Delicate Mother of a Villain

Chapter 44


"bring it on! Challenger! " aired on Saturday, it was completely beyond everyone's imagination!

Although "Come on! Challenger! "The preview of "was indeed very successful, but in general routine operations, if the trailer is made too well, when the show is broadcast, it will not be as good as the trailer.

Because the trailer has already edited all the essence of the feature film into the trailer.

However, "Come on! Challenger! After the official broadcast of ", it was simply... so beautiful that it exploded!

After the first episode of Zombie Rising was over, all the viewers couldn't get enough of what they watched. Everyone subconsciously picked up their mobile phones, turned on their computers, and started discussing on the Internet or with their friends. .

So, in "Come on! Challenger! "After the show ended, within an hour, this show had already appeared on the top searched homepage! And the ranking is still very high!

And Xia An... and Xia Xingchen firmly occupy the top spot in the hot search!

#Xiaan Female Killer! # #新进男神夏安# #The cutest and smartest little zombie#

Waiting for the public opinion related to Xia An, it climbed to the hot search homepage in an instant, and it was almost about to contract the hot search!

[Xia An! My new male god! So handsome that he has no friends!]

[The female killer is simply perfect for Xia An! It's the female killer herself! That's right!]

[I want to say! Has Xia An turned on a cheat? This fighting power! It's too scary! It's really a headshot!]

[There is more! I can also shoot arrows!]

[I admire Xia An's ability to escape at the beginning! It's like slipping away without friends!]

[I thought that the main force of the six guests in the show would be a few male guests, but I really didn't expect...]

[It is said that the little zombie is played by Xia An's son? Oh my god! It's too cute!]

[Mom is so powerful, and my son is not inferior at all! The little zombie has eliminated many people!]

[2333 Jiang Chen was eliminated twice by the little zombie!]

[Hehehe! In front of Xia An, all male gods, oh no, all male creatures are scum! From today, Queen Xia is the only male god in my heart!]

[A weak question, isn't Xia An very delicate? How come the show is so powerful all of a sudden! It's not scientific at all, is it? !]

[I also think that Xia An's appearance is the best among all the guests. Could it be the effect arranged by the program group?]

[Yeah, maybe a substitute was used?]

[hehe! substitute? This is too ridiculous! If there is a substitute, why can't it be seen at all? Some sunspots should not be too sour, please! And whether Xia An needs a substitute, I think her looks alone are enough to make me a fan of her!]

[Because of his good looks, he fell in love with Xia An +1, Heizi, don't be sour, Xia An is so handsome that he will explode! If you think you need a substitute, find out the stone hammer to beep.]

Because of the broadcast of the show, Xia An's cool and handsome skills and quick reactions in the show made her attract countless fans!

Even though "Come on! Challenger! "This show is really good to watch, but I have to say that the person who really sublimates this show is Xia An!

If this program does not have Xia An as a guest, then this program can at best be regarded as a program that can be followed.

However, with Xia An as a guest with amazing physical fitness, the beauty of this show has been multiplied several times!

Even, because of Xia An's existence, it seemed that the force of this show could rise to Hollywood's standard!

So, Xia An, who is so cool and handsome and has no friends, but on the first night of the show, the number of fans suddenly increased from six figures to seven figures!

However, if there is powder, there will be black. Xia An is not RMB, everyone will like it. What's more, behind this, is there anyone still working on the cause of Hei Xia'an

Therefore, when everyone on the Internet is amazed at Xia An's skills and appearance, there are still some netizens and sailors who are questioning whether all of Xia An's behaviors in the show are true or false. Did you use a substitute

If it is said that it is only the public opinion that praises Xia An and praises the show, the popularity on the Internet may not be so high, and it will not last so long.

However, it was precisely because of doubts and controversies that the popularity of the show was getting higher and higher! The staying power will also be higher and higher!

Videos, pictures, all kinds of screenshots, this weekend night, the netizens who watched the show and discussed with each other on the Internet, it was Qi Qi who stayed up all night!

Just for-"Come on! Challenger! Xia An in ".

One night passed, and when the next morning, in "Come on! Challenger! "The staff were nervously looking forward to it, and they found that... their show was really a blast!

That's right, it was a complete explosion! Looking at the past on the Internet, it seems that they are all contracted by their program and Xia An alone!

Obviously, Xu Jinyang is the biggest star in the show! In addition, Xu Jinyang just won the title of best actor recently, which should have been the focus of the show.

As a result... Xia An has stolen the show's limelight by himself!

On the Internet, there are all kinds of fighting videos and photos of Xia An's beauty everywhere.

Among them, the one that received the most likes and retweets was Xia An's short video of less than one minute in the first hut, surrounded by countless zombies, climbing the window and climbing the wall, jumping on the tree to escape and disappear. up!

"bring it on! Challenger! When the staff of "Seeing Xia An's videos, photos and emoticons filled the screen, they were all dumbfounded!

And when they intercepted various data, they were even more shocked by the powerful data!

It hasn't been a day since the online video was updated in the early morning, or even half a day. But the number of hits on that video has already broken through eight figures.

Not to mention, all the most searched positions on Weibo were covered by Xia An, "Come on! Challenger! " and the other five guests of the program group were contracted!

Not to mention that among the big data extracted daily from various social software, Xia An and "Come on!" Challenger! " is also among the best!

You know, how difficult it is for a star or a program to get out of the circle.

And if the shows and stars in the entertainment circle, especially rely on things like reality shows to get out of the circle, then it's really... going to explode!

Although it is said that the TV station's program ratings are only released on Mondays, and now on Sundays, it is impossible to get the ratings of their programs.

However, all the "Come on! Challenger! "The staff members all know it! The ratings of their show are definitely very high! You must have got a very good start data!

So, they decisively called Han Yue who was still recording the show.

"Boss! Our show is popular! Xia An is popular! Now the Internet is full of discussions about our program and Xia An! The hot searches are all contracted by us! Just now we have received a lot of investment who want to invest in our program business phone number!…”

Listening to the excited yelling on the phone, even though Han Yue had already guessed what kind of picture would be after the show was broadcast, he was still stunned.

He had watched the final version of the program video a long time ago, and he knew how good their program was, and it was absolutely natural for them to get such a result.

However, at this moment, he still fell into a feeling as if he was in a dream.

After all, this is his first time as a screenwriter, and his first variety show!

Moreover, when he was nearly forty years old, it was a feat of a big adventure that was almost reborn!

With countless people's puzzlement and countless pressures, he gave himself a willful chance when he was almost halfway through his life...

Everyone is not optimistic about him, and everyone does not support him, however, he is now... successful!

Immediately, the eyes of this big man who never shed tears easily became moist.

Taking a deep breath, Han Yue worked hard to calm himself down.

"Well, okay, I see. You have worked hard recently. When I go back, I will give you a raise."

After hearing cheers from the other end of the phone, Han Yue hung up the TV, left the monitoring room, and walked towards Xia An's place with big strides.

At this time, Xia An was recording a show!

Because after experiencing the disastrous defeats in the first and second rounds, Han Yue's obvious opinion was to give up and compete with Xia An.

So it came according to his original intention. The theme of the third issue is survival in the wilderness in the true sense.

And it is also a more meaningful and profound theme. When human beings do not cherish the environment and suffer the backlash of nature, human beings become extinct, and animals and plants also mutate. In the end, there are only six human beings left on the earth...

The theme of this issue is to talk about the positive energy theme of protecting the earth's environment.

At this time, the first day of recording for this episode of the program has just started, and Xia An is currently in the 'new home' that the producer will live in for the next three days.

When Han Yue found her, Xia An was chopping wood that was easy to make planks with the simple stone tools she made herself.


After Xia An made another rough board, she felt that it was almost done, and she was about to go back and build a simple tree house.

Who knew, she saw Han Yue appearing in front of her so suddenly!

"Brother Han?"

Seeing Han Yue's appearance, Xia An was very surprised. Generally, when recording a program, if Han Yue hadn't read out the rules, he wouldn't appear in front of them.

"What new rules did you change?"

Thinking about her experiences in the previous two episodes, Xia An curled her lips and muttered.

However, unexpectedly, Han Yue rushed towards her without saying a word.


Moreover, looking at that posture, it seemed as if he wanted to rush over to hug Xia An.




With the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground and a scream, Han Yue fell to the ground with a beautiful throw over his shoulder by Xia An.

Fortunately, this is a forest, so even if it is thrown to the ground, it doesn't hurt too much.

"Xia An! You are too ruthless!"

Han Yue climbed up from the ground in embarrassment, and then patted his clothes with a lot of mud, really feeling dumbfounded.

However, I was so excited! I couldn't believe it, I felt as if I was in a dream with complicated emotions, but after being thrown by Xia An like this, he became a lot more normal in an instant.

"Who made you look like a pervert."

Xia An cast a disgusted glance at Han Yue, because she had experienced the physical habits of the apocalypse, so she didn't say that it would be fine if Han Yue was killed and maimed all at once.

She has restrained herself a lot!

"I just have something to say to you, and I just want to thank you."

Listening to Han Yue's words, Xia An blinked and muttered solemnly.

"Speak as you speak, don't touch me. There are more!"

Having said that, Xia An rested his chin with one hand, and said with a very serious expression, not joking at all.

"If you really want to thank me, then just give money or gifts directly."


For a moment, Han Yue only felt that he didn't seem so excited, so he wanted to thank Xia An, a great lucky star.

"You're a popular star now. In the future, it's better not to talk about things that are so realistic and material. It won't be used by someone with a heart, and it will become black material to blackmail you."

Listening to Han Yue's words, Xia An blinked her eyes, a little confused about what Han Yue was talking about.

"Brother Han, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

"Xia An, the first episode of our show is on the air! You're popular! This time it's really popular!"

Sometimes Han Yue really convinced Xia An's insensitivity to all kinds of information in the entertainment industry, and sometimes he had a feeling that Xia An was just a newcomer who had never been in the entertainment industry. ah.

But in fact, Xia An has been in this circle for a long time.

Maybe... it's too good to be protected

"I'm on fire? Are you sure I can still eat whatever I want?"

Xia An didn't feel much about the popularity of celebrities, she was only there for money, what kind of dream, that was just a joke, she is so realistic!

She came back from the last days, she just wanted to live as she wanted.

For now, her goal is to enjoy and... raise kids!

The villain of her family was given to the fat and fat one, who grew up safely and happily, and would no longer be abused by the future heroine.

"... Of course, if you want, you can open your own restaurant and eat whatever you want in the future. You don't have to worry about all kinds of things."

The corner of Han Yue's mouth twitched slightly, and he casually said one thing that celebrities do recently, which is to open a restaurant.

However, those celebrities who open restaurants are all for money, but Xia An is for the goal of making himself eat well and drink well.

"Open a restaurant?! This seems very good! But... will the cost be too high?"

Xia An's eyes lit up when he heard what Han Yue Suokou said.

In my mind, I already think that the idea of opening a restaurant is simply amazing!

Seeing what he said casually, Xia An actually thought about it carefully, and his heart was really moved!

Han Yue suddenly had an idea in his heart!

"It's okay, you are so popular now, as long as you accept a movie from the United States, you can open any restaurant you want!"

Speaking of this matter, Han Yue just felt a little angry!

This girl Xia An really doesn't look like a star at all!

If someone else has the opportunity to act in a movie by a famous Hollywood director, and still play the leading role, no matter what level of star they are, they will be crazy about Noh.

However, when this opportunity was placed on Xia An, it was completely useless.

Because Xia An actually refused... refused...

"Make a movie? Like I said, I don't know how to act."

Hearing about making a movie, Xia An subconsciously frowned.

"You don't need acting skills! The reason why Director Grace took a fancy to you is because your personality is very similar to that of the protagonist, cough! Of course, the key point is that they want you to be such a capable female star. So, You don’t need any acting skills, as long as the action scenes are in place.”

Listening to Han Yue's brainwashing explanations, Xia An thought about it carefully, and finally said.

"Okay, I'm thinking about it."

"..." Han Yue: As long as you are happy! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻