Delicate Mother of a Villain

Chapter 103


Because of the appearance of CH products, the sales of Xiajia daily chemical products dropped sharply.

Although there is no threat to the Xia family's daily chemical business at present, but... If this momentum is followed, it is very likely that the Xia family's daily chemical business will be taken away by CH company at least half of the market!

This was undoubtedly a huge blow to the already threatening Xia family.

At this moment, Xia Chengzheng did not expect that the matter would come to such an extent.

He really never thought that Xia An, who had never been looked down upon by them, could have such a big influence.

Especially for their Xia family's property, it can have such a big influence.

Because last time he didn't want to disappoint and hurt his daughter, he insisted on rejecting the decision to hire Xia An as the spokesperson for Xia's daily chemical products. At this time, many shareholders in the company have already treated him very well. Opinion up.

Obviously, the decline in the performance of the Xia family's daily chemical industry is not only due to the fact that Xia An was not hired as the spokesperson, but everyone still blamed Xia Chengzheng for not inviting Xia An to be the spokesperson. .

And it was all his fault.

Especially his own son thought so too, and blamed him very much.

"Dad, I think you are confused. It would be nice to ask Miss Xia An to speak for our products. She is so famous now, not only domestically, but also internationally. I think There are too many people who ask her to shoot commercials, and they may not be able to be ranked."

As Xia Pengming, the only son of Xia Chengzheng, the direct descendant of the Xia family, the more he talked, the angrier he became.

After all, his family's Nuoda property will be inherited by him in the future, and if there is any damage now, it will be his loss!

"But our family has an adoption relationship with Sister Xia An. She used to be the daughter of our Xia family. After all, she has a friendship. She will definitely see it for the sake of our family's adoption of her. Come on." She spoke for us. This is something that many people can't dream of, but it turned out that you didn't take advantage of this relationship and directly rejected the matter of asking sister Xia An to film an endorsement advertisement. "

Hearing his son's accusation, Xia Chengzheng frowned tightly. He had heard a lot of such accusations in the board of directors recently, and now hearing his son teach him the same thing, he felt even more worried. Not feeling well.

"Pengming, do you really think that even if we invite him, can Xia An come back and help us?"

"Why not? After all, our family has raised her for more than ten years."

Xia Pengming took it for granted, because when Xia Jinghao was kidnapped, he was still relatively young and didn't remember much, so he didn't feel as good about his own sister Xia Jing as Xia An, a foster sister. familiar.

Therefore, he didn't think there would be any conflicts between the Xia family and Xia An.

Of course, he didn't pay much attention to his adoptive sister or his own sister, and he didn't take these two people seriously.

"Then do you know that Xia An and your brother-in-law are hooking up again. Do you think she can be so sorry to your sister and speak for our Xia family?"

Although Xia Chengzheng also had the idea of asking Xia An to speak for the company, he also thought of the grievances and resentments between their Xia family and Xia An back then.

Although he also felt that the adopted daughters he had raised for more than ten years were weak in character, he might not hate them. But after learning that Xia An was with his son-in-law Fu Xian, he felt that his weak adopted daughter must have changed her temper.

It became hard, otherwise, she wouldn't destroy Xia Jing's good family.

"Sister Xia An is with my brother-in-law?"

Xia Pengming was slightly taken aback when he heard his father's words, but soon he muttered disdainfully.

"When the eldest sister came back and snatched Xia An's fiancé, I didn't agree with it. After all, the two of them are first love, and they have been dating for so many years, and the relationship is so deep..."

Hearing his son's muttering, Xia Chengzheng almost didn't beat his irrelevant son.

"In short, don't talk about Xia An's endorsement. The matter has become a foregone conclusion, and there is no point in talking more."

"Now, we can only think about the solution. CH Company's key products overlap with our main products, and it is said that the word-of-mouth online is also very good. So, we have to think about it, what should we do? Let’s get rid of this daily chemical product that could threaten our business in the future.”

Xia Pengming is a young man who often surfs the Internet, so he is very familiar with the recent word-of-mouth of CH products on the Internet.

Recently, CH's low-end daily chemical products have been published on the Internet, and their reputation has exploded! Rave reviews!

It can be said that if he is not from the Xia family, he will definitely choose CH's daily chemical products!

After all, their daily chemical products are not only cheap, but also cost-effective compared to daily chemical products of the same price or a slightly higher price.

Under such comprehensive conditions, fools will hang on to CH products, right

"Dad, do you have any ideas? To be honest, no matter whether CH is the endorsement of Miss Xia An or not, it is only a matter of time before CH company replaces our Xia family's position in the daily chemical industry."

"And sister Xia An's endorsement just made this time earlier."

Although Xia Pengming knew that improving the quality of products was the only way out.

However, the improvement of product quality and cost-effectiveness are really not something you can improve if you want to improve.

So really can only work hard in other areas.

"Hey, I'm looking for the Fu family. They have cooperated with many shopping malls. Let me see if I can ask the Fu family for help."

Xia Chengzheng sighed, no matter how angry Fu Xian was in his heart for not cherishing his daughter, he had cheated on her and had a mistress.

However, for the sake of his family's property, he had to shamelessly ask the Fu family for help, so as to drive out CH, a foreign group.

No matter what method is used.

How much does it cost.

"Well, Dad, do you want me to go with you?"

Xia Pengming nodded and proposed the idea of going together.

But it was indeed rejected by Xia Chengzheng.

"Forget it, I'll go with your mother, and I'll go catch up with your Uncle Fu and Aunt Fu."

However, just as Xia Cheng was taking his wife Zhuo Lanhua to Fu's house, he was still in the car when he received a call from his daughter.

As a result, as soon as Xia Chengzheng answered the phone, he heard his daughter talking about blocking Xia An.

Hearing his daughter's natural tone, Xia Chengzheng really laughed angrily.

"Jinghao, do you really think that your father has such a great ability? With Xia An's current status, how can I block it if I want to?"

"Dad, you promised me, you didn't go! Dad, how could you..."

On the phone, Xia Chengzheng interrupted Xia Jinghao before she finished speaking.

"Jing, I arranged a dinner and mentioned this matter, but when people heard that it was this matter, they didn't even bother to talk about it, and left after eating."

In fact, Xia Chengzheng said this to save face for himself. He didn't want to say it. At that time, he only opened up the topic of asking others to help him block Xia An. In the end, he looked like a fool Looking at him, it was really embarrassing to see him.

He had never felt so ashamed before.

It's as if, he is the chairman of a listed company, but his status is not as powerful as that of a star.

"How could this be...Dad, did you not give gifts, did you have no intentions..." to do this.

"Okay, Jinghao, Dad still has business to do now, so I won't talk to you. You, don't keep thinking about Xia An and divorce, and communicate with Fu Xian properly. We've been together for so many years, and Kiki is going to elementary school soon."

After saying these instructions, Xia Chengzheng hung up the phone, which made Xia Jing on the other end of the phone listen to the blind voice of "beep beep!" from the phone, with an angry expression on his face .


Xia Jing was so angry that she dropped the phone heavily to the ground, and the moment the phone touched the marble floor, it fell to pieces.

She looked at the shattered mobile phone on the ground, feeling depressed in her heart.

Xia Jing didn't understand at all, why, except that she successfully forced Xia An back from abroad, why she still couldn't move her.

No matter how famous Xia An is and how many fans he has, isn't he still a star, an actor

And she is the eldest daughter of Tang Tangxia's family! Why can't he deal with a little actor

Although, on the phone, Xia Chengzheng told Xia Jinghao to stop thinking about blocking Xia An.

And he also told her to pay attention to other things, but this not only didn't make Xia Jing give up her original idea.

On the contrary, the idea of banning Xia An and ruining Xia An's reputation became stronger.

She didn't know why, but she always felt that Xia An was a catastrophe for her. If Xia An lived well, then she would not live well.

For example, at that time, the two of them were kidnapped at the same time, but she ended up living an extremely happy life, while she lived an extremely miserable life.

In the same way, when she came back, Xia An began to live a miserable life, but she lived a very happy life.

Therefore, Xia Jinghao always has an obsession in her heart, and that is—

Only when Xia An disappears completely, will she truly live a carefree and happy life...

Yes, as long as Xia An disappears, she will be happy.

and! Her daughter will be happy too!