Delicate Mother of a Villain

Chapter 104


Recently, the daily chemical products of Xia An and CH can be said to be the hottest topic in the entire Internet.

Originally, everyone knew the products of CH, it was because their skin care products were so easy to use.

The high cost performance of skin care products has captured the hearts of many customers.

At a small price, you can buy skin care products that are as effective as big brands, which is why all customers love it very much.

After all, in this world, the rich are still a minority.

Most people are just ordinary people with ordinary wages, so CH's skin care products can be said to satisfy the hearts of the vast majority of ordinary users.

However, even so, CH also produces low-end skin care products, and has not lost customers in the high-end market.

CH products do have a lot of middle and low-end products, but the high-end skin care products are also really high-end, and the price is more expensive than all the ladies' skin care products of the top-tier brands.

But for the people who bought it, there were not a lot of them, and it even became a legendary skin care product.

And the most amazing thing is that the high-end skin care products of CH products can also be customized according to each person's skin. In the United States, it has become the favorite brand of many big-name female stars.

And when CH has already occupied a place in the field of skin care products, everyone did not expect that CH company turned its attention to daily chemical products.

It has completely opened up the low-end market and switched from the high-end market to the low-end market. This is a decision that no one can understand.

But such a decision has also caused countless people to fall through their glasses.

Also let everyone know that as long as your product is of good quality and the effect is good enough, then no matter how hard you try!

CH entered the low-end daily chemical industry market in China very smoothly. After the first batch of products put in the major supermarkets and shopping malls were all sold out, there were many trial reports on the Internet. .

After the trial reports of the purchased users came out, it really shocked many people.

No one thought that CH's products are so conscientious.

Even in the low-end daily chemical product industry, those with high cost performance are much easier to use than other brands!

[Water Source Hair Conditioner from Planting Grass CH! The effect of using a skin care product worth more than ten dollars is even better than the hair conditioner I bought for a hundred dollars!]

[CH pearl toothpaste strongly recommended! It costs a few dollars each, but it’s so easy to use! After brushing for a week, twice a day, my teeth are obviously whiter!]

[I'm here to praise CH's baby cream! Definitely one of the coolest items! Inexpensive and works great! My skin has improved after using it! Now I am a little regretful that I bought too few! A bottle of more than ten yuan, I think it is best used as a body lotion! Not only does it kill the effects of those big-name body lotions in seconds, but it's also cheap! It doesn't hurt to use it at all!]

[Looking at so many kinds of grass, I feel very depressed that I couldn't buy CH products in the first place! CH's products have been sold out for a few days, why haven't they been replenished! Too slow! Waiting anxiously!]

[@CHGroup official Weibo, or else daily chemical products are also sold online! This feels more convenient!]

[Yeah, it's really strange, it's been out of stock for a few days, why hasn't it been replenished? Could it be that something happened?]

Some sensitive netizens on the Internet really guessed right, something really happened to CH's daily chemical products.

Because the Xia family and the Fu family are in-laws, the relationship between the two families is deep and mutually beneficial.

So when the Xia family proposed to deal with CH, a foreign company, the Fu family agreed without thinking about it.

The Xia family may be just a wealthy family, but the Fu family is different.

The Fu family has a profound background, not only rich, powerful, but also well-connected.

In the entire city B, it can be said that the power of the Fu family can be ranked among the top five.

Therefore, after the Fu family intervened, even if CH's daily chemical products sold well, they could no longer enter the supermarkets and shopping malls through regular channels.

If it is an ordinary foreign company, after this sudden blow, even if the product sales are good, but the funds are not able to operate, they cannot be sold through physical stores, and they still cannot open up the market in the domestic daily chemical industry.

After all, most of those middle-aged and elderly people don't know how to surf the Internet.

Therefore, in the field of daily chemical products, physical sales are really very important.

And now CH's sales plan to enter major regular supermarkets, shopping malls and other physical stores has failed, which has really caused a considerable impact on CH.

However, this considerable influence was not enough to bring down Xia An and her company at all.

After all, the elite senior executives she hired at a huge price are not just for nothing.

After learning that their domestic development was being targeted, they quickly implemented Plan B.

Simply stop letting your own products enter those big shopping malls and supermarkets, and directly open chain stores of your own brand all over the country!

Although the early planning of this plan will cost a lot of money, it is not as fast as plan A, and there is a little risk.

However, judging from the sales of the first period, Plan B now has no risk at all.

And it's more profitable than Plan A.

Therefore, after facing the fact that they could no longer continue to use Plan A, the company's top management proposed Plan B to Xia An.

Hearing that it can make money and make the product more famous, Xia An nodded and agreed without hesitation.

Although when she learned about the initial investment amount, she was really... very heartbroken.

After all, it was all the money she earned through hard work!

Therefore, after Xia An saw that such a large sum of money was invested in the plan to develop brand chain stores across the country, he put all the pain of cutting flesh on the Xia family's head, and felt sorry for the Xia family in his heart. The feeling of oppression is even more intense!

Because the investment funds are very sufficient, so soon, the brand chain stores of CH daily chemical products are blossoming and bearing fruit all over the country!

Once the chain stores across the country are opened, all the online channels for daily chemical products will be opened!

And it's a special car delivery, and the employees of CH's own company come to express.

After all, CH chain stores have been opened all over the country, which is equivalent to having warehouses all over the country, so the delivery is also very simple.

And because the delivery is made according to the region, it is still delivered by a special person, so this speed is much faster than ordinary express delivery.

Basically, if you order in the morning, it will be delivered in the afternoon. The fast speed makes all the young buyers quite satisfied.

And what about the middle-aged and elderly buyers of CH? They are also quite satisfied!

After CH opened a physical store, it can still become a member and enjoy the member price.

Not only that, but there are also points for redemption, and, in the CH chain store, if you buy too much, the store staff will also provide free door-to-door service.

This has won the hearts of a large group of aunts and aunts!

As long as it is a user who purchases in the store, the card application rate is 100%!

Moreover, aunts and aunts, perhaps because of the previous out-of-stock reason, they were frantic when they bought it, and they hoarded goods very well.

This makes other chain stores similar in nature to CH, especially those stores that are very close to CH chain stores, even more unlucky.

Since the opening of CH, there have been no such shops. Every day, there are very few customers, and there are not many customers in total.

As for those regular large supermarkets and shopping malls, although they were said, they were not affected too much.

But in the area of daily chemical sales, it also lost a lot of sales.

Seeing that CH's chain stores are so selling, this group of people really regretted it a bit.

But even if you regret it, it's too late.

"Hahaha, sister Xia An, you don't know, recently your CH company is more famous than you!"

After the day's work was over, Xu Tiantian came to Xia An's residence again and began to gossip.

But it's not because Xu Tiantian talks too much, but because the recent operation of CH company has indeed had a great influence in China!

"Right now people are guessing who the boss of CH is. He has such a big budget and can open so many chain stores all over the country in one go. It's simply too rich and powerful. Maybe it's..."

Having said that, Xu Tiantian paused for a moment, and looked towards Xia An with a teasing expression.

"Sister Xia An, guess what, everyone is guessing who you are."

Seeing Xu Tiantian's appearance, Xia An curled her lips in amusement.

"Rich man."

Xu Tiantian shook her head and said very seriously.

"Wrong~! It's a foreign super invisible rich man."

For some reason, hearing Xu Tiantian's description, Xia An suddenly wanted to laugh.

"What the hell are the super invisible rich abroad."

"Haha, this isn't the funniest thing. It's said that CH's boss must be a middle-aged man."

After finishing speaking, Xu Tiantian looked Xia An up and down, and couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha, middle-aged man."

Who would have imagined that the boss of CH, whom everyone was guessing, would be a young woman in her twenties, and her serious career was a celebrity!

Saying this, I'm afraid it will shock the eyes of a large group of people who eat melons.

And it can make Xia An a god in one fell swoop!

Seeing Xu Tiantian's uncontrollable smile, Xia An shrugged his shoulders, not caring too much.

All she cares about is whether the Xia family can be suppressed, and when will the Xia family's property be destroyed.

After Xu Tiantian chatted with Xia An about tomorrow's itinerary for a while, she left Xia An's house.

After seeing Xu Tiantian leave, Xia An looked at the time, and after calculating the time difference, he made the routine phone call twice a day.

It is already night in City B, but in the United States, it is morning.

"Xiao Xing, Xiao Can, good morning."

After turning on the call video, Xia An greeted the two little guys good morning as usual.

At this time, the two little guys standing in the video, who had already been fully dressed, also greeted Xia An.

"Good morning, Mom."

"Good morning, fairy sister~"

Seeing the energetic appearance of the two little guys, Xia An couldn't help but feel a bright smile on his face.

After following the two little guys to say a series of very daily things, eat well, listen to the teacher obediently, and... wait, a series of words, after getting the obedient nods of the two little guys, Xia An said There was a sentence that was a little different from the past.

"During my absence, you two should take good care of yourselves. I may go back soon, so don't miss me too much."

As soon as they heard Xia An's words, the two little guys immediately became energetic.

"Huh?! Sister Fairy, you are coming back!"

"Mom, when are you coming back? I'll pick you up at the airport."

Seeing the impatient looks of the two little guys, Xia An couldn't help smiling and said.

"I've been out for so long, I definitely want to go back and see you. When I finish my work in China these days, I will fly back to see you."

Listening to Xia An's words, the two little guys understood that Xia An was only coming back temporarily. Although he was still very happy, he was not as energetic as before.

"Okay, you all be good, I promise, I will solve the matter here as soon as possible, and go home as soon as possible..."

Watching the time, after following the two little guys for a while, Xia An urged the two little guys to go to class quickly and then turned off the video.

And at this time, it was almost time for her to go to bed.

Just as she washed up and was about to lie down and watch TV for a while, she was sleeping.

As a result, she received a call from an uninvited guest.

"Xia An, I want... to ask you out to meet and have a chat."

Glancing at the unfamiliar number, Xia An snorted coldly and said coldly.

"I guess we have nothing to talk about."

This Fu Xian is really persistent, she has blocked several of his numbers, but this man is still so persistent in calling her.

Next time, should she try to reject calls from unfamiliar numbers

"Xia An, I really have business to find you."

Fu Xian took a deep breath, with indescribable seriousness and anxiety in his tone.

"I'm sorry, there is nothing serious between the two of us."

After speaking, Xia An was about to hang up the phone.

As a result, the man on the other end of the phone, Xu Shi was also too anxious, he put aside all the previous upbringing, and shouted directly——

"Wait! Don't hang up! I want to do a paternity test with Fu Yu, no, Xia Xingchen!"

"What do you mean?"

Hearing that Fu Xian mentioned Xia Xingchen, Xia An's fingers that wanted to hang up the phone stopped, and her brows frowned slightly.

"Xia An, this time, you and I will do a paternity test with Xia Xingchen. I think we may have been deceived by that woman Xia Jinghao!"

There was infinite excitement in Fu Xian's voice.

It seemed that he had found out something, so he was so excited that he lost his usual demeanor.

Listening to Fu Xian's words, Xia An raised his eyes lightly, and there was an indescribable depth in his eyes.

After a long time, Xia An said.

"Fu Xian, my son and I don't want to have anything to do with your family anymore. Please don't bother me in the future, let alone my son."

"Xia An, but Xia Xingchen is very likely not your child! Your child is very likely..." It is very likely that he will suffer elsewhere, and his life may be very miserable.

However, before Fu Xian could finish those words, Xia An interrupted him.

"Fu Xian, Xia Xingchen is my son, Xia An's son. It was in the past, it is now, and it will be in the future."

After saying this, Xia An hung up the phone.

"Beep beep!"

Listening to the blind tone from the other end of the phone, Fu Xian squeezed his hand, with a look of frustration on his face.

Some time ago, he had been investigating Xia An's pregnancy and childbirth. Although the private detective he hired was very powerful, after all, several years had passed.

Moreover, it is also obvious that someone has erased a lot of clues about those things back then.

As a result, the information he has obtained now is only that Xia Jinghao may have intervened in the events of that year.

And, judging by her true face. Xia An probably didn't betray herself back then, she really gave birth to a child for him.

It's just that... Xia Jinghao had calculated them all.

So now, if Xia Jing had manipulated the paternity test between him and Xia Xingchen, Xia Xingchen was indeed his child with Xia An.

Or else... Xia Jing didn't do anything, Xia Xingchen was indeed not his child, but... Xia Xingchen was not Xia An's child either.

"Damn..." Xia An, don't you want to know the truth

Don't you care, who is your biological child

I can't tell... the children of the two of us will suffer hardships somewhere...

Thinking of this, Fu Xian's heart clenched tightly.

check! Must find out! He must find the truth! Get his baby back...

Cough cough cough! To be honest, Xia An really didn't care.

After all, she is not the original owner, nor has she experienced childbirth, and she doesn't care about her biological or adopted ones.

What she cared about was only Xia Xingchen, this 'son' who had an affair with her.

The rest really didn't have much to do with her.

Besides, the original owner didn't care that much about her children.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have left such a young child in the orphanage, committed suicide and left this world.

So, does it matter who the original owner's biological child is

It doesn't matter at all.

Anyway, she just regarded Xia Xingchen as her son, and also her only son.

However, she was still a little curious about what Xia Jinghao did to Xia An back then.

But that's just a little bit.

She didn't bother to waste time knowing.

Anyway, Fu Xian and Xia Jinghao should be in a deadlock now, and Fu Xian is currently investigating the incident back then.

She believes that as long as there are any clues, Fu Xian will definitely call her, and she will listen to it as a joke.

Uh~! From this point of view, she doesn't need to set up any unfamiliar numbers to reject calls~!

A good night's sleep.

When Xia An woke up, he was refreshed and said goodnight to the two little guys, and he was full of energy to prepare for what he was going to do today.

However, a certain little guy is suffering from insomnia.

It's just because Gu Shumo said casually - "Xiao Xing, I found out that you and Sister Fairy don't look that much alike~!"

Just because of this sentence, a certain little guy was dizzy all day long, as if he had lost his soul.

In the dark night, Xia Xingchen looked at Gu Shumo who was sleeping on the bed opposite him, he pursed his lips and muttered in a low voice.

"Gu Shumo, my mother and I still look very similar! My eyes and my mother's eyes look very similar!"

Gu Shumo, who was already about to fall asleep, yawned after hearing Xia Xingchen's words, and muttered in response.

"Xiaoxing, you are still thinking about this matter. You say it looks like that, ha~! So sleepy."

After yawning several times, Gu Shumo couldn't bear the sleepiness anymore, and fell into a deep sleep.

But Xia Xingchen still couldn't fall asleep.