Delicate Best Friend of the Female Lead

Chapter 90


"Sorry, if you can't afford it, can you not waste my time and take off this dress, because I like this haute couture dress."

The two who were still whispering 'ear biting' at this time raised their heads and looked towards the source of the sound.

As a result, they saw a blond woman looking at the two of them with contempt.

Suddenly, An Xia felt a little embarrassed.

Although the other party's words were a bit ugly, Anxia really had no desire to buy.

An Xia, who has a softer personality, thought that she would not buy it anyway, so she wanted to take off the dress and give it to this foreign woman who had the desire to buy.

"dés..." désolée, An Xia just said, and wants to give the dress to others.

As a result, Huo Ci blocked what she wanted to say later.

Huo Ci took An Xia's palm, and looked coldly at the foreign woman with a contemptuous face and a very unfriendly look.

He spoke softly in fluent French.

"Can't afford it? I'm sorry, this dress was specially made by me. I'm afraid you don't have the qualifications to buy it."

Huo Ci's voice just fell, and when she saw the woman who was still arrogant, the expression on her face became more and more mocking.


If it is customized in advance, it is too expensive to buy it

The foreign women simply didn't believe that the white pearl dress on An Xia's body was made by them in advance, and they just thought they were bluffing.

However, soon, the designer on the side slapped her in the face.

"Sorry, Ms. Catherine, this dress is indeed custom-made by this Mr. Huo."

As soon as the designer's voice fell, seeing the expression on Catherine's face, she was suddenly embarrassed.

Those black eyes, originally full of contempt, only felt that they were humiliated when they saw Huo Ci's half-smiling gaze.

And An Xia was shocked when she heard the designer's words, and she looked at Huo Ci.

He whispered in Huo Ci's ear and asked in surprise.

"Ah? Huo Ci, did you customize this one?"

"Yeah, I customized it."

When Huo Ci was facing An Xia, his cold expression suddenly softened.

He nodded with a smile, and said softly, "Yes, it's a reward for you when you agree."

Listening to the reward Huo Ci said, An Xia felt a little dumbfounded.

She only invested 4 million in Huo Ci, but Huo Ci gave her a return gift of 2 million, which is too... a loser! Now she really sees why this big star has become a 'Kanu' and a 'Moonlight Clan'!

Although she was moved and moved by Huo Ci for being so kind to herself, she even made a custom dress for her. But... After all, Huo Ci's company has just started, and neither of them has much money for the time being.

"Huo Ci, I'm very touched by the gift you gave me. But it's really too expensive. If we don't have a company and have enough funds, I'll be very happy if you give me this dress. But we don't have any spare cash in our hands right now, we can't spend it like this, you understand?"

Because considering that there are other people around, An Xia spoke Chinese when she said this.

And listening to An Xia's words, Huo Ci really felt that her family was diligent and thrifty, and the little cook who wanted to save money for herself to open a company was really cute!

"Don't worry, our company is almost profitable now. Also, I'm a VIP of elie saab, so the price is not as expensive as you think."

Huo Ci's words were actually just a lie.

However, An Xia didn't know the brand elie saab very well, and Huo Ci's expression was really sincere.

So An Xia didn't expect Huo Ci to lie, so she believed it, and she was already thinking in her heart, if she accepted this gift, what kind of gift should she give to Huo Ci.

The fact that the two were chatting in Chinese certainly attracted the attention of everyone in the room.

It's just that the employees of elie saab are very professional, and they just stand quietly and do not interrupt the chat between Huo Ci and An Xia, the two customers.

However, Catherine, who was slapped in the face by Huo Ci just now, couldn't help it.

Although, she does not understand Chinese. However, she could see that An Xia felt that the dress on her was too expensive and didn't want to buy it.

Therefore, she deeply felt that Huo Ci and An Xia were not that rich.

I just slapped my face and made a fat man, and ordered this expensive dress.

Immediately, her self-esteem, which had been hit by Huo Ci, recovered!


"Miss, I really like this pearl dress. If you think the price is too expensive, I can pay twice the price to buy this dress you customized. What do you think?"

Catherine looked at An Xia with a smile, but there was still a hint of sarcasm in her tone.

"… what?"

However, in the face of Catherine's ridicule, Anxia's attention was all on - double the purchase price...

Rich people are like this... different (mentally retarded)? It is obviously only two million yuan for a dress, so it has to cost four million to buy it? It's not good to kill it, you have to spend so much money.

And if it's four million, you can definitely buy a small skirt that is even better than the evening dress on her body.

Suddenly, in An Xia's mind, a word flashed, that is - people are stupid and money comes quickly.

Thinking of this, An Xia looked at Catherine with some indescribable complexity and a trace of... sympathy.

Seeing An Xia staring straight at her, Catherine thought that An Xia was shocked by her financial resources, so she raised the corners of her lips mockingly, and sneered even more at the identities of An Xia and Huo Ci in her heart.

It's just two hillbillies, she doesn't need to care.

Unfortunately, the smug and mocking smile on Catherine's face disappeared very quickly.


"Hehe, sorry, not for sale."

Huo Ci said coldly without raising his eyelids.

Seeing that Huo Ci refused without hesitation, An Xia felt a little regretful.

Things like dresses are basically disposable 'consumables', and she doesn't have much desire for them, so there's no need to spend too much on them. She originally thought that in order for Huo Ci's company to have sufficient funds, she could save a little bit.

However, since this is Huo Ci's intention, then she should accept it calmly.

Anyway, even if Huo Ci's money was given to Huo Huoguang by himself, she still has money! She can get a lot of money from monthly dividends and rent! When the big deal comes, she will 'raise' Huo Ci!

After 'figuring it out', An Xia was no longer tangled, and took out the state of treating money like dung in the past.

Isn't it two million! Buy!

"Thank you, Huo Ci, I like this dress you gave me. It's really beautiful."

An Xia looked at Huo Ci with a smile, her eyes shining brightly at him, and her words were full of love.

It can be seen that An Xia really likes this dress.

Looking at An Xia's sparkling eyes, Huo Ci was slightly absent-minded and almost lowered his head and kissed the corner of An Xia's eyes.

After calming down a little, Huo Ci stared at An Xia tightly.

"As long as you like it, that's enough."

After Huo Ci finished speaking in Chinese, he continued speaking in French.

"It's only twice as much. As long as you like it, even if it's a hundred times more, I won't sell it to others."

As he said that, Huo Ci raised his hand and pulled a strand of hair from An Xia's forehead behind his ear.

"It will only be yours."

I don't know why, when facing Huo Ci's dark and deep eyes, she felt a strange feeling.

And this kind of strangeness made her heart thump and beat wildly.

Soon, Huo Ci withdrew his palm again, and the gaze that left An Xia gradually changed from gentle to cold.

"So, lady, please put away your wallet. We don't need your money."

This time, Catherine, who has always had high self-esteem, was very angry.

She, who has always been aloof, has been slapped in the face continuously!

Such a humiliating humiliation, if the other party's status is higher than his own, that's fine.

However, the two people in front of her were obviously just ordinary 'Asian upstarts', so how could she bear it.

So, she couldn't swallow because of one breath, so she got into trouble with Huo Ci and An Xia.

"Ms. Catherine, we can make a dress for you."

The staff of Elie Saab saw that the customers were arguing about a dress, and they quickly persuaded them.

I feel even more helpless.

On weekdays, their workshop only accepts one customer to customize dresses, and they serve customers individually.

But today, there are two people who they can't usually offend.

Catherine doesn't matter, and the Chinese male guest surnamed Huo, but their boss personally instructed that he must be well received.

Come to think of it, the identity should not be simple.

"I want that one today."

For her own face, for her high self-esteem, Catherine is also bound to get that pearl dress.

After all, Elie Saab's custom dress, but there is only one in the world, is unique.

"Sorry... Ms. Catherine, we really can't accept your request."

The designer also had a headache facing Katherine, but if the two customers were destined to offend one, then they must choose not to offend Huo Ci.

Not only because of their brand's professional ethics, but also because of their boss's personal instructions.

These two points, no matter from which point of view, is that Huo Ci's weight is heavier than Catherine.

And the performance of elie saab staff, of course, was seen by Catherine.

Therefore, she became even more angry.

"Do you know who I am! I am a good friend of the Duchess of Wales! How dare you be so rude to me!"

As soon as Katherine's words came out, the designers of elie saab were a little stunned.

After all, the designers of the Duchess of Wales know it.

The Duchess and their boss are not only close friends, but an investor in Elie Saab.

Huo Ci, who had ignored Catherine and was about to take An Xia out of here, suddenly stopped after hearing Catherine's words, and looked at Catherine with an intriguing expression on his face.

The reaction of the staff of Elie Saab, as well as Huo Ci's reaction, made Catherine suddenly proud.

She looked at Huo Ci with contempt on her face, and silently complained in her heart that inferior people are inferior people.

An inferior Asian who dared to snatch something from her.

"It's impossible for someone like you to know the Duchess of Wales. I advise you..."

Catherine looked at Huo Ci with a smug smile, her tone full of malicious mockery.

However, what she never thought was that the 'lower-class person' in front of her, whom she didn't even look down on at all, spoke calmly.

"Oh, the Duchess of Wales you said, is that Lady Capet?"

Huo Ci's light words made the smile on Catherine's face froze.

Maybe ordinary people will know the Duke of Wales from the Internet. After all, this Duke is too rich, so he is relatively famous.

However, as for his wife's words, because of the deliberate blocking of information on the Internet, ordinary people really don't know the surname of the Duchess of Wales.

Therefore, when she heard Huo Ci revealing the title of "Mrs. Cape", Catherine felt a little less confident.

She began to think, was she too careless and kicked the iron plate

However, when she saw the black-haired woman beside the Asian man and looked at Huo Ci with a bewildered face, she felt that this Asian man must be fooling her.

After all, although the information of the Duchess was indeed blocked deliberately, if you really want to find it, you can still find something.

Therefore, she still felt that the Asian man in front of her must be pretending to deceive her.

"Haha, now anyone can really enter elie saab, it's really too cheap."

"This lady, I would like to ask you, what is your relationship with Mrs. Capet, how come I have never heard that Mrs. Capet has such a friend as you. Besides, as far as I know, Mrs. Capet is an extremely Noble and elegant nobleman, her friend, not like you... vulgar and impolite."

I have to say that when the woman Huo Ci was facing was not An Xia, what he said in his mouth was simply maddening.

I never knew how to write the word gentleman.

How to fight people, how to respond to people, how to say.

And Catherine, obviously, almost fainted by Huo Ci's anger.

In her eyes, she is noble and elegant, while Huo Ci and An Xia are vulgar and rude people.

Now, she was said so by someone she despised, how could she not be angry

"You low-class people dare to pretend to be friends of the Duchess! I will definitely ask the Duchess to sue you!"

Facing Catherine's angry words, An Xia couldn't help worrying about Huo Ci.

She took La Huo Ci's palm and looked at Huo Ci with worry.

"Are you all right?"

"rest assured."

Seeing the worry in An Xia's eyes, Huo Ci softened. He didn't want to make too much noise, so he calmly took out his phone.

The call was quickly connected, but seeing that, Huo Ci communicated with the person on the phone in a friendly tone.

"Hey, Aunt Capet, well, this is my phone number. Yes, only you know."

After listening to Huo Ci calling the seemingly awesome Duchess Capet Aunt, Anxia felt bad.

oh, y god! ! ! Isn't Huo Ci a poor boy without any background? ?

How come out of nowhere now an aunt who is a duchess? !

She is dreaming!

"Aunt Capet, do you know a friend named Catherine? Alas, this friend of yours is simply too difficult to describe. He doesn't have the demeanor of a lady or a lady at all, and his manners and speeches reveal vulgarity..."

Catherine watched Huo Ci on the phone coldly. She didn't believe Huo Ci's nonsense at all.

After all, she had never heard that the Duchess had a nephew. Not only that, she hadn't even heard of any sisters or sisters the Duchess had. Of course, the most important point is that the Cape family is a noble family with the purest noble blood, and ancient noble families like them usually marry other ancient nobles, and they are absolutely I will not accept this 'inferior gene' of the yellow race and the black race to confuse their own blood.

The proud Cape family would rather their family be extinct than make their bloodline 'impure'.

Huo Ci is obviously an Asian. Although his facial features are very deep and three-dimensional, it can be seen that he is an Asian with black hair, black eyes and yellow skin.

"She also said, let you sue me for this 'inferior' who pretends to be your friend."

Listening to Huo Ci's words, the ridicule on Catherine's face became stronger and stronger.

"This gentleman, I think, you may be mistaken, Duchess, but you have never had a nephew. If you want to lie, please do your homework."

However, the smug look on Catherine's face was soon broken.


"This lady, Mrs. Capet, please answer the phone."

Huo Ci looked at Catherine with a half-smile, and handed over the phone in his hand.

Originally, Catherine didn't want to answer the call of this 'liar', but because of the indifference on Huo Ci's face, she narrowed her eyes and answered the phone, wanting to scold the pair of liars.

However, what she didn't expect was that! The voice on the phone was exactly the same as that of the Duchess!

"The Duchess of Wales?! Really, really you?!"

Although Anxia didn't know what the duchess on the phone said to Catherine.

However, from Catherine's pale face, she could guess that this phone call was a big blow to Catherine.

Absolutely not a good thing.

In the end, Katherine, who was originally a proud peacock, returned the phone to Huo Ci with a complicated expression, and also sincerely apologized to Huo Ci and An Xia. In the end, she left like that.

Seeing Catherine leave, Elie Saab's staff were all relieved.

After all, the two guests, Catherine and Huo Ci, these little people, can't afford to offend any of them!

Moreover, in the next time, this group of arrogant designers treated An Xia and Huo Ci even more attentively.

The nephew of the Duchess of Wales! Can it be a simple character!

And it seems that the Duchess of Wales is very fond of this nephew who suddenly popped up, and she can't be bothered.

"Huo Ci, are you still the Huo Ci I know?"

After Anxia came out of the elie saab workshop, she still felt like she was in a dream.

'Poor boy' Huo Ci, just transformed into the Duchess's nephew

Is it a nobleman

"What's wrong?"

Huo Ci looked at An Xia looking at him with a bewildered face. He didn't know why, so he became a little nervous.

"Suddenly I feel that your identity has changed too much, and suddenly you have become a noble, which makes me feel that the gap between us seems to be a little big..."

Originally an ordinary big star, but now he has become an aristocrat, which makes An Xia feel a little awkward.

Seeing the awkward look on An Xia's face, Huo Ci pursed his lips, and then laughed.

"What's the matter? What are you laughing at all of a sudden?"

An Xia suddenly laughed when she saw Huo Ci, and she asked with doubts.

"I laugh at how stupid you are, how can I be a noble."

Huo Ci said with a smile, that look was very calm.

"Ah? You lied to her about that call just now!"

I couldn't believe what kind of noble An Xia Huo Ci would be, and instantly felt that Huo Ci must be lying just now!

After all, if Huo Ci was really a nobleman, he wouldn't have to be so poor! It is impossible to be a 'Moonlight Clan' and a 'Kanu'.

Moreover, the most important thing is that he is a big star. If he is really an aristocrat, he will definitely be picked up by fans for some clues.

In this way, Anxia was influenced by Huo Ci's 'powerful' person, and did not believe the fact that Huo Ci might be an aristocrat.

"What do you think?"

Huo Ci looked at the look of sudden realization on An Xia's face, he couldn't help rubbing An Xia's head, and came to kill him.

At this time, An Xia was attracted by Huo Ci's 'saucy operation', but didn't notice how intimate Huo Ci was to her actions.

"Huo Ci, your acting skills are too good! You have deceived such powerful women!"

At this moment, An Xia's heart is full of, Huo Ci really deserves to be a movie emperor!

It's really scary to deceive people! So real!

After a series of events that happened when Elie Saab tried on the dress, it was almost past lunch time.

So Huo Ci didn't want to take An Xia to a Michelin restaurant that was too far away for dinner. Instead, he found a very famous gourmet restaurant nearby and asked for a box for lunch.

Of course, in such a famous gourmet restaurant, Huo Ci naturally dressed up for himself before getting off the bus.

After lunch, Huo Ci accompanied An Xia to a few scenic spots, took a video, and returned to the presidential suite of the five-star hotel he had booked in advance.

Before moving in, of course, the photographers were asked to take pictures in detail.

Facing such a picture, at this time, An Xia was used to it.

When the photographers finished taking the whole picture of the presidential suite, An Xia relaxed and went into the bedroom, ready to lie on the comfortable big bed, and share her trip to Paris with Qian Xuemin. My friends spit out and spit out, Huo Ci's acting skills, the big actor, are simply too perverted and so on.

As for the slander and dirty water against her on the domestic Internet

An Xia said that tourism must travel well! Don't look at those nasty things. Anyway, lawyers have been hired, so you don't have to worry about this kind of thing, just leave it to lawyers.

However, An Xia was not worried, but a certain 'little fox' would be more worried.

Because, on the first day Anxia went abroad, she received a lawyer's letter.

Facing that very formal lawyer's letter, a certain 'little fox' panicked.

"What should I do, Qianqian, that sur really sued me! I'll be fine..."

"Hehe, don't worry, you'll be fine... Because that limited-edition Hermès bag doesn't belong to her at all. Even if she goes to court, she can't prove that the owner of the limited-edition bag is the owner of the limited-edition bag. she."

"Ah? Why? But the Hermes bag she sold us is indeed real, not fake."

"Hehe, the bag is indeed real. However, the owner of the Hermès limited edition bag is not hers. Every purchase of the limited edition Hermès bag will have a record, and it is impossible for her to have that record. ."

"Not hers? Whose is that?"

"As far as I know, this limited-edition Hermes bag was bought by only one person in China at the time. And this person was Mo Yusen's wife."

"Mo, Mo Yusen's wife? What if she is the wife of that President Mo..."

"Impossible, I have met Mo Yusen's wife, and I know her. She told me that she has never opened a Taobao store or sold any Hermes bags. So, even if the sur If you sue us, nothing will happen."