Delicate Best Friend of the Female Lead

Chapter 59


Tao Zixin didn't know why, it seemed that everything was wrong.

Before he fell ill, Mo Jiashu liked her so much and was so close to her, even she felt that Mo Jiashu regarded her as his mother.

However, in a blink of an eye, after an inexplicable illness was over, Mo Jiashu did not kiss her.

Moreover, she gradually began to lose her luck.

First, Mo Jiashu's alienation from her, and then the sudden appearance of her ex-husband Jiang Heng, caused her to have no face to stay in the company now.

What happened recently is really bad luck.

Fortunately, Mo Yusen didn't believe those words of Jiang Heng, and felt even more pity for her attitude.

Even because she was made by Jiang Heng in the company, she couldn't stay any longer, and Mo Yusen even made her become Mo Jiashu's exclusive nanny.

Let her only need to take care of Mo Jiashu every day and get a high salary.

And more than that, Mo Yusen even took advantage of the summer vacation to arrange a pair of her children into the kind of expensive elite cram school, and tutored with Mo Jiashu.

This result still made Tao Zixin relieved, and she was even more determined to be with Mo Yusen.

What's more, I feel that this is an opportunity, an opportunity to have a good relationship with Mo Jiashu.

However, she never thought that An Xia appeared before she had contacted Mo Jiashu.

"Jiashu, come here, your father asked me to take you home."

Subconsciously, Tao Zixin said this somewhat tough sentence.

Even though she knew that An Xia was Mo Jiashu's mother, she had the right to pick up her son, Mo Jiashu.

"Tao Zixin, your child is over there."

An Xia pulled Mo Jiashu behind her, and glanced at the two little guys standing next to Tao Zixin from left to right.

To be honest, Tao Zixin's sons and daughters are indeed very cute.

However, it was not as good as Mo Jiashu's appearance.

After all, the looks of Tao Zixin and his wife are not as good as those of An Xia and Mo Yusen.

Even though Tao Zixin is the heroine in this world, her two children are not as good as Mo Jiashu.

Therefore, An Xia really couldn't understand why Mo Yusen liked those two children better than his son Mo Jiashu.

Perhaps this is the reason for the heroine's halo.

Subconsciously, An Xia felt a little distressed about Mo Jiashu.

In fact, even though this child was wrong, it was because his father was too cold-blooded.

But wrong is wrong, so now, this child has also been punished forever.

Even though he was born again, the people he wanted to make up for were no longer there.

"Xiaxia, after all you and Mo Yusen divorced, and Jiashu was sentenced to..." Mo Yusen.

Before Tao Zixin finished speaking, Mo Jiashu interrupted him.

"Hey, Dad, my mother is here. I want to live with my mother recently, and I won't go home recently. Well, good."

After Mo Jiashu finished speaking, he hung up the phone neatly, his eyes were a bit cold to Tao Zixin.

"Aunt Tao, don't worry about my business."

After speaking, Mo Jiashu took the initiative to hold An Xia's hand, and left with An Xia.

Looking at the backs of An Xia and Mo Jiashu, Tao Zixin pressed her lips unwillingly.

Even though she knew that Mo Yusen liked her in his heart, but she was afraid... With Mo Jiashu as the bond to her mother, would Mo Yusen get back together with An Xia's ex-wife again

After all, the two people in the previous life did not get divorced either. No matter what, An Xia will still be Mo Yusen's wife till his death...

Thinking of this, the anxiety in Tao Zixin's heart became stronger and stronger.

"Mom, Mo Jiashu is bullying you again!"

"Brother Jiashu is bad! I don't like Brother Jiashu anymore!"

Tao Zixin's twins, Tao Jianan and Tao Jiaqi saw that their mother's face was very ugly. The two little guys who were a bit precocious because of their parents' divorce immediately stared at the backs of Mo Jiashu and An Xia in resentment.

Because of Mo Jiashu's rebirth, at this time, the pair of dragons and phoenixes was not as close to Mo Jiashu as Tao Zixin deliberately taught at the beginning, and treated him as a real brother.

On the contrary, because of some'eccentric' behaviors of Mo Jiashu and Tao Zixin, the siblings were very hostile to Mo Jiashu.

However, the two little guys are also very clever, knowing that they can't show this emotion in the eyes of others, and they can't show this kind of disgusting attitude in front of Mo Yusen, so except for Tao Zixin and Mo Jiashu, everyone else Don't know, the brother and sister really hate Mo Jiashu.

"Nannan, Qiqi, how did your mother tell you. Jiashu is your brother, and we will all be a family in the future. You can't hate the hostile brother like this, you know?"

Listening to the angry voices of the two little guys, Tao Zixin took her gaze back from An Xia and Mo Jiashu, squatted down, and said gently and patiently.

"Otherwise, if you are seen by your favorite Uncle Mo, he will not like you."

As soon as they heard their favorite Uncle Mo Yusen, people who would become their fathers would dislike them. The two little guys suddenly narrowed their mouths and muttered unwillingly.

"I know, mother."

"Uncle Mo likes Qiqi!"

Seeing her two intelligent children listened, Tao Zixin touched the little heads of her children with a smile on her face, and said happily.

"Then let's wait for your Uncle Mo to get off work, so we can send him food, okay?"

Although I regret that I can't contact Mo Jiashu anymore, it's good to think that Mo Jiashu is gone.

She can take her pair of children to connect with Mo Yusen.

"Okay, okay! I want to eat with Uncle Mo!"

"Mom, Qiqi will also cook for Uncle Mo herself."

In the words of a pair of children so well-behaved and sensible, the discomfort in Tao Zixin's heart disappeared.

She thought about it, and what should she bring her sons and daughters to make something for Mo Yusen

This time, she also asked her Nan Nan and Qiqi to cook some cute food for Mo Yusen.

She thought he would be very happy...

Tao Zixin's mother and son were beaming, and they didn't have too many negative emotions because of An Xia's appearance and Mo Jiashu's departure.

An Xia and Mo Jiashu were also very happy.

An Xia arranged the little guy in the back seat, fastened the seat belt, and then got into the driving position. He drove the car slowly, leading the little guy towards her hot spring villa.

"Is tutoring hard?"

Although An Xia Ting wants to have a normal campus life, it does not mean that she likes the extra study life of making up classes.

She felt that she should go to school when it was time to go to school, and play well when it was time for vacation.

"It's not hard."

Mo Jiashu shook his head happily. Since seeing An Xia, the smile on his face has not faded.

"In fact, it's summer vacation, so you should go out to have fun. Also, let's say that after the summer vacation, should we go to your grandpa and grandma?"

An Xia drove the car carefully, and said to Mo Jiashu who was sitting in the back seat.

Listening to An Xia's words, Mo Jiashu's lips were slightly pursed. He opened his mouth to say something, but in the end, he closed his mouth.

"I plan to go next month..."

Seeing Mo Jiashu say this, An Xia didn't think much, she nodded.

"Otherwise, if I go back this time, you can go back with me. Your grandpa and grandma miss you very much."

Looking up, Mo Jiashu secretly looked at An Xia's beautiful and delicate face in the rearview mirror. He hesitated for a while before he replied.

"… OK."

In fact, based on his current strength, he doesn't need to participate in any cram school.

It's just that he just wanted to retaliate against Tao Zixin's family bit by bit, following the trajectory of the previous life.


Looking at An Xia's gentle and beautiful face, and thinking about his grandpa and grandma who often video calls with him, Mo Jiashu was still shaken.

The car quickly drove to the hot spring villa where Anxia lived in the capital.

After getting out of the car and returning to the villa, An Xia took out the ingredients prepared by the hourly worker in advance from the refrigerator, and started dinner for the little guy.

"Jiashu, do you have any special food you like to eat? I can make it for you."

An Xia was washing vegetables in the large open kitchen, and smilingly asked Mo Jiashu.

"I love everything my mother makes."

Mo Jiashu's answer was very'official', which made An Xia shook his head funny.

"This answer is really terrible."

Washed the pork in his hand, put it aside, and then asked again.

"Then do you like sweet, salty, or spicy?"

Facing such detailed questioning, Mo Jiashu lowered his head a little bit embarrassingly, and muttered softly.

"Actually, it works, but I also like sweet ones..."

Listening to Mo Jiashu's words, An Xia immediately understood that Mo Jiashu, a child, actually likes to eat sweets.

This made An Xia couldn't help but think of another big star who also likes to eat sweets, classmate Huo Ci.

Thinking of Huo Ci, An Xia's mouth couldn't help but twitched.

Now their farmhouse is officially open for business, Huo Ci, the big star, will not be able to live with them in the future.

I can't eat the food she cooked.

Hi, it seems a bit pitiful.

"Okay, then I will give you a sweet Suzhou meal today."

In this way, An Xia happily decided what to do tonight.

So, the mother and the son were like this, one was cooking in the kitchen, and the other was watching the cook in the kitchen. Soon, a sumptuous dinner was made from An Xia’s hands. Came out.

"Sweet and sour pork, sweet and sour pork ribs, squirrel mandarin fish, pork lung soup..."

After An Xia placed one after another beautifully presented dishes on the table, she introduced Mo Jiashu one by one.

Just listening to An Xia read out the name of the dish, Mo Jiashu felt very hungry.

"Okay, let's have dinner."

With that said, An Xia first served Mo Jiashu a bowl of fish soup.

"First drink soup to warm your stomach."

After receiving the fish soup from An Xia, Mo Jiashu sipped it.

In fact, Mo Jiashu doesn't like to drink soup, but he found that he just doesn't like to drink soup cooked by others.

He feels he can drink three bowls of soup made by his mother!

"Eat the vegetables, lest you have no stomach to eat when you are full of soup and drink."

Seeing Mo Jiashu enthusiastically drank the fish soup and was still drinking it, An Xia served Mo Jiashu a bowl of rice.

So, Mo Jiashu obediently began to taste the dishes that seemed delicious on the dinner table.

After he had tasted every dish, he only felt... What does his stupid dad eat every day!

Can Tao Zixin eat the food he cooks for him every day? That must not be eaten! Compared with the food made by his mother, Tao Zixin's food is nothing but rubbish!

It's so terrible!

Mo Jiashu finally knew why, he has so much no appetite every day.

It turned out to be because Tao Zixin's cooking is really terrible!

hehe! With regard to the craft, I am embarrassed to cook for him and his stupid dad every day.

He estimated that his stupid dad is now eating the food made by Tao Zixin again.

Haha, it's all pig food!

Thinking of this, Mo Jiashu sneered.

But soon, in An Xia's gentle eyes, Mo Jiashu became cute and cute again.

"Cough! Cough cough cough!"

At this time, a certain "stupid dad" who was eating dinner made by Tao Zixin, was eating well and suddenly choked.

"Yu Sen, are you okay?"

"Uncle Mo, isn't Kiki's cooking too unpalatable?"

"Uncle Mo, water."

After receiving the water from Tao Jianan, Mo Yusen took a sip, which gradually eased.

He looked at the three mothers and children at the dining table, looking at him with a worried expression, and Mo Yusen felt warm in his heart.

He felt the warmth of a family.

This kind of feeling was never felt before Tao Zixin, mother and son came to his world.

"Uncle is okay, Kiki tomato scrambled eggs are delicious, uncle loves it very much."

With that, Mo Yusen rubbed the little head of the crying little girl, only feeling that his heart was softer.

Listening to Mo Yusen's words, the little girl's eyes lit up suddenly, and she said very happily.

"Then Qiqi will make it for uncle every day!"


Although, the tomato scrambled eggs is really not delicious, it is too salty.

But Mo Yusen nodded gently.

This kind of gentleness has never been given to An Xia and Mo Jiashu.

Seeing Mo Yusen getting along with her sons and daughters so warmly, Tao Zixin's heart gradually gained a sense of security.

Although her pair of children were not Mo Yusen's children, she could see that Mo Yusen's treatment of her children was actually no different from the biological ones.

She thought, if they were given some time, the three of them, mother and son, would definitely be able to become Mo Yusen’s family...

"Yu Sen, don't we have to go and bring Jiashu back?"

After the four of them had almost eaten, Tao Zixin started talking about Mo Jiashu and An Xia.

"No, the kid Jiashu said that he wants to live with An Xia recently and we don't have to worry about him."

Mo Yusen took a sip of water, and said not very much.

But Mo Yusen's carelessness made Tao Zixin feel a little uncomfortable.

Is it because he doesn't care about Mo Jiashu's son, or because... An Xia is Mo Jiashu's mother, so he doesn't care

Obviously, Tao Zixin's guess is the latter answer.

"But Yu Sen, I'm worried..."

Tao Zixin pursed her lips, eyes filled with hesitation, and then sighed lightly.

"Oh, forget it, don't say it."

Huo Yusen's brows were frowned when she was hesitant to speak.

"What do you want to say?"

"Forget it, it's actually nothing."

Seeing Tao Zixin's appearance that I didn't want to say more, Mo Yusen wanted to know more.

"Zixin, go ahead, what else can't you say before me."

Under Mo Yusen's'persecution', Tao Zixin sighed softly again, with a worried expression on her face.

"Yu Sen, it's not that I want to say anything bad about Xia Xia. I just think... Since Jia Shu came into contact with Xia Xia, his personality has changed. The attitude towards me and Nan Nan Qiqi are different. "

With that, Tao Zixin's face showed a lonely look.

"I know, Xia Xia is Jiashu's mother, she can't teach Jiashu bad things. However, I'm not used to Jiashu being too cold towards me now... And, I think Jiashu seems to treat you too. Some comments..."

Listening to Tao Zixin's words, Mo Yusen's lips moved. In fact, he recently noticed some changes in his son.

And these changes are mostly similar to what Tao Zixin said.

His son is a little cold towards him, and he is also a little too cold towards the two children Tao Zixin and Jianan Jiaqi, completely different from before.

At first, he didn't care too much, but now listening to Tao Zixin's words, he really associates his son Mo Jiashu's change with An Xia.

In particular, Tao Zixin's sons and daughters were also muttering in his ears, and it was the least likely that a child would lie.

"Yeah, Uncle Mo, recently Brother Jiashu is so indifferent to Qiqi, and Brother Jiashu still looks at Qiqi and brother with terrible eyes."