Delicate Flower

Chapter 3: go home


Thinking about these past events only makes people feel depressed.

Yu Tang never wants to get involved with the Li family again in this life, let alone deal with the Pei family.

She took this opportunity to whisper to her aunt: "Even Pei's shop is burned, and ours will be even more unsustainable. Fortunately, the foundation is still there. If there is a chance, we can always make a comeback. As for the goods in the shop, if it The compensation will definitely be doubled. If we can find a buyer and discuss it with him, maybe he is willing to allow some time before we make another batch of goods for that merchant, or we can pay less money. Go to Changxing Street Water, no one thought of it, no one wants it!"

"That's what I said. I'm afraid it's not possible to delay delivery." Hearing this, Wang smiled bitterly and said, "You are a child, and no one at home usually tells you. Over the years, people from southern Fujian have made a lot of money by going overseas. The people in the city of Hangzhou were moved. Those who had money and ability set out a boat and took silk, tea, porcelain, etc. to form a fleet to go to sea for business. Those who did not have so much money took tea, silk, etc. Waiting for the goods to become shares and go to sea. Those who order lacquerware from our family are going to go to sea to do business. The fleet has already set a date for going to sea. We want double compensation."

Yu Tang in the previous life did not know about this, but Yu Tang in this life did.

The Li family is considered an upstart in Lin'an City.

Their family used to be rich, but there was a Pei family above them, so their family was not enough. It is said that counting up to three generations, the Li family will go to pay New Year's greetings to the Pei family every year on the first day of the Lunar New Year. It wasn't until the old man of the Li family, that is, the grandfathers of Li Duan and Li Jun's family, passed the Juren examination, and their father was awarded a Jinshi, and was in the same year as the second master of the Pei family, that he slowly stood up straight. Every year on New Year's Day, when I go to pay New Year's greetings to Pei's family, people from Li's family can sit in the lobby of Pei's family and drink a cup of tea.

Because of this, even though the Li family is famous, they have no way to use the power in their hands to expand their own business—whether the mountains and rivers in Lin'an City, or the street shops, most of them belong to the Pei family, and there are few people living outside. Will the family have nothing to sell their ancestral property? Even if they were selling their ancestral property, everyone would habitually sell it to the Pei family.

Does the Li family dare to compete with the Pei family

But if you want to go far in the officialdom, you can't be greedy, you have to deal with your boss. Both of these cost silver. If the Li family wants more money, they can only look outside.

After coming and going, the Li family started the business of going out to sea.

Of course, going to sea is risky. When encountering sea storms, you will often lose your money. Many families in Hangzhou went bankrupt because of this. The luck of the Li family was good, nine times out of ten the fleets they voted for would return safely, and after she married with Li Jun's tablet, the Li family began to get rich. Li Jun's mother praised her for being a prosperous husband, and Li Duan became more entangled with her because of this.

It's ridiculous that when Li Jun fell off the horse and died, Li Jun's mother pointed at her nose and called her a "fox spirit", saying that she is a troublesome beauty...

It's all sad to mention the past.

Yu Tang hurriedly suppressed all these pasts in his heart, and continued to talk to his aunt about the store: "Then can you discuss with that merchant that our family will come forward to help him buy a batch of goods with high quality and quantity?"

After hearing this, Wang looked at Yu Tang's eyes and said, "You want to go with me."

She began to complain about her husband as if she had found a confidant: "Your uncle doesn't agree. The Yu family is a century-old brand, not to mention Lin'an. Even in the whole city of Hangzhou, there is no other family whose craftsmanship is comparable to that of the Yu family. Use inferior products to pretend to be good ones." Shit, he can't do this kind of thing.

"Your eldest cousin said that there are several hundred-year-old paint shops in Jiangxi, and the goods are no worse than ours. If your uncle is worried about making the merchant suffer, he will go there in person and watch other people's goods. That's it. Your uncle thinks that the goods in Jiangxi are cheaper than ours. If others find out about this, the century-old reputation of the Yu family will be ruined. If we go to Jiangxi to place an order, our family will lose its reputation, and we will find a buyer for the paint shop in Jiangxi for nothing."

Yu Tang knew that her uncle was a bit stubborn in business, otherwise he would not have disagreed with his cousin in business because of this in his previous life, but she never thought that his uncle would be so stubborn.

She said: "Then you might as well ask Uncle to go to Hangzhou City. I heard that the favorites of the sea business are tea, porcelain and silk, and lacquerware and tinware are less. Does anyone know the craftsmanship of the shop in Jiangxi? It’s not worse than ours, and the price is lower than ours, but the risk of going there is not small, and if there is any problem with the goods, it’s not easy to return, so what’s the point of letting them?”

Mrs. Wang nodded straight, but the calculation in her heart was crackling.

My son said this before, but my husband was too stubborn to listen. But if this is said by the second uncle, it must be different.

Wang shi was looking forward to the early return of Yu Tang's father, Yu Wen.

Yu Tang came back ten years later, with her age and experience, she was calmer and calmer than a fifteen-year-old girl when she was in trouble, not to mention that what should have happened has already happened, there is no use getting angry, her mentality is better up.

As her aunt wished, she stayed at home for a day, and then learned to make snowflake cakes from Mrs. Wang.

The difference from the previous life is that it took her two days to learn how to make this snack in the previous life. In this life, because of the experience in the previous life, she got started very quickly. She also made two more pots of snowflake cakes for Mrs. Chen to give to the neighbors— In the previous life, when her family had an accident, the neighbors in the neighborhood were very helpful. She always remembered and was grateful.

When her father Yu Wen came home, it was already four days later.

Yu Tang just helped his mother wash her hair, and sat in the courtyard to help her untangle her hair.

Mrs. Chen was fanning Mrs. Chen while praising Yu Tang: "Look at Missy, how sensible and filial! You will just wait to enjoy the blessings of Missy and Uncle from now on!"

Chen shi laughed.

There was a little guilt on his thin and pale face.

Yu Tang's marriage didn't go well because their family wanted to recruit a son-in-law.

In her previous life, Yu Tang had no idea about her marriage, everything was decided by her parents. But after experiencing those things in her previous life, she knew that if she could recruit a relative and stay by her parents' side, it would be her great luck and blessing.

Seeing her mother's guilt, she leaned on her mother's shoulder coquettishly, and said, "I want to find a beautiful one, don't marry a short girl like the sister next door!"

This is the first time Yu Tang expressed his thoughts on marriage in front of his mother.

Chen couldn't help being overjoyed, and asked her cautiously: "Then, are you willing to recruit a son-in-law?"

"Yes!" Yu Tang took the initiative to participate, "If the son-in-law is at home, I will be able to stay with Mom and Dad for the rest of my life. I have the final say on everything in the house. Why am I not willing to recruit a son-in-law? "

Seeing that she spoke the truth, Mrs. Chen immediately became happy, pulled Yu Tang in front of her, and said to her earnestly: "Don't worry, Mom and Dad will help you take care of it, and won't let our family If Tang suffers, he will not wrong our family, Ah Tang."

Yu Tang nodded heavily.

Seeing the good atmosphere, Mrs. Chen followed suit: "Madam, don't forget to choose a beautiful one. Our young lady likes beautiful ones."

Anyway, I don't expect my husband to be very promising, so of course I have to pick the one who is pleasing to the eye.

Yu Tang nodded again: "Mom, remember! You have to grow taller and be obedient."

Seeing her ignorant and fearless appearance, Mrs. Chen laughed out loud.

Yu Wen, who was dressed as a scribe, walked in amidst the laughter: "What are the mother and daughter talking about? So happy! Tell me too!"

"Master!" Chen's eyes lit up.

Yu Wen's eyes also fell directly on Chen Shi.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, why have you lost weight again?" He asked Chen Shi with concern and distress, "Is it because Ah Tang is making a fuss at home again? Or is it too hot these days and you can't eat? How about I let you eat?" Some people go to the street to buy some ice and come back, let Mrs. Chen cook some mung bean water for you?"

"No, no!" Mrs. Chen said with a smile, looking up and down Yu Wen, as if he was afraid that he would suffer hardships when he went out, "Didn't Doctor Liu from Jimin Hall say that I can't bear the cold because of my illness. Why are you still encouraging me?" Follow me to eat ice."

Yu Wen chuckled, and said, "Didn't I think it would make you relax just for a moment?"

Such was the character of her father.

He is a very nice person, sincere, optimistic, generous, kind, humorous... He is careless about everything, with a bit of indifference, and goes with the situation. When I was young, I only focused on studying. When I grew up, I relied on my elder brother to help me with the general affairs. I finally passed the examination of scholar. I felt that studying was too hard, so I stopped studying.

It's okay if you don't encounter troubles, but if you encounter troubles, I'm afraid you will be a little overwhelmed.

Yu Tang sighed inwardly, and stepped forward to salute his father.

Only then did Yu Wen notice his daughter, and said with a guilty conscience, "Ah Tang, Dad is not at home these days, are you being naughty? Have you listened to your mother?"

Yu Tang has experienced two lifetimes, and he likes his father to treat his mother well.

She angrily said, "Where's the Poria powder you promised me? I'm still waiting to make Poria cocos paste!"

When Yu Wen heard that the shop at home was burned, he almost went crazy. How could he remember Poria cocos powder

He was at a loss for words.

Yu Tang sighed again in his heart.

In order to prevent my mother from worrying, my father didn't go out and come home in a glamorous way? So none of them noticed their father's anxiety.

Over the years, all the proceeds from the shop have been given to her mother to take medicine. It is reasonable for her father to know that Changxing Street is flooded.

In her previous life, she had a big quarrel with her father, and later her father accompanied her to the mountain outside the mountain to have a good meal, so she gave up. In this life, she only wanted to find a way to get her parents out of trouble.

"Father's words don't count." Yu Tang joked, pushing his father to the study, "I want the Qingtian jade seed that Dad hid."

Yu Wen felt distressed like cutting flesh, and while being pushed away by his daughter, he bargained with her: "Can I give you that inkstone with lotus leaves dripping water? Or the box of brushes that you promised last time?"

"Hmph!" Yu Tang said dissatisfiedly, "I won't be fooled! I want that Qingtian Jade, and I want to carve a seal and hang it on my waist like Dad did."

Yu Wendao: "Men only hang the seal on their waists. You are a girl, so you have three things. I'll give you a gold three things, okay?"

The family almost ran out of money to buy medicine for mother, and her father was planning to give her some money.

Yu Tang snorted coldly.

Chen couldn't straighten up laughing.

The father and daughter pushed and shoved into the study.