Delicate Flower

Chapter 26: Look at each other


The husband and wife were happily talking about themselves, the eldest aunt Wang brought over the freshly marketed pears and said they were for Yu Tang to taste, the sisters-in-law inevitably talked about Yu Tang's marriage, knowing that shopkeeper Tong was going to give it to Yu Tang. Tang Baomei, Wang said happily: "The date has been set, you remember to call me, and I will go and have a look."

Chen said with a smile: "I don't know if it can be done yet? I just went to find out."

Mrs. Wang smiled disapprovingly: "Just because of our family, A Tang, she is the only one who picks others, how can anyone else pick her."

Mrs. Chen was obviously looking forward to this marriage, and said with a smile, "I would like to borrow your good words."

Or it was really fate, the shopkeeper Tong quickly replied to the letter, saying that the second and third sons of the Wei family were about the same age as Yu Tang, and they were chosen by the Yu family.

Mrs. Wang laughed from ear to ear, and said to Yu Bo: "I think the Wei family are all real people, maybe it's really a good marriage!"

Yu Tang is the apple of the eye in the family, not to mention her life-long affairs. Although Yu Bo didn't ask about it personally, he was very concerned about it. Hearing this, he carefully told Wang: "You are older than your younger siblings, and you are the most prudent and proper way of doing things. You have to take a good look at this matter about A Tang. Everything is secondary, and your temperament is the most important thing. Family harmony and everything is prosperous. If you have a bad temper, no matter how capable you are, no matter how decent you are, no matter how honest you are, Also uncomfortable."

"Got it, got it!" Speaking of this matter, Mrs. Wang thought of her son, and said to Yu Bo while sitting in front of the mirror combing her hair, "Do you also have an idea about Yuan'er's marriage?"

Mrs. Wang wanted to marry her natal brother before, but who knew that the child died when she was eight years old. Mrs. Wang was shocked, and went to the temple to tell Yu Yuan's fortune. They said that Yu Yuan should not get married early. It has been delayed until now.

The Yu family's heirs are weak, and they always value their children highly. Yu Bo didn't dare to make up his mind casually, he said, "I'll talk it over with Huili." Then he asked Wang, "Are the two children seeing each other, or is it decided who to see?"

Wang said with a smile: "Siblings mean, the second son is two years older than Ah Tang, older and more sensible, so I just look at their second son."

Yu Bo nodded and stopped discussing this matter.

The matter on Yu Tang's side was coming to an end, but he felt a little uneasy.

Is your marriage settled like this

I don't know what that person named Wei Xiaoshan looks like? What character? What do you think of this marriage

She sighed for a long time, and told herself that the Wei family was very sincere, and the eldest son of the Wei family had also passed the entrance examination for Tongsheng. To be able to form such a marriage was considered a good match, and she should be very satisfied. But she was thinking about one thing, but her heart was not under her control, and she was always listless, unable to arouse interest.

When it came time to meet each other, Mrs. Chen invited Ma Xiuniang to accompany Yu Tang.

Because the meeting place was set at Zhaoming Temple, Yu's family not only had to hire carriages and horses, prepare dry food, but also set up a feast at Zhaoming Temple, and invited the people who were in the middle... Chen was busy, and Yu Tang wanted to hide it. , Mrs. Chen didn't notice Yu Tang's abnormality, but Ma Xiuniang did.

She found an excuse to send Shuang Tao, who was serving in the house, and took Yu Tang's hand and whispered: "What's wrong with you? Are you not satisfied? Or do you have other... thoughts? I will see you soon, if you don't If there is anything obviously wrong, the matter will be settled in eight or nine out of ten. If you have something bad, you can speak up before it is done. Once the marriage is settled, you will have A thousand or ten thousand thoughts, but I have to keep them in my heart for the rest of my life. This is not a joke. It will hurt others and myself."

Ma Xiuniang still does not believe that Yu Tang is not at all moved by Li Jun, who can't be faulted in appearance or sincerity.

Yu Tang smiled at Ma Xiuniang, but she didn't know how forced her smile was.

"I know." She said in a low voice, "My mother and father are not unreasonable people. I just think, just married like this..."

She was a little scared.

Back then, Li Duan and Gu Xi were envied by many people. Even she, before discovering Li Duan's obscene thoughts, didn't she also think that their husband and wife are a pair of lovebirds when they drink alcohol and make their eyebrows more fragrant

Ma Xiuniang didn't believe it, but she was afraid that if she said too much, it would arouse Yu Tang's disgust, so she wouldn't say anything to her in the future, and ran to Zhaoming Temple to meet Li Jun like before, causing more trouble. . It's better for her to watch and don't let anything happen to Yu Tang.

"Everyone is the same!" She simply followed Yu Tang's words to comfort Yu Tang, "Look at me, Mr. Zhang and Mr. Zhang have known each other since we were young, but we really talked about each other and decided on a marriage. It’s not playing drums all the time. I’m afraid it’s not doing well here, and it’s not doing well there. After a while, it will be fine.”

Yu Tang thanked Ma Xiuniang with a smile, as if he was comforted by her words, but actually felt even more uneasy.

Her fear was different from what Ma Xiuniang said.

She is not afraid that the environment will change, and she is not afraid that she will have a bad life after she gets married. What she is afraid of is that she does not want to marry this person...

Thoughts flashed by, Yu Tang froze.

She, did she not want to marry this person

But what's wrong with this person

Isn't everyone like this? Parents to enrich people. If you are in the right family, you can get married.

The Wei family even bent their backs to the ground, and the two sons were allowed to be chosen by their family. What else is she dissatisfied with

What kind of person is she looking for

Yu Tang was taken aback by himself. I want to talk to Ma Xiuniang, but I don't know where to start.

Mrs. Chen was already urging them outside: "Have you packed up? The carriage has arrived, and we have to rush to Zhaoming Temple for lunch!"

Ma Xiuniang hurriedly responded, helped Yu Tang tidy up and went out.

No matter how much Yu Tang said, it was blocked in his throat.

Zhaoming Temple is still as tall and majestic as before, but in Yu Tang's eyes at this time, he feels that it is too noisy and flashy, without the majesty and solemnity of guarding a large temple.

Maybe it's because the mood has changed, and the feeling of watching has also changed.

She pondered secretly in her heart, and was taken to the Palace of Heavenly Kings by Mrs. Chen.

There were quite a few people who came to accompany Yu Tang to see each other. Apart from Yu Wen and his wife, Ma Xiuniang and Wang Shi were the female relatives, and shopkeeper Tong, Yu Bo, and Yu Yuan were the male guests.

According to the agreement with Wei's family, after the two families had their own lunch, everyone went to visit the back mountain, and then pretended to meet at the Xibi spring in the back mountain, and the two families took the opportunity to look at each other.

Yu Tang ate his lunch with a heavy heart, arm in arm with Ma Xiuniang, and followed Chen Shi and Wang Shi to Xibi Spring.

In order not to overwhelm the guests, Ma Xiuniang wore a burnt cloth bijia today, with gilt silver hairpins and a pair of clove earrings, very simple. Yu Tang wore a silver-red plain silk gown with willow-green filigree edges, combed a double-snail bun, and inserted a toothbrush inlaid with lapis lazuli, gorgeous yet playful.

The members of the Wei family saw Yu Tang immediately in the crowd.

Mrs. Wei was very satisfied before her son could express his opinion.

When he turned his head to look at his son, his face was flushed and he couldn't lift his head.

Mrs. Wei couldn't help but pursed her lips and laughed.

The members of the Yu family also saw Wei Xiaoshan at a glance.

He was wearing a new dress with pleats. He was tall, burly, and a little dark, but with thick eyebrows and big eyes. He was honest and heroic, and he was a very energetic young man. When looking at Yu Tang, his eyes glowed, shining brightly, exuding joy that can be understood at a glance. Not to mention the members of the Yu family, even Yu Tang, who was a little unhappy when he came here, had a good impression of him, and his erratic heart suddenly became a little more stable.

If this is the case, it would be fine.

Thinking in her heart, she couldn't help but take a careful look at the members of the Wei family.

Wei's father is a taciturn squire at first glance; Wei's wife is shrewd and outspoken, but her eyes are clear; the eldest son of the Wei family looks like Wei Xiaoshan, but his eyebrows are a bit more refined than his younger brother; the eldest sister-in-law of the Wei family is also good, Delicate and gentle, he speaks slowly, and looks like he has read a book. There is also a companion, Mrs. Wei's natal sister-in-law, who looks sharp and capable. On the other hand, Xiao Chuan, the fifth member of the Wei family, who just turned ten years old, has been a little annoyed since seeing Yu Tang. When the two families were talking, he fell behind everyone, and at some point he broke a branch, sweeping the knee-high weeds by the roadside for a while, and beating the branches around him for a while, making some movements from time to time, interrupting them. The interest of the two families to talk.

Mrs. Wei frowned and called her eldest son over to give some instructions in a low voice. Wei Xiaoyuan, the eldest son of the Wei family, took Wei Xiaochuan to the side with a sullen face, and reprimanded him in a low voice. Wei Xiaochuan lost his temper. He ran away in a hurry.

The members of the Yu family looked at it a little strangely.

Mrs. Wei should have been observing the faces of Yu's family members, and hurriedly explained to Mrs. Chen: "This child is the youngest one, spoiled by the family. I didn't take him with me today, but when I arrived at Zhaoming Temple, I found out that he didn't know when he I followed, so I had no choice but to take it with me. My in-laws... well, Mrs. Yu, don't take it to heart. I will teach him a good lesson when I go back."

Mrs. Chen is the one who respects me one foot and I respects you ten feet. Seeing Mrs. Wei's politeness, she hurriedly said: "Children are so naughty, Mrs. Wei don't need to take it to heart."

After Mrs. Wei heard this, she immediately chatted with Mrs. Chen. Although they are talking about daily trivial matters, it can be seen that he is very attentive to the Chen family and really wants to marry the Yu family.

Mrs. Chen was also satisfied with Mrs. Wei's family, and made it clear that Mrs. Wei would be a guest at home when she was free.

The members of the Wei family, including Father Wei, all showed joy.

When she went back, Ma Xiuniang had been praising Xiaoshan.

Yu Tang let out a breath, lifted the curtain of the car and looked back at Zhaoming Temple which was gradually going away. It took a long time for his pounding heart to calm down.

In the early morning of the next day, the Wei family invited a matchmaker to come to the door, boasting a lot of Yutang's words, the smile on Chen's face never faded, but he still reservedly expressed that he would consider it according to the custom.

The matchmaker knew that the marriage was a sure thing, so she happily took Chen's reward and left.

The eldest aunt thought about the rumor that Yu Tang was arrogant and wanted to recruit a scholar to be her son-in-law, so she intentionally spread the word about this marriage.