Delicate Mother of a Villain

Chapter 74


"Xu Tiantian?"

Xia An really did not expect that Han Yue would recommend such a candidate to her.

Although she didn't have much impression of this person, she still remembered him with her strong memory.

This Xu Tiantian is not someone else, but the young employee she met when she went to Hanyue Company to negotiate a contract for the first time.

"Ah, it's her. Why did you introduce her to me?"

Xia An looked at Han Yue with some puzzlement, completely unable to understand why Han Yue recommended such a person to her without thinking.

"Didn't you say that you want someone you can trust to take care of your business? Then I can say that Xu Tiantian is definitely the most suitable candidate."

Han Yue smiled and said with certainty.

However, listening to Han Yue's words, Xia An frowned.

"Really? Why do you say that?"

"This Xu Tiantian is not someone else, she is Lao Xu's niece."

"You said Xu Tiantian is Director Xu's niece?"

Xia An did not expect that the girl who had only met a few times before was the child of Director Xu.

"That's not right, the niece of the real relatives. Besides, Xu Tiantian is still your fan!"

Han Yue nodded with a smile, and told the two most important points why he recommended Xu Tiantian to be her manager.

Hearing that Xu Tiantian was still her fan, Xia An was really dumbfounded.

She said, why when she saw Xu Tiantian a few times ago, she always felt that the little girl was always absent-minded.

Feelings are her fans.

"And, it's not just that. The reason why I recommend her is because this child is also a graduate of a serious media school, and you know, she is Lao Xu's niece, and her family is also a little bit in the entertainment circle. Well-connected. Although Xu Tiantian is still a little young, it is more than enough to lead you, a big star who is already popular and does not have too much ambition and self-motivation."

After Han Yue's detailed analysis, Xia An really felt that the Xu Tiantian that Han Yue said was really the best choice for her to take care of her job in the entertainment industry.

He is a trustworthy person on Han Yue's side, and also a fan of hers. Thinking about it this way, how could he not betray her.

Therefore, Xia An nodded decisively.

"Okay, but since you're not going to be my manager, then a variety show is fine."

Although Xia An had already decided to use Xu Tiantian, he still took Qiao.

"Hey! Xia An, I said you are too stingy! Xu Tiantian is your manager, which is much better than me being your manager. In the end, you are better, and you even halved the conditions , why are you getting more and more picky now! Thanks to you being so hot now!"

Hearing Xia An's words, Han Yue subconsciously rolled his eyes, and started yelling.

It's just that Han Yue didn't take it to heart when he was yelling.

After all, he was already taking advantage of being able to get the priority of cooperation from Xia An, a stingy man.

In the future, there will be many people who want to cooperate with Xia An.

If he can get this right, it will be a great benefit.

Not to mention, Xia An really used Xu Tiantian as her manager now!

"Feel a loss? Okay, then we won't cooperate."

Xia An could also see that Han Yue was making fake noises, and he was actually quite satisfied.

So he said with a mocking smile.

"No, no, no, I'm very satisfied! I'm very satisfied! Don't worry, I'll take care of the agent for you right away! I'll tell Xu Tiantian right now to let her come to the United States to meet you first."

"Well, okay, I'll trouble you, Brother Han."

After saying goodbye to Han Yue, Xia An relaxed, thinking that her two children should be coming back.

As a result, just muttering in his heart, he saw his two little guys came back with scars.

"You guys... what's going on?!"

Xia An couldn't believe her eyes, her precious son, and the precious grandson of Mr. Gao's family had bruises and purples all over their faces, which looked especially shocking on their white and tender faces.

"Mom, we, we're fine, we just bumped into each other accidentally..."

Xia Xingchen saw that Xia An was at home and was caught by her, so he quickly pursed his lips and muttered in a low voice.

It's just that Xia Xingchen was very smart in front of others, but when he was in front of Xia An, he became a little fool.

That's not even the slightest lie!

Every time she lies to Xia An, her little head can't help but lower her head, and those big black eyes don't dare to look at Xia An at all.

As soon as she saw the little guy's appearance, she knew that her son must be lying.

However, even if the little guy doesn't lie or say anything, she can still guess that her precious son was injured in a fight!

Because the injuries on the faces of the two little guys were too obvious.

"Xiao Can, be good, tell Auntie the truth, what's going on."

Seeing his precious son's stubborn appearance, Xia An didn't force to ask one, two, three from his mouth at all.

After all, Gu Shumo's side is better for her.

Sure enough, Xia An hasn't threatened or lured her much yet, she just said such a sentence, and that kid Gu Shumo recruited everything.

"Sister Fairy,'s not our fault. Today is actually because of..."

After listening to Gu Shumo's words, Xia An finally understood that what happened today was all because her good son was in a single-parent family, and he was also of yellow race.

So, this has caused the situation today.


Xia An's mouth was tightly pressed together.

She didn't expect that she didn't encounter this kind of racial discrimination, but her good son did.

"Sister Fairy, you can't blame Xiaoxing for this. If you want to blame it, blame Xiaoxing for being too attractive to girls..." I like it.

Gu Shumo hadn't finished his last words when he saw Xia Xingchen jump to Gu Shumo's side and covered his mouth.

"Shut up! Why are you talking so much!"

"Mmmmm!" Xia Xingchen! Why are you so inhumane!

Seeing the appearance of the two little guys, Xia An burst out laughing.

She's not stupid. Although Gu Shumo didn't finish what she said just now, she also understood why these little brats fought.

Although there is indeed racial discrimination, but there is another very important point, that is—

My good son is really very popular with foreign girls, so this must have caused the jealousy of other boys!

But to be honest, in Jaejoon, his villain, Zai, doesn't seem to be that popular with girls, does he

But the male protagonist is very attractive to girls.


With infinite smile and ridicule in Xia An's eyes, he looked at the two little radish-headed heroes and villains.

So, is it because of her intervention that the situation has completely changed now

"So, Xiaocan, how did you get hurt? Could it be that you are also very popular with little girls?"

Xia An smiled and teased the two little guys.

I have to say that these two little guys are still a child. What Xia An said not only made Gu Shumo blush, but also made Xia Xingchen, who had always been a small adult, blush.

"No, no, Sister Fairy, I don't have Xiaoxing to please girls. There are six girls in our class, five of them like Xiaoxing, and the other girl is a man. Anyway, our class No one likes me."

"Gu Shumo!"

After Gu Shumo finished speaking, Xia Xingchen's face became even more rosy.

The little red face looks really cute, and I really want someone to take a bite of it.

This also made Xia An discover that, compared to Gu Shumo's beauty, his good son's appearance is really handsome without any girlishness.

And the girls in Europe and the United States are not like the handsome guys in Asia who prefer handsome boys, so my son is more popular than the male patron Gu Shumo in Europe, it seems... It's not unusual things.

"So how did you get hurt, little guy?"

"Me? I'm not here to protect him."

Gu Shumo touched his nose, held his head high, and said proudly.

Listening to Gu Shumo's words, Xia An really did not expect that the relationship between these two boys is so good now.

Although they are fighting all day long, but ah, the relationship between these two little guys is really developing towards the direction of brothers

If this is the case, then she is really happy to see it!

In this way, in the future that her family's villains will smash, there will be one less enemy and one more useful ally!

"Whoever wants you to protect me, if you didn't hold me back, I wouldn't have this injury on my face."

Xia Xingchen looked at Gu Shumo's proud appearance asking for credit from his fairy mother, and he wanted to kill this kid who robbed him of his mother.

Thinking about what happened today, he was really aggrieved.

If Gu Shumo hadn't picked up the love letter he threw away and read it out, he wouldn't have caused conflicts among those in the class.

Although, there is a bit of racism in it.

But those who can go to the IVY elite school not only have high IQ, but also have a strong family background.

Especially the class he was in, although the number of students in the class was very small, only fifteen people.

However, these fifteen people are all noble, not just rich.

Moreover, each of them maintains their aristocratic status, and if they want to maintain their aristocratic demeanor, how can they do such gang fights

So, after all, I blame Gu Shumo, a big fool!

"Hey! Xia Xingchen! I was beaten up to help you!"

"If it weren't for you, would there be such a thing today!"

"I, how could I think, anyway, I am loyal enough, and I will help you get beaten."

"Oh, I really do thank you."

Seeing the two little guys quarreling again, Xia An really couldn't laugh or cry.

She shook her head and pulled the two little guys to her side.

One left hand, one right hand, carefully inspecting the wounds of the two people.

After checking the two little guys up and down, inside and out, Xia An was able to confirm that the two little guys were really not lying.

Apart from some bruises and broken skin on his face, there were no serious injuries.

It's just that the two little guys have thin skin and tender flesh, and they look particularly scary.

However, even so, Xia An still felt very distressed.

After she brought iodine and bandages, she rubbed iodine on the two little guys.

"Hiss! Sister Fairy, it hurts so much."


As the saying goes, a child who can cry has milk to eat, and Xia An saw her good son who was silent, as if she didn't feel any pain at all.

Seeing how Gu Shumo started crying out in pain after getting a little bit of it, she sighed softly.

From this point alone, she could tell the difference between Gu Shumo and her good son.

Even if Gu Shumo doesn't have a good father who loves him, he does have a good grandfather who loves him.

Therefore, Gu Shumo still cries and acts like a baby.

It was all because of his happy childhood life.

Although he was abducted and trafficked for a while, because he was rescued by her in time, his psychology has not been twisted.

Still so sunny.


Xia An put her eyes on her good son, and looked at her son's face, which obviously had more wounds than Gu Shumo, but he still stood there quietly, letting her wipe it off. medicine.

At this time, there was an indescribable depression in her heart.

Who says a rebel is inherently a villain

If he had a loving parent, a loving family, and a sunny and loving childhood, would he still be a future villain

"Does it hurt?"

Xia An lowered his head and asked Xia Xingchen softly.

"Mom, I don't hurt."

Xia Xingchen shook his head and said softly.

Looking at the little guy's precocious and sensible appearance, at this time, she actually hoped that her good son could be more self-willed.

"Xiao Xing, just say it hurts. I am your mother, not an outsider. I can tolerate everything about you."

Xia An put the cotton ball in his hand aside, reached out and took the little guy into his arms, and said softly.

Hearing the gentle voice next to his ear, and smelling the warm and pleasant smell of his mother, Xia Xingchen's nose suddenly became sour.

"Mother… "

"Is it painful?"

"kindness… "

"Then let's Xiao Xing be more self-willed next time, okay? It hurts, so let's talk about it."

"kindness… "

"Tell me what you like and what you don't like."

"kindness… "

"If what mother did made Xiaoxing unhappy, she should say it."

"No matter what mother does, she will never make Xiaoxing unhappy."

"You child."

Gu Shumo, who was standing aside, saw Xia An hugging Xia Xingchen and talking so tenderly, he felt extremely jealous.

There was a flash of gloom in the dark and bright eyes.

The little face that was always bright-eyed suddenly darkened.

But immediately, a sunny and harmless expression appeared on his face again.

"Sister Fairy, it's not fair! I want to hug you too!"

Soon, after applying the medicine to the two little guys, Xia An began to think about the idea of giving the two little guys a fitness class.

Listening to what the two little guys said, this time the fight was between the two of them and five of them!

So this will hang the lottery.

If it's two against two, or two against three, they won't be hurt.

After all, of these two little guys, one has learned taekwondo, and the other has learned fighting self-defense from Xia An, which was refined in the last days.

Therefore, the fighting power of these two little guys is not bad, which didn't let the group of foreign students who grew up eating steak and who were tall and powerful, take advantage of it.

But after all, there is a difference in size. If those people go back to practice fighting skills after returning this time, the two little guys will definitely not get away as easily as this time.

Therefore, this gave Xia An the idea of teaching the two little guys fighting skills again.

"Xiao Xing, Xiao Can, from now on, you all have to get up early every day to learn martial arts from me."

Xia An patted the heads of the two little guys, and said immediately.

Moreover, she has already planned to use space water to improve the physical fitness of the two little guys.

Although it is said that his precious son has the jade pendant left by Xiao Hei to improve his physical fitness, but in the end, he still does not have the space water full of aura.

Especially the little guy Gu Shumo didn't have his son's jade pendant as a gold finger, and his physical fitness was even worse.

She thought about it, and added the fighting skills she taught through physical conditioning.

She believes that in the future, let alone two against five, even if it is two against ten, these two little guys in her family will definitely be able to do it calmly!

Of course, if the opponents are those ordinary little guys.

"Really?! Sister Fairy, can I also learn from you like Xiaoxing?"

When Gu Shumo heard Xia An's words, his eyes lit up immediately, and his whole face was full of excitement.

Because he had seen Xia Xingchen's beating moves today, and that attack power was simply a big drop from the taekwondo he had learned.

So don't mention how envious he is.

And now that Xia An offered to teach him, how could he be unhappy

After all, he is still a boy, and boys like this kind of fighting and killing.

"Yes, but I want to say first, if you learn from me, you can't complain, or give up halfway."

"Yes! Fairy Commander!"

Gu Shumo imitated the policeman on TV again and made a salute gesture.

Looking at Gu Shumo's funny appearance, Xia An shook his head in a funny way.

This Gu Shumo and her family's Xia Xingchen are really two different extremes.

But to be honest, the little hero in front of her is really very different from the hero her sister said.

"Mom, don't you scold us that fighting with classmates may cause you trouble?"

Compared to Gu Shumo's excitement, Xia Xingchen was much more hesitant.

Because, he was thinking about everything for Xia An.

Instead of protecting himself, the person he wants to protect more is his fairy mother.

Listening to the little guy's words, Xia An froze for a moment, then looked at Xia Xingchen tenderly, and shook his head gently.

"Mom is not afraid of trouble, but mother is only afraid that you will be bullied outside."

"And, this time, it's not your fault. Xiaoxing, don't let others bully you because you are afraid of trouble. If we are not wrong, then don't be afraid and fight back with confidence."

"Of course, we can't hit people first. Xiao Xing, Xiao Can, you have to remember that even if we want to hit people, we must stand on the commanding heights of morality. , even if you want to hit someone, you have to be able to find fault."

"Of course, the most important thing is to wait for the other party to make the first move!"

If this was the end of the world, Xia An would definitely not have said such a thing.

But now this is a peaceful world, and the place where the two little guys stay is not an ordinary place, so she can only educate the two little guys in this way.

Although, according to her original intention, it is... something that can be resolved by force, so she will definitely not beep.

"Well, Mom, I see."

"Sister Fairy, I remember!"

In this way, "Xia'an's Star House" has ushered in a new content that can be photographed, but, relatively, the photographers have a harder life every day.

Because, this novel new shooting location is that every morning at six o'clock, Xia An will take the two little guys to practice fighting moves and exercise their physical fitness!

And every morning, Xia An would personally cook a nutritious meal for the two little guys.

The photographers watching are envious and jealous!

Not only to get up early, but also to watch the two little guys eat such a delicious breakfast.

Let this group of brothers and uncles who have already grown up complain one after another, Xia An is someone else's mother!

With this new exercise, the life of Xia An and the two little guys became more nourishing and nourishing.

At the same time, they also moved into a new hotel.

The new hotel is also a five-star hotel, and the three of them lived in the best luxurious presidential suite in the hotel.

Although the presidential suite this time is not as large as the previous presidential suite, this presidential suite is currently the most suitable for Xia An and the two little guys.

Because this suite comes with a hanging garden, every morning, Xia An leads the two little guys to practice their fighting skills while bathing in the warm sunshine.

This really satisfied Xia An.

However, the only thing that makes Xia An dissatisfied is... In this presidential suite, there are 'garbage' left by the previous owner everywhere.

[Dear Angel: Good morning, I really hope that I eat your breakfast with you. —Teles loves you the most.] [Dear Angel: This bouquet of invincible eternal flowers is like my love for you. —Teles loves you the most.]

[Dear Angel:...]

Xia An looked at the delicate little card that she found almost every day, she was going crazy!

When she was cooking, she took the cutlery out of the cupboard and a little card would fall out!

When you accidentally watch a small ornament, the small card will also come out.

Even if you are sleeping on the bed and accidentally touched under the pillow, a little card will appear!

God knows how many small cards that psychotic Tres left in this presidential suite!

And they're all gross, following her like a shadow!


Seeing that when she took out toilet paper in the last toilet, she could draw a small card to greet you and show love to you, Xia An really couldn't bear it!

"Han Yue! You inform the person in charge of this hotel! If they don't clear all the small cards in my room, we will terminate our cooperation with them!"

After Xia An finished making the phone call, he threw the small card into the toilet. After watching it being flushed into the sewer, he felt a lot better.

She really didn't understand what the hell this Tres was doing.

Neither of them had seen each other before, but this man just chased her like this.

It's just so exhausting.

Now that I think about it, Tres must have known in advance that she would stay in the presidential suite of this hotel, so that's why he prepared so many cards in advance!

It's really annoying!

Xia An, who originally hated Tres because of a hot pot meal, this time under the attack of the ever-present confession cards, she hated this foreigner she had never met even more.

Angry, Xia An went to the "Return to Earth" program group.

The good thing is that today her role is still playing, not a delicate emotional scene.

Therefore, Xia An's filmed with anger in his heart was quite good. After all, it was a fight scene, and the impact was quite strong, especially with aura.

"Haha, Ann, our whole family is your fan now! We all like the star house you took with your son! My sister wants you to sign her too!"

"Ann, I heard that Tres is chasing you? You must not agree to that bad boy, he is bothered. If you want to choose, you might as well choose Lionel. He can be more homely than that kid. too much!"

"Yeah, Lionel just broke up with his girlfriend recently, you two are really good for each other!"

"By the way, where is the filming of Star House now? Can you give us a spoiler?"

"Ann, you can bring your son to visit us next time."

Because of the broadcast of Star House, Xia An is even more popular in the crew now!

And even if Xia An's personality is more casual, what he says is often not pleasant.

But the strange thing is that she is very popular with foreigners.

In any case, everyone in the crew liked Xia An very much.


"I see."


Xia An, who was tired of coping, finally got rid of this group of people, he was a little tired and didn't know what to say.

She still prefers the time when everyone didn't gossip with her in the beginning, but when they seriously acted with her.

"Ann, the filming of the film is almost finished, and the program team and I are now considering when to make an official announcement for you as the heroine."

Xia An had just sat in her chair to rest for a while, when Director Grace walked over and stood in front of her.

"Huh? Isn't the movie going to be released next year? There's no rush for the official announcement, right?"

Xia An looked at Grace suspiciously, and said a little strangely.

"It's good that the movie won't be released until next year, but the publicity still needs to be publicized. The other actors' roles have already been officially announced, and now you, the heroine, are left to be announced."

Listening to Grace's words, Xia An nodded, expressing her understanding.

"Okay, director. However, I don't care when the official announcement is made for you to order."

Xia An said with a smile.

Anyway, it didn't make much difference to her whether the movie was announced earlier or later.

She is busy now, and she doesn't have much energy to deal with other announcements.

Therefore, Xia An didn't care too much about the official announcement to increase his status sooner or later.

"Haha, Ann, you are definitely the most unambitious entertainer I have ever seen. I don't know if you are good or not. But, Ann, I like your character very much."

Grace laughed when he heard Xia An's answer. To be honest, everyone is staring at the movie "Return to Earth" now.

Among them, the most concerned is who is the mysterious heroine who has not been officially announced.

If he were an ordinary artist, he would want to hype up the day the contract was signed.

But Xia An was fine, but she didn't care at all, as if she didn't care if she was officially announced or not.

This kind of 'indifferent to fame and fortune' style is really too special in the vanity fair of the entertainment industry.

This also made Grace really like Xia An, a foreign actor with good professional ability and hard work, but no "ambition" from the bottom of his heart.

"No, I'm not as tall as you say."

Xia An faintly felt that she seemed to be considered too high, she was not a person who broke away from vulgar interests!

She is worldly!

"Haha~ Ann, I'm looking forward to showing myself in the second issue of your star cabin."

Well, she'd better stop explaining, anyway, the explanation couldn't be explained clearly.

After the movie was finished, Xia An returned home, just like last week, after taking a bath, he prepared a lot of food, and sat in front of the TV with the two little ones, waiting for the first episode of "The Cabin of the Stars". The second broadcast.

And the broadcast of the second episode, at the beginning, made all the audience friends sitting in front of the TV completely dumbfounded!

Because it connected the end of the previous issue, at the beginning of this issue, Xia An went to the set to discuss character issues with the director.

Although, at the beginning of the second issue, when Xia An went to see the director, he didn't give a positive face.

And, most importantly, probably because of the confidentiality agreement, sound processing was also done during the negotiation with the director.

However, there was still a group of sharp-eyed viewers who saw that the director who appeared in the second issue was the internationally renowned director Grace!

Therefore, this episode of the program is still very exciting, even better than the first episode!

but! The focus of the second issue is entirely on the director who appeared at the beginning and didn't show his face!

This time, before the show was over, many foreign netizens started discussing it online.

[etc! Is the director who appeared at the beginning of Star House Director Grace?]

[It looks like the back! However, is Angel an actor? How did you come into contact with Director Grace?]

[Could Angel be acting in the new movie directed by Grace?]

["back to Earth"? I heard that the heroine is an Asian actress. Could it be that this Asian actress is Angel? !]

[Wow! It feels very possible! What should I do, I look forward to seeing Angel's performance!]

[No way, although Angel is popular now, it didn't seem to be very popular before. It should be impossible for Grace to lead the heroine, right?]

[It may also be that Director Grace has always been interested in strength, not fame. I think, if the director at the beginning is really Grace, then it is very likely that Angel is the heroine of "Return to Earth"!]

[But I heard that the heroine in "Return to Earth" has a lot of fighting scenes. Angel, a petite girl who needs protection, probably doesn't have that ability?]

[Why do you have to think that Angel is the heroine? Since the heroine of the movie "Return to Earth" is Asian, the other small supporting roles may also be Asian.]

Amidst the endless discussions on the Internet, the second issue of "Xia'an's Star House" once again occupied the status of a hot topic.

And, this time, the popularity of the second issue even surpassed that of the first issue!

Even after the broadcast, it was already on the hot search abroad!

The next day it was even the headlines on the front page of the newspaper!

And the reason for all this is not only that "Xia An's Star House" is really good-looking, but also because the director who appeared at the beginning of Xia An is likely to be Grace!

And Xia An is likely to be the heroine of the most anticipated movie recently - "Return to Earth"!

Therefore, all of these made Xia An once again popular in the foreign entertainment industry, and became the most talked about female star at present!

And she is also the first Chinese female star to occupy the foreign hot search list in history!

The second episode of Star House was aired. Countless programs and talk shows were discussing the hot search effect of Xia An, a small Chinese star, in the United States.

They were also speculating whether the director who appeared in the Star Cabin was Grace.

And is Xia An the mysterious heroine in Grace's new movie

So that's it, the Star House has only aired two episodes, and Xia An has already exceeded the expectations of the program group and FX TV station, and has become a shining new traffic star in the United States.

She has successfully survived in the cruel entertainment market of the United States, and has become a traffic actress with countless fans.

Of course, Xia An, who became popular abroad and dominated the trending topics and headlines, is also dominating the trending topics and headlines in China!

It's just that, although it is compared to the United States, it is a day or two later in the evening.

Although it is said that domestic netizens can go over the wall to find resources for Star House abroad.

But those who can climb over the wall are still in the minority.

And even if you find it, you can't understand the English on the screen.

Therefore, it was really a few days late when domestic netizens found out about director Grace's stalk.

But even though it was a day or two late, the degree of influence was no less than that in the United States!

Especially, because it was Xia An, this explosive speculation was even bigger than the reaction from the United States!

[Gosh! Was the director who appeared in the first issue really Grace? !]

[Xia An is really the heroine of "Return to Earth"? !]

[Am I dreaming! Isn't Xia An banned? When did such a good resource become available? !]