMG! Their school flowers... are so rich? !

Looking at the appearance of investing in a hotel so casually, it must be much richer than Huang Yiran and Qiao Yutong!

Think about it just now Qiao Yutong laughed at the fakes all over his body. Now... I don't know who the counterfeit goods are.

"I just said, An Xia's dress is very temperamental, not at all like wearing fakes..."

"An Xia's body is definitely real. I think An Xia wears more taste and temperament than Qiao Yutong, and looks very expensive..."

At this moment, all public opinion has changed.

Listening to the whispers of people around him, Qiao Yutong's face was really ugly.

She can't figure out why An Xia is so rich

Isn't her family very poor, and she doesn't have any wealthy relatives, how can she invest in a hotel casually

This must be something wrong!

"An Xia, don't you have no job? Where did you get so much money?"

"An Xia..."

The people who had slowed their minds were more excited to question An Xia, the invisible local tyrant, and their eyes became even more scorching.

However, at this time, another knock on the door sounded.

After the door opened, a handsome man in a black suit walked in from the outside.

Although he had sunglasses on his face that almost covered half of his face, just by looking at the beautiful facial lines and the slender figure, he knew that this man was absolutely beautiful.

"Miss, I'll take you home."

This man who appeared suddenly made everyone startled again.

Then, he looked at An Xia with a complicated face.

This man with outstanding temperament is called Miss An Xia? ?

Are they watching some idol drama? And it's still the kind of idol drama where the heroine is a wealthy daughter!

Not to mention the strange faces of these people, even An Xia, who took the script of the heroine, was shocked and strange!

Because the man who appeared in front of her as her driver was not someone else, but Huo Ci!

Although Huo Ci wearing sunglasses seems to have moved some hands and feet, so that people can't recognize it at a glance, the person in front of him is Huo Ci.

However, An Xia knew that Huo Ci was wearing this suit today!

When Huo Ci saw An Xia seemed to be frightened, he calmly took An Xia's coat from the waiter's hand.

Then, very professionally, put the coat on An Xia's body.

"Miss, let's go."

"Huh? Oh, let's go."

Smelling the fresh mint smell on Huo Ci's body, An Xia came back to her senses. She stood up, and after talking to a group of old classmates, she walked out with Huo Ci.

After Huo Ci left the banquet hall, An Xia asked in astonishment.

"Why are you here? And..."

An Xia didn't finish her words, she saw Huo Ci with a chuckle and said.

"I received a call from your elder brother."

At this time, An Xia understood why Huo Ci suddenly appeared here.

The feeling is that her elder brother temporarily arrested Huo Ci to become a strong man!

"What about you, let's talk about it, aren't you looking forward to this classmate reunion? Why do you go back early now?"

Listening to Huo Ci's words, An Xia sighed helplessly, and told Huo Ci what had happened just now.

"How can they frame my fans to give me counterfeit goods, obviously they are not counterfeit goods..."

An Xia still mumbled a little bit broodingly.

Thinking that her fans are so delicate and didn't want her to feel burdened by receiving gifts, she was really moved by the act of cutting off the label.

But in the same way, she was also thinking about how to return the money for this dress to the fan.

After all, this gift is really too expensive.

What An Xia didn't know was that when she was angry with her fans, the corners of the mouth of a certain star raised a brilliant arc.

"By the way, thank you so much this time."

An Xia, who was sitting in the elevator, said very gratefully.

Especially considering that Huo Ci is still a big star, he actually came to pick her up because of her elder brother's request. He is really wonderful...

"Don't be so polite, we are friends."

Listening to the friend Huo Ci said, An Xia was even more moved.

"Well, thank you, friend."


The elevator door opened, and An Xia left the elevator with Huo Ci, who was dressed up in disguise and disguised. He crossed the lobby and walked towards the hotel exit.

However, when the two were about to walk out of the gate, An Xia suddenly stopped.

"Wait, there is one more thing to do."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Huo Ci looked at An Xia suspiciously, and asked with some curiosity in his eyes.

However, soon, he understood what An Xia wanted to do.

"Thank you for buying some of the latest big-name fashion magazines this year and sending them to the banquet hall we just came out. The main ones are Dior and El. If you can, buy a few more and send them to the banquet hall."

Hearing An Xia's instructions to the waiter, Huo Ci was stunned for a moment, then curled up his lips amusedly and laughed.

Well, what he thought was that the soft and sweet little cook would "bite" when angry.

As a result, the reunion of classmates in the back went completely wrong!

When the waiter gave away the magazine An Xia said to her old classmates, everyone's mind was completely absent from the class reunion!

Instead, it has become a "Gossip Anxia Interest Group"!

"Oh my God! That skirt on An Xia actually cost 120,000?!"

"Her bags are even more powerful! They are specially customized models, and the price is not disclosed at all! Few people in the world have that bag!"

"Wow! I said why her bag is so beautiful."

"Sure enough, expensive things are different when you wear them!"

"Tsk tusk tusk, the clothes that people wear on their bodies are enough for us to buy a house."

"Who is it that An Xia is living a pitiful life now? Why is this also called pitiful?"

At this moment, everyone has forgotten that the protagonists of today should be the local tyrants who made a huge sum of money to organize this extremely high-grade classmate gathering, Huang Yiran and Qiao Yutong.

After all, with Anxia as such a big local tyrant, what kind of local tyrants are the two of them

Moreover, they are not stupid. They also understand the reason why An Xia asked the waiter to bring these magazines. Isn't it just to slap the face of Qiao Yutong, who said she was all fake

Looking at the stacks of fashion magazines, listening to the envy and feelings of An Xia in his ears, Qiao Yutong was almost furious.

She didn't expect that she originally organized this class gathering to make An Xia face, so that everyone can see how beautiful she is now, and let everyone know that An Xia is not as good as her now.

However, I did not expect that I was caught off guard by An Xia, and his face was completely beaten!

It's really stealing chicken, not eclipsing rice...

Just when everyone was talking about An Xia, they didn’t know that a post on the Internet with them as the protagonist became popular~

[August 18, the large-scale face-slapping scene I saw at a class reunion just now! The school girl heroine is super awesome! 】