Delicate Flower

Chapter 16: lady


Yu Tang listened intently to Ma Xiuniang's words, and someone came to say hello to Mrs. Chen: "You are a rare visitor! In such a hot day, I thought you wouldn't go out, but I didn't expect you to come to pay homage to the old lady."

Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Ma Xiucai both stood up and greeted the visitor politely: "Mrs. Tang, you also come to worship the old lady!"

Yu Tang looked up and saw a woman's face full of shrewd calculations.

Her eyes turned cold.

Mrs. Tang, the wife of Tang Xiucai's family in this city.

That is to say, in the previous life, she was entrusted by the Li family and sent her a private message. If she agreed to the Li family's marriage, the Li family would be willing to lend five thousand taels of silver to the Yu family.

In her previous life, she regarded Mrs. Tang as a benefactor and thought she was warm-hearted.

Later, as her experience grew, she realized that Mrs. Tang was able to get past her aunt to encourage a little girl of hers to agree to the Li family's marriage in private, clearly because she had ulterior motives and hidden evil intentions.

Mrs. Tang, Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Ma returned the salute, took out their handkerchiefs and wiped the tears that did not exist in the corners of their eyes, and said with a bit of sadness: "No! The old man has gone, but everyone in Lin'an City It's a big event! The wife of the magistrate's family has also come, no, I have been resting with her in the small courtyard over there, and I didn't notice that you came too."

Both Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Ma didn't really want to deal with this Mrs. Tang. It was because this Mrs. Tang liked to socialize and socialize very much.

Because Tang Zhifu shared the same surname as Tang Xiucai, she somehow forced Tang Zhifu, who was two years younger than Tang Xiucai, to become Tang Xiucai's uncle of the same clan. She even flattered Mrs. Tang all day long, and she was so enthusiastic that Mrs. Tang sometimes couldn't bear it.

Hearing that she was showing off here again, Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Ma, who didn't like her very much, said a few words to her dryly, and were about to send her away.

Who would have thought that Mrs. Tang, who usually sees Mrs. Tang and sees no one else, seems to have taken the wrong medicine today. Not only did she not leave, but she also looked at Yu Tang and Ma Xiuniang with a smile, and said, "I haven't seen you for a few days. , the young lady of the Yu family and the young lady of the Ma family have grown into big girls. They are both beautiful and docile. If I ran into them on the street, I would definitely not recognize them."

Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Ma had no choice but to ask their daughter to salute Mrs. Tang, and said a few words of modesty.

Mrs. Tang didn't seem to see Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Ma's perfunctory, and said affectionately: "How else can I tell Mrs. Tang that you two are the most virtuous and virtuous ladies in the city? Little girls don’t let people look at them casually. If I had such a long-faced girl, I would have walked around with her long ago.”

The two of them didn't want to talk to her, they just agreed.

I don't know if Yu Tang is thinking too much, she always feels that Mrs. Tang seems to be looking at her and Ma Xiuniang on the surface, but in fact she pays more attention to her.

She quietly hid behind her mother.

Mrs. Tang smiled and took the hand of Ma Xiuniang who was sitting next to her, and asked Mrs. Ma: "I remember that your little lady was married in March last year. Have you got married? We have such an outstanding little lady, but You can’t just betroth someone else casually.”

Ma Xiuniang lowered her head in shame.

Mrs. Ma frowned.

It was very rude for Mrs. Tang to speak so bluntly about Ma Xiuniang's marriage in front of Ma Xiuniang in public.

Mrs. Ma said displeased: "Mrs. Tang's memory is wrong. The one who got married in March is the young lady of the Yu family, and our daughter got married in Wuyue."

"Oh! Look at my memory!" Mrs. Tang smiled, looked at Chen's mother and daughter, and said, "Did the young lady of the Yu family talk about the marriage? Do you want me to help care about it? Guess who I met just now Mrs. Yang, the sister-in-law of Mrs. Pei's natal family. Mrs. Yang didn't come alone this time, she brought her nephew from her natal family! And I heard that Mrs. Yang's husband-in-law is the general manager of the Department of General Affairs Make it! Serious Zhengsanpin. Otherwise, why would Mrs. Tang stay there all the time!"

What do you mean by saying that

Who does Mrs. Yang bring here and what does Yu Tang have to do with them

Do you want to use the power of the Yang family to lure their Yu family's appetite

Mrs. Chen was slightly annoyed, and said in a blunt tone: "Then don't delay Mrs. Tang's socializing. Our girl is keeping it to prepare for her son-in-law."

Mrs. Tang was stunned.

Chen's emaciated body stood in front of her daughter, and she didn't even move.

Mrs. Tang forced a smile and said, "Then I won't bother you. I'll go over there to accompany Mrs. Yang. I'll visit your house when I'm free."

"No more!" Chen said flatly.

Mrs. Tang left feeling a little resentful.

Mrs. Ma let out a long breath, and made no secret of her dislike for Mrs. Tang, saying, "It's a good thing she's gone. I can't help it if I say a few more words." After speaking, she called Yu Tang and Ma Xiuniang to sit down, And said to them with a straight face, "little girl, if you encounter such a thing in the future, you should ignore it and avoid it, do you understand?"

Ma Xiuniang yelled aggrievedly, "It's not that I want to hear..."

"Listen, adults, children." Mrs. Ma interrupted her before she finished speaking, then ignored her daughter, and turned to talk to Mrs. Chen, "What do you think Mrs. Tang thinks? Mrs. Tang Whether it’s good or not, Mrs. Yang, no matter how good someone else’s house is, it’s still someone else’s house, she climbed up the pole like this, and she didn’t see what happened to her!”

benefit? !

Yu Tang was taken aback.

Mrs. Chen agreed, and whispered about Mrs. Tang with Mrs. Ma, and Ma Xiuniang also pulled Yu Tang and whispered: "Let me tell you, someone has already come to our house to propose a marriage for me. But there is no mother in that family, and there are still several people in the house." Brother and sister, my mother is still hesitating, so she didn't disclose the news to the outside world."


Is this the time to start talking about marriage

Is it the Tongsheng named Zhang in the previous life

Attracted by Ma Xiuniang's words, Yu Tang didn't pay attention to Mrs. Tang's words, and curiously asked about the person who went to Ma Xiuniang's house to propose marriage.

Ma Xiuniang replied shyly and couldn't help showing off: "It's Senior Brother Zhang who studied with my father. He is a very nice person, honest and responsible. He never goes out to drink with those people for fun, and he studies hard. My father said, how can he not?" Can be a scholar. If this marriage is settled, I am afraid that we will marry soon."

Yu Tang felt a little guilty when he heard it.

In her previous life, Ma Xiuniang cared about her very much. She was immersed in the grief of losing her parents, so she didn't pay much attention to Ma Xiuniang. She didn't know when Ma Xiuniang and Zhang Tongsheng got married, and when she left the court. If it weren't for the silver bracelet weighing five taels, she might not have much impression of Ma Xiuniang.

Her treatment of Ma Xiuniang was not as pure and caring as Ma Xiuniang's treatment of her.

"Then you have to be good!" Yu Tang didn't know if she was doing well after getting married, so she could only send this humble blessing.

Ma Xiuniang nodded vigorously, as if Yu Tang's blessing was enough for her.

Yu Tang held Ma Xiuniang's hand tightly.

The food has started to be served in the hall.

Yu Tang thought of her mother-in-law Lin from her previous life.

Her father-in-law Li Yi in her previous life is currently serving as the magistrate in Rizhao, Shandong. Lin often claims that she is a family of officials and officials, and ordinary people don't pay attention to them at all. Clean and poor", usually when encountering her, most of them would turn their nostrils to the sky and pretend not to see her. This is why Yu Tang is not afraid of meeting her even though they are all from the same village.

Looking at the entire Lin'an Mansion, there are really not many Jinshi wives.

Mrs. Tang and Mrs. Lin often come and go because of this, and they have a good relationship.

Since Mrs. Yang is here and Mrs. Tang will accompany her, then Mrs. Lin must be among them.

Mrs. Tang ran over to greet them out of nowhere, wouldn't she also meet Mrs. Lin out of nowhere, right

Yu Tang lowered her head to eat, and decided to avoid those noble women—she was not afraid of Lin, but she was afraid that she would not be able to control the splash of tea on her face, but without a reasonable explanation, she would embarrass her mother.

But sometimes, the more you don't want something to happen, the more it will happen.

Yu Tang had a vegetarian meal at Pei's house in peace and stability, seeing the sun getting hotter and hotter, and everyone drowsy, Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Ma took their daughter and were about to return home. When they left the hall, they bumped into each other. She fell in love with Mrs. Tang and Yu Tang's mother-in-law Lin in her previous life.

Lin still annoys Yu Tang as he did in his previous life. The jet-black blue silk was meticulously pulled into a bun, wearing two white velvet camellias, a moon-white hang silk undergarment, and a black horse-face skirt. She had a straight face, a serious look, and a bit of arrogance.

From a distance, Yu Tang could feel her eyes on him. When Mrs. Tang didn't know what Fu Er said to her, she looked at Yu Tang more intently.

What does it mean

Yu Tang knew that she was good-looking, and was often looked at by others because of her good-looking, but she was not that arrogant, and felt that Lin's acrimony would pay attention to her, or even pay attention to her because of her good-looking.

Something faintly flashed in her mind, and she wanted to catch it, but it disappeared suddenly.

"Mrs. Yu, Mrs. Ma!" Mrs. Tang walked over with a loud smile and said, "This is really destined." Then, she introduced Mrs. Lin by her side to Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Ma, "This is the Li Mansion in the south of the city. Mrs. Li is the wife of Mrs. Li who was the magistrate in Rizhao in the same year as the second master."

Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Ma had no choice but to stop and greet them.

Lin looked at Yu Tang several times.

Yu Tang is now sure that his intuition is correct.

Whether it's Mrs. Tang or Mrs. Lin, they are all here for her.

But what was it about her that deserved their attention

At this time, Li Jun hadn't seen her yet!

Mrs. Lin greeted Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Ma gracefully, and talked to Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Ma in a warm and gentle manner: "I have heard of these two virtuous names for a long time. Due to a coincidence, I have never had the chance to meet. Today, I have a chance." meet here."

Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Ma even said they didn't dare.

Lin's gaze was always looking at Yu Tang intentionally or unintentionally.

Yu Tang sneered in his heart and let her watch.

Although her skin is very white, smooth and delicate without any blemishes, her cheeks are like a child's, with a little fat all the time, and her body is also round and round, although she is exquisite, she is also plump, unlike many ladies today who stretch out their hands So thin you can see the bones. For this reason, Mrs. Lin did not dislike her for being fat, saying that she only had skin color to see.

In her previous life, she had a low self-esteem for a while, and she didn't dare to eat too much.

It wasn't until her sister-in-law, that is, Li Duan's wife, Gu Shi, said enviously that her appearance was suitable for childbearing, did she realize that Lin Shi was completely nitpicking, thinking that she had killed Li Jun and hated her.