Delicate Flower

Chapter 386: qualifications


Mrs. Song Si smiled a little more proudly, and said: "Yes! The Wu family sent me a letter before the wedding date was set, asking me to come and help their family. I've never been to the capital, so I came here with the cheek." After she finished speaking, she picked a piece of melon from the plate at hand and forked it into her mouth, "This melon is really delicious. It's sweeter than ours."

Yu Tang talked to her perfunctorily, and left Mrs. Song Si at home for dinner.

Mrs. Song Si was not polite and happily agreed.

Yu Tang had no choice but to ask someone to invite the second wife to accompany her.

As soon as the fourth wife of Song saw the second wife, she took her hand happily, and asked with concern: "I heard that Miss Fifth is going to marry into the Qin family? How is it? Is the dowry ready? Has the date of marriage been set? Yes Is there anything I can do to help?" He sighed again, "I really didn't expect that when Mr. Qin was appointed as the chief political envoy of Zhejiang, I told Mrs. Qin privately that Mr. Qin is a master in both character and knowledge. First class, Mrs. Qin also has a generous and gentle personality, and I don't know any girl who is so blessed to marry into the Qin family to be the eldest mistress. I didn't expect that the one who married the Qin family was Miss Fifth. You can choose the son-in-law very nice!"

This is what the second wife likes to hear the most.

She immediately started talking to Mrs. Song Si about Pei Dan's marriage.

Miss Song Qi quietly walked to Yu Tang's side, smiled softly and said to her: "Third wife, I haven't seen you since Zhaoming Temple said goodbye. Are you okay?"

She looks shy, like a frightened little animal, which is lovable.

Presumably she is clear about the purpose of her coming to the capital, and she is terrified in her heart about what kind of husband-in-law she can marry, not based on talent, ability, but on whether it is beneficial to the Song family!

Yu Tang sighed in his heart, and couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic towards Miss Song Qi. She smiled warmly: "It's been a long time since I saw you! How is Miss Six?"

For the young ladies back then, Miss Wu's marriage has been decided. No matter what, Peng Jiuye's son is about the same age as Miss Wu. Gu Xi has already left the cabinet, and Pei Tong is barely considered a wealthy son-in-law in the eyes of many people. Now he has moved out to start his own business. Not a good future.

Miss Song Qi's expression was dim, and she said: "Sixth sister has also left the cabinet. She married far away in the middle of Sichuan. That family is in the medicinal material business. Our family is in a medicine shop in Suzhou. Something happened a few days ago. Sixth sister's husband's family helped It's been a lot of work."

In other words, Sixth Miss Song also got married because of family interests.

Yu Tang could only comfort her: "That's good too. At least we did business together, so we know the basics."

Miss Song Qi smiled wryly, and said in a low voice: "Because of the medicine shop, our family and the sixth sister's husband's family actually had quite an unpleasant quarrel. Sixth sister's marriage to their family is considered to be compensation for that family—the family no longer does it. The business in Jiangsu and Zhejiang has changed to do business with people in Jiangxi and Hubei."

Could it be that the Song family was sorry for others

Yu Tang didn't want to ask more questions for a while, but Miss Song Qi, if she felt something, seemed to have a lot of things suppressed in her heart and finally had a chance to talk, and continued in a low voice without hesitation: "Sixth brother-in-law married a daughter-in-law before. After giving birth to three sons and one daughter, the sixth sister is unwilling to marry, but the family members say that the sixth sister has a bad temper, and if she stays and stays, she will become enemies, so it is better to marry like this... "

When she said this, her eyes became moist, and she looked straight at Yu Tang, as if this matter had something to do with Yu Tang.

Yu Tang was stunned, and wanted to ask her what she meant, but was suddenly held by the second wife's arm, and the second wife's laughing voice came from next to her ear: "The main reason is that our side is quite far from Jiang's house. The eldest son and the others just now Moved away, there are still some things left in the yard here that have not been cleaned up. If there is no division of the sect, we will send someone to tell him. Now that the sect is divided, we will go to tell them again, we know , I think we want to clear a yard for you, I don’t know, I thought we made an excuse to force them to move away quickly. It’s a dilemma!”

"Look at what you said!" Mrs. Song Si said with a smile, her expression completely innocent, "We are guests of the Wu family, and the Wu family is well-known among the families in the south of the Yangtze River for their arrogance, so we will definitely occupy their house Cheap!"

Only then did Yu Tang understand that the fourth wife of Song had tactfully expressed to the second wife that she wanted to live in Pei's house during her stay in Beijing, but was rejected by the second wife who was also tactful.

She felt that the second wife did the right thing.

According to Pei Yan's tone, the Pei family and the Song family will turn their backs sooner or later. In this case, there is no need to get too close, otherwise it will be wrong to help, or not to help.

The second wife didn't know about these things, and she rejected Mrs. Song's fourth purely because she felt that Mrs. Song was eating what was in the bowl and still looking at what was in the pot.

After seeing off Mrs. Song Si and Miss Song Qi, she said to Yu Tang: "When you talk about the Wu family, your eyebrows are beaming. Then go to the Wu family. If you take advantage of our family and don't say a word, what's the matter!"

Yu Tang gave her a thumbs up, and said: "Second sister-in-law is still thoughtful, I didn't expect them to make such an idea. However, if it were me, I wouldn't like them living in our house."

The second wife nodded repeatedly.

After Yu Tang broke up with her at the fork in the road, he did not go back to his house, but went to Pei Yan's study.

He was discussing Yan Yin with Shu Qing.

The farms on the Jiangxi side should have a good grain harvest this year, and they plan to work with the Yin family to transport grain to Jiubian in exchange for salt.

Originally, this plan was good, but it was a pity that Pei Xuan became the servant of the household department. No matter from which point of view, the Pei family should avoid the yamen where Pei Xuan was an official, and the Pei family's Yanyin business was not easy to operate.

Shu Qing suggested that they take the grain directly back to Jiangsu and Zhejiang to sell.

In Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, food prices have always been relatively high.

But it is certainly not as profitable as the salt quotation business.

Pei Yan hesitated, then saw Yu Tang, he stopped the topic, and decided to talk about it with Shu Qing tomorrow.

Shu Qing greeted Yu Tang with a smile and left.

Yu Tang nodded at Shu Qing reservedly at first, and when Shu Qing left the study, she immediately ran to Pei Yan's side, grabbed Pei Yan's sleeve, and said eagerly: "Xia Guang, let me tell you One thing, Ms. Wu is going to marry the Peng family. The two of them are keeping a tight lid on this matter. If Mrs. Song Si hadn’t come to the house as a guest today, I wouldn’t have known about it. Do you know about it?”

Pei Yan was also obviously surprised, frowned and said: "I know the Wu family is looking for in-laws, but I didn't expect the Peng family to agree. Mrs. Song Si has already arrived in the capital, so this matter should be planned for a long time."

Yu Tang's heart suddenly rose, and he said, "Didn't you hear the wind before?"

Pei Yan said: "I heard that the Wu family intends to marry the Li family, but the Li family has no children of the right age."

So I chose the Peng family.

Yu Tang hesitated and said: "That's not right! It should be that someone else's family chooses the Wu family, not the Wu family chooses someone else's family, right?"

Why did the Peng family agree to marry a girl from the Wu family

Yu Tang guessed: "Is it because the Wu family's dowry is generous?"

Pei Yan looked at her frightened little appearance, and became playful. She couldn't help scratching Yu Tang's nose, and said, "It's not entirely about the dowry. Most likely, there is still some cooperation."

Yu Tang had something on his mind, and he didn't care about the quarrel with Pei Yan. He said anxiously: "The marriage between the two families must have some kind of cooperation. I'm afraid it will affect our family. Mr. Jiang is at odds with you, and now the Wu family is with the Peng family again. Married."

She still remembered that they intercepted Peng Jiacai's road with "Pine Creek Fishing for Hidden Map".

Pei Yan didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile: "Isn't this better! Like now, we have a gap with the Peng family, and we still have to pretend to be intimate, which is quite annoying."

This is true.

Yu Tang reminded Pei Yan: "Be careful! I always have bad feelings."

"Don't worry!" Pei Yan hugged Yu Tang with a smile, "I have a family and a room now, I dare not mess around. Otherwise, what would you do!"

Yu Tang's face was hot, but his heart was sweet. He felt that everything he said would destroy the atmosphere, and besides being emotional, he didn't know where to use all the strength in his body.

She hugged Pei Yan's waist tightly...

Within two days, news of the marriage between Peng and Wu spread in the capital.

When Yu Tang went to the Yin family to attend Xu Xuan's eldest son's 100-day banquet, many people asked her, "Is that the girl from the Wu family who married into the Jiang family?"

"Yes!" Yu Tang agreed with a smile.

Most of the people who knew it were disapproving, and some even said contemptuously: "It's not easy to marry a daughter into their family."

It can be seen that the Wu family did not get any good reputation from it.

Even Xu Xuan, who was forced to rest at home by many aunts of the Yin family, told Yu Tang about this in private: "I heard that Miss Wu will marry one hundred thousand taels of silver this time. Master Peng Jiu is a player, and he is often stretched. Only he will agree to this marriage."

Isn't it because the Peng family has Peng Yu, a rising star in his official career

Xu Xuan sneered: "Peng's family would rather marry Ms. Sun than Ms. Wu. It's too obvious, and it's easy to be talked about."

Yu Tang didn't know what happened, so naturally he couldn't comment casually, so he changed the subject and talked about Mrs. Song Si: "Did you post a message for her?"

Xu Xuan didn't remember, so she asked someone to call the nanny in charge to ask, and then said to Yu Tang: "I personally wrote the invitations for you, Miss Zhang, and A Dan. Others need to ask." Qidao, "Why are you asking this?"

Since the Song family intends to marry Miss Song Qi to someone who is helpful to the Song family, they will definitely find a way to come in on such an occasion.

Yu Tang just asked casually.

She felt that as a woman in the inner house, she failed to find out about the marriage between Wu and Peng, which was a bit dereliction of duty.

She also paid more attention to the Song family's movements.

"I just didn't see her, so I asked." Yu Tang was embarrassed to tell Xu Xuan about his dereliction of duty, and answered her vaguely.

Fortunately, Xu Xuan didn't ask too much.

After a while, the nanny in charge came over and said nervously: "Before the grandma didn't specifically explain it, we didn't post a post for them." After that, she defended herself, "Although the Song family is a family in the south of the Yangtze River, the highest is only a four-year-old family. The house of the Song family in the capital has also been sold, Mrs. Song Si lives in the Wu family now, and we have not sent any post to the Wu family."

The implication is that the Song family is not yet qualified to participate in their family's young master's hundred-day banquet.