Delicate Mother of a Villain

Chapter 124


"Xiao Xing, how did you know... about this matter?"

As soon as Xia An's voice fell, seeing the little guy who was so relaxed just now, he suddenly became a little nervous again.

Moreover, there seemed to be some guilty conscience on that tense expression.

"Mom... I... I..."

The little guy held back his "me, me, me" for a long time, but he didn't say anything.

Seeing that the little guy seemed particularly embarrassed, Xia An frowned tightly.

It's really... rare to be able to make her good son so hesitant, and he's so embarrassed that he doesn't want to tell the truth.

It is even more certain that this matter is serious.

Who told her good son

Suddenly, another thing came to Xia An's mind.

That's it - the mysterious hacker.

At that time, they didn't know that Xia Jinghao had so much black material, but the mysterious hacker did.

And it's so detailed.

Most importantly, I sent it to her alone...

Could it be related to that mysterious hacker? !

Xia An immediately became vigilant.

If it's really related to that hacker, why does he know so many things

Could it be... She is not the only one who wears the book

Xia An, who had a lot of thoughts in his mind, was even more unwilling to let his good son prevaricate him now.

She made up her mind to ask the truth from the little guy!

"Xiaoxing, tell mom the truth, tell mom who told you these things."

Xia An looked closely at Xia Xingchen, with indescribable seriousness and determination in his dark eyes.

The little guy also knew that he had to tell the truth to his fairy mother.


The mysterious person in his brain kept shouting—

[Little devil, you can't tell her the truth. You directly said that a hacker sent an email to your computer and told you about it. You must not tell the truth, otherwise, your mother will not like you.]

Listening to the eager words of the mysterious man in his brain, the little guy's lips were tightly pursed.

'Who are you? Why can't I tell mom? If you are not telling the truth, I will tell my mother. '

The little guy held his hands tightly, feeling a little nervous in his heart.

This mysterious person suddenly appeared in his mind shortly after his fairy mother took him home.

Although this mysterious person has been with him for a long time, taught him many things, and let him know many things, but he has never known who this mysterious person suddenly appeared in his mind.

It's even more unclear why he appeared in his mind.

However, he can be sure that this mysterious person who suddenly appeared in his mind has no malice towards him.

[Well, I can tell you who I am. However, you have to promise me that you are not allowed to tell about my existence.]

'Who are you? '

[My name is Fu Yu, actually... it's you, the future you, and we are, in a sense, the same person. That's why I know so many things about you, and it won't hurt you.]

'...! ! '

After getting this answer from the mysterious man, the little guy froze for an instant.

At such a young age, he still can't consume such a shocking answer.

At this moment, all he was thinking about in his little head was——

Why is he called Fu Yu in the future

This also made Xia An notice the abnormality of the little guy.

"Xiaoxing? Xiaoxing, what's wrong with you?"

Xia An pulled Laxia Xingchen, and stared closely at her son.

Suddenly, a very ridiculous idea appeared in her mind.

But soon, the ridiculous idea in her heart was also confirmed...

"Mom, I..."

[Remember, don't tell me about my existence.]

The little guy ignored the voice in his head, bit his lower lip, and said everything.

"Mom, in my mind, there is actually another person living. The reason why I know that I am not my mother's child is that voice telling me..."

[Little devil! You lied to me!]

The future Fu Yu shouted angrily in Xia Xingchen's mind.

However, at this time, the little guy was already planning to confess everything to his fairy mother.

His fairy mother was so kind to him that she could even abandon her own child and choose him. He felt that he could also confess all his secrets to his fairy mother...


Xia An listened to the little guy's words, before he could be shocked, he saw the little guy continue talking.

"He said his name is Fu Yu, and he is my future self."

[Xia Xingchen!]


Xia An really didn't expect that her ridiculous idea would actually come true? !

However, what she didn't expect was that the person who told her about her good son would be Xiao Xing who had grown up.

No, to be precise, it should be the villain in the novel...