Delicate Mother of a Villain

Chapter 22


After each guest's role is selected, no matter what the result of their choice is, it has become a foregone conclusion.

Just after everyone changed into clothes and shoes customized according to the size of each guest, the six guests, whether they were male guests or female guests, couldn't wait to know what they were going to do next.

"I heard that the theme of the first issue is Resident Evil?"

"It really feels like making a movie!"

"I also feel that way!"

No matter what role the male guests choose, they are all excited.

The militants in the body really want to get into the theme of the show quickly.

When the program team distributed some materials to six guests and talked about some program rules, the already early day darkened even more.

"Okay, it's already late today, everyone go to the dormitory that our program team has arranged for you to rest. We will officially start filming tomorrow morning."

Han Yue smiled and looked at the guests who were discussing how to survive safely until the end of the show. He glanced at Xia An who seemed to be curiously studying his clothes, and once again proudly thought of ,Hum hum! This time, Xia An will definitely be fixed by him!

Hearing what Han Yue said, the other guests said it jokingly.

"If you're filming the show tomorrow, why don't you invite us to dinner?"

"That's right! We're going to suffer a lot next, so let us have a full meal no matter what!"

Liu Neng and Jiang Chen's words were recognized by everyone.

After they received the materials from the program team, they realized that the program is really stingy!

Just hand out a bag of compressed biscuits and a bottle of mineral water, and let them figure out how to find food for themselves during the next three days of the show? ?

This is too cruel and inhumane!

Facing the protests of several guests, Han Yue waved his hand and brought these guests who were about to start their mid-autumn survival in this barren mountain to the place where their staff members ate.

However, when it came to the place where the staff of the program group ate, the six guests didn't take advantage of it.

Because the meals of these staff are just instant noodles!

cough cough! Except for Xia Xingchen, a little baby who was growing up, the other program staff, from the chief director and screenwriter to the assistants on set, all ate a bucket of XX brand noodles!

"You guys just eat this kind of junk food?"

Xue Yu, a former athlete who always pays attention to health, reluctantly accepted the instant noodles handed over by the staff.

"Just eat this? Instant noodles are not healthy at all. Do you know how many preservatives there are?"

The older, middle-aged actor, who has always been very particular about maintaining his health, sighed.

"Do you have Laotan sauerkraut noodles?"

Jiang Chen took the initiative to report the taste he wanted to eat.


Xu Jinyang gladly took the instant noodles, and ate the instant noodles gracefully under the nympho eyes of all the female staff members. Looking at the elegant manner of eating the instant noodles, people who didn't know thought he was eating the instant noodles. What an expensive meal.

"I never eat junk food like instant noodles! It will make me ugly! Is there anything else?"

He Xiaoxiao expressed disgust and refused to eat the instant noodles handed over by the staff.

This made the staff who delivered the instant noodles a little speechless. No other famous star was as difficult to serve as a little Internet celebrity like He Xiaoxiao.

"Sorry, we all eat this kind of 'junk food', and there is no other 'non-junk' stuff for you to eat."

The staff looked at He Xiaoxiao with a smile, but the tone was not so friendly, especially the emphasis on the junk food, it really sounded a little mocking.


He Xiaoxiao's temper was already spoiled, but when he saw this staff member's attitude, he was instantly pissed off.

She was just about to have an attack, but who knows, before she had time to quarrel with the staff member, she ended up—

"Aren't you going to eat? Then give it to me."

Saying that, Xia An took He Xiaoxiao's share of instant noodles away from the staff.

Then before both of them recovered, they ate instant noodles mouthful by mouthful.

That look, not to mention how delicious and happy the food is!

Even He Xiaoxiao, a picky girl who thinks instant noodles are junk food and not tasty at all, feels a little greedy.

"Xia An! How could you snatch my instant noodles!"

"Didn't you say you don't eat it? I don't want you to waste food. I kindly help you eat it."

After eating a bucket of instant noodles, Xia An raised his head in a moment, and responded with a smile.

"Then I'm thinking about eating first!"

Seeing Xia An's appearance of not taking her seriously at all, He Xiaoxiao was completely blown away.

"Then I'm asking the staff for a bucket, what a big deal."

Xia An waved her hand, thinking that this little girl can really make a fuss! It's a fight with the bear boy!

I really should throw this girl into the apocalypse to practice and let her suffer!


Listening to Xia An's words, He Xiaoxiao was really choked up and had nothing to say.

The staff who delivered instant noodles to He Xiaoxiao looked at this scene, and they were about to die of laughter in their hearts.

The favor for Xia An in my heart is getting higher and higher.

In order to prevent He Xiaoxiao from making trouble for Xia An, the staff hurriedly took another bucket of instant noodles and handed it to He Xiaoxiao.

Just when she finished delivering the instant noodles and was about to leave, she saw Xia An looking at her expectantly.

"Girl, the instant noodles you make are so delicious. I just finished a bucket of them, and I'm not full yet. Excuse me... Is there any more? If you can, give me a bucket of the same flavor! If you can, , spicy beef noodles and Laotan sauerkraut can give me three, oh, no no, just two buckets!"

At this moment, Xia An, who was begging for food, was simply too cute! Two swarthy pupils just look at you so watery, pitifully, as if looking at the whole world.

Not to mention instant noodles, even if it is delicacies from mountains and seas, you will give it to such a face begging you for food!

At least, that's what the staff in charge of delivering instant noodles thinks at this time!

"Ok, Ok… "

Subconsciously, the staff nodded.

"Really! Thank you so much!"

Xia An held the staff's little hand with a bright smile on his face.

It made the staff stunned for a long time with red faces.

However, although the staff was tempted by the beauty, they still remembered that she was just a small support worker, so she finally calmed down and added to Xia An a little embarrassedly.

"But I may not be able to make the decision. I'll go and ask our director Xu and screenwriter Han for instructions first."

"Okay, okay, let's go."

After a while, the logistics girl trotted to Xia An's side again.

"Miss Xia, Director Han said that you can't take a bucket of noodles with you. If you must have instant noodles, you can only eat them all here."

The little logistics looked at Xia An a little embarrassedly, and said in a tone full of apology.

However, what she didn't expect was that Xia An was not angry at all, but rather happy!

"I can finish eating here! No problem, I was really not full just now! I'm still hungry now."

With that said, Xia An stroked her deflated belly.

Strange to say, her stomach won't become bulging after eating a lot, but if she doesn't eat and gets hungry, her stomach will deflate.

Today, I traveled by car, by plane, and in a van, so I didn't have a good meal.

Even after eating snacks all the way, there is no hot food.

So Xia An was so happy when he could eat instant noodles at night!

Hot instant noodles are the best! It's a pity that this stingy program group doesn't add two eggs and two ham sausages to the instant noodles! Otherwise, it would be more perfect!

So, after Xia An finished a bucket of noodles with all flavors in the program group, the entire program staff, including several other guests, were all shocked by Xia An's appetite!

Even the male staff members with a big appetite in the program group can only eat four buckets of instant noodles at most!

But Xia An, a female celebrity, actually ate six buckets of instant noodles!

"So... is there really someone who can eat like this?!"

"Is this still a female star? Why do all the female stars in my impression have to go on a diet?"

"I just want to say! If Xia An is so edible! How can she maintain such a good figure?!"

This is the cry of a female staff member, and it is also the cry of all the female staff present!

However, how did they know that there were only six barrels of instant noodles, and Xia An was not full at all.

She didn't even take a sip of the instant noodle soup!

The fear is that if she eats too much, she will become beautiful.

"Mom, Xiao Xing still has chicken legs here for you to eat."

Others were shocked by Xia An's terrifying appetite, but only Xia Xingchen knew that her fairy mother was not full yet!

So he took the nutritious dinner specially prepared for him by the program team and came to Xia An.

Looking at the chicken leg in the little guy's hand, Xia An blinked, touched the little guy's head, and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, mom won't be hungry. Mom will be filming tomorrow, you have to obediently follow Uncle Han Yue and don't run around, you know?"

"Well, Mom, Xiao Xing will obediently wait for Mom to finish filming the show."

The little guy nodded his head seriously, and said in a very well-behaved and sensible manner.

Seeing the little guy's so sensible appearance, Xia An rubbed the little guy's head again.

Suddenly, she seemed to have thought of something, lowered her head, looked at the jade pendant of Double Dragon Playing Beads on her neck, thought for a while, and finally said.

"Xiao Xing, this jade pendant was recently worn by my mother alone. When I get home, my mother will give the jade pendant to you."

However, listening to Xia An's words, the little guy shook his head.

"Mom, actually... I don't really like that jade pendant, and I don't want to wear it..."

The little guy blinked and said seriously.


Hearing what the little guy said, Xia An looked at the little guy with some puzzlement.

"In short... In short, I just don't like it."

This is the first time that the little guy has rejected Xia An so clearly.

So Xia An felt that if the little guy didn't like this jade pendant, there must be some reason!

It's just that before Xia An believed it, he could ask him clearly.

Han Yue asked the staff to take the six guests back to their temporary dormitory during filming.

"Mom, come on!"

"Well, when the time comes, mom will bring you back a champion!"

After saying goodbye to the little guy, Xia An and the other five guests followed the staff and walked towards their temporary dormitory.

However, the program team told them that it was a temporary dormitory. In fact, when they arrived at the door of the temporary dormitory, they found that it was just a tile-roofed house of a local villager.

Really run down and shabby.

Looking at such a temporary dormitory, the guests fell silent.

Each of them doesn't say that they are particularly rich, but compared with ordinary people, they are completely rich.

Moreover, they have never lived in such a dilapidated tile-roofed house.

"All the male guests live in the room on the left, and the two female guests live in the room on the right."

Although the guests were extremely disgusted and even reluctant at all, who made them sign the contract and enter the wolf's den!

So he could only obediently live in this shabby and dilapidated 'temporary dormitory'.

"Is this where people live!"

"Why don't we pitch a tent to sleep!"

"Forget it, bear it, think about it and only record for three days."

Seeing that the staff had left and there were no cameras, several guests immediately complained.

However, it was too dark, and there were no electric lights in this temporary dormitory, only weak kerosene lamps, so they didn't realize at all that in fact, there was a very hidden small camera hidden in this temporary dormitory.

During the round of complaints, although all the celebrities complained, they were really tired after a hard day's work.

So these guests washed their faces and feet with a little water, and got ready to go to bed.

Maybe it was because they were too tired, no matter how bad their accommodation conditions were, they all fell asleep one after another.

But in this dark and windy night, when you can't reach your fingers, the guests don't understand... At this time, the recording of the show has already started!

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

There was a sound of walking slowly.

None of the sleeping guests knew that the danger had already arrived!