Delicate Mother of a Villain

Chapter 128


Because of such an episode of the little guy, coupled with the little guy's sincerity, and some changes in her own mood.

Therefore, Xia An also had a new idea about Zhu Baixue's matter.

Just like what the little guy said, Xia An plans to take Zhu Baixue's family of three to live together in his home.

The Zhu family and his wife are good people. Both of them are honest and good people who love their children.

If there are more of these two people in the family, the children will be loved more, and Zhu Baixue, the daughter of the original owner, can live a better life.

In this way, the child will not have resentment in his heart after knowing the truth...

It's just about the two children Xia Xingchen and Zhu Baixue...

"What?! Xiaoxing, you have a twin sister?!"

Seeing Gu Shumo's surprised appearance, Xia An couldn't help laughing.

That's right, Xia An thought of the most perfect solution.

That means that Zhu Baixue and Xia Xingchen are twins, so both of them are her children.

It's just a pity that the clever and good son of her family knew the truth long ago, otherwise he would never know the truth, and really thought it was good that she was born with twins.

"No wonder you guys have been forcing me to whisper lately, it turns out that's the case..."

Gu Shumo murmured.

Recently, because Xia An and Xia Xingchen kept shutting him up abnormally, this little guy Gu Shumo was very depressed.

Now after finding out about this matter, Gu Shumo immediately became happy.

He looked at Xia Xingchen excitedly, and asked happily.

"Xiao Xing, have you ever met your twin sister? Does she look like you? She..."

Facing Gu Shumo's series of questions, Xia Xingchen really couldn't say anything.

Not to mention that he hasn't met the legendary twin sister, Zhu Baixue, even if he has... He really doesn't have such a thick skin, he can tell lies casually.

After all, he really understood that Zhu Baixue was really really really not his twin sister.

They really have no blood relationship at all.

as well as…

He was very depressed why he had to be the younger brother of the twins.

Well, although his fairy mother said, Zhu Baixue is taller than him, and also better at taking care of people than him, and she will definitely be a good sister.

But he is still unconvinced qaq

"Xiaocan, we are going to pick up Xiaoxue today, you can come with us to see for yourself."

Xia An smiled and nodded at Gu Shumo's little head, which seemed to be possessed by a hundred thousand why Daquan, and said jokingly.

Hearing what Xia An said, Gu Shumo immediately became excited.

"I, I can go too???"

"Of course, don't you want to go?"

Seeing Gu Shumo's foolish appearance, Xia An estimated.

"Go! Of course I'm going to pull! The daughter of the fairy sister! It must be a little fairy sister!"

Gu Shumo's eyes were bright, and he said happily while clenching his small fists.

That look, as if the person who was going to recognize relatives was not Xia An and Xia Xingchen, but him.

The more she looked at Gu Shumo's excited and happy appearance, the more Xia An wanted to tease him.

"It's just Xiaocan, when we recognize Xiaoxue back, the nickname Xiaocan won't belong to you anymore."

Hearing Xia An's words, Gu Shumo was stunned for a moment, and looked at Xia An foolishly. After a while, this silly boy finally showed a look of reluctance.

"Okay, then, then give it to the fairy sister..."

Looking at the little guy Gu Shumo's reluctant appearance, Xia An thought it was really interesting.

Suddenly, she thought with a bit of wicked humor, what kind of interesting things will happen if the three little guys, the future cannon fodder female partner, the real male lead, and the big villain, live together

This little authentic male protagonist is now calling a cannon fodder female supporting role with a fairy sister, will there be any different chemical reactions

The more she thought about it, the more Xia An felt that it was really good to have three children!

"Haha, our little Can is really sensible."

Xia An rubbed Gu Shumo's little head, then turned his attention to his good son again.

Today, her good son is much quieter than before.

"Xiao Xing, what's wrong with you? Are you all right?"

Xia An looked at the little guy tenderly, and asked softly.

"Xiao Xing must be crazy with joy!"

Before the little guy could speak, Gu Shumo began to yell.

Listening to Gu Shumo's words, Xia Xingchen gave Gu Shumo a blank look.

"I'm just afraid...she doesn't like me."

Xia Xingchen muttered in confusion, but in the end he couldn't call out his sister.

But what the little guy said was true. Ever since he knew how good his fairy mother was to him, this little guy loved his house and wanted to treat his fairy mother's own daughter better.

Therefore, there is no such thing as jealousy or competition for favor.

This little guy, Xia Xingchen, was thinking about everything for Xia An.

So, at a young age, he always worried, what if his 'sister' doesn't like him

Then his fairy mother will be sad, balalabala, this kind of psychology has been haunting him, making him a little 'cowardly'.

Seeing the little guy so nervous and unconfident, before Xia An had time to comfort her good son, Gu Shumo rushed to yell.

"Pfft, Xiao Xing, what are you afraid of? You are so popular with girls. I haven't seen a single girl in our class who doesn't like you. I've also heard that girls in other classes like you too. What about this little celebrity. And last time, because the boys in the class were jealous of you, they fought with the two of us, and the girls in the class almost killed the..." group of boys.

Gu Shumo didn't keep his mouth shut, and revealed all the girls' fate of a certain little star. However, these 'lace news' about the little star hadn't been shaken off, and someone blush The red-eared little Xingxing covered her mouth.

"Shut up! You idiot!"

Xia Xingchen tightly covered Gu Shumo's mouth, and kept glancing at Xia An.

Seeing Xia An's more charming and teasing smile, the little guy's cheeks became more and more red, as if he had been steamed, as if he could emit smoke.

"Mom, don't listen to this big idiot's nonsense."

When he said this, a certain little star was so guilty that he didn't even dare to look into the eyes of his fairy mother.

"Mmmmm!" Xiaoxing let go!

Xia An looked at the scene in front of her, seeing the two little guys being so intimate and noisy, she only felt warm in her heart.

The current plot has been completely changed by her.

The personalities of the two little guys are also completely different from those in the book.

Gu Shumo, the genuine male lead, should have been a cunning, dark-bellied and gloomy man who only had a hint of tenderness towards the female lead, but now, haha, he has become a 'big idiot' who doesn't know what to say. .

He is now cheerful and sunny, with a bright and bright smile all the time, looking like a little sun.

It can bring joy and warmth to people.

What was supposed to be a morbidly obstinate neurotic and delicate girl was completely different now.

The current Xia Xingchen is in good health. Although his personality is not as optimistic and cheerful as Gu Shumo's, he is also a good boy who is very kind and sensible.

Everything has been changed unconsciously.

She no longer has to worry, the future in the book will reappear.

There is no need to worry about the halo of the plot master and heroine being too strong.

Now, she believes that no matter how powerful the halo of the heroine is, the two in her family, oh no, are three.

Also determined, it won't be like in the book.

When she came back to her senses, Xia An looked at the two little guys who were still fighting, she pursed her lips and smiled, with starlight in her eyes.

"Okay, let's go pick up Xiaoxue."

"Well, let's go, mom."

"Yeah! Let's pick up the fairy sister!"

Once again, Xia An sat on the way to the home of the original owner's daughter.

However, this time was completely different from the last time.

This time, it's not just her and Xu Tiantian, this time, there are two more little guys beside her.

And the identity is not simple, a little hero, a little villain.

Unknowingly, I also have new expectations for the three little ones living together in the future.

Before departure, Xia An got in touch with Zhu Daqing.

She told Zhu Daqing simply and clearly that she would recognize Zhu Baixue as her daughter.

And live together with their husband and wife.

And there is another condition that Xia Xingchen must be regarded as Zhu Baixue's twin brother.

Keep this secret forever and ever.

Originally, Xia An thought that Zhu Daqing and his wife would be very unhappy if they loved their children so much.

After all, she said at the beginning that if she didn't raise the child, the child would be handed over to them and let them raise it.

But now that she said that after raising the child with them as the biological mother, Zhu Daqing and his wife are quite happy and supportive.

This also made Xia An understand more and more that Zhu Daqing and his wife really love their children.

And the character is really nothing to say.

This also made Xia An, who was still a little shaken by his 'impulsive' decision, a little firmer.

"It turns out that sister Fairy lived so hard before..."

When sitting in the car, "Eccentric Xu Tiantian" had given the two little guys a general introduction to the hardships and poverty that Zhu Baixue lived through.

It was just talking about being as pitiful as possible.

In the hearts of the two sensible little guys, they were full of sympathy and responsibility for Zhu Baixue.

"Sister Fairy is so pitiful. When we bring her home, I will definitely take good care of Little Fairy! Buy her the most beautiful princess dress! Buy her a beautiful doll..."

After listening to Xu Tiantian's description, Gu Shumo had already wrung his fingers and started planning to buy various gifts for Zhu Baixue.

Compared to Gu Shumo, an outsider, Xia Xingchen, the twin brother, seemed a little calmer.

Xia Xingchen just sat quietly on the back seat, his lips were tightly pursed, and there was some guilt in his eyes.

The kind-hearted little Xingxing never thought that the biological daughter of his fairy mother would live in such a pitiful life.

Thinking of the 'sister' who has never met, who has suffered a lot, and thinking of the happiness I have lived beside my fairy mother...

The kind little guy feels more and more that he must take good care of his fairy mother's daughter in the future.

Let her not suffer in the future.

"Xiao Xing, you see that Xiao Momo has given Xiaoxue so many gifts, what do you want to give my brother?"

Seeing Xia Xingchen's quiet appearance, Xu Tiantian couldn't help teasing Xia Xingchen aloud.

Listening to Xu Tiantian's words, the little guy thought about it seriously, then blinked and muttered.

"Whatever my sister wants, I can give her."

However, the little guy's answer aroused Xu Tiantian's teasing psychology.

She continued jokingly.

"Then what if my sister and mother are interested in a gift at the same time? Then who do you give it to?"

"Buy two, one for each person."

The smart little guy said it as a matter of course.

However, Xu Tiantian's fun is starting at this time, how can he let Xiao Xingxing go

"Then what if there is only one piece, the unique one, and there is no way to buy two as a gift?"

Seeing Xu Tiantian's bad look, Xia An gave her manager a blank look.

He was just about to exit to rescue his good son, but who knew, he saw the little guy and said without hesitation.

"Give it to mom."

Listening to the little guy's words, Xia An's heart was moved a lot.

She held the little guy in her arms, and happily kissed the little guy's fluffy head.

"Our little star is really nice."

"Sister Fairy! I'm the best for you too! I'll give it to you too!"

"Go, go, just treat Xiaoxue the best."

"It's all good! I'm the best for sister fairy, and the best for sister fairy, hehehe! Even if there is only one unique gift, I can conjure a second one for you!"

"Hahaha, our little Momo's mouth is so sweet, he will definitely be able to fascinate a large group of little girls in the future..."

Although the journey was a bit long, the group was very happy.

Just like this, they were noisy and happy, and they were moving towards Zhu Daqing's family.

At this time, Zhu Daqing's family was already waiting for the arrival of Xia An and others.

After Zhu Daqing received Xia An's call, he asked for leave together with Wang Lanzhi, thinking about how to tell his precious daughter.

The good thing is, because they want to wait for a while before 'cheating' about their precious daughter having an aunt.

So, they haven't lied yet.

In this way, it would not be so embarrassing to say that Xia An was her biological mother, but it would be easier to say.

It's just that, although it's easy to talk, they still have to organize their words and see how to say it to their precious daughter.

"Daqing, at first I thought Miss Xia was so cruel that she didn't even want her own daughter. However, after hearing what you said today, I suddenly understood Miss Xia. She is also a good mother who loves her children. .”

After Wang Lanzhi learned that Xia An was going to disguise Xia Xingchen and Zhu Baixue as twins, she said with emotion.

They are also the ones who love their children and love them to the bone. How can they not understand Xia An's intentions

Therefore, she changed from being disgusted at the beginning to understanding, and she also saw a lot.

"Yes, Ms. Xia is a good person. She also knows the relationship between us and our children, so she proposed that our two families be merged into one big family, so that we can better take care of the two children. psychology."

Zhu Daqing nodded with an emotional smile on his face.

They were all satisfied with Xia An's final decision.

Admittedly, they'd be really happy if they were raising their own kids.

However, they are more concerned about another issue, an issue related to the future.

When their precious daughter grows up in the future, she will know that Xia An is her biological mother.

She would think, why did her biological mother deny herself

She would rather raise a child who is not her child than raise her own daughter...

How much harm would this do to their precious daughter.

So, they were thankful that Xia An finally changed his mind.

Moreover, the idea that came up was still so perfect.

At least, all aspects are taken into account.

After the couple thought about it for a while, they still couldn't think of a better way to say it.

Simply, the frank husband and wife decided to speak according to the 'truth' Xia An gave them.

So the two quickly found Zhu Baixue's school, talked to the teacher in the school, asked for leave for their precious daughter, and brought her back home.

"Dad, Mom, what's the matter with you? Has something happened at home? Why do you ask me for leave?"

Zhu Baixue, who was taken out of school by his parents, looked at his parents in confusion.

On weekdays, her parents are so busy that they have to work overtime. Why did they ask her for leave today and take her home

Hearing his daughter's inquiry, Zhu Daqing and Wang Lanzhi looked at each other, and then said to Zhu Baixue.

"Go home first, and I will tell you when I get home."

Looking at the appearance of her parents, Zhu Baixue seemed to feel that there must be some serious matter, so she nodded, stopped asking, and followed her parents home.

Soon, the family of three returned home.

As soon as the couple entered the door, they closed the door and locked it.

Looking at that appearance, it seems that there is something big and shameful to say.

Zhu Baixue had never seen her parents like this before, so she couldn't help swallowing, and looked at her parents flickeringly.

"Xiaoxue, Mom and Dad will tell you something next, don't get too excited, and listen patiently to Mom and Dad."

Zhu Daqing took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, with a serious expression on his face.

Listening to Zhu Daqing's words, Zhu Baixue nodded seriously.


On the other hand, Wang Lanzhi was not as calm as the father and daughter. Although she was ready to tell her precious daughter the truth.

But when it came time to speak, she still couldn't control her emotions and tears.

"Xiaoxue, no matter what you hear next, you have to know that Mom and Dad will always be your Mom and Dad, will always love you the most, and you will always be our daughter, the only daughter."

While crying, Wang Lanzhi choked up and said.

Those narrow and long Danfeng eyes are full of reluctance and deep love.

After telling the truth, their daughter is no longer their pure daughter...

"Mom... what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Wang Lanzhi's tears, Zhu Baixue was a little frightened.

She looked at Zhu Daqing with some fear in her heart.

Seeing the terrified appearance of his precious daughter, Zhu Daqing took a deep breath, and decided to cut the mess quickly, so as not to let the child continue to be nervous.

So, he told all the truth to his precious daughter.

Told her that she was not their biological daughter. Tell her she's just a daughter they picked up in the snow.

Tell her that she was not abandoned by her biological mother, but snatched away by vicious 'human traffickers'...

Tell her... her real mother... is coming to her now.

Tell her... In fact, she has a twin brother...

After telling the truth about all this, not only Wang Lanzhi cried, but a tall and strong man like Zhu Daqing also cried.

As the party involved, Zhu Baixue...

Also dumbfounded.