Delicate Best Friend of the Female Lead

Chapter 99


"Woo! Woohoo!"

After realizing that there was still a person in the darkness, An Xia hurriedly called out.

Although the mouth was blocked, the sound could still come out.

And these muffled sounds of hers really caught the attention of another person in the dark.

"Who? Where is this place?"

Suddenly, in the darkness, a familiar female voice came out.

Hearing that gentle female voice, An Xia knew at once who was the person locked in the same room with her.

Tao Zixin? ! She was kidnapped together just like in the plot!

Thinking of this, An Xia's heart sank even more.

Now, everything is going as it happens in the novel...

Then, when Mo Yusen appears, he will only save Tao Zixin.

And she was destined to be hurt.

Damn... She's already made so many changes...

An Xia's psychology is a little uncomfortable. She has experienced having an unhealthy body, and she doesn't want to be a sick child again, so she doesn't want to be ruined in this kidnapping case!

She absolutely won't!

Save yourself! You must save yourself!

She can't stay in this house and wait for the male protagonist, Mo Yusen, to rescue her.

Because that man will never save her...

"Who the hell are you? Where is this place, and why are you tying me?"

Just when An Xia felt a huge wave in her heart, she didn't have time to take care of Tao Zixin, another victim in the room.

Her cry brought her back to reality.

"Uuuuuu!" I didn't kidnap you!

An Xia felt that her mouth was blocked a little sour, she began to think, how to get the contents out of her mouth, and then communicate with Tao Zixin well, maybe, what information could she get

"You... were you also tied up? So your mouth was blocked and you couldn't speak?"

Listening to Tao Zixin's words, An Xia responded frantically to her.

"Uuuuuu!" Yeah yeah!

"Sorry, it's too dark here, I can't see where you are, and my hands and feet are tied with ropes, so I can't help you."

Tao Zixin's words made An Xia understand that they were all tied up now, but she didn't know why the kidnappers only gagged her mouth, but not Tao Zixin's.

"Do you know where this place is? Who kidnapped us? Sorry, I really don't know anything about this..."

While thinking about how to save herself, An Xia didn't expect Tao Zixin to give her any useful confidence after hearing Tao Zixin's words.

It seems that she can only save herself by herself!

"tick, tick..."

In the darkness, the sound of water droplets kept coming. For some reason, An Xia always felt as if she had overlooked something...

Instead of struggling to manage the rope on her body, An Xia tried her best to recall the story of the kidnapping in this novel.

In the plot, it seems that the kidnapper put both the heroine and the original owner in a room, and then set off a fire.

Originally, the kidnappers didn't know which woman Mo Yusen liked, so he just kidnapped them all.

Anyway, there are two women, no matter who Mo Yusen likes or who he wants to save, he must go in and save people.

And he just wanted to take this opportunity to lock Mo Yusen in the house and let him be burned alive by the fire.

In the end, the goal of the kidnappers was also achieved. Mo Yusen really got rid of the police and came to save the people himself.

Following the kidnapper's plan, he rushed into the room and wanted to rescue Tao Zixin.

In the end, the kidnappers set a fire... However, what he miscalculated was that Mo Yusen still escaped.

For some reason, the locked door was destroyed by fire. So the door opened.

However, the fire was already very big at that time, and the three of them were already a little hypoxic...

So in the end, Mo Yusen chose to take Tao Zixin out of the fire, while the original owner was left in that room.

The original owner could only watch Mo Yusen leave with Tao Zixin in his arms. She was so desperate at the time, and at that time, she turned black.

Later, even if the police arrived in time, they could not prevent the original owner's body from being completely damaged by the fire...


An Xia suddenly understood what she had neglected!

That ticking sound is not a water drop, but now that I think about it, it should be a liquid that supports combustion!

Thinking of this, An Xia sniffed the smell around her, and as a result, she really found a faint smell of alcohol!

no! She can't sit still here!

Tao Zixin, the heroine, has her hero to save her, but she doesn't!

She had to get out before the kidnappers set fire to it!

But now, what should she do

How should she get rid of her body and the stuff stuck in her mouth

An Xia frantically thought about a self-help plan, and she quickly discovered that she really didn't have the ability to save herself...

"Hello? Are you alright? Don't stop talking, I'm afraid... woo woo... "

Just when An Xia was a little desperate, she suddenly heard Tao Zixin crying.

Hearing Tao Zixin's cry, An Xia regained her spirits.

At this time, how much she wanted to tell Tao Zixin who was crying, that she didn't need to cry, anyway, someone would rescue her safely, but she was much luckier! After all, no one will come to save her...

However, if Huo Ci knew, he should have come to save her...

An Xia muttered in her heart in frustration, thinking of Huo Ci, she felt a little wronged again.

This person disappeared after confessing to her, was he playing tricks on her

She hasn't told him yet, her answer...

Originally, An Xia had already thought about her answer. But now, after this inconceivable disaster, An Xia is even more firm in her answer.

At this time of despair, An Xia found that she originally thought she didn't have much feelings for Huo Ci, maybe she just liked it lightly, so she didn't reject him and could fall in love with him.

But now, she found that, in despair, in her mind, apart from her family, only Huo Ci was left.

She thought of her and Huo Ci's bit by bit, of Huo Ci's kindness to her, and of Huo Ci's confession to her...

Huo Ci... You bastard who disappeared after confessing, if, if I can get out safely, I must scold you severely! I will never agree to your confession!

Certainly, I will never agree to your confession! absolute! Absolutely not!

Just when An Xia was scolding Huo Ci and Zhenghuan in her heart, she suddenly had a flash of inspiration... She still has powers!

Yes indeed! Her powers!

In the darkness, An Xia's eyes suddenly lit up.

She, who was a little desperate at first, also had motivation.

Her ability is to extract the essence of items... and she has always used her ability on food, but, speaking, it is not used on ingredients and traditional Chinese medicine that are not imported...

Every time, after her ability has extracted an item, that item loses all its essence. Although the appearance remains the same, the inner structure has long been destroyed.

But the essence she extracted has all entered her body, so...

She has never extracted those things that are not beneficial to the body, and these include steel, stones and other objects that are not beneficial to the human body.

Thinking of this, An Xia couldn't help but experiment with the cloth that was gagged in her mouth!

She concentrated all her energy and aimed at the cloth gagged in her mouth.

But it's a pity that she can't extract anything good for her body from the cloth in her mouth.

However, this did not discourage An Xia. She tried her best to concentrate again, and made a second extraction from the cloth.

And this time, An Xia is no longer thinking about extracting the essence, but extracting the material of this cloth!

She thought about the material that this cloth might be made of, so she thought about it in her heart, and controlled the extraction of this cloth with her mind.

Finally, after An Xia muttered a lot about the composition of the fabric she knew, and finally finished reading the polyester fiber extraction, the fabric in her mouth instantly turned into powder!

Although in the dark, Anxia couldn't see the decomposition process of this piece of cloth.

However, she could feel that the polyester fibers she extracted were shining in the dark...

And this light also allowed An Xia to see the surrounding environment a little bit more clearly.

This should be an abandoned factory building, and there are few things around, but they are all things that can support combustion.

And, there seems to be a faint liquid around the wall...


An Xia opened her mouth and made a sound.

It worked!

She really did not expect that she actually succeeded!

Although, this kind of success made her waste a lot of energy!

But she still succeeded!

Does this mean that she can save herself successfully!

Thinking of this, Anxia's confidence greatly increased.

And at this time, just as An Xia was thinking about finding the locked door and opening it with her supernatural power.

Suddenly, Tao Zixin's voice rang in her ears.

"Can you speak?"

There seemed to be surprise in that voice.

And listening to Tao Zixin's questioning, An Xia didn't think too much. She thought about whether the two of them would be afraid when they were together, so she hummed softly.

"Well, it's alright, I just spit up the cloth in my mouth."

At this time, An Xia was fortunate. Fortunately, it was too dark around, so no one could see the scene where she used her ability to smash the piece of cloth in her mouth!

Otherwise, wouldn't her ability be exposed

"You, you are amazing!"

Tao Zixin said in shock, and then she seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly said in surprise: "You are Xia Xia?!"

"Well, it's me."

"How could this be! Why were our two sessions kidnapped? Did you see who kidnapped you?"

"I, like you, don't know anything."

At this point, An Xia didn't have much time to deal with Tao Zixin's nonsense.

Now that she knows that time is running out, she should hurry to open the locked door and run away before the kidnappers come back! Her life is the most important thing!

However, in the darkness, groping and walking towards the gate, she suddenly heard footsteps.