Delicate Flower

Chapter 10: goodbye


Although Yu Tang's words were eloquent and eloquent, she was very sorry in her heart.

It was her fault that Pei's family was used as a raft.

But besides this method, she has no other way.

She thought to herself, when this incident is over, she must go to the temple to pray for the old man of the Pei family, and thank the Pei family for protecting their family and neighbors over the years. If there is a chance to do something to the Pei family within her capacity, she will definitely do her best and be unambiguous.

Lu Xin was dubious about Yu Tang's words.

But this kind of thing is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

The Yu family and the Pei family did not move around much, but a few days ago he personally built a bridge and invited an imperial doctor from the Pei family to treat Yu Chen. Yu Wen once said that he would go to the Pei family to thank Mrs. Pei in person. Who knew they What was said in between

Thinking of this, he felt so regretful that he stomped his feet.

If he had known this earlier, he would not have cared about the affairs of the Yu family.

But regardless of the Yu family's affairs, how could Yu Wen buy that painting easily for two hundred taels of silver

Lu Xin struggled: "I'm going to see your father! I owe him the grace to save his wife, yet he treats me like this!"

Yu Tang looked at him condescendingly, and said, "Do you think I dare to do this without my father's permission? My father just doesn't want to see his best brother look like a rogue." She said to A Shao winked and said, "Send the person to shopkeeper Tong first, and then discuss with him tomorrow."

Ah Shao answered "Yes" loudly.

Lu Xin panicked all of a sudden, and said sternly, "What do you want? You're not afraid of ruining your reputation, and you won't be able to marry in the future?"

Yu Tang said indifferently: "Our family was ruined by you, so can I marry a good family?"

The two of them fought each other for a while, but Lu Xin was finally afraid of Pei's family, and said: "Do you want money - I have already spent fifty taels."

Yu Tang asked Ah Shao to search her body, and found one hundred and eighty taels of silver notes.

She spat on Lu Xin, and wrote a letter on the spot to ask Lu Xin to draw a bond: "Let's make it clear, you voluntarily sell this fake "Fishing in Pine River" to our family for twenty taels of silver, and this is our honor. According to it, there will be no entanglements in the future. In addition, I will give you thirty taels of silver as a loan, and this matter will be settled."

How could Lu Xin be willing.

Yu Tang threatened him: "It is said that many people were burned to death in Changxing Street. If I hide you here, I don't know when I will be discovered."

Lu Xin stared at Yu Tang resentfully like a poisonous snake.

Yu Tang in the previous life had encountered more embarrassing things than this, how could he be shaken by Lu Xin's gaze

She pressed Lu Xin's hand as if no one was there, put away the documents, and threw thirty taels of silver notes to Lu Xin, telling him to leave.

Lu Xin left bitterly.

Yu Tang took out another twenty taels of silver to thank the women who helped, and sent those women away, a big stone in his heart fell to the ground for the time being.

A Shao worriedly said: "Miss, Lu Xiucai won't complain to the master?"

Yu Tang patted the purse with the documents on his waist, and said, "If he has that face, he will go."

Ah Shao felt relieved, and began to feel sorry for the thirty taels of silver: "Then why did you give him so much money back?"

Yu Tang said nonchalantly: "He who is barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes. Isn't he in a hurry to go to the capital? We don't give him a penny, and we cut off his thoughts. What if he takes risks and is not good for our family? Thirty taels of silver should be regarded as buying peace."

I hope that Lu Xin will never come back after he went to the capital like he did in his previous life.

Ah Shao responded with a grin.

Yu Tang also felt relieved.

But unexpectedly, when she turned around, she found a pair of dark eyes staring at her quietly under the shadow of the broken wall opposite.

Yu Tang was frightened half to death.

Could it be the ghost who was burned to death in Changxing Street

She tried to run, but her legs seemed to be filled with lead, and she couldn't lift them no matter what.

Yu Tang trembled, and almost hugged Ah Shao.

The owner of the eyes quietly walked out from the shadow of the broken wall.

The bright moonlight shone on his face.

At the age of twenty-three or fourteen, he has sculpted eyebrows and handsome eyes, but his face is like a cold pool, and his face is like a crown of jade, but he has an aura of domineering.

It turned out to be the man in Tsing Yi I met in the pawn shop.

At this time, he walked out like a leisurely stroll, and the dilapidated Changxing Street seemed to be his back garden.

Yu Tang widened his eyes.

Why is he here

Yu Tang hurriedly looked behind him.

There are shadows!

She breathed a sigh of relief.

Anyway, he is a living person, not a ghost!

Yu Tang patted his chest lightly, calming down. Thinking of this man's attitude towards her in the pawnshop, he hesitated how to greet him, but the man in Tsing Yi raised his eyebrows at her and said, "The Pei family? Are you familiar with Tong, the treasurer of the Pei family's pawnshop? The shopkeeper endorsed you that this painting is a fake?"

His voice was flat and indifferent, but Yu Tang's face was red and he felt embarrassed.

The most absurd things she has done in her life, one is to work as a painter in Pei's shop, and the second is to pull the banner of Pei's family to suppress Lu Xin.

But both of these things were encountered by the man in front of him.

He must have thought himself a charlatan and a lowly character.

After thinking about it, Yu Tang felt uncomfortable all over, and hurriedly said: "No, no! Listen to me, this is for selling paintings to me..."

"If you didn't see that you are also the victim, do you think you have the opportunity to pull the flag of the Pei family and talk nonsense there?" The man said sharply, not wanting to hear her explanation at all, and interrupted her unceremoniously. "Since you were young, you just wanted to get back the property you were cheated of. I won't pursue this matter with you. If there is another time, I will definitely not be lenient!"

So he saw it all!

Fortunately, he didn't expose her on the spot.

Yu Tang breathed a sigh of relief.

However, his tone is either from the Pei family or someone related to the Pei family.

If it was her who saw someone so pretentious, she would have jumped up in a hurry, how could it be like he just yelled and finished.

Yu Tang bowed his head and admitted his mistake.

The man had no intention of talking to her, and strode towards Hua'er Lane.

Yu Tang was hesitant to chase after him and ask who he was, so he could invite his father to come to the door to thank him in person in the future, but the man looked back at her as if he had eyes in the back of his head.

That gaze, like the edge of a sharp blade, cut across the sky and landed on her.

Yu Tang suddenly lost his courage.

Although it is said that things happen for a reason, doing something wrong is doing something wrong. Looking at him like that, he didn't want to have any interaction with her at all, how could she have the nerve to pester her any more

The man strode away.

Seven or eight vigorous men came out of the darkness and clustered around him.

So there are so many people in the dark

Yu Tang was shocked.

She didn't see it at all.

The man and the people around him quickly disappeared into the night.

Yu Tang shivered.

Ah Shao seemed to have crawled out of an ice hole, her upper and lower teeth were fighting, and she said, "Miss, who is this man? Why does he look so scary? He won't go to Pei's house to sue us, will he? "

Yu Tang smiled wryly: "Probably not!"

Others didn't take them seriously at all.

Who cares about irrelevant people

Yu Tang was in a complicated mood, and became more and more curious about this man.

She told Ah Shao: "Ask Shopkeeper Tong to find out who this person is?"

A Shao was a little scared, but thinking of what happened at home these days, she still bit the bullet and responded.

Yu Tang took the one hundred and thirty taels of silver and went home, handed it to Yu Wen, and told Yu Wen the whole story bluntly.

Yu Wen turned pale with fright, covered in cold sweat from fright, and blamed his daughter: "Why are you so courageous? A little girl's house actually ran to that kind of place? If you have something wrong, you let me and you What about Muma? And Ah Shao, what the hell, dare to encourage you to go to Hua'er Lane and hire a woman to make Lu Xin look bad? If that Lu Xin is more bloody and pulls you shamelessly, you are going to What should I do?" He lamented that the man in Tsing Yi was so self-cultivated.

"I'm at fault for this matter!" Yu Tang said, talking about Tong's benevolence and righteousness, "Because I don't know the authenticity of that painting, and I don't have any extra money in my hand, I just use the excuse of going to a pawnshop to pawn things. Please ask shopkeeper Tong to help you manage the eyes. For shopkeeper Tong, please ask your father to prepare some generous gifts to thank him."

After all, she was only a fifteen or six-year-old girl, and to be serious, the elders in the family had to come forward.

"It should be so!" Yu Wen nodded again and again, and said, "It would be even better if we could know who the man in Tsing Yi is - and we have to make amends to others."

Yu Tang nodded, raised the painting in his hand, and said, "Then what should we do with this painting?"

Yu Wen sighed, and said: "Stay here and think about it! Take it as a lesson. Your Uncle Lu has made such a big scandal, and he probably won't return to Lin'an."

So much the better!

Lest he encourage her father to do this and that every now and then.

Yu Tang gave a "hmm", mentioned the old man of the Pei family again, and said, "Father, when you go to the Pei family, ask the old man of the Pei family how his condition has been these few days! Our family owes their family such a big debt." For a favor, if there is anything we can help, we can also help."

Yu Wen glared at her, and said, "Does the Pei family want anything? Do we still need our help?"

Yu Tang pursed his lips and smiled.

Yu Wen was grateful to the Pei family, and when he went to the Pei family to thank him, he really asked Mrs. Pei about his condition.

The chief housekeeper of the Pei family, because the old man of the Pei family invited two imperial doctors, Yang and Wang, to treat the Chen family, Yu Wen was sincere, so he didn't hide it from him, saying: "It's really nothing serious. It's just that I don't feel happy. Both the second master and the third master called back. The third master couldn't sit still, but the second master was always quiet. These days, he drank tea and talked with the old man, and there were several famous doctors in the town. The old man's complexion was getting better every day. "

As for who the man in Tsing Yi was, the head butler of the Pei family didn't make it clear.

Yu Wen thought that this must be a member of the Pei family. If the Pei family didn't say anything, it must be because they didn't take this matter to heart, and he didn't want to ask too much, just remember this feeling.

He went back to teach Yu Tang a lesson: "If you dare to behave like this again, I will break your legs!"

Yu Tang obediently stepped forward to squeeze his father's shoulder.

Yu Wen had no choice but to take such a daughter, and sighed helplessly.

The next day, I brought some snacks, tea and wine to personally apologize to shopkeeper Tong Da.

Shopkeeper Tong laughed loudly when he knew the cause and effect, not only did not blame Yu Tang, but also praised Yu Tang for his courage, and asked Yu Wen to bring back a bag of sweet-scented osmanthus cakes as snacks for Yu Tang.

It's just that they didn't tell Yu Wen who the man in Tsing Yi was.

Yu Tang's impression of shopkeeper Tong was even better.

Because of this incident, Yu Wen and Chen Shi were afraid that Yu Tang would go out and cause trouble again, after some discussion, they restrained Yu Tang's feet and detained her at home to become a female celebrity.

Ah Shao inquired for a long time but did not find out the identity of the man in the pawn shop that day.

There is nothing in Lin'an Mansion that can be hidden from the Pei family.

It can be seen that others don't want to see her at all.

Yu Tang gradually stopped thinking, but slept alone on the bed at night, sometimes tossing and turning unable to fall asleep, thinking of the way the man looked at her, he felt uneasy.