Delicate Mother of a Villain

Chapter 81


As soon as Gucci's official Weibo was posted, it caused a huge response on the Internet.

After all, the topic of Xia An and the Gucci image ambassador is still at the top of Weibo's hot search list.

Comparing the two, it really makes people feel... Xia An's face really hurts this time!

Compared to Xia An whose face was 'swollen' by others, another female star Liang Jiayi who is related to Gucci is much more beautiful!

As the image ambassador of Gucci women's accessories in China - Liang Jiayi, she has really been very popular recently.

Because Gucci's official Weibo official announced that he is the image ambassador of the China region, his net worth has risen again.

Although it has not officially started shooting commercials for Gucci, the Paris fashion show this spring has already entered the invitation list.

In particular, this list is an invitation personally sent by the Gucci brand, inviting Liang Jiayi to go to Paris to watch the spring fashion show.

You know, although there are not a few celebrities who can go to the fashion week to watch the show, but there are not many celebrities who are invited to watch the show by the top international luxury goods!

Therefore, how miserable Xia An has been in the domestic Internet recently, Liang Jiayi is so beautiful.

For a moment, Xia An was slightly overwhelmed by the limelight, and everyone on the Internet was praising Liang Jiayi.

[Liang Jiayi indeed seems to be more qualified to be Gucci's image ambassador than Xia An!]

[Compared to the vase actress Xia An, I really prefer to see Liang Jiayi get Gucci's image ambassador.]

[Xia Anmei is beautiful, but when it comes to texture, Liang Jiayi is even better!]

[Gucci still has vision, Liang Jiayi's face is more advanced at first glance.]


"Sister Tiantian, domestic public opinion is becoming more and more unfavorable to Miss Xia An, should we act now?"

In the studio of Xia An's assistant team, Xiaoli saw more and more public opinion on the Internet that was not good for Xia An, and she was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

However, compared to Xiaoli who is in a hurry, Xu Tiantian is like a fake fan and a fake manager.

That's not a rush at all.

"No, I'm waiting."

The corners of Xu Tiantian's lips curled up. Looking at the public opinion that was not friendly to Xia An that had been sorted out by his assistant Xiaoli, his eyes were cold.

Looking at the domestic public opinion, it was not difficult for her to guess what trick Liang Jiayi was playing.

If those little tricks were put on others, they might be of some use, but if they were put on their goddess, they would be of no use at all.

Other than being able to hurt yourself, there is no use for anything else.

"Wait? Sister Tiantian, how long do we have to wait? Others are bullying us!"

Hearing that Xu Tiantian actually said that he had to wait, and that Xiaoli, who had been dealing with those black Xia'an public opinion all day long, was very angry.

"You need to hit seven inches to hit a snake, do you understand that now is not the best time."

Xu Tiantian shook her head speechlessly, nodded Xiaoli's head, and looked at Xiaoli as if she was looking at an idiot.

Although Xiaoli still doesn't quite understand what Xu Tiantian means, she has come forward, and Xu Tiantian is holding back her big move.

Although I still feel a little bit distressed that my goddess is still being blackmailed by people in China, but after all, the right to make decisions is not in her hands, and she also believes in Xu Tiantian's ability.

"Well, Miss Tiantian, I see."

Xu Tiantian smiled, and then focused her attention on the comments made by her own goddess.

She looked at the words that praised Liang Jiayi in the comments, and the news that Liang Jiayi was about to go to Paris Fashion Week to watch the show, a cold light flashed in Xu Tiantian's eyes.

It seems that she needs to move a little faster...

Thinking of this, she took out her mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Hi, is that Mr. Dalton? I think... we can..."

While Xu Tiantian was busy with Xia An's affairs, Xia An was also busy with her own company.

Central Shopping City, the largest shopping mall in the United States, has a total construction area of 5.1 million square feet and is divided into six floors.

The shops in the shopping center are of various types, including cheap products, light luxury brands, and similarly, high-end luxury brands.

Anyway, no matter what brand or item, there are only things you can't think of here, and there is nothing you can't buy.

And the company brand CH founded by Xia An is located in this largest shopping mall.

Moreover, the location of the store is very good. It is on the skin care product floor near the elevator. It can be said that anyone who comes to buy skin care products will see Xia An's skin care product store at first sight.

On this day, CH officially opened, and the door of the store was filled with opening flower baskets.

However, Xia An, as the owner, did not appear in the shop, but used the high-definition surveillance in the shop to watch every move in the shop and at the door.

In fact, she wanted to go to the store on the first day it opened.

However, she is an artist after all, and she doesn't want people to know that she is the owner of CH.

Therefore, being cautious, she could only choose to watch the surveillance at home.

Looking at several large and small video frames, although there were not many people in the store at the beginning, after moving her 'human signboard' out, more and more people came in one after another out of curiosity. more and more...

"Wow! Isn't that Angel?"

"Yeah, is this newly opened skin care store related to Angel?"

"Eh? That seems to be a Xia An figure stand! It can't be a product endorsed by Xia An, right?"

Countless foreign names and domestic tourists, after seeing Xia An's human-shaped stand, all of them were attracted and walked over.

And with the idea of going in to have a look without paying money, he walked in.

As soon as they walked in, everyone was stunned by the scene in the shop.

It wasn't the decoration of the shop that surprised them. After all, the decoration of the shop was pretty, but it didn't surprise them.

After all, this is the largest shopping mall in the United States. There are many shops, but there are not too many well-decorated shops.

What really shocked them was Xia An who appeared on countless advertising screens in the store!

Whether it was the static Xia'an electronic poster or the dynamic Xia'an advertising video, none of them made everyone immersed in this breathtaking beauty.

Especially the dynamic advertising video. Everyone who saw Xia Anchun's delicate, transparent and impeccable skin under her plain makeup in the video was all tempted.

"This set of skin care products seems really good, Angel's skin is really good!"

"Is this the kind of skin care product that Angel usually uses? I feel like I can buy a set!"

"Honey, look at the set of skin care products endorsed by Xia An, which is quite good, and the price is not expensive."

"But... It's hard for me to go abroad, and I still want to buy some ladies' products..."

Although it is said that there is a living signboard of Xia An, but, after all, it is a product that no one else has ever heard of.

Moreover, among the crowd of people who came to watch the fun, few were fans of Xia An.

Therefore, although a lot of people poured into the store for a while, the price of skin care products is indeed not too expensive.

However, just like this, there are still very few people who buy it.

And at this time, when everyone's desire to buy is not too strong, a scene that no one expected happened!

I saw a group of women wearing high-end luxury brand ready-made clothes, dressed in a very noble and elegant manner. After a woman who looked like a rich wife appeared, this relatively large shop suddenly became lively.

"This is the brand that Angel introduced to us."

"That's right, last time I used the set of CH that Angel gave me, it's only been a week, and I feel that the wrinkles around my eyes have lightened a lot."

"I also think that your crow's feet seem to have faded a lot. It's the brand recommended by Xia An. The price is really cheap. It's so easy to use. I don't understand what the owner of this brand thinks."

"That's right, if it wasn't for the fact that Diana used it and it was really effective, I really feel that buying it is too embarrassing for such a small price."

"Forget it, forget it, as long as it's easy to use. This opening, let's buy a little more, and let's treat it as a compliment to Angel."

This group of people is none other than the group of wives that Xia An met at Xia Xingchen School last time.

Because Xia An wanted to attract more customers for her company, she also specially gave a set of skin care products to the lady who asked her about skin care products at the beginning, and also told when and where the store would open .

No, this group of wives who used it and thought it was really useful came here on the opening day!

And Xia An really didn't expect it! Such an unintentional move of hers actually brought her another big surprise!

"This set, give me a hundred pieces."

When the counter lady heard what a woman from a certain wagon group said, she was stunned.

"Ma'am, do you really need so much?"

Faced with a big order of one hundred sets, the counter lady was really frightened.

"That's right, one hundred sets, delivered to this address."

Under the incomparable shock, the lady at the counter digested the information, she nodded, and just wrote it down, but the other expensive ladies also spoke out.

"Two hundred sets."

"Three hundred sets."

This group of noble ladies seemed to be comparing each other, one bought more than the other.

And when other people saw this group of wives who looked very wealthy, the clothes they wore, the jewelry they wore, the bags they carried, and the shoes they wore were all expensive luxuries. !

But such a group of wealthy ladies would actually buy such 'affordable' goods

This is absolutely impossible!

Absolutely, absolutely, something went wrong!

But after seeing the list of those products, the ladies signed their names and swiped their cards, everyone really realized that this is really not their dream!

It's a real reality!

"I'll go, such rich women come here to buy skin care products, and they buy so many sets, it must mean it's really good, right?"

"The skin of that group of women is really good. It looks like it is well maintained. They buy so many CH skin care products, do they really work well?"

"Honey, I really think the skin care products here are not bad. Otherwise, let's buy a set and try it out first? Anyway, it's only more than a thousand, and it's not very expensive."

"Well, I also think it's not bad."

So, under the leadership of the expensive wives group, those who come to the store to "hang out" without buying anything, all of them have become CH's customers.

Everyone lined up in front of the counter and bought the set products that the expensive wives bought just now.

However, soon, countless people began to regret why they didn't buy it in the first place!


"I'm really sorry, all the products in the store are sold out today. If you want to buy them, you can come back in the afternoon."

The person in charge of the store didn't expect that the products in the store sold out so fast!

What they thought was enough inventory would sell out so fast!

It's not even noon yet, and all the set products have been sold out, leaving only scattered single-sale products.

After all, no one thought that the group of noble wives who came here would be so crazy, just like wholesale, buy, buy, buy in their store!

"However, although the set is gone, we still have our single-sell products. You can look at the single-sell products, which are the same as the set products."

Listening to the words of the person in charge of the shop, the others were all howling!

It was a regret in my heart! Regret when they first came in, why not buy it

Sometimes people are so 'cheap', they don't want to buy something when no one buys it, but when they see someone buy it and it's sold out, they will eagerly want to buy it.

Therefore, even if the person in charge of the store has explained that the products sold individually are exactly the same as the set, most people still choose to wait until the afternoon to buy the set products.

Seeing that all the products in the store were sold out, Xia An blinked her eyes in disbelief at first, and then a smile bloomed on her face.

She really didn't think of it!

The group of noble wives who had been wooed unintentionally, turned out to be so magnanimous!

The number of purchases is still hundreds of sets!

Forget about the purchasing power, what surprised Xia An the most was the sales volume driven by these noble ladies!

Seeing that the more they were out of stock, the more people wanted to buy them, Xia An really felt what hunger marketing was.

However, what Xia An didn't think of was really behind.

No one expected that the scene where the expensive wives came to buy the scene was actually recorded and posted on the Internet.

So this was a good time, but it caused a sensation, and indirectly advertised Xia An's shop for free!

As for why it is an advertisement

Because after this video was posted on the Internet, it aroused the curiosity of countless people!

The gossiping netizens have already figured out in detail the value of the clothes worn by this group of expensive wives within an hour of posting the video.

It really proved that this group of people are rich people!

And such rich wives actually buy so many products in a newly opened store, isn't that an indirect explanation, are the products really easy to use

So, it’s okay if this video is not posted, once it is posted, the CH skin care store in the afternoon, once again, the products are sold out!

No one expected that there were more people coming in the afternoon than in the morning!

After a busy day, the girls at the counter are so busy!

And at this time, Xia An's CH skin care product store also succeeded, occupying the hot topic on the foreign Internet!

[Do you know CH skin care store? The skin care product endorsed by Angel is simply terrible. I followed the trend to buy this skin care product that is not too expensive in the afternoon. I didn’t expect that when I arrived, there were so many people in the store that they didn’t say anything, and the products in the store were still available. All sold out! This is the first day!]

[Although I have never used CH, I feel that it is very easy to use, so I was lucky enough to buy two sets!]

[I beg those who bought more to sell me a set! I can add money!]

[I have to say, Angel's advertisement is really beautiful! When I finished buying the product, I asked the clerk to send me a poster of Angel, it’s so beautiful~]

[I'm so angry, why do some people buy so much! I lined up all afternoon and still didn't get anything!]

[Although the price of CH is not expensive, I just don’t know if it’s easy to use. Use it for a week first, and I’ll give you a review next week!]

[Tomorrow morning I'm going to line up to buy CH! Do you have any friends?]


[I am coming too!]


Although Xia An didn't deliberately spend a huge amount of money to advertise her products on the opening day, even after she finished filming the commercials for her skin care products, she didn't put them on TV.

However, this sales volume broke through a terrible number on the first day!

Originally, the clerks thought that today was an exception, and that the sales would drop later and reach a normal state.

However, on the second and third day, they still sold out all the products in the store every day. At this time, they realized that their products were really popular!

It really became popular without any marketing plan!

The reason why this skin care product store became popular is partly because of the influence of the expensive wives group, but more, it is because of the star effect!

Because of a Xia An star poster, many foreign fans of Xia An organized a group to buy CH skin care products.

Of course, most of them are men...

After the fifth day, the situation in the store still hasn't changed. Some people still buy a lot of sets as soon as they come, which leads to the situation that many customers who line up behind can't buy them.

Even because of this reason, some scalpers doubled the sales of their products.

Therefore, CH's sales team issued new sales rules in a timely manner.

Each customer can only buy a maximum of two sets a day.

After the promulgation of this new rule, unexpectedly, more people bought it.

Every day, in the CH store, there is never a shortage of customers who buy products...

And when the daily sales of CH products were very impressive, Xia An was coerced and lured by Xu Tiantian into the "Big Bang" crew.

Even if Xia An didn't want to act anymore, she had to.

One is because Xu Tiantian has already signed a contract with them, and the other is because... the product CH she created can appear on TV!

Will give her home product shots!

Of course, this shot must have been taken from Xia An herself.

But speaking of it, Xia An also liked the script of "Big Bang".

The story is very interesting. It tells the story of an ordinary, timid, aggrieved and honest man. After learning that he has a terminal illness, the hero writes a wish list and decides to make a fuss before dying.

So, began the crazy, funny, and absurd journey with a little tears.

And the character Aurora she plays, she actually likes it quite a bit, after all, this character is a big boss!

All the clips that were filmed were either enjoying themselves, fighting and killing people, or eating and drinking.

This is also an important reason why Xia An joined the crew willingly in the end~

And most importantly, the role of Aurora is really not much at all.

If the filming is based on her role, the filming of this role can be finished in a few days.

No, after the filming of the scene where Aurora's role just appeared today is over, her role today is considered to be finished.

"Cut! Angel, you did a great job!"

Brian looked at Xia An's appearance, and recalled Xia An's aura when he was filming just now, he was so happy.

He originally liked the character of good and evil written by the screenwriter very much, but it was just because this role was too difficult to play.

There are not many actresses who can play neutral roles in the entertainment industry, but there are basically not many actresses who can play such aura and are proficient in fighting scenes.

And even if there is, they are all big names, how can they condescend to play a supporting actress

And they are acting in movies, not American dramas.

Therefore, for the role of Aurora, in the end, when there is really no good candidate, the role of this role has to be suppressed a little less.

Until he saw a small movie clip sent by his friend, which made him know a Chinese actress like Xia An.

Finally, at all costs, after signing Xia An, he hurriedly started to fill in Aurora's role.

Because this TV series had already filmed two episodes before Xia An joined the group. As long as Xia An's two episodes are completed, it can be broadcast on the TV station.


After Xia An took a cup of milk tea from the assistant's hand and drank a few sips, the makeup artist and stylist began to make her look for the next scene.

Although it seems that there are not many roles for this role, basically, the role of Aurora, once she appears on the stage, is just a look!

And some of Aurora's looks really need a lot of time to put on makeup.

The scene that Xia An filmed just now was her first scene.

It was also the scene where he accidentally saved the male lead who wanted to die.

And she also has to be very domineering when she comes on stage, her aura is at an incredible height of 2.8 meters.

Of course, if you can act aggressive by standing there, Xia An might not be very good at it.


The scene that just appeared on the stage was a full-fledged fight scene, so Xia An can really perform that kind of awesome aura.

Just according to Xia An's real skill, let alone 2.8 meters! Even if it's 3.8 meters, Xia An can beat it, oh no, it's more than enough to act.

But when Xia An was preparing the styling for the next scene, she didn't know that she was already the woman who conquered the entire crew for the first scene alone!

Whether it was the female staff behind the scenes or the actresses present on the set, none of them were conquered by Xia An's handsome appearance and neat skills!

"Angel's men's clothing is so handsome! Oh my god! I think I'm going to fall in love with her!"

"It's the first time I've seen an actress dressed as a man, she can look so good-looking and handsome! She's so handsome!"

"Oh my God, I really want to be Angel's girlfriend!"

"I was dumbfounded just now! It's a pity that I didn't have any scenes with Angel, so disappointed..."

"Hey, I have a scene with Angel! I want to dance with Angel then!"

"Wow! I envy you so much!"

"I really want to dance with Angel..."

The women on the set were all obsessively waiting for Xia An to appear on stage again with a new look.

And when Xia An came out with a new look, everyone, oh no, all the women, they were so handsome that Xia An couldn't breathe!

Xia An in the new look is simply handsome to a new height!

If we say that Xia An, who just appeared on the stage, is the image of a domineering big brother.

Then Xia An, who appeared again, was wearing an elegant black tuxedo, with gold-rimmed eyes on the bridge of his nose. Perhaps because of his shape, his aura was very restrained.

He looked like a noble and aloof noble son.

However, those deep eyes reveal that this man is mysterious and not simple.

"Oh, Angel, it's amazing, the character Aurora seems to be made for you."

Brian looked at Xia An's second look, and said with emotion beyond words.

Hearing Brian's praise, Xia An thanked him very calmly.

She actually likes men's clothing.

Never thought that she could be so handsome in men's clothing!

It really looks much more pleasing to the eye than women's clothing!

Xia An also said rather narcissistically.

And just when the second scene was filming, an accident happened.

No one thought that Xia An's appearance was so handsome that the actress who cooperated with Xia An in the filming of the opposite scene actually—

"Is she dizzy?!"

"Hey! Wake up! Wake up!"

"My God! I'm really dizzy!"

Everyone didn't know what to say. Looking at the actress who fainted on the ground, everyone fell silent.

No one would have thought that Xia An's look... It's really exaggerated to be so handsome!

"Then... change to another actress."

However, what I didn't expect was that the second actress also fainted very disappointingly!

Originally, Brian wanted to try to change to a third actress, but because today's filming was a supplementary scene, there were not many actresses who came, and more importantly, some actresses couldn't compete with Xia. The hit scene, otherwise it will mess up with other plots.

So in the end...

"Carl, come and waltz with Angel."

"Ah I?!"

Carl is none other than the dickish actor of this American drama.

"That's right! It's you! Now the plot has changed, so..."

Brian also had a flash of inspiration and thought of a very interesting plot.

And this plot was also the effect that the screenwriter wanted to express at the beginning.

Because when the screenwriter first wrote Aurora, he wrote it as the heroine.

However, the more I write, the more the screenwriter likes the role of Aurora, so the more I feel that the male protagonist is not worthy of Aurora at all, so in the end Aurora becomes a supporting role of a big boss who is both good and evil.

But now, in the situation of 'no one is available', Brian couldn't help but think of a plot that the screenwriter once joked with him.

That is - let the male protagonist dance the waltz with Aurora, while the timid male protagonist dances the female step!

In the end, under the coercion of the director, Karl, as the leading actor, reluctantly took the female step.

As for Xia An, she also reluctantly danced with a strange man.

Not to mention, although it looks really weird for men to dance women's steps.

But, Xia An's shape and aura are too strong, which leads to the fact that this combination looks really harmonious.

But amidst this unusual harmony, a certain male protagonist was a little restless.

Because he found out, jumping and jumping, he seemed to be a little infected and wanted to... dizzy? !

Soon, the filming of Xia An's reshoots for the two episodes was finished. After the work was over, Xia An left the set amidst the burning eyes of admiration.

After returning home, Xia An originally wanted to take a peaceful massage bath.

Who would have imagined it, just after entering the water, he was interrupted by a burst of phone calls.

Opening her eyes, Xia An wiped her hands with a towel, then picked up the mobile phone she put on the wooden shelf next to the bathtub.

Looking at the incoming call on the mobile phone, Xia An blinked with some doubts, and picked up the phone.

"Hey, Brother Han, did you call for something?"

Recently, because everyone is very busy, the calls between her and Han Yue have been much less.

"Why, can't I call you if I have nothing to do?"

Han Yue snorted lightly and said jokingly.

"Is it okay? You are okay and I have something to do. Hang up."

Xia An rolled her eyes silently, and said very calmly.

After hearing what Xia An said, Han Yue knew that Xia An could really hang up the phone.

So he hurriedly said to Xia An.

"Don't, don't, I really have something to do with you."

Listening to Han Yue's words, Xia An pouted and said.

"What's going on?"

"That's right, aren't you the endorsement for CH skin care products?"

As soon as Han Yue said these words, Xia An became a little surprised.

As a big man like Han Yue, how could he know the brand of skin care products, and it was CH skin care products founded by her.

Could it be that the old fox Han Yue guessed it

Xia An said a little nervously.

"Hmm, what's up?"

However, soon, Han Yue's next sentence made Xia An's tension disappear.

"Oh, I just want to ask, is it possible to buy CH skin care products from you, the spokesperson."

"Ah?! What? Brother Han, you want to buy CH?! My sister must have misheard."

Listening to Han Yue's words, Xia An was dumbfounded!

She really didn't expect that this kind of thing would happen to Han Yue looking for her.

"Uh, so what, CH's skin care products are very popular recently, my wife, and our relatives... all want it... They all know that we have a good relationship, so I hope you can Buy some."

After Han Yue finished explaining, Xia An became even more confused.

She really didn't expect that Han Yue called her for such a reason.

I didn't expect that CH is so awesome now!

The fame has spread to the country

"Actually, it's not that we can't purchase on behalf of others, but, CH is now sold in limited quantities, and Chinese agents can't buy it at all..."

Xia An took a deep breath, and after regaining her senses, she decisively interrupted Han Yue's words.

"Brother Han, no problem. I'm CH's spokesperson. It doesn't matter how many sets I want. You give me the address, and I'll ask Xu Tiantian to send it to you when the time comes."

"Haha, okay, thank you this time. But Xia An, you are really getting more and more popular. Now you don't pay attention to those bad public opinions in the country. It can't be a climate at all."

"Well, I know."

After chatting with Han Yue for a while, Xia An hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, she began to think again, is the CH she founded really so popular

She has no plans to enter the domestic market yet, but the domestic market has already been opened

Thinking of this, Xia An walked out of the bathtub, rinsed briefly, put on a bathrobe, and walked towards the study.

After she turned on the computer and connected to the domestic network, she was shocked by the situation of domestic CH.

This really made her completely unexpected that CH could have such a big impact in China!

It turned out that Xia An was being blackmailed by the navy that Liang Jiayi bought for Gucci.

The people who eat melons on the Internet, their favorability towards Xia An has dropped a little bit.

However, no one expected that CH skin care products were born under such circumstances!

However, the CH brand was originally just a skin care product sold in the United States. For China, which has no publicity, it seems to be a transparent existence.

However, just a few days after the opening of the CH brand, many Chinese tourists went to buy the skin care products endorsed by Xia An!

After all, it is endorsed by Chinese people, and most importantly, it is cheap!

If it's just that, then forget it.

But no one thought of it!

Chinese tourists who have bought CH skin care products endorsed by Xia An, after using this product, people with bad skin have significantly improved after a week!

For people with good skin foundation, although there is no obvious change after using it, it is still better than many more expensive skin care products.

And among the tourists who purchased, there is also an Internet celebrity blogger.

So, now, the CH skin care product endorsed by Xia An suddenly became popular in the domestic skin care circle!

Many Chinese want to buy this CH which is said to be comparable to La Mer!

However, CH skin care products are only sold in the United States!

Moreover, it is still sold in limited quantities, and residents living in the United States may not be able to buy it, so domestic CH skin care products are even more difficult to buy!

Under such hunger marketing, the reputation of CH skin care products is even greater!

There are more and more Chinese people who want to buy.

That's why, Han Yue would call Xia An to 'purchase' him.

Looking at the enthusiasm created by CH skin care products on the domestic network, and watching the public opinion of domestic netizens who want to buy CH.

Xia Anna didn't know much about business, so she had a new idea in an instant!

That is!

Sales of CH skin care products have also started in China!