Delicate Mother of a Villain

Chapter 5


In the early morning, Xia An was still eating a sumptuous meal in his sleep.

As a result, the chicken legs and cake were just held in the hands, and before they were put into the mouth and eaten in one bite, they were woken up by the ear-piercing ringtone of the mobile phone.

Originally, Xia An decided to ignore the untimely call, but the little guy who was sleeping beside her was also woken up.

"Mom, your phone seems to be ringing..."

Seeing that the little guy was also woken up, Xia An opened his eyes angrily, and took the phone in his hand.

Looking at the unfamiliar number on the screen that didn't have a note, she frowned and connected the phone.

As a result, as soon as the call was connected, she heard—

"Miss Xia An, when are you going to pay the 300,000 liquidated damages?"

The voice on the phone is a woman's. The voice is very pleasant and the tone is very gentle. Even the words that are spoken are a little confusing.


Xia An rubbed his eyes, then looked at the phone again, only to feel that he had an auditory hallucination.

"Miss Xia An, if you don't pay our company's liquidated damages, then we will take legal measures against you..."

"Hehe! Scam calls are really high-end now, but I'm sorry, I'm not the kind of fool who would be fooled."

After speaking, the sleepy Xia An hung up the phone.

Hum hum! It's not a good feeling to get a scam call or something early in the morning.

What's more, she didn't even finish the big meal in her dream! gas!

"Mom, is it a call from a liar?"

Xia Xingchen watched Xia An hang up the phone with a bad expression on his face, he blinked his big watery eyes, and asked obediently.

"Well, it's a liar."

Xia An nodded decisively, saying that she owed 300,000 liquidated damages, how could that be possible!

How could she...

Eh? ! etc! Liquidated damages? ?

In an instant, Xia An, who was still sleepy, suddenly woke up sleepy.

She suddenly thought of what the original owner's former agent had told her a few days ago... The original owner seemed to owe liquidated damages!

"No way..."

Thinking of this, Xia An scratched his head irritably.

If that phone call just now wasn't a scam call, but real...

Then she doesn't really want to pay 300,000 liquidated damages? !

As soon as Xia An thought that her 580,000 would have to pay 300,000 in liquidated damages, her mood suddenly changed!

I lost more than half of my savings for no reason, so whoever would be happy to give it to someone!

Xia Xingchen, who was sitting next to Xia An, watched his fairy mother scratching her head indistinctly, looking very irritable, and leaned towards Xia An cautiously.

"Mom, are you unhappy?"

When she came back to her senses, Xia An looked at the little guy's cautious appearance. She took a deep breath and tried hard to control her emotions so that she wouldn't scare this well-behaved and sensible little guy.

"No, mom is thinking about what to make for you for breakfast."

Saying that, Xia An suddenly felt a little hungry.

As a result, the issue of liquidated damages was immediately forgotten by her.

Taking out his phone, Xia An turned his grief and indignation into appetite, and ordered again... A whole lot of breakfast! ! !

She had completely forgotten what she said to herself last night.

When Xia An finished another super hearty breakfast with a super large portion, she looked at herself in the mirror who had become a little more beautiful again, and her heart was full of wailing.

QAQ is not that she can't control her appetite! It's all because of the damn call for liquidated damages!

After Xia An threw the blame out, she felt much more comfortable.

But the comfort in my heart is a bit more comfortable, but...

"What the hell is liquidated damages?"

Although Xia An didn't want to think about the liquidated damages that made her heartbroken at all, in fact, she had already taken over the original owner's body, so the matter of liquidated damages naturally became her trouble.

Thinking of this, Xia An changed the itinerary he had made yesterday, and planned to help the little guy arrange a bedroom and buy a bed, but all of them were postponed.

After breakfast, Xia An took a fairy tale comic book bought yesterday and asked the little guy to read the comics by himself, while she sat at the desk in the bedroom and opened her notebook.

The only advantage of the original owner's profession as a star is that - anything, basically not too private, can be found on the Internet.

So after Xia An opened his notebook, he searched the Internet for the keywords 'Xia An' and 'Liquidated Damages'.

Sure enough, as Xia An expected, just inputting these two keywords allowed her to get all the information she wanted!

However, after finding the information she wanted, Xia An's mood was even worse than before! ! !

Because of the message displayed on the computer! ! ! There was more than one liquidated damages she owed! ! !

[Actress Xia An was revealed to have an illegitimate child, so she missed the upcoming big love show "Heartbeat Diary", and had to pay a large sum of liquidated damages!]

[National first love Xia An has a serious discrepancy with the image of a certain commercial filmed today due to the image problem of having a child out of wedlock! About to pay...]

[Recently, actress Xia An...]

Looking at the search results of 'Xia'an' and 'Liquidated Damages' all over the screen, Xia An felt her heart go cold!

She just counted carefully. There are at least five programs for liquidated damages that she wants to pay for!

Conservative estimates, there are less than a million!

And the original owner only left her...

Five hundred and eighty thousand RMB!

And because of her recent squandering, she now only has less than 570,000 yuan left!

If she was really required to pay a one million liquidated damages, what compensation would she have! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

besides! All the money was spent on liquidated damages, what money would she spend on those delicious foods! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

Just as Xia An was thinking about the troublesome liquidated damages that the original owner had left for her, she didn't know that she was taking advantage of the heat that hadn't dissipated when the scandal of adopting an illegitimate child was not over yet. , on a hot search.

[Vase actress Xia An Pengci's acting skills are exploding, she is really shameless and invincible!]

#Pengci, Xia An#

# Acting Explosion, Xia An#

Without Xia An's knowledge, she was on the hot search again!

And this hot search still has a video!

Originally, because of Xia An's illegitimate child, no one knew about it, so the popularity remained high.

She is the hottest and most topical female star recently.

Of course, the heat is black and red.

Now, as soon as Xia An's 'Pengci' video came out, of course it quickly became a hot search.

The video has only been posted for a while, and it already has hundreds of thousands of hits!

"Old Xu! Old Xu! Our show is saved! It is saved!"

Han Yue excitedly hugged the tablet computer while yelling, while rushing in from the door.

That ordinary face was full of excitement and joy at this moment.

Seeing the expression on Han Yue's face, the man called Lao Xu put down the guest list form in his hand in doubt.

"What's wrong? Did you get investment?"

Xu Lin looked at his friend amusedly, and joked with a smile.

The two of them are a pair of close friends. They all belong to the same school in high school and university, and their careers are also very well matched.

One is the director and the other is the screenwriter.

However, although their careers are very good, they have never cooperated.

The reason for not cooperating is very simple, that is, Xu Lin is a well-known director, while Han Yue is a screenwriter who has become a half-way monk.

Moreover, what he is good at and loves is writing screenwriters for variety shows.

However, now, their best friends are about to start their first cooperation soon! It is a large-scale wilderness survival star reality show produced by Han Yue and directed by Xu Lin!

But because Xu Lin is a 'newcomer' who has become a monk halfway through, so their programs are not favored by investors, and even the choice of celebrity guests, they don't have much right to choose.

"What kind of sponsorship? It's not bad if you come to ask for sponsorship. I'm just a little transparent."

Han Yue accepted his friend's words with a smile, laughed at himself, and then had a serious talk with his partner and friend.

"Xu Lin, look at this."

With that said, Han Yue handed the tablet in front of Xu Lin.

Xu Lin took the tablet computer handed over by Han Yue, looked at the video played on the computer, and finished it with a puzzled expression.

"How about it!"

When Xu Lin finished reading, Han Yue asked excitedly.

"How about what?"

On the other hand, Xu Lin was stupefied, he couldn't understand what his friends were excited about, and what they asked him to watch.

"What do you think of this female star! How about being our guest?"

As soon as Han Yue's words came out, the corners of Xu Lin's mouth twitched.

"Her? A guest on our show? Are you kidding me? Do you know that she is now in a semi-banned state because of the illegitimate child? Also, our show is Survival in the Wilderness. We invite her to be such a charming female star." Come to our show??? You are not mistaken, are you?"

The video that Han Yue showed Xu Lin just now was not someone else's video, but the video of Xia An Pengci that was on the hot search today.

However, after listening to Xu Lin's words, Han Yue not only was not shocked at all, but also expressed his point of view very excitedly.

"Old Xu, you don't understand this! This Xia An is on fire right now. Although, the fire is black. But, you can't deny that she is the hottest celebrity right now."

As he said that, Han Yue changed the video to Xia An and fell to the ground, crying so tenderly that I felt pitiful.

"Also, don't you think it would be interesting to have such a delicate guest in our show of survival in the wild? Think about it, a female guest who can't do anything, and a female guest who is full of black material , being thrown into a hard-working show like ours, will the audience wonder how she survived in the wilderness? Wouldn’t it be nice to see her being abused on the show?”

Xu Lin listened to Han Yue's words, thought about it carefully, and felt that what his friend said was really the same thing!

Who said that in the survival of the wilderness programs, all they need are such powerful guests!

If everything is like that, then what is there to see!

"What you said... seems to have some truth."

Xu Lin is also an old man who has been in the entertainment industry for a long time. After listening to Han Yue's words, he really felt that if he could invite Xia An as a guest, it would be a very good choice.

"Of course! The most important thing is—"

Han Yue opened the corner of his mouth, and smiled mysteriously at Xu Lin.

"What's the key?"

Xu Lin asked curiously.

"Xia An is cheap! In this way, our program team can save another sum of money for post-production!"